# This file is part of Mylar. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . import time from operator import itemgetter import datetime from datetime import timedelta, date import subprocess import requests import shlex import json import re import sys import ctypes import platform import calendar import itertools import shutil import hashlib import gzip import os, errno from StringIO import StringIO from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger import mylar import logger from mylar import sabnzbd, nzbget, process def multikeysort(items, columns): comparers = [((itemgetter(col[1:].strip()), -1) if col.startswith('-') else (itemgetter(col.strip()), 1)) for col in columns] def comparer(left, right): for fn, mult in comparers: result = cmp(fn(left), fn(right)) if result: return mult * result else: return 0 return sorted(items, cmp=comparer) def checked(variable): if variable: return 'Checked' else: return '' def radio(variable, pos): if variable == pos: return 'Checked' else: return '' def latinToAscii(unicrap): """ From couch potato """ xlate = {0xc0: 'A', 0xc1: 'A', 0xc2: 'A', 0xc3: 'A', 0xc4: 'A', 0xc5: 'A', 0xc6: 'Ae', 0xc7: 'C', 0xc8: 'E', 0xc9: 'E', 0xca: 'E', 0xcb: 'E', 0x86: 'e', 0xcc: 'I', 0xcd: 'I', 0xce: 'I', 0xcf: 'I', 0xd0: 'Th', 0xd1: 'N', 0xd2: 'O', 0xd3: 'O', 0xd4: 'O', 0xd5: 'O', 0xd6: 'O', 0xd8: 'O', 0xd9: 'U', 0xda: 'U', 0xdb: 'U', 0xdc: 'U', 0xdd: 'Y', 0xde: 'th', 0xdf: 'ss', 0xe0: 'a', 0xe1: 'a', 0xe2: 'a', 0xe3: 'a', 0xe4: 'a', 0xe5: 'a', 0xe6: 'ae', 0xe7: 'c', 0xe8: 'e', 0xe9: 'e', 0xea: 'e', 0xeb: 'e', 0x0259: 'e', 0xec: 'i', 0xed: 'i', 0xee: 'i', 0xef: 'i', 0xf0: 'th', 0xf1: 'n', 0xf2: 'o', 0xf3: 'o', 0xf4: 'o', 0xf5: 'o', 0xf6: 'o', 0xf8: 'o', 0xf9: 'u', 0xfa: 'u', 0xfb: 'u', 0xfc: 'u', 0xfd: 'y', 0xfe: 'th', 0xff: 'y', 0xa1: '!', 0xa2: '{cent}', 0xa3: '{pound}', 0xa4: '{currency}', 0xa5: '{yen}', 0xa6: '|', 0xa7: '{section}', 0xa8: '{umlaut}', 0xa9: '{C}', 0xaa: '{^a}', 0xab: '<<', 0xac: '{not}', 0xad: '-', 0xae: '{R}', 0xaf: '_', 0xb0: '{degrees}', 0xb1: '{+/-}', 0xb2: '{^2}', 0xb3: '{^3}', 0xb4: "'", 0xb5: '{micro}', 0xb6: '{paragraph}', 0xb7: '*', 0xb8: '{cedilla}', 0xb9: '{^1}', 0xba: '{^o}', 0xbb: '>>', 0xbc: '{1/4}', 0xbd: '{1/2}', 0xbe: '{3/4}', 0xbf: '?', 0xd7: '*', 0xf7: '/' } r = '' for i in unicrap: if xlate.has_key(ord(i)): r += xlate[ord(i)] elif ord(i) >= 0x80: pass else: r += str(i) return r def convert_milliseconds(ms): seconds = ms /1000 gmtime = time.gmtime(seconds) if seconds > 3600: minutes = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime) else: minutes = time.strftime("%M:%S", gmtime) return minutes def convert_seconds(s): gmtime = time.gmtime(s) if s > 3600: minutes = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime) else: minutes = time.strftime("%M:%S", gmtime) return minutes def today(): today = datetime.date.today() yyyymmdd = datetime.date.isoformat(today) return yyyymmdd def now(): now = datetime.datetime.now() return now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def utctimestamp(): return time.time() def bytes_to_mb(bytes): mb = int(bytes) /1048576 size = '%.1f MB' % mb return size def human_size(size_bytes): """ format a size in bytes into a 'human' file size, e.g. bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB Note that bytes/KB will be reported in whole numbers but MB and above will have greater precision e.g. 1 byte, 43 bytes, 443 KB, 4.3 MB, 4.43 GB, etc """ if size_bytes == 1: # because I really hate unnecessary plurals return "1 byte" suffixes_table = [('bytes', 0), ('KB', 0), ('MB', 1), ('GB', 2), ('TB', 2), ('PB', 2)] num = float(0 if size_bytes is None else size_bytes) for suffix, precision in suffixes_table: if num < 1024.0: break num /= 1024.0 if precision == 0: formatted_size = "%d" % num else: formatted_size = str(round(num, ndigits=precision)) return "%s %s" % (formatted_size, suffix) def human2bytes(s): """ >>> human2bytes('1M') 1048576 >>> human2bytes('1G') 1073741824 """ symbols = ('B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y') letter = s[-1:].strip().upper() num = re.sub(',', '', s[:-1]) #assert num.isdigit() and letter in symbols #use below assert statement to handle sizes with decimal places assert float(num) and letter in symbols num = float(num) prefix = {symbols[0]: 1} for i, s in enumerate(symbols[1:]): prefix[s] = 1 << (i +1) *10 return int(num * prefix[letter]) def replace_all(text, dic): for i, j in dic.iteritems(): text = text.replace(i, j) return text.rstrip() def cleanName(string): pass1 = latinToAscii(string).lower() out_string = re.sub('[\/\@\#\$\%\^\*\+\"\[\]\{\}\<\>\=\_]', ' ', pass1).encode('utf-8') return out_string def cleanTitle(title): title = re.sub('[\.\-\/\_]', ' ', title).lower() # Strip out extra whitespace title = ' '.join(title.split()) title = title.title() return title def extract_logline(s): # Default log format pattern = re.compile(r'(?P.*?)\s\-\s(?P.*?)\s*\:\:\s(?P.*?)\s\:\s(?P.*)', re.VERBOSE) match = pattern.match(s) if match: timestamp = match.group("timestamp") level = match.group("level") thread = match.group("thread") message = match.group("message") return (timestamp, level, thread, message) else: return None def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False def decimal_issue(iss): iss_find = iss.find('.') dec_except = None if iss_find == -1: #no matches for a decimal, assume we're converting from decimal to int. #match for special issues with alphanumeric numbering... if 'au' in iss.lower(): dec_except = 'AU' decex = iss.lower().find('au') deciss = int(iss[:decex]) * 1000 else: deciss = int(iss) * 1000 else: iss_b4dec = iss[:iss_find] iss_decval = iss[iss_find +1:] if int(iss_decval) == 0: iss = iss_b4dec issdec = int(iss_decval) else: if len(iss_decval) == 1: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10 else: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0') issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10 deciss = (int(iss_b4dec) * 1000) + issdec return deciss, dec_except def rename_param(comicid, comicname, issue, ofilename, comicyear=None, issueid=None, annualize=None, arc=False): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() comicid = str(comicid) # it's coming in unicoded... logger.fdebug(type(comicid)) logger.fdebug(type(issueid)) logger.fdebug('comicid: %s' % comicid) logger.fdebug('issue# as per cv: %s' % issue) # the issue here is a non-decimalized version, we need to see if it's got a decimal and if not, add '.00' # iss_find = issue.find('.') # if iss_find < 0: # # no decimal in issue number # iss = str(int(issue)) + ".00" # else: # iss_b4dec = issue[:iss_find] # iss_decval = issue[iss_find+1:] # if len(str(int(iss_decval))) == 1: # iss = str(int(iss_b4dec)) + "." + str(int(iss_decval)*10) # else: # if issue.endswith(".00"): # iss = issue # else: # iss = str(int(iss_b4dec)) + "." + iss_decval # issue = iss # print ("converted issue#: " + str(issue)) logger.fdebug('issueid:' + str(issueid)) if issueid is None: logger.fdebug('annualize is ' + str(annualize)) if arc: #this has to be adjusted to be able to include story arc issues that span multiple arcs chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone() else: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone() if all([chkissue is None, annualize is None, not mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON]): chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone() if chkissue is None: #rechk chkissue against int value of issue # if arc: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone() else: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone() if all([chkissue is None, annualize == 'yes', mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON]): chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone() if chkissue is None: logger.error('Invalid Issue_Number - please validate.') return else: logger.info('Int Issue_number compare found. continuing...') issueid = chkissue['IssueID'] else: issueid = chkissue['IssueID'] #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number logger.fdebug('issueid is now : ' + str(issueid)) if arc: issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=? AND StoryArc=?", [comicid, issueid, arc]).fetchone() else: issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?", [comicid, issueid]).fetchone() if issuenzb is None: logger.fdebug('not an issue, checking against annuals') issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?", [comicid, issueid]).fetchone() if issuenzb is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to rename - cannot locate issue id within db') return else: annualize = True if issuenzb is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to rename - cannot locate issue id within db') return #remap the variables to a common factor. if arc: issuenum = issuenzb['IssueNumber'] issuedate = issuenzb['IssueDate'] publisher = issuenzb['IssuePublisher'] series = issuenzb['ComicName'] seriesfilename = series #Alternate FileNaming is not available with story arcs. seriesyear = issuenzb['SeriesYear'] arcdir = filesafe(issuenzb['StoryArc']) if mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_SPACES: arcdir = arcdir.replace(' ', mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR) if mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR: storyarcd = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, "StoryArcs", arcdir) logger.fdebug('Story Arc Directory set to : ' + storyarcd) else: logger.fdebug('Story Arc Directory set to : ' + mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR) storyarcd = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR) comlocation = storyarcd comversion = None #need to populate this. else: issuenum = issuenzb['Issue_Number'] issuedate = issuenzb['IssueDate'] comicnzb= myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone() publisher = comicnzb['ComicPublisher'] series = comicnzb['ComicName'] if comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] is None or comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] == 'None': seriesfilename = series else: seriesfilename = comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] logger.fdebug('Alternate File Naming has been enabled for this series. Will rename series title to : ' + seriesfilename) seriesyear = comicnzb['ComicYear'] comlocation = comicnzb['ComicLocation'] comversion = comicnzb['ComicVersion'] unicodeissue = issuenum if type(issuenum) == unicode: vals = {u'\xbd':'.5',u'\xbc':'.25',u'\xbe':'.75',u'\u221e':'9999999999',u'\xe2':'9999999999'} else: vals = {'\xbd':'.5','\xbc':'.25','\xbe':'.75','\u221e':'9999999999','\xe2':'9999999999'} x = [vals[key] for key in vals if key in issuenum] if x: issuenum = x[0] logger.fdebug('issue number formatted: %s' % issuenum) #comicid = issuenzb['ComicID'] #issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0] issue_except = 'None' issue_exceptions = ['AU', 'INH', 'NOW', 'AI', 'MU', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'X', 'O'] valid_spaces = ('.', '-') for issexcept in issue_exceptions: if issexcept.lower() in issuenum.lower(): logger.fdebug('ALPHANUMERIC EXCEPTION : [' + issexcept + ']') v_chk = [v for v in valid_spaces if v in issuenum] if v_chk: iss_space = v_chk[0] logger.fdebug('character space denoted as : ' + iss_space) else: logger.fdebug('character space not denoted.') iss_space = '' # if issexcept == 'INH': # issue_except = '.INH' if issexcept == 'NOW': if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum) # issue_except = '.NOW' issue_except = iss_space + issexcept logger.fdebug('issue_except denoted as : ' + issue_except) issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) break # if 'au' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # issue_except = ' AU' # elif 'ai' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) # issue_except = ' AI' # elif 'inh' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) # issue_except = '.INH' # elif 'now' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum) # issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) # issue_except = '.NOW' if '.' in issuenum: iss_find = issuenum.find('.') iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find] if iss_find == 0: iss_b4dec = '0' iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find +1:] if iss_decval.endswith('.'): iss_decval = iss_decval[:-1] if int(iss_decval) == 0: iss = iss_b4dec issdec = int(iss_decval) issueno = iss else: if len(iss_decval) == 1: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10 else: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0') issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10 issueno = iss_b4dec else: iss = issuenum issueno = iss # issue zero-suppression here if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL == "0": zeroadd = "" else: if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none": zeroadd = "" elif mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0" elif mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00" logger.fdebug('Zero Suppression set to : ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N)) prettycomiss = None if issueno.isalpha(): logger.fdebug('issue detected as an alpha.') prettycomiss = str(issueno) else: try: x = float(issuenum) #validity check if x < 0: logger.info('I\'ve encountered a negative issue #: %s. Trying to accomodate.' % issueno) prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(issueno[1:]) elif x == 9999999999: logger.fdebug('Infinity issue found.') issuenum = 'infinity' elif x >= 0: pass else: raise ValueError except ValueError, e: logger.warn('Unable to properly determine issue number [ %s] - you should probably log this on github for help.' % issueno) return if prettycomiss is None and len(str(issueno)) > 0: #if int(issueno) < 0: # self._log("issue detected is a negative") # prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(abs(issueno)) if int(issueno) < 10: logger.fdebug('issue detected less than 10') if '.' in iss: if int(iss_decval) > 0: issueno = str(iss) prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno)) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) if issue_except != 'None': prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss)) elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100: logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100') if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none": zeroadd = "" else: zeroadd = "0" if '.' in iss: if int(iss_decval) > 0: issueno = str(iss) prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno)) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) if issue_except != 'None': prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '.Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 100') if issuenum == 'infinity': prettycomiss = 'infinity' else: if '.' in iss: if int(iss_decval) > 0: issueno = str(iss) prettycomiss = str(issueno) if issue_except != 'None': prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss)) elif len(str(issueno)) == 0: prettycomiss = str(issueno) logger.fdebug('issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None: ' + str(prettycomiss)) logger.fdebug('Pretty Comic Issue is : ' + str(prettycomiss)) if mylar.CONFIG.UNICODE_ISSUENUMBER: logger.fdebug('Setting this to Unicode format as requested: %s' % prettycomiss) prettycomiss = unicodeissue issueyear = issuedate[:4] month = issuedate[5:7].replace('-', '').strip() month_name = fullmonth(month) if month_name is None: month_name = 'None' logger.fdebug('Issue Year : ' + str(issueyear)) logger.fdebug('Publisher: ' + publisher) logger.fdebug('Series: ' + series) logger.fdebug('Year: ' + str(seriesyear)) logger.fdebug('Comic Location: ' + comlocation) if comversion is None: comversion = 'None' #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None' if comversion == 'None': chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('No version # found for series, removing from filename') logger.fdebug("new format: " + str(chunk_file_format)) else: chunk_file_format = mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT if annualize is None: chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('not an annual - removing from filename paramaters') logger.fdebug('new format: ' + str(chunk_file_format)) else: logger.fdebug('chunk_file_format is: ' + str(chunk_file_format)) if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: if 'annual' in series.lower(): if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue #prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss) logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss)) else: #because it exists within title, strip it then use formatting tag for placement of wording. chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss)) else: if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue prettycomiss = "Annual %s" % prettycomiss logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss)) else: logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss)) else: #if annuals aren't enabled, then annuals are being tracked as independent series. #annualize will be true since it's an annual in the seriesname. if 'annual' in series.lower(): if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue #prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss) logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' (series, prettycomiss)) else: #because it exists within title, strip it then use formatting tag for placement of wording. chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss)) else: if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue prettycomiss = "Annual %s" % prettycomiss logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][NO ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss)) else: logger.fdebug('[%s][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][ANNUAL FORMAT] prettycomiss: %s' % (series, prettycomiss)) logger.fdebug('Annual detected within series title of ' + series + '. Not auto-correcting issue #') seriesfilename = seriesfilename.