# This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . import time from operator import itemgetter import datetime import re import platform import itertools import os import mylar def multikeysort(items, columns): comparers = [((itemgetter(col[1:].strip()), -1) if col.startswith('-') else (itemgetter(col.strip()), 1)) for col in columns] def comparer(left, right): for fn, mult in comparers: result = cmp(fn(left), fn(right)) if result: return mult * result else: return 0 return sorted(items, cmp=comparer) def checked(variable): if variable: return 'Checked' else: return '' def radio(variable, pos): if variable == pos: return 'Checked' else: return '' def latinToAscii(unicrap): """ From couch potato """ xlate = {0xc0: 'A', 0xc1: 'A', 0xc2: 'A', 0xc3: 'A', 0xc4: 'A', 0xc5: 'A', 0xc6: 'Ae', 0xc7: 'C', 0xc8: 'E', 0xc9: 'E', 0xca: 'E', 0xcb: 'E', 0x86: 'e', 0xcc: 'I', 0xcd: 'I', 0xce: 'I', 0xcf: 'I', 0xd0: 'Th', 0xd1: 'N', 0xd2: 'O', 0xd3: 'O', 0xd4: 'O', 0xd5: 'O', 0xd6: 'O', 0xd8: 'O', 0xd9: 'U', 0xda: 'U', 0xdb: 'U', 0xdc: 'U', 0xdd: 'Y', 0xde: 'th', 0xdf: 'ss', 0xe0: 'a', 0xe1: 'a', 0xe2: 'a', 0xe3: 'a', 0xe4: 'a', 0xe5: 'a', 0xe6: 'ae', 0xe7: 'c', 0xe8: 'e', 0xe9: 'e', 0xea: 'e', 0xeb: 'e', 0x0259: 'e', 0xec: 'i', 0xed: 'i', 0xee: 'i', 0xef: 'i', 0xf0: 'th', 0xf1: 'n', 0xf2: 'o', 0xf3: 'o', 0xf4: 'o', 0xf5: 'o', 0xf6: 'o', 0xf8: 'o', 0xf9: 'u', 0xfa: 'u', 0xfb: 'u', 0xfc: 'u', 0xfd: 'y', 0xfe: 'th', 0xff: 'y', 0xa1: '!', 0xa2: '{cent}', 0xa3: '{pound}', 0xa4: '{currency}', 0xa5: '{yen}', 0xa6: '|', 0xa7: '{section}', 0xa8: '{umlaut}', 0xa9: '{C}', 0xaa: '{^a}', 0xab: '<<', 0xac: '{not}', 0xad: '-', 0xae: '{R}', 0xaf: '_', 0xb0: '{degrees}', 0xb1: '{+/-}', 0xb2: '{^2}', 0xb3: '{^3}', 0xb4: "'", 0xb5: '{micro}', 0xb6: '{paragraph}', 0xb7: '*', 0xb8: '{cedilla}', 0xb9: '{^1}', 0xba: '{^o}', 0xbb: '>>', 0xbc: '{1/4}', 0xbd: '{1/2}', 0xbe: '{3/4}', 0xbf: '?', 0xd7: '*', 0xf7: '/' } r = '' for i in unicrap: if xlate.has_key(ord(i)): r += xlate[ord(i)] elif ord(i) >= 0x80: pass else: r += str(i) return r def convert_milliseconds(ms): seconds = ms /1000 gmtime = time.gmtime(seconds) if seconds > 3600: minutes = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime) else: minutes = time.strftime("%M:%S", gmtime) return minutes def convert_seconds(s): gmtime = time.gmtime(s) if s > 3600: minutes = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime) else: minutes = time.strftime("%M:%S", gmtime) return minutes def today(): today = datetime.date.today() yyyymmdd = datetime.date.isoformat(today) return yyyymmdd def now(): now = datetime.datetime.now() return now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") def bytes_to_mb(bytes): mb = int(bytes) /1048576 size = '%.1f MB' % mb return size def human_size(size_bytes): """ format a size in bytes into a 'human' file size, e.g. bytes, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB Note that bytes/KB will be reported in whole numbers but MB and above will have greater precision e.g. 1 byte, 43 bytes, 443 KB, 4.3 MB, 4.43 GB, etc """ if size_bytes == 1: # because I really hate unnecessary plurals return "1 byte" suffixes_table = [('bytes', 0), ('KB', 0), ('MB', 1), ('GB', 2), ('TB', 2), ('PB', 2)] num = float(0 if size_bytes is None else size_bytes) for suffix, precision in suffixes_table: if num < 1024.0: break num /= 1024.0 if precision == 0: formatted_size = "%d" % num else: formatted_size = str(round(num, ndigits=precision)) return "%s %s" % (formatted_size, suffix) def human2bytes(s): """ >>> human2bytes('1M') 1048576 >>> human2bytes('1G') 1073741824 """ symbols = ('B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y') letter = s[-1:].strip().upper() num = s[:-1] #assert num.isdigit() and letter in symbols #use below assert statement to handle sizes with decimal places assert float(num) and letter in symbols num = float(num) prefix = {symbols[0]: 1} for i, s in enumerate(symbols[1:]): prefix[s] = 1 << (i +1) *10 return int(num * prefix[letter]) def replace_all(text, dic): for i, j in dic.iteritems(): text = text.replace(i, j) return text.rstrip() def cleanName(string): pass1 = latinToAscii(string).lower() out_string = re.sub('[\/\@\#\$\%\^\*\+\"\[\]\{\}\<\>\=\_]', ' ', pass1).encode('utf-8') return out_string def cleanTitle(title): title = re.sub('[\.\-\/\_]', ' ', title).lower() # Strip out extra whitespace title = ' '.join(title.split()) title = title.title() return title def extract_logline(s): # Default log format pattern = re.compile(r'(?P.*?)\s\-\s(?P.*?)\s*\:\:\s(?P.*?)\s\:\s(?P.