# mako/template.py # Copyright (C) 2006-2011 the Mako authors and contributors # # This module is part of Mako and is released under # the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php """Provides the Template class, a facade for parsing, generating and executing template strings, as well as template runtime operations.""" from mako.lexer import Lexer from mako import runtime, util, exceptions, codegen import imp, os, re, shutil, stat, sys, tempfile, time, types, weakref class Template(object): """Represents a compiled template. :class:`.Template` includes a reference to the original template source (via the ``.source`` attribute) as well as the source code of the generated Python module (i.e. the ``.code`` attribute), as well as a reference to an actual Python module. :class:`.Template` is constructed using either a literal string representing the template text, or a filename representing a filesystem path to a source file. :param text: textual template source. This argument is mutually exclusive versus the "filename" parameter. :param filename: filename of the source template. This argument is mutually exclusive versus the "text" parameter. :param buffer_filters: string list of filters to be applied to the output of %defs which are buffered, cached, or otherwise filtered, after all filters defined with the %def itself have been applied. Allows the creation of default expression filters that let the output of return-valued %defs "opt out" of that filtering via passing special attributes or objects. :param bytestring_passthrough: When True, and output_encoding is set to None, and :meth:`.Template.render` is used to render, the StringIO or cStringIO buffer will be used instead of the default "fast" buffer. This allows raw bytestrings in the output stream, such as in expressions, to pass straight through to the buffer. New in 0.4 to provide the same behavior as that of the previous series. This flag is forced to True if disable_unicode is also configured. :param cache_dir: Filesystem directory where cache files will be placed. See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. :param cache_enabled: Boolean flag which enables caching of this template. See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. :param cache_type: Type of Beaker caching to be applied to the template. See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. :param cache_url: URL of a memcached server with which to use for caching. See :ref:`caching_toplevel`. :param default_filters: List of string filter names that will be applied to all expressions. See :ref:`filtering_default_filters`. :param disable_unicode: Disables all awareness of Python Unicode objects. See :ref:`unicode_disabled`. :param encoding_errors: Error parameter passed to ``encode()`` when string encoding is performed. See :ref:`usage_unicode`. :param error_handler: Python callable which is called whenever compile or runtime exceptions occur. The callable is passed the current context as well as the exception. If the callable returns ``True``, the exception is considered to be handled, else it is re-raised after the function completes. Is used to provide custom error-rendering functions. :param format_exceptions: if ``True``, exceptions which occur during the render phase of this template will be caught and formatted into an HTML error page, which then becomes the rendered result of the :meth:`render` call. Otherwise, runtime exceptions are propagated outwards. :param imports: String list of Python statements, typically individual "import" lines, which will be placed into the module level preamble of all generated Python modules. See the example in :ref:`filtering_default_filters`. :param input_encoding: Encoding of the template's source code. Can be used in lieu of the coding comment. See :ref:`usage_unicode` as well as :ref:`unicode_toplevel` for details on source encoding. :param lookup: a :class:`.TemplateLookup` instance that will be used for all file lookups via the ``<%namespace>``, ``<%include>``, and ``<%inherit>`` tags. See :ref:`usage_templatelookup`. :param module_directory: Filesystem location where generated Python module files will be placed. :param module_filename: Overrides the filename of the generated Python module file. For advanced usage only. :param output_encoding: The encoding to use when :meth:`.render` is called. See :ref:`usage_unicode` as well as :ref:`unicode_toplevel`. :param preprocessor: Python callable which will be passed the full template source before it is parsed. The return result of the callable will be used as the template source code. :param strict_undefined: Replaces the automatic usage of ``UNDEFINED`` for any undeclared variables not located in the :class:`.Context` with an immediate raise of ``NameError``. The advantage is immediate reporting of missing variables which include the name. New in 0.3.6. :param uri: string uri or other identifier for this template. If not provided, the uri is generated from the filesystem path, or from the in-memory identity of a non-file-based template. The primary usage of the uri is to provide a key within :class:`.TemplateLookup`, as well as to generate the file path of the generated Python module file, if ``module_directory`` is specified. """ def __init__(self, text=None, filename=None, uri=None, format_exceptions=False, error_handler=None, lookup=None, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', module_directory=None, cache_type=None, cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, module_filename=None, input_encoding=None, disable_unicode=False, bytestring_passthrough=False, default_filters=None, buffer_filters=(), strict_undefined=False, imports=None, preprocessor=None, cache_enabled=True): if uri: self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", uri) self.uri = uri elif filename: self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", filename) drive, path = os.path.splitdrive(filename) path = os.path.normpath(path).replace(os.path.sep, "/") self.uri = path else: self.module_id = "memory:" + hex(id(self)) self.uri = self.module_id self.input_encoding = input_encoding self.output_encoding = output_encoding self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode self.bytestring_passthrough = bytestring_passthrough or disable_unicode self.strict_undefined = strict_undefined if util.py3k and disable_unicode: raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( "Mako for Python 3 does not " "support disabling Unicode") elif output_encoding and disable_unicode: raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( "output_encoding must be set to " "None when disable_unicode is used.") if default_filters is None: if util.py3k or self.disable_unicode: self.default_filters = ['str'] else: self.default_filters = ['unicode'] else: self.default_filters = default_filters self.buffer_filters = buffer_filters self.imports = imports self.preprocessor = preprocessor # if plain text, compile code in memory only if text is not None: (code, module) = _compile_text(self, text, filename) self._code = code self._source = text ModuleInfo(module, None, self, filename, code, text) elif filename is not None: # if template filename and a module directory, load # a filesystem-based module file, generating if needed if module_filename is not None: path = module_filename elif module_directory is not None: u = self.uri if u[0] == '/': u = u[1:] path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.normpath(module_directory), os.path.normpath(u) + ".py" ) ) else: path = None module = self._compile_from_file(path, filename) else: raise exceptions.RuntimeException( "Template requires text or filename") self.module = module self.filename = filename self.callable_ = self.module.render_body self.format_exceptions = format_exceptions self.error_handler = error_handler self.lookup = lookup self.cache_type = cache_type self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.cache_url = cache_url self.cache_enabled = cache_enabled def _compile_from_file(self, path, filename): if path is not None: util.verify_directory(os.path.dirname(path)) filemtime = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_MTIME] if not os.path.exists(path) or \ os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MTIME] < filemtime: _compile_module_file( self, open(filename, 'rb').read(), filename, path) module = imp.load_source(self.module_id, path, open(path, 'rb')) del sys.modules[self.module_id] if module._magic_number != codegen.MAGIC_NUMBER: _compile_module_file( self, open(filename, 'rb').read(), filename, path) module = imp.load_source(self.module_id, path, open(path, 'rb')) del sys.modules[self.module_id] ModuleInfo(module, path, self, filename, None, None) else: # template filename and no module directory, compile code # in memory code, module = _compile_text( self, open(filename, 'rb').read(), filename) self._source = None self._code = code ModuleInfo(module, None, self, filename, code, None) return module @property def source(self): """return the template source code for this Template.""" return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).source @property def code(self): """return the module source code for this Template""" return _get_module_info_from_callable(self.callable_).code @property def cache(self): return self.module._template_cache def render(self, *args, **data): """Render the output of this template as a string. if the template specifies an output encoding, the string will be encoded accordingly, else the output is raw (raw output uses cStringIO and can't handle multibyte characters). a Context object is created corresponding to the given data. Arguments that are explictly declared by this template's internal rendering method are also pulled from the given \*args, \**data members. """ return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data) def render_unicode(self, *args, **data): """render the output of this template as a unicode object.""" return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data, as_unicode=True) def render_context(self, context, *args, **kwargs): """Render this Template with the given context. the data is written to the context's buffer. """ if getattr(context, '_with_template', None) is None: context._with_template = self runtime._render_context(self, self.callable_, context, *args, **kwargs) def has_def(self, name): return hasattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name) def get_def(self, name): """Return a def of this template as a :class:`.DefTemplate`.""" return DefTemplate(self, getattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name)) def _get_def_callable(self, name): return getattr(self.module, "render_%s" % name) @property def last_modified(self): return self.module._modified_time class ModuleTemplate(Template): """A Template which is constructed given an existing Python module. e.g.:: t = Template("this is a template") f = file("mymodule.py", "w") f.write(t.code) f.close() import mymodule t = ModuleTemplate(mymodule) print t.render() """ def __init__(self, module, module_filename=None, template=None, template_filename=None, module_source=None, template_source=None, output_encoding=None, encoding_errors='strict', disable_unicode=False, bytestring_passthrough=False, format_exceptions=False, error_handler=None, lookup=None, cache_type=None, cache_dir=None, cache_url=None, cache_enabled=True ): self.module_id = re.sub(r'\W', "_", module._template_uri) self.uri = module._template_uri self.input_encoding = module._source_encoding self.output_encoding = output_encoding self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors self.disable_unicode = disable_unicode self.bytestring_passthrough = bytestring_passthrough or disable_unicode if util.py3k and disable_unicode: raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( "Mako for Python 3 does not " "support disabling Unicode") elif output_encoding and disable_unicode: raise exceptions.UnsupportedError( "output_encoding must be set to " "None when disable_unicode is used.") self.module = module self.filename = template_filename ModuleInfo(module, module_filename, self, template_filename, module_source, template_source) self.callable_ = self.module.render_body self.format_exceptions = format_exceptions self.error_handler = error_handler self.lookup = lookup self.cache_type = cache_type self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.cache_url = cache_url self.cache_enabled = cache_enabled class DefTemplate(Template): """a Template which represents a callable def in a parent template.""" def __init__(self, parent, callable_): self.parent = parent self.callable_ = callable_ self.output_encoding = parent.output_encoding self.module = parent.module self.encoding_errors = parent.encoding_errors self.format_exceptions = parent.format_exceptions self.error_handler = parent.error_handler self.lookup = parent.lookup self.bytestring_passthrough = parent.bytestring_passthrough def get_def(self, name): return self.parent.get_def(name) class ModuleInfo(object): """Stores information about a module currently loaded into memory, provides reverse lookups of template source, module source code based on a module's identifier. """ _modules = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def __init__(self, module, module_filename, template, template_filename, module_source, template_source): self.module = module self.module_filename = module_filename self.template_filename = template_filename self.module_source = module_source self.template_source = template_source self._modules[module.__name__] = template._mmarker = self if module_filename: self._modules[module_filename] = self @property def code(self): if self.module_source is not None: return self.module_source else: return open(self.module_filename).read() @property def source(self): if self.template_source is not None: if self.module._source_encoding and \ not isinstance(self.template_source, unicode): return self.template_source.decode( self.module._source_encoding) else: return self.template_source else: if self.module._source_encoding: return open(self.template_filename, 'rb').read().\ decode(self.module._source_encoding) else: return open(self.template_filename).read() def _compile_text(template, text, filename): identifier = template.module_id lexer = Lexer(text, filename, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor) node = lexer.parse() source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding, generate_magic_comment=template.disable_unicode, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, strict_undefined=template.strict_undefined) cid = identifier if not util.py3k and isinstance(cid, unicode): cid = cid.encode() module = types.ModuleType(cid) code = compile(source, cid, 'exec') exec code in module.__dict__, module.__dict__ return (source, module) def _compile_module_file(template, text, filename, outputpath): identifier = template.module_id lexer = Lexer(text, filename, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, input_encoding=template.input_encoding, preprocessor=template.preprocessor) node = lexer.parse() source = codegen.compile(node, template.uri, filename, default_filters=template.default_filters, buffer_filters=template.buffer_filters, imports=template.imports, source_encoding=lexer.encoding, generate_magic_comment=True, disable_unicode=template.disable_unicode, strict_undefined=template.strict_undefined) # make tempfiles in the same location as the ultimate # location. this ensures they're on the same filesystem, # avoiding synchronization issues. (dest, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(outputpath)) if isinstance(source, unicode): source = source.encode(lexer.encoding or 'ascii') os.write(dest, source) os.close(dest) shutil.move(name, outputpath) def _get_module_info_from_callable(callable_): return _get_module_info(callable_.func_globals['__name__']) def _get_module_info(filename): return ModuleInfo._modules[filename]