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip() filebad = [':', ',', '/', '?', '!', '\'', '\"', '\*'] #in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname or '?' in u_comicname: for dbd in filebad: if dbd in seriesfilename: if any([dbd == '/', dbd == '*']): repthechar = '-' else: repthechar = '' seriesfilename = seriesfilename.replace(dbd, repthechar) logger.fdebug('Altering series name due to filenaming restrictions: ' + seriesfilename) publisher = re.sub('!', '', publisher) file_values = {'$Series': seriesfilename, '$Issue': prettycomiss, '$Year': issueyear, '$series': series.lower(), '$Publisher': publisher, '$publisher': publisher.lower(), '$VolumeY': 'V' + str(seriesyear), '$VolumeN': comversion, '$monthname': month_name, '$month': month, '$Annual': 'Annual' } extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz', '.cb7') if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions): path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename) if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT == '': logger.fdebug('Rename Files is not enabled - keeping original filename.') #check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions): nfilename = ofilename[:-4] else: nfilename = ofilename else: nfilename = replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values) if mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_SPACES: #mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR) nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:]', '', nfilename) + ext.lower() logger.fdebug('New Filename: ' + nfilename) if mylar.CONFIG.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES: nfilename = nfilename.lower() dst = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename) else: dst = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename) logger.fdebug('Source: ' + ofilename) logger.fdebug('Destination: ' + dst) rename_this = {"destination_dir": dst, "nfilename": nfilename, "issueid": issueid, "comicid": comicid} return rename_this def apiremove(apistring, type): if type == 'nzb': value_regex = re.compile("(?<=apikey=)(?P.*?)(?=$)") #match = value_regex.search(apistring) apiremoved = value_regex.sub("xUDONTNEEDTOKNOWTHISx", apistring) else: #type = $ to denote end of string #type = & to denote up until next api variable value_regex1 = re.compile("(?<=%26i=1%26r=)(?P.*?)(?=" + str(type) +")") #match = value_regex.search(apistring) apiremoved1 = value_regex1.sub("xUDONTNEEDTOKNOWTHISx", apistring) value_regex = re.compile("(?<=apikey=)(?P.*?)(?=" + str(type) +")") apiremoved = value_regex.sub("xUDONTNEEDTOKNOWTHISx", apiremoved1) #need to remove the urlencoded-portions as well in future return apiremoved def remove_apikey(payd, key): #payload = some dictionary with payload values #key = the key to replace with REDACTED (normally apikey) for k,v in payd.items(): payd[key] = 'REDACTED' return payd def ComicSort(comicorder=None, sequence=None, imported=None): if sequence: # if it's on startup, load the sql into a tuple for use to avoid record-locking i = 0 import db myDB = db.DBConnection() comicsort = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM comics ORDER BY ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE") comicorderlist = [] comicorder = {} comicidlist = [] if sequence == 'update': mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'] = None mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderNo'] = None mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderID'] = None for csort in comicsort: if csort['ComicID'] is None: pass if not csort['ComicID'] in comicidlist: if sequence == 'startup': comicorderlist.append({ 'ComicID': csort['ComicID'], 'ComicOrder': i }) elif sequence == 'update': comicorderlist.append({ # mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'].append({ 'ComicID': csort['ComicID'], 'ComicOrder': i }) comicidlist.append(csort['ComicID']) i+=1 if sequence == 'startup': if i == 0: comicorder['SortOrder'] = ({'ComicID': '99999', 'ComicOrder': 1}) comicorder['LastOrderNo'] = 1 comicorder['LastOrderID'] = 99999 else: comicorder['SortOrder'] = comicorderlist comicorder['LastOrderNo'] = i -1 comicorder['LastOrderID'] = comicorder['SortOrder'][i -1]['ComicID'] if i < 0: i == 0 logger.info('Sucessfully ordered ' + str(i -1) + ' series in your watchlist.') return comicorder elif sequence == 'update': mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'] = comicorderlist #print ("i:" + str(i)) if i == 0: placemnt = 1 else: placemnt = int(i -1) mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderNo'] = placemnt mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderID'] = mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'][placemnt]['ComicID'] return else: # for new series adds, we already know the comicid, so we set the sortorder to an abnormally high # # we DO NOT write to the db to avoid record-locking. # if we get 2 999's we're in trouble though. sortedapp = [] if comicorder['LastOrderNo'] == '999': lastorderval = int(comicorder['LastOrderNo']) + 1 else: lastorderval = 999 sortedapp.append({ 'ComicID': imported, 'ComicOrder': lastorderval }) mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'] = sortedapp mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderNo'] = lastorderval mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderID'] = imported return def fullmonth(monthno): #simple numerical to worded month conversion.... basmonths = {'1': 'January', '2': 'February', '3': 'March', '4': 'April', '5': 'May', '6': 'June', '7': 'July', '8': 'August', '9': 'September', '10': 'October', '11': 'November', '12': 'December'} monthconv = None for numbs in basmonths: if numbs in str(int(monthno)): monthconv = basmonths[numbs] return monthconv def updateComicLocation(): #in order for this to work, the ComicLocation MUST be left at the original location. #in the config.ini - set LOCMOVE = 1 (to enable this to run on the NEXT startup) # - set NEWCOMDIR = new ComicLocation #after running, set ComicLocation to new location in Configuration GUI import db myDB = db.DBConnection() if mylar.CONFIG.NEWCOM_DIR is not None: logger.info('Performing a one-time mass update to Comic Location') #create the root dir if it doesn't exist checkdirectory = mylar.filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(mylar.CONFIG.NEWCOM_DIR, create=True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.') return dirlist = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM comics") comloc = [] if dirlist is not None: for dl in dirlist: u_comicnm = dl['ComicName'] # let's remove the non-standard characters here that will break filenaming / searching. comicname_folder = filesafe(u_comicnm) publisher = re.sub('!', '', dl['ComicPublisher']) # thanks Boom! year = dl['ComicYear'] comversion = dl['ComicVersion'] if comversion is None: comversion = 'None' #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None' if comversion == 'None': chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_FORMAT) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') folderformat = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) else: folderformat = mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_FORMAT #do work to generate folder path values = {'$Series': comicname_folder, '$Publisher': publisher, '$Year': year, '$series': comicname_folder.lower(), '$publisher': publisher.lower(), '$VolumeY': 'V' + str(year), '$VolumeN': comversion, '$Annual': 'Annual' } #set the paths here with the seperator removed allowing for cross-platform altering. ccdir = re.sub(r'[\\|/]', '%&', mylar.CONFIG.NEWCOM_DIR) ddir = re.sub(r'[\\|/]', '%&', mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR) dlc = re.sub(r'[\\|/]', '%&', dl['ComicLocation']) if mylar.CONFIG.FFTONEWCOM_DIR: #if this is enabled (1) it will apply the Folder_Format to all the new dirs if mylar.CONFIG.FOLDER_FORMAT == '': comlocation = re.sub(ddir, ccdir, dlc).strip() else: first = replace_all(folderformat, values) if mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_SPACES: #mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot first = first.replace(' ', mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR) comlocation = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.NEWCOM_DIR, first).strip() else: #DESTINATION_DIR = /mnt/mediavg/Comics #NEWCOM_DIR = /mnt/mediavg/Comics/Comics-1 #dl['ComicLocation'] = /mnt/mediavg/Comics/Batman-(2011) comlocation = re.sub(ddir, ccdir, dlc).strip() #regenerate the new path location so that it's os.dependent now. com_done = re.sub('%&', os.sep.encode('unicode-escape'), comlocation).strip() comloc.append({"comlocation": com_done, "origlocation": dl['ComicLocation'], "comicid": dl['ComicID']}) if len(comloc) > 0: #give the information about what we're doing. if mylar.CONFIG.FFTONEWCOM_DIR: logger.info('FFTONEWCOM_DIR is enabled. Applying the existing folder format to ALL directories regardless of existing location paths') else: logger.info('FFTONEWCOM_DIR is not enabled. I will keep existing subdirectory paths, and will only change the actual Comic Location in the path.') logger.fdebug(' (ie. /mnt/Comics/Marvel/Hush-(2012) to /mnt/mynewLocation/Marvel/Hush-(2012) ') #do the deed. for cl in comloc: ctrlVal = {"ComicID": cl['comicid']} newVal = {"ComicLocation": cl['comlocation']} myDB.upsert("Comics", newVal, ctrlVal) logger.fdebug('Updated : ' + cl['origlocation'] + ' .: TO :. ' + cl['comlocation']) logger.info('Updated ' + str(len(comloc)) + ' series to a new Comic Location as specified in the config.ini') else: logger.fdebug('Failed in updating the Comic Locations. Check Folder Format string and/or log the issue.') else: logger.info('There are no series in your watchlist to Update the locations. Not updating anything at this time.') #set the value to 0 here so we don't keep on doing this... mylar.CONFIG.LOCMOVE = 0 #mylar.config_write() else: logger.info('No new ComicLocation path specified - not updating. Set NEWCOMD_DIR in config.ini') #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("config") return def cleanhtml(raw_html): #cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>') #cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, '', raw_html) #return cleantext from bs4 import BeautifulSoup VALID_TAGS = ['div', 'p'] soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, "html.parser") for tag in soup.findAll('p'): if tag.name not in VALID_TAGS: tag.replaceWith(tag.renderContents()) flipflop = soup.renderContents() print flipflop return flipflop def issuedigits(issnum): import db int_issnum = None try: tst = issnum.isdigit() except: try: isstest = str(issnum) tst = isstest.isdigit() except: return 9999999999 else: issnum = str(issnum) if issnum.isdigit(): int_issnum = int(issnum) * 1000 else: #count = 0 #for char in issnum: # if char.isalpha(): # count += 1 #if count > 5: # logger.error('This is not an issue number - not enough numerics to parse') # int_issnum = 999999999999999 # return int_issnum try: if 'au' in issnum.lower() and issnum[:1].isdigit(): int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-2]) * 1000) + ord('a') + ord('u') elif 'ai' in issnum.lower() and issnum[:1].isdigit(): int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-2]) * 1000) + ord('a') + ord('i') elif 'inh' in issnum.lower() or 'now' in issnum.lower(): remdec = issnum.find('.') #find the decimal position. if remdec == -1: #if no decimal, it's all one string #remove the last 3 characters from the issue # (INH) int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-3]) * 1000) + ord('i') + ord('n') + ord('h') else: int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-4]) * 1000) + ord('i') + ord('n') + ord('h') elif 'now' in issnum.lower(): if '!' in issnum: issnum = re.sub('\!', '', issnum) remdec = issnum.find('.') #find the decimal position. if remdec == -1: #if no decimal, it's all one string #remove the last 3 characters from the issue # (NOW) int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-3]) * 1000) + ord('n') + ord('o') + ord('w') else: int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-4]) * 1000) + ord('n') + ord('o') + ord('w') elif 'mu' in issnum.lower(): remdec = issnum.find('.') if remdec == -1: int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-2]) * 1000) + ord('m') + ord('u') else: int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-3]) * 1000) + ord('m') + ord('u') except ValueError as e: logger.error('[' + issnum + '] Unable to properly determine the issue number. Error: %s', e) return 9999999999 if int_issnum is not None: return int_issnum #try: # issnum.decode('ascii') # logger.fdebug('ascii character.') #except: # logger.fdebug('Unicode character detected: ' + issnum) #else: issnum.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING).decode('utf-8') if type(issnum) == str: try: issnum = issnum.decode('utf-8') except: issnum = issnum.decode('windows-1252') if type(issnum) == unicode: vals = {u'\xbd':.5,u'\xbc':.25,u'\xbe':.75,u'\u221e':9999999999,u'\xe2':9999999999} else: vals = {'\xbd':.5,'\xbc':.25,'\xbe':.75,'\u221e':9999999999,'\xe2':9999999999} x = [vals[key] for key in vals if key in issnum] if x: #logger.fdebug('Unicode Issue present - adjusting.') int_issnum = x[0] * 1000 #logger.fdebug('int_issnum: ' + str(int_issnum)) else: if any(['.' in issnum, ',' in issnum]): #logger.fdebug('decimal detected.') if ',' in issnum: issnum = re.sub(',', '.', issnum) issst = str(issnum).find('.') if issst == 0: issb4dec = 0 else: issb4dec = str(issnum)[:issst] decis = str(issnum)[issst +1:] if len(decis) == 1: decisval = int(decis) * 10 issaftdec = str(decisval) elif len(decis) == 2: decisval = int(decis) issaftdec = str(decisval) else: decisval = decis issaftdec = str(decisval) #if there's a trailing decimal (ie. 1.50.) and it's either intentional or not, blow it away. if issaftdec[-1:] == '.': issaftdec = issaftdec[:-1] try: int_issnum = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + (int(issaftdec) * 10) except ValueError: #logger.fdebug('This has no issue # for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot.') int_issnum = 999999999999999 else: try: x = float(issnum) #logger.info(x) #validity check if x < 0: #logger.info("I've encountered a negative issue #: " + str(issnum) + ". Trying to accomodate.") int_issnum = (int(x) *1000) - 1 elif bool(x): logger.fdebug('Infinity issue found.') int_issnum = 9999999999 * 1000 else: raise ValueError except ValueError, e: #this will account for any alpha in a issue#, so long as it doesn't have decimals. x = 0 tstord = None issno = None invchk = "false" if issnum.lower() != 'preview': while (x < len(issnum)): if issnum[x].isalpha(): #take first occurance of alpha in string and carry it through tstord = issnum[x:].rstrip() tstord = re.sub('[\-\,\.