rarfile history =============== .. py:currentmodule:: rarfile Version 3.1 (...) ----------------- Fixes: * Accept `bytes` filenames in Python 3 (Nate Bogdanowicz) * Use bug-compatible SHA1 for longer passwords (> 28 chars) in RAR3 encrypted headers. (Marko Kreen) * Return true/false from _check_unrar_tool (miigotu) * Include all test files in archive (Benedikt Morbach) Version 3.0 (2016-12-27) ------------------------ New feature: * Support RAR5 archive format. It is actually completely different archive format from RAR3 one, only is uses same file extension and tools are old one. Except incompatibilies noted below, most of code should notice no change, existing :class:`RarInfo` fields will continue using RAR3-compatible values (eg. :attr:`RarInfo.host_os`). RAR5-specific values will use new fields. Incompatibilities between rarfile v2.x and 3.x: * Default :data:`PATH_SEP` is now '/' instead '\\'. * Removed :data:`NEED_COMMENTS` option, comments are always extracted. * Removed :data:`UNICODE_COMMENTS` option, they are always decoded. * Removed :data:`USE_DATETIME` option, :attr:`RarInfo.date_time` is always tuple, :attr:`RarInfo.mtime`, :attr:`RarInfo.atime`, :attr:`RarInfo.ctime` and :attr:`RarInfo.arctime` are always :class:`datetime.datetime` objects. Fixes: * Fixed bug when calling rarfp.open() on a RarInfo structure. Cleanups: * Code refactor to allow 2 different file format parsers. * Code cleanups to pass modern linters. * New testing and linting setup based on Tox_. * Use setuptools instead distutils for install. .. _Tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Version 2.8 (2016-06-07) ------------------------ * Fix: support solid archives from in-memory file object. Full archive will be written out to temp file. [`#21 `_] * Fix: ask unrar stop switches scanning, to handle archive names starting with "-". (Alexander Shadchin) [`#12 `_] * Fix: add missing _parse_error variable to RarFile object. (Gregory Mazzola) [`#20 `_] * Fix: return proper boolean from :meth:`RarInfo.needs_password`. [`#22 `_] * Fix: do not insert non-string rarfile into exception string. (Tim Muller) [`#23 `_] * Fix: make :meth:`RarFile.extract` and :meth:`RarFile.testrar` support in-memory archives. * Use cryptography_ module as preferred crypto backend. PyCrypto_ will be used as fallback. * Cleanup: remove compat code for Python 2.4/2.5/2.6. .. _cryptography: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cryptography .. _PyCrypto: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycrypto Version 2.7 (2014-11-23) ------------------------ * Allow use of bsdtar_ as decompression backend. It sits on top of libarchive_, which has support for reading RAR archives. Limitations of ``libarchive`` RAR backend: - Does not support solid archives. - Does not support password-protected archives. - Does not support "parsing filters" used for audio/image/executable data, so few non-solid, non-encrypted archives also fail. Now :mod:`rarfile` checks if ``unrar`` and if not then tries ``bsdtar``. If that works, then keeps using it. If not then configuration stays with ``unrar`` which will then appear in error messages. .. _bsdtar: https://github.com/libarchive/libarchive/wiki/ManPageBsdtar1 .. _libarchive: http://www.libarchive.org/ * Both :class:`RarFile` and :func:`is_rarfile` now accept file-like object. Eg. :class:`io.BytesIO`. Only requirement is that the object must be seekable. This mirrors similar funtionality in zipfile. Based on patch by Chase Zhang. * Uniform error handling. :class:`RarFile` accepts ``errors="strict"`` argument. Allow user to tune whether parsing and missing file errors will raise exception. If error is not raised, the error string can be queried with :meth:`RarFile.strerror` method. Version 2.6 (2013-04-10) ------------------------ * Add context manager support for :class:`RarFile` class. Both :class:`RarFile` and :class:`RarExtFile` support :keyword:`with` statement now. (Wentao Han) * :meth:`RarFile.volumelist` method, returns filenames of archive volumes. * Re-throw clearer error in case ``unrar`` is not found in ``PATH``. * Sync new unrar4.x error code from ``rar.txt``. * Use Sphinx for documentation, push docs to rtfd.org_ .. _rtfd.org: https://rarfile.readthedocs.org/ Version 2.5 (2012-01-19) ------------------------ Fixes: * :meth:`RarExtFile.read` and :meth:`RarExtFile.readinto` now do looping read to work properly on short reads. Important for Python 3.2+ where read from pipe can return short result even on blocking file descriptor. * Proper error reporting in :meth:`RarFile.extract`, :meth:`RarFile.extractall` and :meth:`RarFile.testrar`. * :meth:`RarExtFile.read` from unrar pipe: prefer to return unrar error code, if thats not available, do own error checks. * Avoid string addition in :meth:`RarExtFile.read`, instead use always list+join to merge multi-part reads. * dumprar: dont re-encode byte strings (Python 2.x). This avoids unneccessary failure when printing invalid