<%inherit file="base.html" /> <%! import mylar from mylar import db from mylar.helpers import checked %> <%def name="headerIncludes()">
Flush all Imports Mass Import
<%def name="body()">

Ultron Import Results

(After importing, Rename the files to configuration settings)
(Use existing Metadata to better locate series for import)
%if mylar.IMPORTLOCK:

To be Imported

%if results: %for result in results: <% if result['Status'] == 'Imported': grade = 'X' elif result['Status'] == 'Manual Intervention': grade = 'C' else: grade = 'Z' if result['DisplayName'] is None: displayname = result['ComicName'] else: displayname = result['DisplayName'] displayline = displayname if result['AnnualCount'] > 0: displayline += '(+' + str(result['AnnualCount']) + ' Annuals)' if all([result['Volume'] is not None, result['Volume'] != 'None']): displayline += ' (' + str(result['Volume']) + ')' %> %endfor %else: %endif
Comic Name Year Issues Status Import Date Options
${displayline} %if result['Status'] != 'Imported':

%endif %if result['ComicID'] is not None: [${result['ComicID']}] %endif
${result['ComicYear']} ${result['IssueCount']} %if result['ComicID'] and result['Status'] == 'Imported': ${result['Status']} %else: ${result['Status']} %endif %if result['WatchMatch'] is not None: %endif ${result['ImportDate']} %if result['Status'] == 'Not Imported' and result['SRID'] is None: [Import] %endif [Remove] %if result['SRID'] is not None and result['Status'] != 'Imported': [Select] %endif
There are no results to display
<%def name="headIncludes()"> <%def name="javascriptIncludes()">