\+]', '', tstord).rstrip() issno = issnum[:x].rstrip() issno = re.sub('[\-\,\.\+]', '', issno).rstrip() try: isschk = float(issno) except ValueError, e: if len(issnum) == 1 and issnum.isalpha(): break logger.fdebug('[' + issno + '] Invalid numeric for issue - cannot be found. Ignoring.') issno = None tstord = None invchk = "true" break x+=1 if tstord is not None and issno is not None: a = 0 ordtot = 0 if len(issnum) == 1 and issnum.isalpha(): int_issnum = ord(tstord.lower()) else: while (a < len(tstord)): ordtot += ord(tstord[a].lower()) #lower-case the letters for simplicty a+=1 int_issnum = (int(issno) * 1000) + ordtot elif invchk == "true": logger.fdebug('this does not have an issue # that I can parse properly.') return 999999999999999 else: if issnum == '9-5': issnum = u'9\xbd' logger.fdebug('issue: 9-5 is an invalid entry. Correcting to : ' + issnum) int_issnum = (9 * 1000) + (.5 * 1000) elif issnum == '112/113': int_issnum = (112 * 1000) + (.5 * 1000) elif issnum == '14-16': int_issnum = (15 * 1000) + (.5 * 1000) elif issnum.lower() == 'preview': inu = 0 ordtot = 0 while (inu < len(issnum)): ordtot += ord(issnum[inu].lower()) #lower-case the letters for simplicty inu+=1 int_issnum = ordtot else: logger.error(issnum + ' this has an alpha-numeric in the issue # which I cannot account for.') return 999999999999999 return int_issnum def checkthepub(ComicID): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() publishers = ['marvel', 'dc', 'darkhorse'] pubchk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if pubchk is None: logger.fdebug('No publisher information found to aid in determining series..defaulting to base check of 55 days.') return mylar.CONFIG.BIGGIE_PUB else: for publish in publishers: if publish in pubchk['ComicPublisher'].lower(): #logger.fdebug('Biggie publisher detected - ' + pubchk['ComicPublisher']) return mylar.CONFIG.BIGGIE_PUB #logger.fdebug('Indie publisher detected - ' + pubchk['ComicPublisher']) return mylar.CONFIG.INDIE_PUB def annual_update(): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() annuallist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals') if annuallist is None: logger.info('no annuals to update.') return cnames = [] #populate the ComicName field with the corresponding series name from the comics table. for ann in annuallist: coms = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ann['ComicID']]).fetchone() cnames.append({'ComicID': ann['ComicID'], 'ComicName': coms['ComicName'] }) #write in a seperate loop to avoid db locks i=0 for cns in cnames: ctrlVal = {"ComicID": cns['ComicID']} newVal = {"ComicName": cns['ComicName']} myDB.upsert("annuals", newVal, ctrlVal) i+=1 logger.info(str(i) + ' series have been updated in the annuals table.') return def replacetheslash(data): # this is necessary for the cache directory to display properly in IE/FF. # os.path.join will pipe in the '\' in windows, which won't resolve # when viewing through cherrypy - so convert it and viola. if platform.system() == "Windows": slashreplaced = data.replace('\\', '/') else: slashreplaced = data return slashreplaced def urlretrieve(urlfile, fpath): chunk = 4096 f = open(fpath, "w") while 1: data = urlfile.read(chunk) if not data: print "done." break f.write(data) print "Read %s bytes"%len(data) def renamefile_readingorder(readorder): logger.fdebug('readingorder#: ' + str(readorder)) if int(readorder) < 10: readord = "00" + str(readorder) elif int(readorder) >= 10 and int(readorder) < 99: readord = "0" + str(readorder) else: readord = str(readorder) return readord def latestdate_fix(): import db datefix = [] cnupdate = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM comics') if comiclist is None: logger.fdebug('No Series in watchlist to correct latest date') return for cl in comiclist: if cl['ComicName_Filesafe'] is None: cnupdate.append({"comicid": cl['ComicID'], "comicname_filesafe": filesafe(cl['ComicName'])}) latestdate = cl['LatestDate'] #logger.fdebug("latestdate: " + str(latestdate)) try: if latestdate[8:] == '': #logger.fdebug("invalid date " + str(latestdate) + " appending 01 for day to avoid errors") if len(latestdate) <= 7: finddash = latestdate.find('-') #logger.info('dash found at position ' + str(finddash)) if finddash != 4: #format of mm-yyyy lat_month = latestdate[:finddash] lat_year = latestdate[finddash +1:] else: #format of yyyy-mm lat_month = latestdate[finddash +1:] lat_year = latestdate[:finddash] latestdate = (lat_year) + '-' + str(lat_month) + '-01' datefix.append({"comicid": cl['ComicID'], "latestdate": latestdate}) #logger.info('latest date: ' + str(latestdate)) except: datefix.append({"comicid": cl['ComicID'], "latestdate": '0000-00-00'}) #now we fix. if len(datefix) > 0: logger.info('Preparing to correct/fix ' + str(len(datefix)) + ' series that have incorrect values given for the Latest Date field.') for df in datefix: newCtrl = {"ComicID": df['comicid']} newVal = {"LatestDate": df['latestdate']} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newCtrl) if len(cnupdate) > 0: logger.info('Preparing to update ' + str(len(cnupdate)) + ' series on your watchlist for use with non-ascii characters') for cn in cnupdate: newCtrl = {"ComicID": cn['comicid']} newVal = {"ComicName_Filesafe": cn['comicname_filesafe']} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newCtrl) return def upgrade_dynamic(): import db dynamic_comiclist = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() #update the comicdb to include the Dynamic Names (and any futher changes as required) clist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM Comics') for cl in clist: cl_d = mylar.filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=cl['ComicName']) cl_dyninfo = cl_d.dynamic_replace(cl['ComicName']) dynamic_comiclist.append({'DynamicComicName': re.sub('[\|\s]','', cl_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'].lower()).strip(), 'ComicID': cl['ComicID']}) if len(dynamic_comiclist) > 0: for dl in dynamic_comiclist: CtrlVal = {"ComicID": dl['ComicID']} newVal = {"DynamicComicName": dl['DynamicComicName']} myDB.upsert("Comics", newVal, CtrlVal) #update the storyarcsdb to include the Dynamic Names (and any futher changes as required) dynamic_storylist = [] rlist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID is not NULL') for rl in rlist: rl_d = mylar.filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=rl['ComicName']) rl_dyninfo = cl_d.dynamic_replace(rl['ComicName']) dynamic_storylist.append({'DynamicComicName': re.sub('[\|\s]','', rl_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'].lower()).strip(), 'IssueArcID': rl['IssueArcID']}) if len(dynamic_storylist) > 0: for ds in dynamic_storylist: CtrlVal = {"IssueArcID": ds['IssueArcID']} newVal = {"DynamicComicName": ds['DynamicComicName']} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, CtrlVal) logger.info('Finished updating ' + str(len(dynamic_comiclist)) + ' / ' + str(len(dynamic_storylist)) + ' entries within the db.') mylar.CONFIG.DYNAMIC_UPDATE = 4 mylar.CONFIG.writeconfig() return def checkFolder(folderpath=None): from mylar import PostProcessor import Queue queue = Queue.Queue() #monitor a selected folder for 'snatched' files that haven't been processed if folderpath is None: logger.info('Checking folder ' + mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_FOLDER + ' for newly snatched downloads') path = mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_FOLDER else: logger.info('Submitted folder ' + folderpath + ' for direct folder post-processing') path = folderpath PostProcess = PostProcessor.PostProcessor('Manual Run', path, queue=queue) vals = PostProcess.Process() return def LoadAlternateSearchNames(seriesname_alt, comicid): #seriesname_alt = db.comics['AlternateSearch'] AS_Alt = [] Alternate_Names = {} alt_count = 0 #logger.fdebug('seriesname_alt:' + str(seriesname_alt)) if seriesname_alt is None or seriesname_alt == 'None': return "no results" else: chkthealt = seriesname_alt.split('##') if chkthealt == 0: AS_Alternate = seriesname_alt AS_Alt.append(seriesname_alt) for calt in chkthealt: AS_Alter = re.sub('##', '', calt) u_altsearchcomic = AS_Alter.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip() AS_formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', u_altsearchcomic) if AS_formatrem_seriesname[:1] == ' ': AS_formatrem_seriesname = AS_formatrem_seriesname[1:] AS_Alt.append({"AlternateName": AS_formatrem_seriesname}) alt_count+=1 Alternate_Names['AlternateName'] = AS_Alt Alternate_Names['ComicID'] = comicid Alternate_Names['Count'] = alt_count logger.info('AlternateNames returned:' + str(Alternate_Names)) return Alternate_Names def havetotals(refreshit=None): import db comics = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() if refreshit is None: if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT comics.*, COUNT(totalAnnuals.IssueID) AS TotalAnnuals FROM comics LEFT JOIN annuals as totalAnnuals on totalAnnuals.ComicID = comics.ComicID GROUP BY comics.ComicID order by comics.ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE') else: comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM comics GROUP BY ComicID order by ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE') else: comiclist = [] comicref = myDB.selectone('SELECT comics.ComicID AS ComicID, comics.Have AS Have, comics.Total as Total, COUNT(totalAnnuals.IssueID) AS TotalAnnuals FROM comics LEFT JOIN annuals as totalAnnuals on totalAnnuals.ComicID = comics.ComicID WHERE comics.ComicID=? GROUP BY comics.ComicID', [refreshit]).fetchone() #refreshit is the ComicID passed from the Refresh Series to force/check numerical have totals comiclist.append({"ComicID": comicref['ComicID'], "Have": comicref['Have'], "Total": comicref['Total'], "TotalAnnuals": comicref['TotalAnnuals']}) for comic in comiclist: #--not sure about this part #if comic['Total'] is None: # if refreshit is not None: # logger.fdebug(str(comic['ComicID']) + ' has no issuedata available. Forcing complete Refresh/Rescan') # return True # else: # continue try: totalissues = comic['Total'] # if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: # totalissues += comic['TotalAnnuals'] haveissues = comic['Have'] except TypeError: logger.warning('[Warning] ComicID: ' + str(comic['ComicID']) + ' is incomplete - Removing from DB. You should try to re-add the series.') myDB.action("DELETE from COMICS WHERE ComicID=? AND ComicName LIKE 'Comic ID%'", [comic['ComicID']]) myDB.action("DELETE from ISSUES WHERE ComicID=? AND ComicName LIKE 'Comic ID%'", [comic['ComicID']]) continue if not haveissues: havetracks = 0 if refreshit is not None: if haveissues > totalissues: return True # if it's 5/4, send back to updater and don't restore previous status' else: return False # if it's 5/5 or 4/5, send back to updater and restore previous status' try: percent = (haveissues *100.0) /totalissues if percent > 100: percent = 101 except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError): percent = 0 totalissues = '?' if comic['LatestDate'] is None: logger.warn(comic['ComicName'] + ' has not finished loading. Nulling some values so things display properly until they can populate.') recentstatus = 'Loading' elif comic['ComicPublished'] is None or comic['ComicPublished'] == '' or comic['LatestDate'] is None: recentstatus = 'Unknown' elif comic['ForceContinuing'] == 1: recentstatus = 'Continuing' elif 'present' in comic['ComicPublished'].lower() or (today()[:4] in comic['LatestDate']): latestdate = comic['LatestDate'] #pull-list f'd up the date by putting '15' instead of '2015' causing 500 server errors if '-' in latestdate[:3]: st_date = latestdate.find('-') st_remainder = latestdate[st_date+1:] st_year = latestdate[:st_date] year = '20' + st_year latestdate = str(year) + '-' + str(st_remainder) #logger.fdebug('year set to: ' + latestdate) c_date = datetime.date(int(latestdate[:4]), int(latestdate[5:7]), 1) n_date = datetime.date.today() recentchk = (n_date - c_date).days if comic['NewPublish'] is True: recentstatus = 'Continuing' else: #do this just incase and as an extra measure of accuracy hopefully. if recentchk < 55: recentstatus = 'Continuing' else: recentstatus = 'Ended' else: recentstatus = 'Ended' if recentstatus == 'Loading': cpub = comic['ComicPublished'] else: try: cpub = re.sub('(N)', '', comic['ComicPublished']).strip() except Exception as e: logger.warn('[Error: %s] No Publisher found for %s - you probably want to Refresh the series when you get a chance.' % (e, comic['ComicName'])) cpub = None comics.append({"ComicID": comic['ComicID'], "ComicName": comic['ComicName'], "ComicSortName": comic['ComicSortName'], "ComicPublisher": comic['ComicPublisher'], "ComicYear": comic['ComicYear'], "ComicImage": comic['ComicImage'], "LatestIssue": comic['LatestIssue'], "LatestDate": comic['LatestDate'], "ComicPublished": cpub, "Status": comic['Status'], "recentstatus": recentstatus, "percent": percent, "totalissues": totalissues, "haveissues": haveissues, "DateAdded": comic['LastUpdated']}) return comics def filesafe(comic): import unicodedata if u'\u2014' in comic: comic = re.sub(u'\u2014', ' - ', comic) try: u_comic = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', comic).encode('ASCII', 'ignore').strip() except TypeError: u_comic = comic.encode('ASCII', 'ignore').strip() comicname_filesafe = re.sub('[\:\'\"\,\?\!\\\]', '', u_comic) comicname_filesafe = re.sub('[\/\*]', '-', comicname_filesafe) return comicname_filesafe def IssueDetails(filelocation, IssueID=None, justinfo=False): import zipfile from xml.dom.minidom import parseString issuedetails = [] issuetag = None if justinfo is False: dstlocation = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.zip') if filelocation.endswith('.cbz'): logger.fdebug('CBZ file detected. Checking for .xml within file') shutil.copy(filelocation, dstlocation) else: logger.fdebug('filename is not a cbz : ' + filelocation) return cover = "notfound" pic_extensions = ('.jpg','.png','.webp') modtime = os.path.getmtime(dstlocation) low_infile = 999999 try: with zipfile.ZipFile(dstlocation, 'r') as inzipfile: for infile in sorted(inzipfile.namelist()): tmp_infile = re.sub("[^0-9]","", infile).strip() if tmp_infile == '': pass elif int(tmp_infile) < int(low_infile): low_infile = tmp_infile low_infile_name = infile if infile == 'ComicInfo.xml': logger.fdebug('Extracting ComicInfo.xml to display.') dst = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'ComicInfo.xml') data = inzipfile.read(infile) #print str(data) issuetag = 'xml' #looks for the first page and assumes it's the cover. (Alternate covers handled later on) elif any(['000.' in infile, '00.' in infile]) and infile.endswith(pic_extensions) and cover == "notfound": logger.fdebug('Extracting primary image ' + infile + ' as coverfile for display.') local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(infile)) local_file.close cover = "found" elif any(['00a' in infile, '00b' in infile, '00c' in infile, '00d' in infile, '00e' in infile]) and infile.endswith(pic_extensions) and cover == "notfound": logger.fdebug('Found Alternate cover - ' + infile + ' . Extracting.') altlist = ('00a', '00b', '00c', '00d', '00e') for alt in altlist: if alt in infile: local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(infile)) local_file.close cover = "found" break elif any(['001.jpg' in infile, '001.png' in infile, '001.webp' in infile, '01.jpg' in infile, '01.png' in infile, '01.webp' in infile]) and cover == "notfound": logger.fdebug('Extracting primary image ' + infile + ' as coverfile for display.') local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(infile)) local_file.close cover = "found" if cover != "found": logger.fdebug('Invalid naming sequence for jpgs discovered. Attempting to find the lowest sequence and will use as cover (it might not work). Currently : ' + str(low_infile)) local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(low_infile_name)) local_file.close cover = "found" except: logger.info('ERROR. Unable to properly retrieve the cover for displaying. It\'s probably best to re-tag this file.') return ComicImage = os.path.join('cache', 'temp.jpg?' +str(modtime)) IssueImage = replacetheslash(ComicImage) else: IssueImage = "None" try: with zipfile.ZipFile(filelocation, 'r') as inzipfile: for infile in sorted(inzipfile.namelist()): if infile == 'ComicInfo.xml': logger.fdebug('Found ComicInfo.xml - now retrieving information.') data = inzipfile.read(infile) issuetag = 'xml' break except: logger.info('ERROR. Unable to properly retrieve the cover for displaying. It\'s probably best to re-tag this file.') return if issuetag is None: data = None try: dz = zipfile.ZipFile(filelocation, 'r') data = dz.comment except: logger.warn('Unable to extract comment field from zipfile.') return else: if data: issuetag = 'comment' else: logger.warn('No metadata available in zipfile comment field.') return logger.info('Tag returned as being: ' + str(issuetag)) #logger.info('data:' + str(data)) if issuetag == 'xml': #import easy to use xml parser called minidom: dom = parseString(data) results = dom.getElementsByTagName('ComicInfo') for result in results: try: issue_title = result.getElementsByTagName('Title')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: issue_title = "None" try: series_title = result.getElementsByTagName('Series')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: series_title = "None" try: series_volume = result.getElementsByTagName('Volume')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: series_volume = "None" try: issue_number = result.getElementsByTagName('Number')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: issue_number = "None" try: summary = result.getElementsByTagName('Summary')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: summary = "None" if '*List' in summary: summary_cut = summary.find('*List') summary = summary[:summary_cut] #check here to see if Covers exist as they will probably be misnamed when trying to determine the actual cover # (ie. 00a.jpg / 00d.jpg - when there's a Cover A or a Cover D listed) try: notes = result.getElementsByTagName('Notes')[0].firstChild.wholeText #IssueID is in here except: notes = "None" try: year = result.getElementsByTagName('Year')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: year = "None" try: month = result.getElementsByTagName('Month')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: month = "None" try: day = result.getElementsByTagName('Day')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: day = "None" try: writer = result.getElementsByTagName('Writer')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: writer = "None" try: penciller = result.getElementsByTagName('Penciller')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: penciller = "None" try: inker = result.getElementsByTagName('Inker')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: inker = "None" try: colorist = result.getElementsByTagName('Colorist')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: colorist = "None" try: letterer = result.getElementsByTagName('Letterer')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: letterer = "None" try: cover_artist = result.getElementsByTagName('CoverArtist')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: cover_artist = "None" try: editor = result.getElementsByTagName('Editor')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: editor = "None" try: publisher = result.getElementsByTagName('Publisher')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: publisher = "None" try: webpage = result.getElementsByTagName('Web')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: webpage = "None" try: pagecount = result.getElementsByTagName('PageCount')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: pagecount = 0 #not used atm. #to validate a front cover if it's tagged as one within the zip (some do this) #i = 0 #try: # pageinfo = result.getElementsByTagName('Page')[0].attributes # if pageinfo: pageinfo_test == True #except: # pageinfo_test = False #if pageinfo_test: # while (i < int(pagecount)): # pageinfo = result.getElementsByTagName('Page')[i].attributes # attrib = pageinfo.getNamedItem('Image') # #logger.fdebug('Frontcover validated as being image #: ' + str(attrib.value)) # att = pageinfo.getNamedItem('Type') # #logger.fdebug('pageinfo: ' + str(pageinfo)) # if att.value == 'FrontCover': # #logger.fdebug('FrontCover detected. Extracting.') # break # i+=1 elif issuetag == 'comment': logger.info('CBL Tagging.') stripline = 'Archive: ' + filelocation data = re.sub(stripline, '', data.encode("utf-8")).strip() if data is None or data == '': return import ast ast_data = ast.literal_eval(str(data)) lastmodified = ast_data['lastModified'] dt = ast_data['ComicBookInfo/1.0'] try: publisher = dt['publisher'] except: publisher = None try: year = dt['publicationYear'] except: year = None try: month = dt['publicationMonth'] except: month = None try: day = dt['publicationDay'] except: day = None try: issue_title = dt['title'] except: issue_title = None try: series_title = dt['series'] except: series_title = None try: issue_number = dt['issue'] except: issue_number = None try: summary = dt['comments'] except: summary = "None" editor = "None" colorist = "None" artist = "None" writer = "None" letterer = "None" cover_artist = "None" penciller = "None" inker = "None" try: series_volume = dt['volume'] except: series_volume = None try: t = dt['credits'] except: editor = None colorist = None artist = None writer = None letterer = None cover_artist = None penciller = None inker = None else: for cl in dt['credits']: if cl['role'] == 'Editor': if editor == "None": editor = cl['person'] else: editor += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Colorist': if colorist == "None": colorist = cl['person'] else: colorist += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Artist': if artist == "None": artist = cl['person'] else: artist += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Writer': if writer == "None": writer = cl['person'] else: writer += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Letterer': if letterer == "None": letterer = cl['person'] else: letterer += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Cover': if cover_artist == "None": cover_artist = cl['person'] else: cover_artist += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Penciller': if penciller == "None": penciller = cl['person'] else: penciller += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Inker': if inker == "None": inker = cl['person'] else: inker += ', ' + cl['person'] try: notes = dt['notes'] except: notes = "None" try: webpage = dt['web'] except: webpage = "None" try: pagecount = dt['pagecount'] except: pagecount = "None" else: logger.warn('Unable to locate any metadata within cbz file. Tag this file and try again if necessary.') return issuedetails.append({"title": issue_title, "series": series_title, "volume": series_volume, "issue_number": issue_number, "summary": summary, "notes": notes, "year": year, "month": month, "day": day, "writer": writer, "penciller": penciller, "inker": inker, "colorist": colorist, "letterer": letterer, "cover_artist": cover_artist, "editor": editor, "publisher": publisher, "webpage": webpage, "pagecount": pagecount, "IssueImage": IssueImage}) return issuedetails def get_issue_title(IssueID=None, ComicID=None, IssueNumber=None, IssueArcID=None): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() if IssueID: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if issue is None: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if issue is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to locate given IssueID within the db. Assuming Issue Title is None.') return None else: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [ComicID, issuedigits(IssueNumber)]).fetchone() if issue is None: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if issue is None: if IssueArcID: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM readlist WHERE IssueArcID=?', [IssueArcID]).fetchone() if issue is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to locate given IssueID within the db. Assuming Issue Title is None.') return None else: logger.fdebug('Unable to locate given IssueID within the db. Assuming Issue Title is None.') return None return issue['IssueName'] def int_num(s): try: return int(s) except ValueError: return float(s) def listPull(weeknumber, year): import db library = {} myDB = db.DBConnection() # Get individual comics list = myDB.select("SELECT ComicID FROM Weekly WHERE weeknumber=? AND year=?", [weeknumber,year]) for row in list: library[row['ComicID']] = row['ComicID'] return library def listLibrary(): import db library = {} myDB = db.DBConnection() list = myDB.select("SELECT a.comicid, b.releasecomicid, a.status FROM Comics AS a LEFT JOIN annuals AS b on a.comicid=b.comicid group by a.comicid") for row in list: library[row['ComicID']] = {'comicid': row['ComicID'], 'status': row['Status']} if row['ReleaseComicID'] is not None: library[row['ReleaseComicID']] = {'comicid': row['ComicID'], 'status': row['Status']} return library def listStoryArcs(): import db library = {} myDB = db.DBConnection() # Get Distinct Arc IDs #list = myDB.select("SELECT DISTINCT(StoryArcID) FROM storyarcs"); #for row in list: # library[row['StoryArcID']] = row['StoryArcID'] # Get Distinct CV Arc IDs list = myDB.select("SELECT DISTINCT(CV_ArcID) FROM storyarcs"); for row in list: library[row['CV_ArcID']] = {'comicid': row['CV_ArcID']} return library def listoneoffs(weeknumber, year): import db library = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() # Get Distinct one-off issues from the pullist that have already been downloaded / snatched list = myDB.select("SELECT DISTINCT(IssueID), Status, ComicID, ComicName, Status, IssueNumber FROM oneoffhistory WHERE weeknumber=? and year=? AND Status='Downloaded' OR Status='Snatched'", [weeknumber, year]) for row in list: library.append({'IssueID': row['IssueID'], 'ComicID': row['ComicID'], 'ComicName': row['ComicName'], 'IssueNumber': row['IssueNumber'], 'Status': row['Status'], 'weeknumber': weeknumber, 'year': year}) return library def manualArc(issueid, reading_order, storyarcid): import db if issueid.startswith('4000-'): issueid = issueid[5:] myDB = db.DBConnection() arc_chk = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=? AND NOT Manual is 'deleted'", [storyarcid]) storyarcname = arc_chk[0]['StoryArc'] storyarcissues = arc_chk[0]['TotalIssues'] iss_arcids = [] for issarc in arc_chk: iss_arcids.append({"IssueArcID": issarc['IssueArcID'], "IssueID": issarc['IssueID'], "Manual": issarc['Manual'], "ReadingOrder": issarc['ReadingOrder']}) arc_results = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid=None, type='issue', issueid=None, arcid=storyarcid, arclist='M' + str(issueid)) arcval = arc_results['issuechoice'][0] comicname = arcval['ComicName'] st_d = mylar.filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=comicname) st_dyninfo = st_d.dynamic_replace(comicname) dynamic_name = re.sub('[\|\s]','', st_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'].lower()).strip() issname = arcval['Issue_Name'] issid = str(arcval['IssueID']) comicid = str(arcval['ComicID']) cidlist = str(comicid) st_issueid = None manual_mod = 'added' new_readorder = [] for aid in iss_arcids: if aid['IssueID'] == issid: logger.info('Issue already exists for storyarc [IssueArcID:' + aid['IssueArcID'] + '][Manual:' + aid['Manual']) st_issueid = aid['IssueArcID'] manual_mod = aid['Manual'] if reading_order is None: #if no reading order is given, drop in the last spot. reading_order = len(iss_arcids) + 1 if int(aid['ReadingOrder']) >= int(reading_order): reading_seq = int(aid['ReadingOrder']) + 1 else: reading_seq = int(aid['ReadingOrder']) new_readorder.append({'IssueArcID': aid['IssueArcID'], 'IssueID': aid['IssueID'], 'ReadingOrder': reading_seq}) import random if st_issueid is None: st_issueid = str(storyarcid) + "_" + str(random.randint(1000,9999)) issnum = arcval['Issue_Number'] issdate = str(arcval['Issue_Date']) storedate = str(arcval['Store_Date']) int_issnum = issuedigits(issnum) comicid_results = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid=None, type='comicyears', comicidlist=cidlist) seriesYear = 'None' issuePublisher = 'None' seriesVolume = 'None' if issname is None: IssueName = 'None' else: IssueName = issname[:70] for cid in comicid_results: if cid['ComicID'] == comicid: seriesYear = cid['SeriesYear'] issuePublisher = cid['Publisher'] seriesVolume = cid['Volume'] #assume that the arc is the same storyarcpublisher = issuePublisher break newCtrl = {"IssueID": issid, "StoryArcID": storyarcid} newVals = {"ComicID": comicid, "IssueArcID": st_issueid, "StoryArc": storyarcname, "ComicName": comicname, "Volume": seriesVolume, "DynamicComicName": dynamic_name, "IssueName": IssueName, "IssueNumber": issnum, "Publisher": storyarcpublisher, "TotalIssues": str(int(storyarcissues) +1), "ReadingOrder": int(reading_order), #arbitrarily set it to the last reading order sequence # just to see if it works. "IssueDate": issdate, "ReleaseDate": storedate, "SeriesYear": seriesYear, "IssuePublisher": issuePublisher, "CV_ArcID": storyarcid, "Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum, "Manual": manual_mod} myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVals, newCtrl) #now we resequence the reading-order to accomdate the change. logger.info('Adding the new issue into the reading order & resequencing the order to make sure there are no sequence drops...') new_readorder.append({'IssueArcID': st_issueid, 'IssueID': issid, 'ReadingOrder': int(reading_order)}) newrl = 0 for rl in sorted(new_readorder, key=itemgetter('ReadingOrder'), reverse=False): if rl['ReadingOrder'] - 1 != newrl: rorder = newrl + 1 logger.fdebug(rl['IssueID'] + ' - changing reading order seq to : ' + str(rorder)) else: rorder = rl['ReadingOrder'] logger.fdebug(rl['IssueID'] + ' - setting reading order seq to : ' + str(rorder)) rl_ctrl = {"IssueID": rl['IssueID'], "IssueArcID": rl['IssueArcID'], "StoryArcID": storyarcid} r1_new = {"ReadingOrder": rorder} newrl = rorder myDB.upsert("storyarcs", r1_new, rl_ctrl) #check to see if the issue exists already so we can set the status right away. iss_chk = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues where issueid = ?', [issueid]).fetchone() if iss_chk is None: logger.info('Issue is not currently in your watchlist. Setting status to Skipped') status_change = 'Skipped' else: status_change = iss_chk['Status'] logger.info('Issue currently exists in your watchlist. Setting status to ' + status_change) myDB.upsert("storyarcs", {'Status': status_change}, newCtrl) return def listIssues(weeknumber, year): import db library = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() # Get individual issues list = myDB.select("SELECT issues.Status, issues.ComicID, issues.IssueID, issues.ComicName, issues.IssueDate, issues.ReleaseDate, weekly.publisher, issues.Issue_Number from weekly, issues where weekly.IssueID = issues.IssueID and weeknumber = ? and year = ?", [int(weeknumber), year]) for row in list: if row['ReleaseDate'] is None: tmpdate = row['IssueDate'] else: tmpdate = row['ReleaseDate'] library.append({'ComicID': row['ComicID'], 'Status': row['Status'], 'IssueID': row['IssueID'], 'ComicName': row['ComicName'], 'Publisher': row['publisher'], 'Issue_Number': row['Issue_Number'], 'IssueYear': tmpdate}) # Add the annuals if mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON: list = myDB.select("SELECT annuals.Status, annuals.ComicID, annuals.ReleaseComicID, annuals.IssueID, annuals.ComicName, annuals.ReleaseDate, annuals.IssueDate, weekly.publisher, annuals.Issue_Number from weekly, annuals where weekly.IssueID = annuals.IssueID and weeknumber = ? and year = ?", [int(weeknumber), year]) for row in list: if row['ReleaseDate'] is None: tmpdate = row['IssueDate'] else: tmpdate = row['ReleaseDate'] library.append({'ComicID': row['ComicID'], 'Status': row['Status'], 'IssueID': row['IssueID'], 'ComicName': row['ComicName'], 'Publisher': row['publisher'], 'Issue_Number': row['Issue_Number'], 'IssueYear': tmpdate}) #tmplist = library #librarylist = [] #for liblist in tmplist: # lb = myDB.select('SELECT ComicVersion, Type, ComicYear, ComicID from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [liblist['ComicID']]) # librarylist.append(liblist) # librarylist.update({'Comic_Volume': lb['ComicVersion'], # 'ComicYear': lb['ComicYear'], # 'ComicType': lb['Type']}) return library def incr_snatched(ComicID): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() incr_count = myDB.selectone("SELECT Have FROM Comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() logger.fdebug('Incrementing HAVE count total to : ' + str(incr_count['Have'] + 1)) newCtrl = {"ComicID": ComicID} newVal = {"Have": incr_count['Have'] + 1} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newCtrl) return def duplicate_filecheck(filename, ComicID=None, IssueID=None, StoryArcID=None, rtnval=None): #filename = the filename in question that's being checked against #comicid = the comicid of the series that's being checked for duplication #issueid = the issueid of the issue that's being checked for duplication #storyarcid = the storyarcid of the issue that's being checked for duplication. #rtnval = the return value of a previous duplicate_filecheck that's re-running against new values # import db myDB = db.DBConnection() logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Duplicate check for ' + filename) filesz = os.path.getsize(filename) if IssueID: dupchk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if dupchk is None: dupchk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if dupchk is None: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Unable to find corresponding Issue within the DB. Do you still have the series on your watchlist?') return series = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [dupchk['ComicID']]).fetchone() #if it's a retry and the file was already snatched, the status is Snatched and won't hit the dupecheck. #rtnval will be one of 3: #'write' - write new file #'dupe_file' - do not write new file as existing file is better quality #'dupe_src' - write new file, as existing file is a lesser quality (dupe) if dupchk['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or dupchk['Status'] == 'Archived': try: dupsize = dupchk['ComicSize'] except: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Duplication detection returned no hits as this is a new Snatch. This is not a duplicate.') rtnval = {'action': "write"} logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing Status already set to ' + dupchk['Status']) cid = [] if dupsize is None: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing filesize is 0 bytes as I cannot locate the orginal entry - it is probably archived.') logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Checking series for unrefreshed series syndrome (USS).') havechk = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() if havechk: if havechk['Have'] > havechk['Total']: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Series has invalid issue totals [' + str(havechk['Have']) + '/' + str(havechk['Total']) + '] Attempting to Refresh & continue post-processing this issue.') cid.append(ComicID) logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] ComicID: ' + str(ComicID)) mylar.updater.dbUpdate(ComicIDList=cid, calledfrom='dupechk') return duplicate_filecheck(filename, ComicID, IssueID, StoryArcID) else: if rtnval is not None: if rtnval['action'] == 'dont_dupe': logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] File is Archived but no file can be located within the db at the specified location. Assuming this was a manual archival and will not post-process this issue.') return rtnval else: rtnval = {'action': "dont_dupe"} #file is Archived, but no entry exists in the db for the location. Assume Archived, and don't post-process. #quick rescan of files in dir, then rerun the dup check again... mylar.updater.forceRescan(ComicID) chk1 = duplicate_filecheck(filename, ComicID, IssueID, StoryArcID) rtnval = chk1 else: rtnval = {'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])} else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing file within db :' + dupchk['Location'] + ' has a filesize of : ' + str(dupsize) + ' bytes.') #keywords to force keep / delete #this will be eventually user-controlled via the GUI once the options are enabled. if int(dupsize) == 0: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing filesize is 0 as I cannot locate the original entry.') if dupchk['Status'] == 'Archived': logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Assuming issue is Archived.') rtnval = {'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename} return rtnval else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Assuming 0-byte file - this one is gonna get hammered.') logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Based on duplication preferences I will retain based on : ' + mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT) tmp_dupeconstraint = mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT if any(['cbr' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT, 'cbz' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT]): if 'cbr' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: if filename.endswith('.cbr'): #this has to be configured in config - either retain cbr or cbz. if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbr'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbr format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + filename) rtnval = {'action': "dupe_src", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])} else: if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbz'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbz format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + dupchk['Location']) rtnval = {'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename} elif 'cbz' in mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT: if filename.endswith('.cbr'): if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbr'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbr format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + dupchk['Location']) rtnval = {'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename} else: if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbz'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbz format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + filename) rtnval = {'action': "dupe_src", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])} if mylar.CONFIG.DUPECONSTRAINT == 'filesize' or tmp_dupeconstraint == 'filesize': if filesz <= int(dupsize) and int(dupsize) != 0: logger.info('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + dupchk['Location']) rtnval = {'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename} else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + filename) rtnval = {'action': "dupe_src", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])} else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Duplication detection returned no hits. This is not a duplicate of anything that I have scanned in as of yet.') rtnval = {'action': "write"} return rtnval def create_https_certificates(ssl_cert, ssl_key): """ Create a pair of self-signed HTTPS certificares and store in them in 'ssl_cert' and 'ssl_key'. Method assumes pyOpenSSL is installed. This code is stolen from SickBeard (http://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard). """ from OpenSSL import crypto from certgen import createKeyPair, createCertRequest, createCertificate, \ TYPE_RSA, serial # Create the CA Certificate cakey = createKeyPair(TYPE_RSA, 2048) careq = createCertRequest(cakey, CN="Certificate Authority") cacert = createCertificate(careq, (careq, cakey), serial, (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10)) # ten years pkey = createKeyPair(TYPE_RSA, 2048) req = createCertRequest(pkey, CN="Mylar") cert = createCertificate(req, (cacert, cakey), serial, (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10)) # ten years # Save the key and certificate to disk try: with open(ssl_key, "w") as fp: fp.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey)) with open(ssl_cert, "w") as fp: fp.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)) except IOError as e: logger.error("Error creating SSL key and certificate: %s", e) return False return True def torrent_create(site, linkid, alt=None): if any([site == '32P', site == 'TOR']): pass #elif site == 'TPSE': # if alt is None: # url = mylar.TPSEURL + 'torrent/' + str(linkid) + '.torrent' # else: # url = mylar.TPSEURL + 'torrent/' + str(linkid) + '.torrent' elif site == 'DEM': url = mylar.DEMURL + 'files/download/' + str(linkid) + '/' elif site == 'WWT': url = mylar.WWTURL + 'download.php' return url def parse_32pfeed(rssfeedline): KEYS_32P = {} if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_32P and len(rssfeedline) > 1: userid_st = rssfeedline.find('&user') userid_en = rssfeedline.find('&', userid_st +1) if userid_en == -1: USERID_32P = rssfeedline[userid_st +6:] else: USERID_32P = rssfeedline[userid_st +6:userid_en] auth_st = rssfeedline.find('&auth') auth_en = rssfeedline.find('&', auth_st +1) if auth_en == -1: AUTH_32P = rssfeedline[auth_st +6:] else: AUTH_32P = rssfeedline[auth_st +6:auth_en] authkey_st = rssfeedline.find('&authkey') authkey_en = rssfeedline.find('&', authkey_st +1) if authkey_en == -1: AUTHKEY_32P = rssfeedline[authkey_st +9:] else: AUTHKEY_32P = rssfeedline[authkey_st +9:authkey_en] KEYS_32P = {"user": USERID_32P, "auth": AUTH_32P, "authkey": AUTHKEY_32P, "passkey": mylar.CONFIG.PASSKEY_32P} return KEYS_32P def humanize_time(amount, units = 'seconds'): def process_time(amount, units): INTERVALS = [ 1, 60, 60*60, 60*60*24, 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24*7*4, 60*60*24*7*4*12, 60*60*24*7*4*12*100, 60*60*24*7*4*12*100*10] NAMES = [('second', 'seconds'), ('minute', 'minutes'), ('hour', 'hours'), ('day', 'days'), ('week', 'weeks'), ('month', 'months'), ('year', 'years'), ('century', 'centuries'), ('millennium', 'millennia')] result = [] unit = map(lambda a: a[1], NAMES).index(units) # Convert to seconds amount = amount * INTERVALS[unit] for i in range(len(NAMES)-1, -1, -1): a = amount // INTERVALS[i] if a > 0: result.append( (a, NAMES[i][1 % a]) ) amount -= a * INTERVALS[i] return result rd = process_time(int(amount), units) cont = 0 for u in rd: if u[0] > 0: cont += 1 buf = '' i = 0 for u in rd: if u[0] > 0: buf += "%d %s" % (u[0], u[1]) cont -= 1 if i < (len(rd)-1): if cont > 1: buf += ", " else: buf += " and " i += 1 return buf def issue_status(IssueID): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() IssueID = str(IssueID) logger.fdebug('[ISSUE-STATUS] Issue Status Check for %s' % IssueID) isschk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if isschk is None: isschk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if isschk is None: isschk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if isschk is None: logger.warn('Unable to retrieve IssueID from db. This is a problem. Aborting.') return False if any([isschk['Status'] == 'Downloaded', isschk['Status'] == 'Snatched']): logger.info('returning true') return True else: logger.info('returning false') return False def crc(filename): #memory in lieu of speed (line by line) #prev = 0 #for eachLine in open(filename,"rb"): # prev = zlib.crc32(eachLine, prev) #return "%X"%(prev & 0xFFFFFFFF) #speed in lieu of memory (file into memory entirely) #return "%X" % (zlib.crc32(open(filename, "rb").read()) & 0xFFFFFFFF) filename = filename.encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING) return hashlib.md5(filename).hexdigest() def issue_find_ids(ComicName, ComicID, pack, IssueNumber): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() issuelist = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]) if 'Annual' not in pack: packlist = [x.strip() for x in pack.split(',')] plist = [] pack_issues = [] for pl in packlist: if '-' in pl: plist.append(range(int(pl[:pl.find('-')]),int(pl[pl.find('-')+1:])+1)) else: plist.append(int(pl)) for pi in plist: if type(pi) == list: for x in pi: pack_issues.append(x) else: pack_issues.append(pi) pack_issues.sort() annualize = False else: #remove the annuals wording tmp_annuals = pack[pack.find('Annual'):] tmp_ann = re.sub('[annual/annuals/+]', '', tmp_annuals.lower()).strip() tmp_pack = re.sub('[annual/annuals/+]', '', pack.lower()).strip() pack_issues = range(int(tmp_pack[:tmp_pack.find('-')]),int(tmp_pack[tmp_pack.find('-')+1:])+1) annualize = True issues = {} issueinfo = [] Int_IssueNumber = issuedigits(IssueNumber) valid = False for iss in pack_issues: int_iss = issuedigits(iss) for xb in issuelist: if xb['Status'] != 'Downloaded': if xb['Int_IssueNumber'] == int_iss: issueinfo.append({'issueid': xb['IssueID'], 'int_iss': int_iss, 'issuenumber': xb['Issue_Number']}) break for x in issueinfo: if Int_IssueNumber == x['int_iss']: valid = True break issues['issues'] = issueinfo if len(issues['issues']) == len(pack_issues): logger.info('Complete issue count of ' + str(len(pack_issues)) + ' issues are available within this pack for ' + ComicName) else: logger.info('Issue counts are not complete (not a COMPLETE pack) for ' + ComicName) issues['issue_range'] = pack_issues issues['valid'] = valid return issues def conversion(value): if type(value) == str: try: value = value.decode('utf-8') except: value = value.decode('windows-1252') return value def clean_url(url): leading = len(url) - len(url.lstrip(' ')) ending = len(url) - len(url.rstrip(' ')) if leading >= 1: url = url[leading:] if ending >=1: url = url[:-ending] return url def chunker(seq, size): #returns a list from a large group of tuples by size (ie. for group in chunker(seq, 3)) return [seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in xrange(0, len(seq), size)] def cleanHost(host, protocol = True, ssl = False, username = None, password = None): """ Return a cleaned up host with given url options set taken verbatim from CouchPotato Changes protocol to https if ssl is set to True and http if ssl is set to false. >>> cleanHost("localhost:80", ssl=True) 'https://localhost:80/' >>> cleanHost("localhost:80", ssl=False) 'http://localhost:80/' Username and password is managed with the username and password variables >>> cleanHost("localhost:80", username="user", password="passwd") 'http://user:passwd@localhost:80/' Output without scheme (protocol) can be forced with protocol=False >>> cleanHost("localhost:80", protocol=False) 'localhost:80' """ if not '://' in host and protocol: host = ('https://' if ssl else 'http://') + host if not protocol: host = host.split('://', 1)[-1] if protocol and username and password: try: auth = re.findall('^(?:.+?//)(.+?):(.+?)@(?:.