from .base import * from .constructors.jsmath import Math from .constructors.jsdate import Date from .constructors.jsobject import Object from .constructors.jsfunction import Function from .constructors.jsstring import String from .constructors.jsnumber import Number from .constructors.jsboolean import Boolean from .constructors.jsregexp import RegExp from .constructors.jsarray import Array from .prototypes.jsjson import JSON from .host.console import console from .host.jseval import Eval from .host.jsfunctions import parseFloat, parseInt, isFinite, isNaN # Now we have all the necessary items to create global environment for script __all__ = ['Js', 'PyJsComma', 'PyJsStrictEq', 'PyJsStrictNeq', 'PyJsException', 'PyJsBshift', 'Scope', 'PyExceptionToJs', 'JsToPyException', 'JS_BUILTINS', 'appengine', 'set_global_object', 'JsRegExp', 'PyJsException', 'PyExceptionToJs', 'JsToPyException', 'PyJsSwitchException'] # these were defined in builtins = ('true','false','null','undefined','Infinity', 'NaN', 'console', 'String', 'Number', 'Boolean', 'RegExp', 'Math', 'Date', 'Object', 'Function', 'Array', 'parseFloat', 'parseInt', 'isFinite', 'isNaN') #Array, Function, JSON, Error is done later :) # also some built in functions like eval... def set_global_object(obj): obj.IS_CHILD_SCOPE = False this = This({}) this.own = obj.own this.prototype = obj.prototype PyJs.GlobalObject = this # make this available obj.register('this') obj.put('this', this) scope = dict(zip(builtins, [globals()[e] for e in builtins])) # Now add errors: for name, error in ERRORS.items(): scope[name] = error #add eval scope['eval'] = Eval scope['JSON'] = JSON JS_BUILTINS = {k:v for k,v in scope.items()}