*)', re.VERBOSE) match = pattern.match(s) if match: timestamp = match.group("timestamp") level = match.group("level") thread = match.group("thread") message = match.group("message") return (timestamp, level, thread, message) else: return None def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False def decimal_issue(iss): iss_find = iss.find('.') dec_except = None if iss_find == -1: #no matches for a decimal, assume we're converting from decimal to int. #match for special issues with alphanumeric numbering... if 'au' in iss.lower(): dec_except = 'AU' decex = iss.lower().find('au') deciss = int(iss[:decex]) * 1000 else: deciss = int(iss) * 1000 else: iss_b4dec = iss[:iss_find] iss_decval = iss[iss_find +1:] if int(iss_decval) == 0: iss = iss_b4dec issdec = int(iss_decval) else: if len(iss_decval) == 1: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10 else: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0') issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10 deciss = (int(iss_b4dec) * 1000) + issdec return deciss, dec_except def rename_param(comicid, comicname, issue, ofilename, comicyear=None, issueid=None, annualize=None, arc=False): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() logger.fdebug('comicid: ' + str(comicid)) logger.fdebug('issue#: ' + str(issue)) # the issue here is a non-decimalized version, we need to see if it's got a decimal and if not, add '.00' # iss_find = issue.find('.') # if iss_find < 0: # # no decimal in issue number # iss = str(int(issue)) + ".00" # else: # iss_b4dec = issue[:iss_find] # iss_decval = issue[iss_find+1:] # if len(str(int(iss_decval))) == 1: # iss = str(int(iss_b4dec)) + "." + str(int(iss_decval)*10) # else: # if issue.endswith(".00"): # iss = issue # else: # iss = str(int(iss_b4dec)) + "." + iss_decval # issue = iss # print ("converted issue#: " + str(issue)) logger.fdebug('issueid:' + str(issueid)) if issueid is None: logger.fdebug('annualize is ' + str(annualize)) if arc: #this has to be adjusted to be able to include story arc issues that span multiple arcs chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from readinglist WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone() else: if annualize is None: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone() else: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid, issue]).fetchone() if chkissue is None: #rechk chkissue against int value of issue # if arc: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from readinglist WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone() else: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone() if annualize: chkissue = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [comicid, issuedigits(issue)]).fetchone() if chkissue is None: if chkissue is None: logger.error('Invalid Issue_Number - please validate.') return else: logger.info('Int Issue_number compare found. continuing...') issueid = chkissue['IssueID'] else: issueid = chkissue['IssueID'] #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number logger.fdebug('issueid is now : ' + str(issueid)) if arc: issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from readinglist WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=? AND StoryArc=?", [comicid, issueid, arc]).fetchone() else: issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?", [comicid, issueid]).fetchone() if issuenzb is None: logger.fdebug('not an issue, checking against annuals') issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID=?", [comicid, issueid]).fetchone() if issuenzb is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to rename - cannot locate issue id within db') return else: annualize = True if issuenzb is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to rename - cannot locate issue id within db') return #remap the variables to a common factor. if arc: issuenum = issuenzb['IssueNumber'] issuedate = issuenzb['IssueDate'] publisher = issuenzb['IssuePublisher'] series = issuenzb['ComicName'] seriesfilename = series #Alternate FileNaming is not available with story arcs. seriesyear = issuenzb['SeriesYear'] arcdir = filesafe(issuenzb['StoryArc']) if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES: arcdir = arcdir.