+)$', host) if auth: log.error('Cleanhost error: auth already defined in url: %s, please remove BasicAuth from url.', host) else: host = host.replace('://', '://%s:%s@' % (username, password), 1) except: pass host = host.rstrip('/ ') if protocol: host += '/' return host def checkthe_id(comicid=None, up_vals=None): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() if not up_vals: chk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from ref32p WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone() if chk is None: return None else: #if updated time hasn't been set or it's > 24 hrs, blank the entry so we can make sure we pull an updated groupid from 32p if chk['Updated'] is None: logger.fdebug('Reference found for 32p - but the id has never been verified after populating. Verifying it is still the right id before proceeding.') return None else: c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(chk['Updated'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") n_date = datetime.datetime.now() absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date) hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0 if hours >= 24: logger.fdebug('Reference found for 32p - but older than 24hours since last checked. Verifying it is still the right id before proceeding.') return None else: return {'id': chk['ID'], 'series': chk['Series']} else: ctrlVal = {'ComicID': comicid} newVal = {'Series': up_vals[0]['series'], 'ID': up_vals[0]['id'], 'Updated': now()} myDB.upsert("ref32p", newVal, ctrlVal) def updatearc_locs(storyarcid, issues): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() issuelist = [] for x in issues: issuelist.append(x['IssueID']) tmpsql = "SELECT a.comicid, a.comiclocation, b.comicid, b.status, b.issueid, b.location FROM comics as a INNER JOIN issues as b ON a.comicid = b.comicid WHERE b.issueid in ({seq})".format(seq=','.join(['?'] *(len(issuelist)))) chkthis = myDB.select(tmpsql, issuelist) update_iss = [] if chkthis is None: return else: for chk in chkthis: if chk['Status'] == 'Downloaded': pathsrc = os.path.join(chk['ComicLocation'], chk['Location']) if not os.path.exists(pathsrc): try: if all([mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None, mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None', os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(chk['ComicLocation'])) != chk['ComicLocation'], os.path.exists(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(chk['ComicLocation'])))]): pathsrc = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(chk['ComicLocation']), chk['Location']) else: logger.fdebug(module + ' file does not exist in location: ' + pathdir + '. Cannot valid location - some options will not be available for this item.') continue except: continue # update_iss.append({'IssueID': chk['IssueID'], # 'Location': pathdir}) arcinfo = None for la in issues: if la['IssueID'] == chk['IssueID']: arcinfo = la break if arcinfo is None: continue if arcinfo['Publisher'] is None: arcpub = arcinfo['IssuePublisher'] else: arcpub = arcinfo['Publisher'] grdst = arcformat(arcinfo['StoryArc'], spantheyears(arcinfo['StoryArcID']), arcpub) if grdst is not None: logger.info('grdst:' + grdst) #send to renamer here if valid. dfilename = chk['Location'] if mylar.CONFIG.RENAME_FILES: renamed_file = rename_param(arcinfo['ComicID'], arcinfo['ComicName'], arcinfo['IssueNumber'], chk['Location'], issueid=arcinfo['IssueID'], arc=arcinfo['StoryArc']) if renamed_file: dfilename = renamed_file['nfilename'] if mylar.CONFIG.READ2FILENAME: #logger.fdebug('readingorder#: ' + str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder'])) #if int(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) < 10: readord = "00" + str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) #elif int(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) >= 10 and int(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) <= 99: readord = "0" + str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) #else: readord = str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) readord = renamefile_readingorder(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) dfilename = str(readord) + "-" + dfilename pathdst = os.path.join(grdst, dfilename) logger.fdebug('Destination Path : ' + pathdst) logger.fdebug('Source Path : ' + pathsrc) if not os.path.isdir(grdst): logger.fdebug('[ARC-DIRECTORY] Arc directory doesn\'t exist. Creating: %s' % grdst) mylar.filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(grdst, create=True) if not os.path.isfile(pathdst): logger.info('[' + mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS.upper() + '] ' + pathsrc + ' into directory : ' + pathdst) try: #need to ensure that src is pointing to the series in order to do a soft/hard-link properly fileoperation = file_ops(pathsrc, pathdst, arc=True) if not fileoperation: raise OSError except (OSError, IOError): logger.fdebug('[' + mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS.upper() + '] Failure ' + pathsrc + ' - check directories and manually re-run.') continue updateloc = pathdst else: updateloc = pathsrc update_iss.append({'IssueID': chk['IssueID'], 'Location': updateloc}) for ui in update_iss: logger.info(ui['IssueID'] + ' to update location to: ' + ui['Location']) myDB.upsert("storyarcs", {'Location': ui['Location']}, {'IssueID': ui['IssueID'], 'StoryArcID': storyarcid}) def spantheyears(storyarcid): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() totalcnt = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE StoryArcID=?", [storyarcid]) lowyear = 9999 maxyear = 0 for la in totalcnt: if la['IssueDate'] is None or la['IssueDate'] == '0000-00-00': continue else: if int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) > maxyear: maxyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) if int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) < lowyear: lowyear = int(la['IssueDate'][:4]) if maxyear == 0: spanyears = la['SeriesYear'] elif lowyear == maxyear: spanyears = str(maxyear) else: spanyears = str(lowyear) + ' - ' + str(maxyear) #la['SeriesYear'] + ' - ' + str(maxyear) return spanyears def arcformat(arc, spanyears, publisher): arcdir = filesafe(arc) if publisher is None: publisher = 'None' values = {'$arc': arcdir, '$spanyears': spanyears, '$publisher': publisher} tmp_folderformat = mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FOLDERFORMAT if publisher == 'None': chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$publisher', '', tmp_folderformat) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') tmp_folderformat = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) if any([tmp_folderformat == '', tmp_folderformat is None]): arcpath = arcdir else: arcpath = replace_all(tmp_folderformat, values) if mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_SPACES: arcpath = arcpath.replace(' ', mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR) if arcpath.startswith('/'): arcpath = arcpath[1:] elif arcpath.startswith('//'): arcpath = arcpath[2:] if mylar.CONFIG.STORYARCDIR is True: dstloc = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, 'StoryArcs', arcpath) elif mylar.CONFIG.COPY2ARCDIR is True: logger.warn('Story arc directory is not configured. Defaulting to grabbag directory: ' + mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR) dstloc = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR, arcpath) else: dstloc = None return dstloc def torrentinfo(issueid=None, torrent_hash=None, download=False, monitor=False): import db from base64 import b16encode, b32decode #check the status of the issueid to make sure it's in Snatched status and was grabbed via torrent. if issueid: myDB = db.DBConnection() cinfo = myDB.selectone('SELECT a.Issue_Number, a.ComicName, a.Status, b.Hash from issues as a inner join snatched as b ON a.IssueID=b.IssueID WHERE a.IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone() if cinfo is None: logger.warn('Unable to locate IssueID of : ' + issueid) snatch_status = 'ERROR' if cinfo['Status'] != 'Snatched' or cinfo['Hash'] is None: logger.warn(cinfo['ComicName'] + ' #' + cinfo['Issue_Number'] + ' is currently in a ' + cinfo['Status'] + ' Status.') snatch_status = 'ERROR' torrent_hash = cinfo['Hash'] logger.fdebug("Working on torrent: " + torrent_hash) if len(torrent_hash) == 32: torrent_hash = b16encode(b32decode(torrent_hash)) if not len(torrent_hash) == 40: logger.error("Torrent hash is missing, or an invalid hash value has been passed") snatch_status = 'ERROR' else: if mylar.USE_RTORRENT: import test rp = test.RTorrent() torrent_info = rp.main(torrent_hash, check=True) elif mylar.USE_DELUGE: #need to set the connect here as well.... import torrent.clients.deluge as delu dp = delu.TorrentClient() if not dp.connect(mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_HOST, mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_USERNAME, mylar.CONFIG.DELUGE_PASSWORD): logger.warn('Not connected to Deluge!') torrent_info = dp.get_torrent(torrent_hash) else: snatch_status = 'ERROR' return logger.info('torrent_info: %s' % torrent_info) if torrent_info is False or len(torrent_info) == 0: logger.warn('torrent returned no information. Check logs - aborting auto-snatch at this time.') snatch_status = 'ERROR' else: if mylar.USE_DELUGE: torrent_status = torrent_info['is_finished'] torrent_files = torrent_info['num_files'] torrent_folder = torrent_info['save_path'] torrent_info['total_filesize'] = torrent_info['total_size'] torrent_info['upload_total'] = torrent_info['total_uploaded'] torrent_info['download_total'] = torrent_info['total_payload_download'] torrent_info['time_started'] = torrent_info['time_added'] elif mylar.USE_RTORRENT: torrent_status = torrent_info['completed'] torrent_files = len(torrent_info['files']) torrent_folder = torrent_info['folder'] if all([torrent_status is True, download is True]): if not issueid: torrent_info['snatch_status'] = 'STARTING...' #yield torrent_info import shlex, subprocess logger.info('Torrent is completed and status is currently Snatched. Attempting to auto-retrieve.') with open(mylar.CONFIG.AUTO_SNATCH_SCRIPT, 'r') as f: first_line = f.readline() if mylar.CONFIG.AUTO_SNATCH_SCRIPT.endswith('.sh'): shell_cmd = re.sub('#!', '', first_line) if shell_cmd == '' or shell_cmd is None: shell_cmd = '/bin/bash' else: shell_cmd = sys.executable curScriptName = shell_cmd + ' ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.AUTO_SNATCH_SCRIPT).decode("string_escape") if torrent_files > 1: downlocation = torrent_folder.encode('utf-8') else: if mylar.USE_DELUGE: downlocation = os.path.join(torrent_folder.encode('utf-8'), torrent_info['files'][0]['path']) else: downlocation = torrent_info['files'][0].encode('utf-8') autosnatch_env = os.environ.copy() autosnatch_env['downlocation'] = re.sub("'", "\\'",downlocation) #these are pulled from the config and are the ssh values to use to retrieve the data autosnatch_env['host'] = mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHHOST autosnatch_env['port'] = mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHPORT autosnatch_env['user'] = mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHUSER autosnatch_env['localcd'] = mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHLOCALCD #bash won't accept None, so send check and send empty strings for the 2 possible None values if needed if mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHKEYFILE is not None: autosnatch_env['keyfile'] = mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHKEYFILE else: autosnatch_env['keyfile'] = '' if mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHPASSWD is not None: autosnatch_env['passwd'] = mylar.CONFIG.PP_SSHPASSWD else: autosnatch_env['passwd'] = '' #downlocation = re.sub("\'", "\\'", downlocation) #downlocation = re.sub("&", "\&", downlocation) script_cmd = shlex.split(curScriptName, posix=False) # + [downlocation] logger.fdebug(u"Executing command " +str(script_cmd)) try: p = subprocess.Popen(script_cmd, env=dict(autosnatch_env), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=mylar.PROG_DIR) out, err = p.communicate() logger.fdebug(u"Script result: " + out) except OSError, e: logger.warn(u"Unable to run extra_script: " + e) snatch_status = 'ERROR' else: if 'Access failed: No such file' in out: logger.fdebug('Not located in location it is supposed to be in - probably has been moved by some script and I got the wrong location due to timing. Trying again...') snatch_status = 'IN PROGRESS' else: snatch_status = 'COMPLETED' torrent_info['completed'] = torrent_status torrent_info['files'] = torrent_files torrent_info['folder'] = torrent_folder else: if download is True: snatch_status = 'IN PROGRESS' elif monitor is True: #pause the torrent, copy it to the cache folder, unpause the torrent and return the complete path to the cache location if mylar.USE_DELUGE: pauseit = dp.stop_torrent(torrent_hash) if pauseit is False: logger.warn('Unable to pause torrent - cannot run post-process on item at this time.') snatch_status = 'MONITOR FAIL' else: try: new_filepath = os.path.join(torrent_path, '.copy') logger.fdebug('New_Filepath: %s' % new_filepath) shutil.copy(torrent_path, new_filepath) torrent_info['copied_filepath'] = new_filepath except: logger.warn('Unexpected Error: %s' % sys.exc_info()[0]) logger.warn('Unable to create temporary directory to perform meta-tagging. Processing cannot continue with given item at this time.') torrent_info['copied_filepath'] = torrent_path SNATCH_STATUS = 'MONITOR FAIL' else: startit = dp.start_torrent(torrent_hash) SNATCH_STATUS = 'MONITOR COMPLETE' else: snatch_status = 'NOT SNATCHED' torrent_info['snatch_status'] = snatch_status return torrent_info def weekly_info(week=None, year=None): #find the current week and save it as a reference point. todaydate = datetime.datetime.today() current_weeknumber = todaydate.strftime("%U") if week: weeknumber = int(week) year = int(year) #view specific week (prev_week, next_week) startofyear = date(year,1,1) week0 = startofyear - timedelta(days=startofyear.isoweekday()) stweek = datetime.datetime.strptime(week0.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%d') startweek = stweek + timedelta(weeks = weeknumber) midweek = startweek + timedelta(days = 3) endweek = startweek + timedelta(days = 6) else: #find the given week number for the current day weeknumber = current_weeknumber stweek = datetime.datetime.strptime(todaydate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), '%Y-%m-%d') startweek = stweek - timedelta(days = (stweek.weekday() + 1) % 7) midweek = startweek + timedelta(days = 3) endweek = startweek + timedelta(days = 6) year = todaydate.strftime("%Y") prev_week = int(weeknumber) - 1 prev_year = year if prev_week < 0: prev_week = 52 prev_year = int(year) - 1 next_week = int(weeknumber) + 1 next_year = year if next_week > 52: next_year = int(year) + 1 next_week = datetime.date(int(next_year),1,1).strftime("%U") date_fmt = "%B %d, %Y" try: con_startweek = u"" + startweek.strftime(date_fmt).decode('utf-8') con_endweek = u"" + endweek.strftime(date_fmt).decode('utf-8') except: con_startweek = u"" + startweek.strftime(date_fmt).decode('cp1252') con_endweek = u"" + endweek.strftime(date_fmt).decode('cp1252') if mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER_LOC is not None: weekdst = mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER_LOC else: weekdst = mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR if mylar.SCHED_WEEKLY_LAST is not None: weekly_stamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mylar.SCHED_WEEKLY_LAST) weekly_last = weekly_stamp.replace(microsecond=0) else: weekly_last = 'None' weekinfo = {'weeknumber': weeknumber, 'startweek': con_startweek, 'midweek': midweek.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'endweek': con_endweek, 'year': year, 'prev_weeknumber': prev_week, 'prev_year': prev_year, 'next_weeknumber': next_week, 'next_year': next_year, 'current_weeknumber': current_weeknumber, 'last_update': weekly_last} if weekdst is not None: if mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER_FORMAT == 0: weekfold = os.path.join(weekdst, str( str(weekinfo['year']) + '-' + str(weeknumber) )) else: weekfold = os.path.join(weekdst, str( str(weekinfo['midweek']) )) else: weekfold = None weekinfo['week_folder'] = weekfold return weekinfo def latestdate_update(): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() ccheck = myDB.select('SELECT a.ComicID, b.IssueID, a.LatestDate, b.ReleaseDate, b.Issue_Number from comics as a left join issues as b on a.comicid=b.comicid where a.LatestDate < b.ReleaseDate or a.LatestDate like "%Unknown%" group by a.ComicID') if ccheck is None or len(ccheck) == 0: return logger.info('Now preparing to update ' + str(len(ccheck)) + ' series that have out-of-date latest date information.') ablist = [] for cc in ccheck: ablist.append({'ComicID': cc['ComicID'], 'LatestDate': cc['ReleaseDate'], 'LatestIssue': cc['Issue_Number']}) #forcibly set the latest date and issue number to the most recent. for a in ablist: logger.info(a) newVal = {'LatestDate': a['LatestDate'], 'LatestIssue': a['LatestIssue']} ctrlVal = {'ComicID': a['ComicID']} logger.info('updating latest date for : ' + a['ComicID'] + ' to ' + a['LatestDate'] + ' #' + a['LatestIssue']) myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, ctrlVal) def postprocess_main(queue): while True: if mylar.APILOCK is True: time.sleep(5) elif mylar.APILOCK is False and queue.qsize() >= 1: #len(queue) > 1: item = queue.get(True) logger.info('Now loading from post-processing queue: %s' % item) if item == 'exit': logger.info('Cleaning up workers for shutdown') break if mylar.APILOCK is False: pprocess = process.Process(item['nzb_name'], item['nzb_folder'], item['failed'], item['issueid'], item['comicid'], item['apicall']) pp = pprocess.post_process() time.sleep(5) #arbitrary sleep to let the process attempt to finish pp'ing if mylar.APILOCK is True: logger.info('Another item is post-processing still...') time.sleep(15) #mylar.PP_QUEUE.put(item) else: time.sleep(5) def worker_main(queue): while True: item = queue.get(True) logger.info('Now loading from queue: ' + item) if item == 'exit': logger.info('Cleaning up workers for shutdown') break snstat = torrentinfo(torrent_hash=item, download=True) if snstat['snatch_status'] == 'IN PROGRESS': logger.info('Still downloading in client....let us try again momentarily.') time.sleep(30) mylar.SNATCHED_QUEUE.put(item) elif