# This file is part of mylar. # # mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with mylar. If not, see . from mylar import logger import base64 import cherrypy import urllib import urllib2 import mylar from httplib import HTTPSConnection from urllib import urlencode import os.path import subprocess import time import simplejson import json import requests # This was obviously all taken from headphones with great appreciation :) class PROWL: keys = [] priority = [] def __init__(self): self.enabled = mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_ENABLED self.keys = mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_KEYS self.priority = mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_PRIORITY pass def conf(self, options): return cherrypy.config['config'].get('Prowl', options) def notify(self, message, event, module=None): if not mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_ENABLED: return if module is None: module = '' module += '[NOTIFIER]' http_handler = HTTPSConnection("api.prowlapp.com") data = {'apikey': mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_KEYS, 'application': 'Mylar', 'event': event, 'description': message.encode("utf-8"), 'priority': mylar.CONFIG.PROWL_PRIORITY} http_handler.request("POST", "/publicapi/add", headers = {'Content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, body = urlencode(data)) response = http_handler.getresponse() request_status = response.status if request_status == 200: logger.info(module + ' Prowl notifications sent.') return True elif request_status == 401: logger.info(module + ' Prowl auth failed: %s' % response.reason) return False else: logger.info(module + ' Prowl notification failed.') return False def test_notify(self): self.notify('ZOMG Lazors Pewpewpew!', 'Test Message') class NMA: def __init__(self, test_apikey=None): self.NMA_URL = "https://www.notifymyandroid.com/publicapi/notify" self.TEST_NMA_URL = "https://www.notifymyandroid.com/publicapi/verify" if test_apikey is None: self.apikey = mylar.CONFIG.NMA_APIKEY self.test = False else: self.apikey = test_apikey self.test = True self.priority = mylar.CONFIG.NMA_PRIORITY self._session = requests.Session() def _send(self, data, module): try: r = self._session.post(self.NMA_URL, data=data, verify=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.error(module + '[' + str(e) + '] Unable to send via NMA. Aborting notification for this item.') return {'status': False, 'message': str(e)} logger.fdebug('[NMA] Status code returned: ' + str(r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 200: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString dom = parseString(r.content) try: success_info = dom.getElementsByTagName('success') success_code = success_info[0].getAttribute('code') except: error_info = dom.getElementsByTagName('error') error_code = error_info[0].getAttribute('code') error_message = error_info[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue logger.info(module + '[' + str(error_code) + '] ' + error_message) return {'status': False, 'message': '[' + str(error_code) + '] ' + error_message} else: if self.test is True: logger.info(module + '[' + str(success_code) + '] NotifyMyAndroid apikey valid. Test notification sent successfully.') else: logger.info(module + '[' + str(success_code) + '] NotifyMyAndroid notification sent successfully.') return {'status': True, 'message': 'APIKEY verified OK / notification sent'} elif r.status_code >= 400 and r.status_code < 500: logger.error(module + ' NotifyMyAndroid request failed: %s' % r.content) return {'status': False, 'message': 'APIKEY verified OK / failure to send notification'} else: logger.error(module + ' NotifyMyAndroid notification failed serverside.') return {'status': False, 'message': 'APIKEY verified OK / failure to send notification'} def notify(self, snline=None, prline=None, prline2=None, snatched_nzb=None, sent_to=None, prov=None, module=None): if module is None: module = '' module += '[NOTIFIER]' apikey = self.apikey priority = self.priority if snatched_nzb: if snatched_nzb[-1] == '\.': snatched_nzb = snatched_nzb[:-1] event = snline description = "Mylar has snatched: " + snatched_nzb + " from " + prov + " and has sent it to " + sent_to else: event = prline description = prline2 data = {'apikey': apikey, 'application': 'Mylar', 'event': event.encode('utf-8'), 'description': description.encode('utf-8'), 'priority': priority} logger.info(module + ' Sending notification request to NotifyMyAndroid') request = self._send(data, module) if not request: logger.warn(module + ' Error sending notification request to NotifyMyAndroid') def test_notify(self): module = '[TEST-NOTIFIER]' try: r = self._session.get(self.TEST_NMA_URL, params={'apikey': self.apikey}, verify=True) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.error(module + '[' + str(e) + '] Unable to send via NMA. Aborting test notification - something is probably wrong...') return {'status': False, 'message': str(e)} logger.fdebug('[NMA] Status code returned: ' + str(r.status_code)) if r.status_code == 200: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString dom = parseString(r.content) try: success_info = dom.getElementsByTagName('success') success_code = success_info[0].getAttribute('code') except: error_info = dom.getElementsByTagName('error') error_code = error_info[0].getAttribute('code') error_message = error_info[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue logger.info(module + '[' + str(error_code) + '] ' + error_message) return {'status': False, 'message': '[' + str(error_code) + '] ' + error_message} else: logger.info(module + '[' + str(success_code) + '] NotifyMyAndroid apikey valid. Testing notification service with it.') elif r.status_code >= 400 and r.status_code < 500: logger.error(module + ' NotifyMyAndroid request failed: %s' % r.content) return {'status': False, 'message': 'Unable to send request to NMA - check your connection.'} else: logger.error(module + ' NotifyMyAndroid notification failed serverside.') return {'status': False, 'message': 'Internal Server Error. Try again later.'} event = 'Test Message' description = 'ZOMG Lazors PewPewPew!' data = {'apikey': self.apikey, 'application': 'Mylar', 'event': event.encode('utf-8'), 'description': description.encode('utf-8'), 'priority': 2} return self._send(data,'[NOTIFIER]') # 2013-04-01 Added Pushover.net notifications, based on copy of Prowl class above. # No extra care has been put into API friendliness at the moment (read: https://pushover.net/api#friendly) class PUSHOVER: def __init__(self, test_apikey=None, test_userkey=None): self.PUSHOVER_URL = 'https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json' self.enabled = mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_ENABLED if test_apikey is None: if mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_APIKEY is None or mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_APIKEY == 'None': self.apikey = 'a1KZ1L7d8JKdrtHcUR6eFoW2XGBmwG' else: self.apikey = mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_APIKEY else: self.apikey = test_apikey if test_userkey is None: self.userkey = mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_USERKEY else: self.userkey = test_userkey self.priority = mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_PRIORITY self._session = requests.Session() self._session.headers = {'Content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} def notify(self, event, message=None, snatched_nzb=None, prov=None, sent_to=None, module=None): if not mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_ENABLED: return if module is None: module = '' module += '[NOTIFIER]' if snatched_nzb: if snatched_nzb[-1] == '\.': snatched_nzb = snatched_nzb[:-1] message = "Mylar has snatched: " + snatched_nzb + " from " + prov + " and has sent it to " + sent_to data = {'token': mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_APIKEY, 'user': mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_USERKEY, 'message': message.encode("utf-8"), 'title': event, 'priority': mylar.CONFIG.PUSHOVER_PRIORITY} r = self._session.post(self.PUSHOVER_URL, data=data, verify=True) if r.status_code == 200: logger.info(module + ' PushOver notifications sent.') return True elif r.status_code >= 400 and r.status_code < 500: logger.error(module + ' PushOver request failed: %s' % r.content) return False else: logger.error(module + ' PushOver notification failed serverside.') return False def test_notify(self): return self.notify(message='Release the Ninjas!',event='Test Message') class BOXCAR: #new BoxCar2 API def __init__(self): self.url = 'https://new.boxcar.io/api/notifications' def _sendBoxcar(self, msg, title, module): """ Sends a boxcar notification to the address provided msg: The message to send (unicode) title: The title of the message returns: True if the message succeeded, False otherwise """ try: data = urllib.urlencode({ 'user_credentials': mylar.CONFIG.BOXCAR_TOKEN, 'notification[title]': title.encode('utf-8').strip(), 'notification[long_message]': msg.encode('utf-8'), 'notification[sound]': "done" }) req = urllib2.Request(self.url) handle = urllib2.urlopen(req, data) handle.close() return True except urllib2.URLError, e: # if we get an error back that doesn't have an error code then who knows what's really happening if not hasattr(e, 'code'): logger.error(module + 'Boxcar2 notification failed. %s' % e) # If you receive an HTTP status code of 400, it is because you failed to send the proper parameters elif e.code == 400: logger.info(module + ' Wrong data sent to boxcar') logger.info(module + ' data:' + data) else: logger.error(module + ' Boxcar2 notification failed. Error code: ' + str(e.code)) return False logger.fdebug(module + ' Boxcar2 notification successful.') return True def notify(self, prline=None, prline2=None, sent_to=None, snatched_nzb=None, force=False, module=None, snline=None): """ Sends a boxcar notification based on the provided info or SB config title: The title of the notification to send message: The message string to send