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR) if mylar.STORYARCDIR: storyarcd = os.path.join(mylar.DESTINATION_DIR, "StoryArcs", arcdir) logger.fdebug('Story Arc Directory set to : ' + storyarcd) else: logger.fdebug('Story Arc Directory set to : ' + mylar.GRABBAG_DIR) storyarcd = os.path.join(mylar.DESTINATION_DIR, mylar.GRABBAG_DIR) comlocation = storyarcd comversion = None #need to populate this. else: issuenum = issuenzb['Issue_Number'] issuedate = issuenzb['IssueDate'] comicnzb= myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone() publisher = comicnzb['ComicPublisher'] series = comicnzb['ComicName'] if comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] is None or comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] == 'None': seriesfilename = series else: seriesfilename = comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] logger.fdebug('Alternate File Naming has been enabled for this series. Will rename series title to : ' + seriesfilename) seriesyear = comicnzb['ComicYear'] comlocation = comicnzb['ComicLocation'] comversion = comicnzb['ComicVersion'] #comicid = issuenzb['ComicID'] #issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0] issue_except = 'None' issue_exceptions = ['AU', 'INH', 'NOW', 'AI', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'X', 'O'] valid_spaces = ('.', '-') for issexcept in issue_exceptions: if issexcept.lower() in issuenum.lower(): logger.fdebug('ALPHANUMERIC EXCEPTION : [' + issexcept + ']') if any(v in issuenum for v in valid_spaces): logger.fdebug('character space denoted as : ' + iss_space) else: logger.fdebug('character space not denoted.') iss_space = '' # if issexcept == 'INH': # issue_except = '.INH' if issexcept == 'NOW': if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum) # issue_except = '.NOW' issue_except = iss_space + issexcept logger.fdebug('issue_except denoted as : ' + issue_except) issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) break # if 'au' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # issue_except = ' AU' # elif 'ai' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) # issue_except = ' AI' # elif 'inh' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) # issue_except = '.INH' # elif 'now' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit(): # if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum) # issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum) # issue_except = '.NOW' if '.' in issuenum: iss_find = issuenum.find('.') iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find] iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find +1:] if iss_decval.endswith('.'): iss_decval = iss_decval[:-1] if int(iss_decval) == 0: iss = iss_b4dec issdec = int(iss_decval) issueno = str(iss) logger.fdebug('Issue Number: ' + str(issueno)) else: if len(iss_decval) == 1: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10 else: iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0') issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10 issueno = iss_b4dec logger.fdebug('Issue Number: ' + str(iss)) else: iss = issuenum issueno = str(iss) logger.fdebug('iss:' + str(iss)) logger.fdebug('issueno:' + str(issueno)) # issue zero-suppression here if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL == "0": zeroadd = "" else: if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none": zeroadd = "" elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0" elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00" logger.fdebug('Zero Suppression set to : ' + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N)) prettycomiss = None if issueno.isalpha(): logger.fdebug('issue detected as an alpha.') prettycomiss = str(issueno) else: try: x = float(issueno) #validity check if x < 0: logger.info('I\'ve encountered a negative issue #: ' + str(issueno) + '. Trying to accomodate.') prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(issueno[1:]) elif x >= 0: pass else: raise ValueError except ValueError, e: logger.warn('Unable to properly determine issue number [' + str(issueno) + '] - you should probably log this on github for help.') return if prettycomiss is None and len(str(issueno)) > 0: #if int(issueno) < 0: # self._log("issue detected is a negative") # prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(abs(issueno)) if int(issueno) < 10: logger.fdebug('issue detected less than 10') if '.' in iss: if int(iss_decval) > 0: issueno = str(iss) prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno)) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) if issue_except != 'None': prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss)) elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100: logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100') if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none": zeroadd = "" else: zeroadd = "0" if '.' in iss: if int(iss_decval) > 0: issueno = str(iss) prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno)) else: prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss) if issue_except != 'None': prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '.Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 100') if '.' in iss: if int(iss_decval) > 0: issueno = str(iss) prettycomiss = str(issueno) if issue_except != 'None': prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss)) elif len(str(issueno)) == 0: prettycomiss = str(issueno) logger.fdebug('issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None: ' + str(prettycomiss)) logger.fdebug('Pretty Comic Issue is : ' + str(prettycomiss)) issueyear = issuedate[:4] month = issuedate[5:7].replace('-', '').strip() month_name = fullmonth(month) if month_name is None: month_name = 'None' logger.fdebug('Issue Year : ' + str(issueyear)) logger.fdebug('Publisher: ' + str(publisher)) logger.fdebug('Series: ' + str(series)) logger.fdebug('Year: ' + str(seriesyear)) logger.fdebug('Comic Location: ' + str(comlocation)) if comversion is None: comversion = 'None' #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None' if comversion == 'None': chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', mylar.FILE_FORMAT) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('No version # found for series, removing from filename') logger.fdebug("new format: " + str(chunk_file_format)) else: chunk_file_format = mylar.FILE_FORMAT if annualize is None: chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('not an annual - removing from filename paramaters') logger.fdebug('new format: ' + str(chunk_file_format)) else: logger.fdebug('chunk_file_format is: ' + str(chunk_file_format)) if mylar.ANNUALS_ON: if 'annual' in series.lower(): if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue #prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss) logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL IN SERIES][NOT $ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: #because it exists within title, strip it then use formatting tag for placement of wording. chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL IN SERIES][$ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss) logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][NOT $ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-ON][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][$ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: #if annuals aren't enabled, then annuals are being tracked as independent series. #annualize will be true since it's an annual in the seriesname. if 'annual' in series.lower(): if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue #prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss) logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL IN SERIES][NOT $ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: #because it exists within title, strip it then use formatting tag for placement of wording. chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL IN SERIES][$ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format: # and 'annual' not in ofilename.lower(): #if it's an annual, but $annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to #force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue prettycomiss = "Annual " + str(prettycomiss) logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][NOT $ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) else: logger.fdebug('[' + series + '][ANNUALS-OFF][ANNUAL NOT IN SERIES][$ANNUAL] prettycomiss: ' + str(prettycomiss)) logger.fdebug('Annual detected within series title of ' + series + '. Not auto-correcting issue #') seriesfilename = seriesfilename.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip() filebad = [':', ',', '/', '?', '!', '\'', '\"', '\*'] #in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname or '?' in u_comicname: for dbd in filebad: if dbd in seriesfilename: if any([dbd == '/', dbd == '*']): repthechar = '-' else: repthechar = '' seriesfilename = seriesfilename.replace(dbd, repthechar) logger.fdebug('Altering series name due to filenaming restrictions: ' + seriesfilename) publisher = re.sub('!', '', publisher) file_values = {'$Series': seriesfilename, '$Issue': prettycomiss, '$Year': issueyear, '$series': series.lower(), '$Publisher': publisher, '$publisher': publisher.lower(), '$VolumeY': 'V' + str(seriesyear), '$VolumeN': comversion, '$monthname': month_name, '$month': month, '$Annual': 'Annual' } extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz', '.cb7') if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions): path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename) if mylar.FILE_FORMAT == '': logger.fdebug('Rename Files is not enabled - keeping original filename.') #check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions): nfilename = ofilename[:-4] else: nfilename = ofilename else: nfilename = replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values) if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES: #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR) nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:]', '', nfilename) + ext.lower() logger.fdebug('New Filename: ' + str(nfilename)) if mylar.