any([snstat['snatch_status'] == 'MONITOR FAIL', snstat['snatch_status'] == 'MONITOR COMPLETE']): logger.info('File copied for post-processing - submitting as a direct pp.') threading.Thread(target=self.checkFolder, args=[os.path.abspath(os.path.join(snstat['copied_filepath'], os.pardir))]).start() def nzb_monitor(queue): while True: item = queue.get(True) logger.info('Now loading from queue: %s' % item) if item == 'exit': logger.info('Cleaning up workers for shutdown') break if all([mylar.USE_SABNZBD is True, mylar.CONFIG.SAB_CLIENT_POST_PROCESSING is True]): nz = sabnzbd.SABnzbd(item) nzstat = nz.processor() elif all([mylar.USE_NZBGET is True, mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_CLIENT_POST_PROCESSING is True]): nz = nzbget.NZBGet() nzstat = nz.processor(item) else: logger.warn('There are no NZB Completed Download handlers enabled. Not sending item to completed download handling...') break if nzstat['status'] is False: logger.info('Something went wrong - maybe you should retry things. I will requeue up this item for post-processing...') time.sleep(5) mylar.NZB_QUEUE.put(item) elif nzstat['status'] is True: if nzstat['failed'] is False: logger.info('File successfully downloaded - now initiating completed downloading handling.') else: logger.info('File failed either due to being corrupt or incomplete - now initiating completed failed downloading handling.') try: cc = process.Process(nzstat['name'], nzstat['location'], failed=nzstat['failed']) nzpp = cc.post_process() except Exception as e: logger.info('process error: %s' % e) def script_env(mode, vars): #mode = on-snatch, pre-postprocess, post-postprocess #var = dictionary containing variables to pass mylar_env = os.environ.copy() if mode == 'on-snatch': runscript = mylar.CONFIG.SNATCH_SCRIPT if 'torrentinfo' in vars: if 'hash' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_release_hash'] = vars['torrentinfo']['hash'] if 'torrent_filename' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_torrent_filename'] = vars['torrentinfo']['torrent_filename'] if 'name' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_release_name'] = vars['torrentinfo']['name'] if 'folder' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_release_folder'] = vars['torrentinfo']['folder'] if 'label' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_release_label'] = vars['torrentinfo']['label'] if 'total_filesize' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_release_filesize'] = str(vars['torrentinfo']['total_filesize']) if 'time_started' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_release_start'] = str(vars['torrentinfo']['time_started']) if 'filepath' in vars['torrentinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_torrent_file'] = str(vars['torrentinfo']['filepath']) else: try: mylar_env['mylar_release_files'] = '|'.join(vars['torrentinfo']['files']) except TypeError: mylar_env['mylar_release_files'] = '|'.join(json.dumps(vars['torrentinfo']['files'])) elif 'nzbinfo' in vars: mylar_env['mylar_release_id'] = vars['nzbinfo']['id'] if 'client_id' in vars['nzbinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_client_id'] = vars['nzbinfo']['client_id'] mylar_env['mylar_release_nzbname'] = vars['nzbinfo']['nzbname'] mylar_env['mylar_release_link'] = vars['nzbinfo']['link'] mylar_env['mylar_release_nzbpath'] = vars['nzbinfo']['nzbpath'] if 'blackhole' in vars['nzbinfo']: mylar_env['mylar_release_blackhole'] = vars['nzbinfo']['blackhole'] mylar_env['mylar_release_provider'] = vars['provider'] if 'comicinfo' in vars: try: if vars['comicinfo']['comicid'] is not None: mylar_env['mylar_comicid'] = vars['comicinfo']['comicid'] #comicid/issueid are unknown for one-offs (should be fixable tho) else: mylar_env['mylar_comicid'] = 'None' except: pass try: if vars['comicinfo']['issueid'] is not None: mylar_env['mylar_issueid'] = vars['comicinfo']['issueid'] else: mylar_env['mylar_issueid'] = 'None' except: pass mylar_env['mylar_comicname'] = vars['comicinfo']['comicname'] mylar_env['mylar_issuenumber'] = str(vars['comicinfo']['issuenumber']) try: mylar_env['mylar_comicvolume'] = str(vars['comicinfo']['volume']) except: pass try: mylar_env['mylar_seriesyear'] = str(vars['comicinfo']['seriesyear']) except: pass try: mylar_env['mylar_issuedate'] = str(vars['comicinfo']['issuedate']) except: pass mylar_env['mylar_release_pack'] = str(vars['pack']) if vars['pack'] is True: if vars['pack_numbers'] is not None: mylar_env['mylar_release_pack_numbers'] = vars['pack_numbers'] if vars['pack_issuelist'] is not None: mylar_env['mylar_release_pack_issuelist'] = vars['pack_issuelist'] mylar_env['mylar_method'] = vars['method'] mylar_env['mylar_client'] = vars['clientmode'] elif mode == 'post-process': #to-do runscript = mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS elif mode == 'pre-process': #to-do runscript = mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS logger.fdebug('Initiating ' + mode + ' script detection.') with open(runscript, 'r') as f: first_line = f.readline() if runscript.endswith('.sh'): shell_cmd = re.sub('#!', '', first_line) if shell_cmd == '' or shell_cmd is None: shell_cmd = '/bin/bash' else: shell_cmd = sys.executable curScriptName = shell_cmd + ' ' + runscript.decode("string_escape") logger.fdebug("snatch script detected...enabling: " + str(curScriptName)) script_cmd = shlex.split(curScriptName) logger.fdebug(u"Executing command " +str(script_cmd)) try: subprocess.call(script_cmd, env=dict(mylar_env)) except OSError, e: logger.warn(u"Unable to run extra_script: " + str(script_cmd)) return False else: return True def get_the_hash(filepath): import bencode # Open torrent file torrent_file = open(filepath, "rb") metainfo = bencode.decode(torrent_file.read()) info = metainfo['info'] thehash = hashlib.sha1(bencode.encode(info)).hexdigest().upper() logger.info('Hash of file : ' + thehash) return {'hash': thehash} def disable_provider(site, newznab=False): logger.info('Temporarily disabling %s due to not responding' % site) if newznab is True: tmplist = [] for ti in mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS: tmpnewz = list(ti) if tmpnewz[0] == site: tmpnewz[5] = '0' tmplist.append(tuple(tmpnewz)) mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_NEWZNABS = tmplist else: if site == 'nzbsu': mylar.CONFIG.NZBSU = False elif site == 'dognzb': mylar.CONFIG.DOGNZB = False elif site == 'experimental': mylar.CONFIG.EXPERIMENTAL = False def date_conversion(originaldate): c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(originaldate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") n_date = datetime.datetime.now() absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date) hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0 return hours def job_management(write=False, job=None, last_run_completed=None, current_run=None, status=None): jobresults = [] import db myDB = db.DBConnection() if job is None: dbupdate_newstatus = 'Waiting' dbupdate_nextrun = None rss_newstatus = 'Waiting' rss_nextrun = None weekly_newstatus = 'Waiting' weekly_nextrun = None search_newstatus = 'Waiting' search_nextrun = None version_newstatus = 'Waiting' version_nextrun = None monitor_newstatus = 'Waiting' monitor_nextrun = None job_info = myDB.select('select * from jobhistory') #set default values if nothing has been ran yet for ji in job_info: if 'update' in ji['JobName'].lower(): if mylar.SCHED_DBUPDATE_LAST is None: mylar.SCHED_DBUPDATE_LAST = ji['prev_run_timestamp'] dbupdate_newstatus = ji['status'] dbupdate_nextrun = ji['next_run_timestamp'] elif 'search' in ji['JobName'].lower(): if mylar.SCHED_SEARCH_LAST is None: mylar.SCHED_SEARCH_LAST = ji['prev_run_timestamp'] search_newstatus = ji['status'] search_nextrun = ji['next_run_timestamp'] elif 'rss' in ji['JobName'].lower(): if mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST is None: mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST = ji['prev_run_timestamp'] rss_newstatus = ji['status'] rss_nextrun = ji['next_run_timestamp'] elif 'weekly' in ji['JobName'].lower(): if mylar.SCHED_WEEKLY_LAST is None: mylar.SCHED_WEEKLY_LAST = ji['prev_run_timestamp'] weekly_newstatus = ji['status'] weekly_nextrun = ji['next_run_timestamp'] elif 'version' in ji['JobName'].lower(): if mylar.SCHED_VERSION_LAST is None: mylar.SCHED_VERSION_LAST = ji['prev_run_timestamp'] version_newstatus = ji['status'] version_nextrun = ji['next_run_timestamp'] elif 'monitor' in ji['JobName'].lower(): if mylar.SCHED_MONITOR_LAST is None: mylar.SCHED_MONITOR_LAST = ji['prev_run_timestamp'] monitor_newstatus = ji['status'] monitor_nextrun = ji['next_run_timestamp'] monitors = {'weekly': mylar.SCHED_WEEKLY_LAST, 'monitor': mylar.SCHED_MONITOR_LAST, 'search': mylar.SCHED_SEARCH_LAST, 'dbupdater': mylar.SCHED_DBUPDATE_LAST, 'version': mylar.SCHED_VERSION_LAST, 'rss': mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST} #this is for initial startup for jb in mylar.SCHED.get_jobs(): #logger.fdebug('jb: %s' % jb) jobinfo = str(jb) if 'Status Updater' in jobinfo.lower(): continue elif 'update' in jobinfo.lower(): prev_run_timestamp = mylar.SCHED_DBUPDATE_LAST newstatus = dbupdate_newstatus elif 'search' in jobinfo.lower(): prev_run_timestamp = mylar.SCHED_SEARCH_LAST newstatus = search_newstatus elif 'rss' in jobinfo.lower(): prev_run_timestamp = mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST newstatus = rss_newstatus elif 'weekly' in jobinfo.lower(): prev_run_timestamp = mylar.SCHED_WEEKLY_LAST newstatus = weekly_newstatus elif 'version' in jobinfo.lower(): prev_run_timestamp = mylar.SCHED_VERSION_LAST newstatus = version_newstatus elif 'monitor' in jobinfo.lower(): prev_run_timestamp = mylar.SCHED_MONITOR_LAST newstatus = monitor_newstatus jobname = jobinfo[:jobinfo.find('(')-1].strip() #logger.fdebug('jobinfo: %s' % jobinfo) try: jobtimetmp = jobinfo.split('at: ')[1].split('.')[0].strip() except: continue #logger.fdebug('jobtimetmp: %s' % jobtimetmp) jobtime = float(calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.strptime(jobtimetmp[:-1], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z').timetuple())) #logger.fdebug('jobtime: %s' % jobtime) if prev_run_timestamp is not None: prev_run_time_utc = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(prev_run_timestamp)) prev_run_time_utc = prev_run_time_utc.replace(microsecond=0) else: prev_run_time_utc = None #logger.fdebug('prev_run_time: %s' % prev_run_timestamp) #logger.fdebug('prev_run_time type: %s' % type(prev_run_timestamp)) jobresults.append({'jobname': jobname, 'next_run_datetime': datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(jobtime), 'prev_run_datetime': prev_run_time_utc, 'next_run_timestamp': jobtime, 'prev_run_timestamp': prev_run_timestamp, 'status': newstatus}) if not write: if len(jobresults) == 0: return monitors else: return jobresults else: if job is None: for x in jobresults: updateCtrl = {'JobName': x['jobname']} updateVals = {'next_run_timestamp': x['next_run_timestamp'], 'prev_run_timestamp': x['prev_run_timestamp'], 'next_run_datetime': x['next_run_datetime'], 'prev_run_datetime': x['prev_run_datetime'], 'status': x['status']} myDB.upsert('jobhistory', updateVals, updateCtrl) else: #logger.fdebug('Updating info - job: %s' % job) #logger.fdebug('Updating info - last run: %s' % last_run_completed) #logger.fdebug('Updating info - status: %s' % status) updateCtrl = {'JobName': job} if current_run is not None: pr_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(current_run) pr_datetime = pr_datetime.replace(microsecond=0) updateVals = {'prev_run_timestamp': current_run, 'prev_run_datetime': pr_datetime, 'status': status} #logger.info('updateVals: %s' % updateVals) elif last_run_completed is not None: if any([job == 'DB Updater', job == 'Auto-Search', job == 'RSS Feeds', job == 'Weekly Pullist', job == 'Check Version', job == 'Folder Monitor']): jobstore = None for jbst in mylar.SCHED.get_jobs(): jb = str(jbst) if 'Status Updater' in jb.lower(): continue elif job == 'DB Updater' and 'update' in jb.lower(): nextrun_stamp = utctimestamp() + (int(mylar.DBUPDATE_INTERVAL) * 60) jobstore = jbst break elif job == 'Auto-Search' and 'search' in jb.lower(): nextrun_stamp = utctimestamp() + (mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_INTERVAL * 60) jobstore = jbst break elif job == 'RSS Feeds' and 'rss' in jb.lower(): nextrun_stamp = utctimestamp() + (int(mylar.CONFIG.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) * 60) mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST = last_run_completed jobstore = jbst break elif job == 'Weekly Pullist' and 'weekly' in jb.lower(): if mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL == 2: wkt = 4 else: wkt = 24 nextrun_stamp = utctimestamp() + (wkt * 60 * 60) mylar.SCHED_WEEKLY_LAST = last_run_completed jobstore = jbst break elif job == 'Check Version' and 'version' in jb.lower(): nextrun_stamp = utctimestamp() + (mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_GITHUB_INTERVAL * 60) jobstore = jbst break elif job == 'Folder Monitor' and 'monitor' in jb.lower(): nextrun_stamp = utctimestamp() + (int(mylar.CONFIG.DOWNLOAD_SCAN_INTERVAL) * 60) jobstore = jbst break if jobstore is not None: nextrun_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(nextrun_stamp) jobstore.modify(next_run_time=nextrun_date) nextrun_date = nextrun_date.replace(microsecond=0) else: # if the rss is enabled after startup, we have to re-set it up... nextrun_stamp = utctimestamp() + (int(mylar.CONFIG.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL) * 60) nextrun_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(nextrun_stamp) mylar.SCHED_RSS_LAST = last_run_completed logger.fdebug('ReScheduled job: %s to %s' % (job, nextrun_date)) lastrun_comp = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_run_completed) lastrun_comp = lastrun_comp.replace(microsecond=0) #if it's completed, then update the last run time to the ending time of the job updateVals = {'prev_run_timestamp': last_run_completed, 'prev_run_datetime': lastrun_comp, 'last_run_completed': 'True', 'next_run_timestamp': nextrun_stamp, 'next_run_datetime': nextrun_date, 'status': status} #logger.fdebug('Job update for %s: %s' % (updateCtrl, updateVals)) myDB.upsert('jobhistory', updateVals, updateCtrl) def stupidchk(): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() CCOMICS = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comics WHERE Status='Active'") ens = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comics WHERE Status='Loading' OR Status='Paused'") mylar.COUNT_COMICS = CCOMICS[0][0] mylar.EN_OOMICS = ens[0][0] def newznab_test(name, host, ssl, apikey): from xml.dom.minidom import parseString, Element params = {'t': 'search', 'apikey': apikey, 'o': 'xml'} if host[:-1] == '/': host = host + 'api' else: host = host + '/api' logger.info('host: %s' % host) try: r = requests.get(host, params=params, verify=bool(ssl)) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Unable to connect: %s' % e) return else: try: data = parseString(r.content) except Exception as e: logger.warn('error %s' % e) try: error_code = data.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].attributes['code'].value except Exception as e: logger.info('Connected - Status code returned: %s' % r.status_code) return True else: code = error_code description = data.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].attributes['description'].value logger.info('[ERROR:%s] - %s' % (code, description)) return False def get_free_space(folder): min_threshold = 100000000 #threshold for minimum amount of freespace available (#100mb) if platform.system() == "Windows": free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(ctypes.c_wchar_p(folder), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes)) dst_freesize = free_bytes.value else: st = os.statvfs(folder) dst_freesize = st.f_bavail * st.f_frsize logger.fdebug('[FREESPACE-CHECK] %s has %s free' % (folder, sizeof_fmt(dst_freesize))) if min_threshold > dst_freesize: logger.warn('[FREESPACE-CHECK] There is only %s space left on %s' % (dst_freesize, folder)) return False else: return True def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'): for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) def getImage(comicid, url, issueid=None): if os.path.exists(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR): pass else: #let's make the dir. try: os.makedirs(str(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)) logger.info('Cache Directory successfully created at: ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)) except OSError: logger.error('Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of cache dir: ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR)) coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.CACHE_DIR, str(comicid) + ".jpg") #if cover has '+' in url it's malformed, we need to replace '+' with '%20' to retreive properly. #new CV API restriction - one api request / second.