unicode. Version 2.4 (2011-11-05) ------------------------ Fixes: * :data:`USE_DATETIME`: survive bad values from RAR * Fix bug in corrupt unicode filename handling * dumprar: make unicode chars work with both pipe and console Version 2.3 (2011-07-03) ------------------------ Features: * Support .seek() method on file streams. (Kristian Larsson) * Support .readinto() method on file streams. Optimized implementation is available on Python 2.6+ where :class:`memoryview` is available. * Support file comments - :attr:`RarInfo.comment` contains decompressed data if available. * File objects returned by :meth:`RarFile.open()` are :class:`io.RawIOBase`-compatible. They can further wrapped with :class:`io.BufferedReader` and :class:`io.TextIOWrapper`. * Now .getinfo() uses dict lookup instead of sequential scan when searching archive entry. This speeds up prococessing for archives that have many entries. * Option :data:`UNICODE_COMMENTS` to decode both archive and file comments to unicode. It uses :data:`TRY_ENCODINGS` for list of encodings to try. If off, comments are left as byte strings. Default: 0 * Option :data:`PATH_SEP` to change path separator. Default: ``r'\'``, set ``rarfile.PATH_SEP='/'`` to be compatibe with zipfile. * Option :data:`USE_DATETIME` to convert timestamps to datetime objects. Default: 0, timestamps are tuples. * Option :data:`TRY_ENCODINGS` to allow tuning attempted encoding list. * Reorder :class:`RarInfo` fiels to better show zipfile-compatible fields. * Standard regtests to make sure various features work Compatibility: * Drop :attr:`RarInfo.unicode_filename`, plain :attr:`RarInfo.filename` is already unicode since 2.0. * .read(-1) reads now until EOF. Previously it returned empty buffer. Fixes: * Make encrypted headers work with Python 3.x bytes() and with old 2.x 'sha' module. * Simplify :class:`subprocess.Popen` usage when launching ``unrar``. Previously it tried to optimize and work around OS/Python bugs, but this is not maintainable. * Use temp rar file hack on multi-volume archives too. * Always .wait() on unrar, to avoid zombies * Convert struct.error to BadRarFile * Plug some fd leaks. Affected: Jython, PyPy. * Broken archives are handled more robustly. Version 2.2 (2010-08-19) ------------------------ Fixes: * Relaxed volume naming. Now it just calculates new volume name by finding number in old one and increasing it, without any expectations what that number should be. * Files with 4G of compressed data in one colume were handled wrong. Fix. * DOS timestamp seconds need to be multiplied with 2. * Correct EXTTIME parsing. Cleanups: * Compressed size is per-volume, sum them together, so that user sees complete compressed size for files split over several volumes. * dumprar: Show unknown bits. * Use :class:`struct.Struct` to cache unpack formats. * Support missing :data:`os.devnull`. (Python 2.3) Version 2.1 (2010-07-31) ------------------------ Features: * Minimal implmentation for :meth:`RarFile.extract`, :meth:`RarFile.extractall`, :meth:`RarFile.testrar`. They are simple shortcuts to ``unrar`` invocation. * Accept :class:`RarInfo` object where filename is expected. * Include ``dumprar.py`` in .tgz. It can be used to visualize RAR structure and test module. * Support for encrypted file headers. Fixes: * Don't read past ENDARC, there could be non-RAR data there. * RAR 2.x: It does not write ENDARC, but our volume code expected it. Fix that. * RAR 2.x: Support more than 200 old-style volumes. Cleanups: * Load comment only when requested. * Cleanup of internal config variables. They should have now final names. * :meth:`RarFile.open`: Add mode=r argument to match zipfile. * Doc and comments cleanup, minimize duplication. * Common wrappers for both compressed and uncompressed files, now :meth:`RarFile.open` also does CRC-checking. Version 2.0 (2010-04-29) ------------------------ Features: * Python 3 support. Still works with 2.x. * Parses extended time fields. (.mtime, .ctime, .atime) * :meth:`RarFile.open` method. This makes possible to process large entries that do not fit into memory. * Supports password-protected archives. * Supports archive comments. Cleanups: * Uses :mod:`subprocess` module to launch ``unrar``. * .filename is always Unicode string, .unicode_filename is now deprecated. * .CRC is unsigned again, as python3 crc32() is unsigned. Version 1.1 (2008-08-31) ------------------------ Fixes: * Replace :func:`os.tempnam` with :func:`tempfile.mkstemp`. (Jason Moiron) * Fix infinite loop in _extract_hack on unexpected EOF * :attr:`RarInfo.CRC` is now signed value to match crc32() * :meth:`RarFile.read` now checks file crc Cleanups: * more docstrings * throw proper exceptions (subclasses of :exc:`rarfile.Error`) * RarInfo has fields pre-initialized, so they appear in help() * rename RarInfo.data to RarInfo.header_data * dont use "print" when header parsing fails * use try/finally to delete temp rar Version 1.0 (2005-08-08) ------------------------ * First release.