import sys import unicodedata from collections import defaultdict def is_lval(t): """Does not chceck whether t is not resticted or internal""" if not t: return False i = iter(t) if not in IDENTIFIER_START: return False return all(e in IDENTIFIER_PART for e in i) def is_valid_lval(t): """Checks whether t is valid JS identifier name (no keyword like var, function, if etc) Also returns false on internal""" if not is_internal(t) and is_lval(t) and t not in RESERVED_NAMES: return True return False def is_plval(t): return t.startswith('PyJsLval') def is_marker(t): return t.startswith('PyJsMarker') or t.startswith('PyJsConstant') def is_internal(t): return is_plval(t) or is_marker(t) or t=='var' # var is a scope var def is_property_accessor(t): return '[' in t or '.' in t def is_reserved(t): return t in RESERVED_NAMES # BOM = u'\uFEFF' ZWJ = u'\u200D' ZWNJ = u'\u200C' TAB = u'\u0009' VT = u'\u000B' FF = u'\u000C' SP = u'\u0020' NBSP = u'\u00A0' LF = u'\u000A' CR = u'\u000D' LS = u'\u2028' PS = u'\u2029' U_CATEGORIES = defaultdict(list) # Thank you Martijn Pieters! for c in map(unichr, range(sys.maxunicode + 1)): U_CATEGORIES[unicodedata.category(c)].append(c) UNICODE_LETTER = set(U_CATEGORIES['Lu']+U_CATEGORIES['Ll']+ U_CATEGORIES['Lt']+U_CATEGORIES['Lm']+ U_CATEGORIES['Lo']+U_CATEGORIES['Nl']) UNICODE_COMBINING_MARK = set(U_CATEGORIES['Mn']+U_CATEGORIES['Mc']) UNICODE_DIGIT = set(U_CATEGORIES['Nd']) UNICODE_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION = set(U_CATEGORIES['Pc']) IDENTIFIER_START = UNICODE_LETTER.union({'$','_'}) # and some fucking unicode escape sequence IDENTIFIER_PART = IDENTIFIER_START.union(UNICODE_COMBINING_MARK).union(UNICODE_DIGIT).union(UNICODE_CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION).union({ZWJ, ZWNJ}) USP = U_CATEGORIES['Zs'] KEYWORD = {'break', 'do', 'instanceof', 'typeof', 'case', 'else', 'new', 'var', 'catch', 'finally', 'return', 'void', 'continue', 'for', 'switch', 'while', 'debugger', 'function', 'this', 'with', 'default', 'if', 'throw', 'delete', 'in', 'try'} FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD = {'class', 'enum', 'extends', 'super', 'const', 'export', 'import'} RESERVED_NAMES = KEYWORD.union(FUTURE_RESERVED_WORD).union({'null', 'false', 'true'}) WHITE = {TAB, VT, FF, SP, NBSP, BOM}.union(USP) LINE_TERMINATOR = {LF, CR, LS, PS} LLINE_TERMINATOR = list(LINE_TERMINATOR) x = ''.join(WHITE)+''.join(LINE_TERMINATOR) SPACE = WHITE.union(LINE_TERMINATOR) LINE_TERMINATOR_SEQUENCE = LINE_TERMINATOR.union({CR+LF})