# This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . from __future__ import with_statement import datetime import threading import mylar from mylar import logger, rsscheck, helpers, auth32p rss_lock = threading.Lock() class tehMain(): def __init__(self): pass def run(self, forcerss=None): with rss_lock: #logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] RSS Feed Check was last run at : ' + str(mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST)) firstrun = "no" #check the last run of rss to make sure it's not hammering. if mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST is None or mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST == '' or mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST == '0' or forcerss == True: logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] RSS Feed Check Initalizing....') firstrun = "yes" duration_diff = 0 else: tstamp = float(mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST) duration_diff = abs(helpers.utctimestamp() - tstamp)/60 #logger.fdebug('[RSS-FEEDS] Duration diff: %s' % duration_diff) if firstrun == "no" and duration_diff < int(mylar.CONFIG.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL): logger.fdebug('[RSS-FEEDS] RSS Check has taken place less than the threshold - not initiating at this time.') return helpers.job_management(write=True, job='RSS Feeds', current_run=helpers.utctimestamp(), status='Running') mylar.RSS_STATUS = 'Running' #logger.fdebug('[RSS-FEEDS] Updated RSS Run time to : ' + str(mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST)) #function for looping through nzbs/torrent feeds if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_TORRENT_SEARCH: logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Initiating Torrent RSS Check.') if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_PUBLIC: logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Initiating Torrent RSS Feed Check on Demonoid / WorldWideTorrents.') rsscheck.torrents(pickfeed='Public') #TPSE = DEM RSS Check + WWT RSS Check if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_32P is True: logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Initiating Torrent RSS Feed Check on 32P.') if mylar.CONFIG.MODE_32P is False: logger.fdebug('[RSS-FEEDS] 32P mode set to Legacy mode. Monitoring New Releases feed only.') if any([mylar.CONFIG.PASSKEY_32P is None, mylar.CONFIG.PASSKEY_32P == '', mylar.CONFIG.RSSFEED_32P is None, mylar.CONFIG.RSSFEED_32P == '']): logger.error('[RSS-FEEDS] Unable to validate information from provided RSS Feed. Verify that the feed provided is a current one.') else: rsscheck.torrents(pickfeed='1', feedinfo=mylar.KEYS_32P) else: logger.fdebug('[RSS-FEEDS] 32P mode set to Auth mode. Monitoring all personal notification feeds & New Releases feed') if any([mylar.CONFIG.USERNAME_32P is None, mylar.CONFIG.USERNAME_32P == '', mylar.CONFIG.PASSWORD_32P is None]): logger.error('[RSS-FEEDS] Unable to sign-on to 32P to validate settings. Please enter/check your username password in the configuration.') else: if mylar.KEYS_32P is None: feed32p = auth32p.info32p() feedinfo = feed32p.authenticate() if feedinfo != "disable": pass else: helpers.disable_provider('32P') else: feedinfo = mylar.FEEDINFO_32P if feedinfo is None or len(feedinfo) == 0 or feedinfo == "disable": logger.error('[RSS-FEEDS] Unable to retrieve any information from 32P for RSS Feeds. Skipping for now.') else: rsscheck.torrents(pickfeed='1', feedinfo=feedinfo[0]) x = 0 #assign personal feeds for 32p > +8 for fi in feedinfo: x+=1 pfeed_32p = str(7 + x) rsscheck.torrents(pickfeed=pfeed_32p, feedinfo=fi) logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Initiating RSS Feed Check for NZB Providers.') rsscheck.nzbs(forcerss=forcerss) if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_DDL is True: logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Initiating RSS Feed Check for DDL Provider.') rsscheck.ddl(forcerss=forcerss) logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] RSS Feed Check/Update Complete') logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Watchlist Check for new Releases') mylar.search.searchforissue(rsscheck='yes') logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Watchlist Check complete.') if forcerss: logger.info('[RSS-FEEDS] Successfully ran a forced RSS Check.') helpers.job_management(write=True, job='RSS Feeds', last_run_completed=helpers.utctimestamp(), status='Waiting') mylar.RSS_STATUS = 'Waiting' return True