(probably unecessary here, but it doesn't hurt) if mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE is None or mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE < 2: time.sleep(2) else: time.sleep(mylar.CONFIG.CVAPI_RATE) logger.info('Attempting to retrieve the comic image for series') try: r = requests.get(url, params=None, stream=True, verify=mylar.CONFIG.CV_VERIFY, headers=mylar.CV_HEADERS) except Exception, e: logger.warn('Unable to download image from CV URL link: ' + url + ' [Status Code returned: ' + str(r.status_code) + ']') logger.fdebug('comic image retrieval status code: ' + str(r.status_code)) if str(r.status_code) != '200': logger.warn('Unable to download image from CV URL link: ' + url + ' [Status Code returned: ' + str(r.status_code) + ']') coversize = 0 else: if r.headers.get('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': buf = StringIO(r.content) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) with open(coverfile, 'wb') as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) f.flush() statinfo = os.stat(coverfile) coversize = statinfo.st_size if int(coversize) < 30000 or str(r.status_code) != '200': if str(r.status_code) != '200': logger.info('Trying to grab an alternate cover due to problems trying to retrieve the main cover image.') else: logger.info('Image size invalid [' + str(coversize) + ' bytes] - trying to get alternate cover image.') logger.fdebug('invalid image link is here: ' + url) if os.path.exists(coverfile): os.remove(coverfile) return 'retry' def publisherImages(publisher): if publisher == 'DC Comics': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-dccomics.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'DC', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '50'} elif publisher == 'Marvel': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-marvel.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Marvel', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Image': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-imagecomics.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Image', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '50'} elif publisher == 'Dark Horse Comics' or publisher == 'Dark Horse': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-darkhorse.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'DarkHorse', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'IDW Publishing': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-idwpublish.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'IDW', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Icon': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-iconcomics.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Icon', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Red5': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-red5comics.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Red5', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Vertigo': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-vertigo.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Vertigo', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Shadowline': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-shadowline.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Shadowline', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '150'} elif publisher == 'Archie Comics': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-archiecomics.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Archie', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'Oni Press': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-onipress.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Oni Press', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Tokyopop': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-tokyopop.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Tokyopop', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '50'} elif publisher == 'Midtown Comics': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-midtowncomics.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Midtown', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Boom! Studios': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-boom.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Boom!', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Skybound': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-skybound.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Skybound', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Dynamite Entertainment': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-dynamite.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Dynamite', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '125'} elif publisher == 'Top Cow': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-topcow.gif', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Top Cow', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Cartoon Books': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-cartoonbooks.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Cartoon Books', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '90'} elif publisher == 'Valiant': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-valiant.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Valiant', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Action Lab': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-actionlabs.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Action Lab', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Zenescope Entertainment': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-zenescope.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Zenescope', 'publisher_imageH': '125', 'publisher_imageW': '125'} elif publisher == '2000 ad': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-2000ad.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': '2000 AD', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '50'} elif publisher == 'Aardvark': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-aardvark.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Aardvark', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Abstract Studio': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-abstract.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Abstract Studio', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '50'} elif publisher == 'Aftershock Comics': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-aftershock.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Aftershock', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'Avatar Press': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-avatarpress.jpg', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Avatar Press', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'Benitez Productions': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-benitez.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Benitez', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '125'} elif publisher == 'Boundless Comics': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-boundless.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Boundless', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'Darby Pop': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-darbypop.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Darby Pop', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '125'} elif publisher == 'Devil\'s Due': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-devilsdue.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Devil\'s Due', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'Joe Books': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-joebooks.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Joe Books', 'publisher_imageH': '100', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} elif publisher == 'Titan Comics': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-titan.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Titan', 'publisher_imageH': '75', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'Viz': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-viz.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Viz', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '50'} elif publisher == 'Warp Graphics': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-warpgraphics.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Warp Graphics', 'publisher_imageH': '125', 'publisher_imageW': '75'} elif publisher == 'Wildstorm': comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': 'interfaces/default/images/publisherlogos/logo-wildstorm.png', 'publisher_image_alt': 'Wildstorm', 'publisher_imageH': '50', 'publisher_imageW': '100'} else: comicpublisher = {'publisher_image': None, 'publisher_image_alt': 'Nope', 'publisher_imageH': '0', 'publisher_imageW': '0'} return comicpublisher def lookupthebitches(filelist, folder, nzbname, nzbid, prov, hash, pulldate): import db myDB = db.DBConnection() watchlist = listLibrary() matchlist = [] #get the weeknumber/year for the pulldate dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(pulldate, '%Y-%m-%d') weeknumber = dt.strftime("%U") year = dt.strftime("%Y") for f in filelist: file = re.sub(folder, '', f).strip() pp = mylar.filechecker.FileChecker(justparse=True, file=file) parsedinfo = pp.listFiles() if parsedinfo['parse_status'] == 'success': dyncheck = re.sub('[\|\s]', '', parsedinfo['dynamic_name'].lower()).strip() check = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE DynamicName=? AND weeknumber=? AND year=? AND STATUS<>"Downloaded"', [dyncheck, weeknumber, year]).fetchone() if check is not None: logger.fdebug('[%s] found match: %s #%s' % (file, check['COMIC'], check['ISSUE'])) matchlist.append({'comicname': check['COMIC'], 'issue': check['ISSUE'], 'comicid': check['ComicID'], 'issueid': check['IssueID'], 'dynamicname': check['DynamicName']}) else: logger.fdebug('[%s] unable to match to the pull: %s' % (file, parsedinfo)) if len(matchlist) > 0: for x in matchlist: if all([x['comicid'] not in watchlist, mylar.CONFIG.PACK_0DAY_WATCHLIST_ONLY is False]): oneoff = True mode = 'pullwant' elif all([x['comicid'] not in watchlist, mylar.CONFIG.PACK_0DAY_WATCHLIST_ONLY is True]): continue else: oneoff = False mode = 'want' mylar.updater.nzblog(x['issueid'], nzbname, x['comicname'], id=nzbid, prov=prov, oneoff=oneoff) mylar.updater.foundsearch(x['comicid'], x['issueid'], mode=mode, provider=prov, hash=hash) def file_ops(path,dst,arc=False,one_off=False): # # path = source path + filename # # dst = destination path + filename # # arc = to denote if the file_operation is being performed as part of a story arc or not where the series exists on the watchlist already # # one-off = if the file_operation is being performed where it is either going into the grabbab_dst or story arc folder # #get the crc of the file prior to the operation and then compare after to ensure it's complete. # crc_check = mylar.filechecker.crc(path) # #will be either copy / move if any([one_off, arc]): action_op = mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS else: action_op = mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS if action_op == 'copy' or (arc is True and any([action_op == 'copy', action_op == 'move'])): try: shutil.copy( path , dst ) # if crc_check == mylar.filechecker.crc(dst): except Exception as e: logger.error('[%s] error : %s' % (action_op, e)) return False return True elif action_op == 'move': try: shutil.move( path , dst ) # if crc_check == mylar.filechecker.crc(dst): except Exception as e: logger.error('[MOVE] error : %s' % e) return False return True elif any([action_op == 'hardlink', action_op == 'softlink']): if 'windows' not in mylar.OS_DETECT.lower(): # if it's an arc, then in needs to go reverse since we want to keep the src files (in the series directory) if action_op == 'hardlink': import sys # Open a file try: fd = os.open( path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT ) os.close( fd ) # Now create another copy of the above file. os.link( path, dst ) logger.info('Created hard link successfully!!') except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.EXDEV: logger.warn('[' + str(e) + '] Hardlinking failure. Could not create hardlink - dropping down to copy mode so that this operation can complete. Intervention is required if you wish to continue using hardlinks.') try: shutil.copy( path, dst ) logger.fdebug('Successfully copied file to : ' + dst) return True except Exception as e: logger.error('[COPY] error : %s' % e) return False else: logger.warn('[' + str(e) + '] Hardlinking failure. Could not create hardlink - Intervention is required if you wish to continue using hardlinks.') return False hardlinks = os.lstat( dst ).st_nlink if hardlinks > 1: logger.info('Created hard link [' + str(hardlinks) + '] successfully!! (' + dst + ')') else: logger.warn('Hardlink cannot be verified. You should probably verify that it is created properly.') return True elif action_op == 'softlink': try: #first we need to copy the file to the new location, then create the symlink pointing from new -> original if not arc: shutil.move( path, dst ) if os.path.lexists( path ): os.remove( path ) os.symlink( dst, path ) logger.fdebug('Successfully created softlink [' + dst + ' --> ' + path + ']') else: os.symlink ( path, dst ) logger.fdebug('Successfully created softlink [' + path + ' --> ' + dst + ']') except OSError, e: #if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # os.remove(dst) # os.symlink( path, dst ) #else: logger.warn('[' + str(e) + '] Unable to create symlink. Dropping down to copy mode so that this operation can continue.') try: shutil.copy( dst, path ) logger.fdebug('Successfully copied file [' + dst + ' --> ' + path + ']') except Exception as e: logger.error('[COPY] error : %s' % e) return False return True else: #Not ready just yet. pass #softlinks = shortcut (normally junctions are called softlinks, but for this it's being called a softlink) #hardlinks = MUST reside on the same drive as the original #junctions = not used (for directories across same machine only but different drives) #option 1 #this one needs to get tested #import ctypes #kdll = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll") #kdll.CreateSymbolicLinkW(path, dst, 0) #option 2 import lib.winlink as winlink if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'hardlink': try: os.system(r'mklink /H dst path') logger.fdebug('Successfully hardlinked file [' + dst + ' --> ' + path + ']') except OSError, e: logger.warn('[' + e + '] Unable to create symlink. Dropping down to copy mode so that this operation can continue.') try: shutil.copy( dst, path ) logger.fdebug('Successfully copied file [' + dst + ' --> ' + path + ']') except: return False elif mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'softlink': #ie. shortcut. try: shutil.move( path, dst ) if os.path.lexists( path ): os.remove( path ) os.system(r'mklink dst path') logger.fdebug('Successfully created symlink [' + dst + ' --> ' + path + ']') except OSError, e: raise e logger.warn('[' + e + '] Unable to create softlink. Dropping down to copy mode so that this operation can continue.') try: shutil.copy( dst, path ) logger.fdebug('Successfully copied file [' + dst + ' --> ' + path + ']') except: return False else: return False from threading import Thread class ThreadWithReturnValue(Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, Verbose=None): Thread.__init__(self, group, target, name, args, kwargs, Verbose) self._return = None def run(self): if self._Thread__target is not None: self._return = self._Thread__target(*self._Thread__args, **self._Thread__kwargs) def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self._return