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES: dst = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename.lower()) else: dst = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename) logger.fdebug('Source: ' + str(ofilename)) logger.fdebug('Destination: ' + str(dst)) rename_this = {"destination_dir": dst, "nfilename": nfilename, "issueid": issueid, "comicid": comicid} return rename_this def apiremove(apistring, type): if type == 'nzb': value_regex = re.compile("(?<=apikey=)(?P.*?)(?=$)") #match = value_regex.search(apistring) apiremoved = value_regex.sub("xUDONTNEEDTOKNOWTHISx", apistring) else: #type = $ to denote end of string #type = & to denote up until next api variable value_regex = re.compile("(?<=%26i=1%26r=)(?P.*?)(?=" + str(type) +")") #match = value_regex.search(apistring) apiremoved = value_regex.sub("xUDONTNEEDTOKNOWTHISx", apistring) #need to remove the urlencoded-portions as well in future return apiremoved def remove_apikey(payd, key): #payload = some dictionary with payload values #key = the key to replace with REDACTED (normally apikey) for k,v in payd.items(): payd[key] = 'REDACTED' return payd def ComicSort(comicorder=None, sequence=None, imported=None): if sequence: # if it's on startup, load the sql into a tuple for use to avoid record-locking i = 0 import logger import db myDB = db.DBConnection() comicsort = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM comics ORDER BY ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE") comicorderlist = [] comicorder = {} comicidlist = [] if sequence == 'update': mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'] = None mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderNo'] = None mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderID'] = None for csort in comicsort: if csort['ComicID'] is None: pass if not csort['ComicID'] in comicidlist: if sequence == 'startup': comicorderlist.append({ 'ComicID': csort['ComicID'], 'ComicOrder': i }) elif sequence == 'update': comicorderlist.append({ # mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'].append({ 'ComicID': csort['ComicID'], 'ComicOrder': i }) comicidlist.append(csort['ComicID']) i+=1 if sequence == 'startup': if i == 0: comicorder['SortOrder'] = ({'ComicID': '99999', 'ComicOrder': 1}) comicorder['LastOrderNo'] = 1 comicorder['LastOrderID'] = 99999 else: comicorder['SortOrder'] = comicorderlist comicorder['LastOrderNo'] = i -1 comicorder['LastOrderID'] = comicorder['SortOrder'][i -1]['ComicID'] if i < 0: i == 0 logger.info('Sucessfully ordered ' + str(i -1) + ' series in your watchlist.') return comicorder elif sequence == 'update': mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'] = comicorderlist #print ("i:" + str(i)) if i == 0: placemnt = 1 else: placemnt = int(i -1) mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderNo'] = placemnt mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderID'] = mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'][placemnt]['ComicID'] return else: # for new series adds, we already know the comicid, so we set the sortorder to an abnormally high # # we DO NOT write to the db to avoid record-locking. # if we get 2 999's we're in trouble though. sortedapp = [] if comicorder['LastOrderNo'] == '999': lastorderval = int(comicorder['LastOrderNo']) + 1 else: lastorderval = 999 sortedapp.append({ 'ComicID': imported, 'ComicOrder': lastorderval }) mylar.COMICSORT['SortOrder'] = sortedapp mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderNo'] = lastorderval mylar.COMICSORT['LastOrderID'] = imported return def fullmonth(monthno): #simple numerical to worded month conversion.... basmonths = {'1': 'January', '2': 'February', '3': 'March', '4': 'April', '5': 'May', '6': 'June', '7': 'July', '8': 'August', '9': 'September', '10': 'October', '11': 'November', '12': 'December'} monthconv = None for numbs in basmonths: if numbs in str(int(monthno)): monthconv = basmonths[numbs] return monthconv def updateComicLocation(): #in order for this to work, the ComicLocation MUST be left at the original location. #in the config.ini - set LOCMOVE = 1 (to enable this to run on the NEXT startup) # - set NEWCOMDIR = new ComicLocation #after running, set ComicLocation to new location in Configuration GUI import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() if