force: If True then the notification will be sent even if Boxcar is disabled in the config """ if module is None: module = '' module += '[NOTIFIER]' if not mylar.CONFIG.BOXCAR_ENABLED and not force: logger.fdebug(module + ' Notification for Boxcar not enabled, skipping this notification.') return False # if no username was given then use the one from the config if snatched_nzb: title = snline message = "Mylar has snatched: " + snatched_nzb + " and has sent it to " + sent_to else: title = prline message = prline2 logger.info(module + ' Sending notification to Boxcar2') self._sendBoxcar(message, title, module) return True def test_notify(self): self.notify(prline='Test Message',prline2='ZOMG Lazors Pewpewpew!') class PUSHBULLET: def __init__(self, test_apikey=None): self.PUSH_URL = "https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes" if test_apikey is None: self.apikey = mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_APIKEY else: self.apikey = test_apikey self.deviceid = mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_DEVICEID self.channel_tag = mylar.CONFIG.PUSHBULLET_CHANNEL_TAG self._json_header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(self.apikey + ":")} self._session = requests.Session() self._session.headers.update(self._json_header) def get_devices(self, api): return self.notify(method="GET") def notify(self, snline=None, prline=None, prline2=None, snatched=None, sent_to=None, prov=None, module=None, method=None): if module is None: module = '' module += '[NOTIFIER]' # http_handler = HTTPSConnection("api.pushbullet.com") # if method == 'GET': # uri = '/v2/devices' # else: # method = 'POST' # uri = '/v2/pushes' # authString = base64.b64encode(self.apikey + ":") if method == 'GET': pass # http_handler.request(method, uri, None, headers={'Authorization': 'Basic %s:' % authString}) else: if snatched: if snatched[-1] == '.': snatched = snatched[:-1] event = snline message = "Mylar has snatched: " + snatched + " from " + prov + " and has sent it to " + sent_to else: event = prline + ' complete!' message = prline2 data = {'type': "note", #'device_iden': self.deviceid, 'title': event.encode('utf-8'), #"mylar", 'body': message.encode('utf-8')} if self.channel_tag: data['channel_tag'] = self.channel_tag r = self._session.post(self.PUSH_URL, data=json.dumps(data)) dt = r.json() if r.status_code == 200: if method == 'GET': return dt else: logger.info(module + ' PushBullet notifications sent.') return {'status': True, 'message': 'APIKEY verified OK / notification sent'} elif r.status_code >= 400 and r.status_code < 500: logger.error(module + ' PushBullet request failed: %s' % r.content) return {'status': False, 'message': '[' + str(r.status_code) + '] ' + dt['error']['message']} else: logger.error(module + ' PushBullet notification failed serverside: %s' % r.content) return {'status': False, 'message': '[' + str(r.status_code) + '] ' + dt['error']['message']} def test_notify(self): return self.notify(prline='Test Message', prline2='Release the Ninjas!') class TELEGRAM: def __init__(self, test_userid=None, test_token=None): self.TELEGRAM_API = "https://api.telegram.org/bot%s/%s" if test_userid is None: self.userid = mylar.CONFIG.TELEGRAM_USERID else: self.userid = test_userid if test_token is None: self.token = mylar.CONFIG.TELEGRAM_TOKEN else: self.token = test_token def notify(self, message, status): if not mylar.CONFIG.TELEGRAM_ENABLED: return # Construct message payload = {'chat_id': self.userid, 'text': status + ': ' + message} # Send message to user using Telegram's Bot API try: response = requests.post(self.TELEGRAM_API % (self.token, "sendMessage"), json=payload, verify=True) except Exception, e: logger.info(u'Telegram notify failed: ' + str(e)) # Error logging sent_successfuly = True if not response.status_code == 200: logger.info(u'Could not send notification to TelegramBot (token=%s). Response: [%s]' % (self.token, response.text)) sent_successfuly = False logger.info(u"Telegram notifications sent.") return sent_successfuly def test_notify(self): return self.notify('Test Message', 'Release the Ninjas!') class SLACK: def __init__(self, test_webhook_url=None): self.webhook_url = mylar.CONFIG.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL if test_webhook_url is None else test_webhook_url def notify(self, text, attachment_text, module=None): if module is None: module = '' module += '[NOTIFIER]' payload = { "text": text, "attachments": [ { "color": "#36a64f", "text": attachment_text } ] } try: response = requests.post(self.webhook_url, json=payload, verify=True) except Exception, e: logger.info(module + u'Slack notify failed: ' + str(e)) # Error logging sent_successfuly = True if not response.status_code == 200: logger.info(module + u'Could not send notification to Slack (webhook_url=%s). Response: [%s]' % (self.webhook_url, response.text)) sent_successfuly = False logger.info(module + u"Slack notifications sent.") return sent_successfuly def test_notify(self): return self.notify('Test Message', 'Release the Ninjas!')