import os import re import cherrypy import stat import zipfile from lib.rarfile import rarfile import mylar from PIL import Image from mylar import logger, db, importer, mb, search, filechecker, helpers, updater, parseit, weeklypull, librarysync, moveit, Failed, readinglist, config from mylar.webserve import serve_template class WebViewer(object): def __init__(self): self.ish_id = None self.page_num = None self.kwargs = None = None if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, 'sessions')): os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, 'sessions'))) updatecherrypyconf = { 'tools.gzip.on': True, 'tools.gzip.mime_types': ['text/*', 'application/*', 'image/*'], 'tools.sessions.timeout': 1440, 'tools.sessions.storage_class': cherrypy.lib.sessions.FileSession, 'tools.sessions.storage_path': os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, "sessions"), 'request.show_tracebacks': False, } if mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_PASSWORD is None: updatecherrypyconf.update({ 'tools.sessions.on': True, }) cherrypy.config.update(updatecherrypyconf) cherrypy.engine.signals.subscribe() cherrypy.engine.timeout_monitor.unsubscribe() def read_comic(self, ish_id = None, page_num = None, size = None): logger.debug("WebReader Requested, looking for ish_id %s and page_num %s" % (ish_id, page_num)) if size == None: user_size_pref = 'wide' else: user_size_pref = size try: ish_id except: logger.warn("WebReader: ish_id not set!") myDB = db.DBConnection() comic = myDB.selectone('select comics.ComicLocation, issues.Location from comics, issues where comics.comicid = issues.comicid and issues.issueid = ?' , [ish_id]).fetchone() if comic is None: logger.warn("WebReader: ish_id %s requested but not in the database!" % ish_id) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("home") # cherrypy.config.update() comic_path = os.path.join(comic['ComicLocation'], comic['Location']) logger.debug("WebReader found ish_id %s at %s" % (ish_id, comic_path)) # cherrypy.session['ish_id'].load() # if 'sizepref' not in cherrypy.session: # cherrypy.session['sizepref'] = user_size_pref # user_size_pref = cherrypy.session['sizepref'] # logger.debug("WebReader setting user_size_pref to %s" % user_size_pref) scanner = ComicScanner() image_list = scanner.reading_images(ish_id) logger.debug("Image list contains %s pages" % (len(image_list))) if len(image_list) == 0: logger.debug("Unpacking ish_id %s from comic_path %s" % (ish_id, comic_path)) scanner.user_unpack_comic(ish_id, comic_path) else: logger.debug("ish_id %s already unpacked." % ish_id) num_pages = len(image_list) logger.debug("Found %s pages for ish_id %s from comic_path %s" % (num_pages, ish_id, comic_path)) if num_pages == 0: image_list = ['images/skipped_icon.png'] cookie_comic = re.sub(r'\W+', '', comic_path) cookie_comic = "wv_" + cookie_comic.decode('unicode_escape') logger.debug("about to drop a cookie for " + cookie_comic + " which represents " + comic_path) cookie_check = cherrypy.request.cookie if cookie_comic not in cookie_check: logger.debug("Cookie Creation") cookie_path = '/' cookie_maxage = '2419200' cookie_set = cherrypy.response.cookie cookie_set['cookie_comic'] = 0 cookie_set['cookie_comic']['path'] = cookie_path.decode('unicode_escape') cookie_set['cookie_comic']['max-age'] = cookie_maxage.decode('unicode_escape') next_page = page_num + 1 prev_page = page_num - 1 else: logger.debug("Cookie Read") page_num = int(cherrypy.request.cookie['cookie_comic'].value) logger.debug("Cookie Set To %d" % page_num) next_page = page_num + 1 prev_page = page_num - 1"Reader Served") logger.debug("Serving comic " + comic['Location'] + " page number " + str(page_num)) return serve_template(templatename="read.html", pages=image_list, current_page=page_num, np=next_page, pp=prev_page, nop=num_pages, size=user_size_pref, cc=cookie_comic, comicpath=comic_path, ish_id=ish_id) def up_size_pref(self, pref): cherrypy.session.load() cherrypy.session['sizepref'] = pref return class ComicScanner(object): # This method will handle scanning the directories and returning a list of them all. def dir_scan(self): logger.debug("Dir Scan Requested") full_paths = [] full_paths.append(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR): full_paths.extend(os.path.join(root, d) for d in dirs)"Dir Scan Completed")"%i Dirs Found" % (len(full_paths))) return full_paths def user_unpack_comic(self, ish_id, comic_path):"%s unpack requested" % comic_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, "webviewer", ish_id), topdown=False): for f in files: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, f), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777 os.remove(os.path.join(root, f)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, "webviewer", ish_id), topdown=False): for d in dirs: os.chmod(os.path.join(root, d), stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) # 0777 os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, d)) if comic_path.endswith(".cbr"): opened_rar = rarfile.RarFile(comic_path) opened_rar.extractall(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, "webviewer", ish_id)) elif comic_path.endswith(".cbz"): opened_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(comic_path) opened_zip.extractall(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, "webviewer", ish_id)) return # This method will return a list of .jpg files in their numberical order to be fed into the reading view. def reading_images(self, ish_id): logger.debug("Image List Requested") image_list = [] image_src = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, "webviewer", ish_id) image_loc = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT, 'cache', "webviewer", ish_id) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(image_src): for f in files: if f.endswith((".png", ".gif", ".bmp", ".dib", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".jpe", ".jif", ".jfif", ".jfi", ".tiff", ".tif")): image_list.append( os.path.join(image_loc, f) ) image_list.sort() logger.debug("Image List Created") return image_list