mylar.NEWCOM_DIR is not None: logger.info('Performing a one-time mass update to Comic Location') #create the root dir if it doesn't exist checkdirectory = mylar.filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(mylar.NEWCOM_DIR, create=True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.') return dirlist = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM comics") comloc = [] if dirlist is not None: for dl in dirlist: u_comicnm = dl['ComicName'] # let's remove the non-standard characters here that will break filenaming / searching. comicname_folder = filesafe(u_comicnm) publisher = re.sub('!', '', dl['ComicPublisher']) # thanks Boom! year = dl['ComicYear'] comversion = dl['ComicVersion'] if comversion is None: comversion = 'None' #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None' if comversion == 'None': chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT) chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+') folderformat = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f) else: folderformat = mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT #do work to generate folder path values = {'$Series': comicname_folder, '$Publisher': publisher, '$Year': year, '$series': comicname_folder.lower(), '$publisher': publisher.lower(), '$VolumeY': 'V' + str(year), '$VolumeN': comversion, '$Annual': 'Annual' } #set the paths here with the seperator removed allowing for cross-platform altering. ccdir = re.sub(r'[\\|/]', '%&', mylar.NEWCOM_DIR) ddir = re.sub(r'[\\|/]', '%&', mylar.DESTINATION_DIR) dlc = re.sub(r'[\\|/]', '%&', dl['ComicLocation']) if mylar.FFTONEWCOM_DIR: #if this is enabled (1) it will apply the Folder_Format to all the new dirs if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '': comlocation = re.sub(ddir, ccdir, dlc).strip() else: first = replace_all(folderformat, values) if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES: #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot first = first.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR) comlocation = os.path.join(mylar.NEWCOM_DIR, first).strip() else: #DESTINATION_DIR = /mnt/mediavg/Comics #NEWCOM_DIR = /mnt/mediavg/Comics/Comics-1 #dl['ComicLocation'] = /mnt/mediavg/Comics/Batman-(2011) comlocation = re.sub(ddir, ccdir, dlc).strip() #regenerate the new path location so that it's os.dependent now. com_done = re.sub('%&', os.sep.encode('unicode-escape'), comlocation).strip() comloc.append({"comlocation": com_done, "origlocation": dl['ComicLocation'], "comicid": dl['ComicID']}) if len(comloc) > 0: #give the information about what we're doing. if mylar.FFTONEWCOM_DIR: logger.info('FFTONEWCOM_DIR is enabled. Applying the existing folder format to ALL directories regardless of existing location paths') else: logger.info('FFTONEWCOM_DIR is not enabled. I will keep existing subdirectory paths, and will only change the actual Comic Location in the path.') logger.fdebug(' (ie. /mnt/Comics/Marvel/Hush-(2012) to /mnt/mynewLocation/Marvel/Hush-(2012) ') #do the deed. for cl in comloc: ctrlVal = {"ComicID": cl['comicid']} newVal = {"ComicLocation": cl['comlocation']} myDB.upsert("Comics", newVal, ctrlVal) logger.fdebug('Updated : ' + cl['origlocation'] + ' .: TO :. ' + cl['comlocation']) logger.info('Updated ' + str(len(comloc)) + ' series to a new Comic Location as specified in the config.ini') else: logger.fdebug('Failed in updating the Comic Locations. Check Folder Format string and/or log the issue.') else: logger.info('There are no series in your watchlist to Update the locations. Not updating anything at this time.') #set the value to 0 here so we don't keep on doing this... mylar.LOCMOVE = 0 mylar.config_write() else: logger.info('No new ComicLocation path specified - not updating. Set NEWCOMD_DIR in config.ini') #raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("config") return def cleanhtml(raw_html): #cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>') #cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, '', raw_html) #return cleantext from bs4 import BeautifulSoup VALID_TAGS = ['div', 'p'] soup = BeautifulSoup(raw_html) for tag in soup.findAll('p'): if tag.name not in VALID_TAGS: tag.replaceWith(tag.renderContents()) flipflop = soup.renderContents() print flipflop return flipflop def issuedigits(issnum): import db, logger int_issnum = None try: tst = issnum.isdigit() except: try: isstest = str(issnum) tst = isstest.isdigit() except: return 9999999999 else: issnum = str(issnum) if issnum.isdigit(): int_issnum = int(issnum) * 1000 else: #count = 0 #for char in issnum: # if char.isalpha(): # count += 1 #if count > 5: # logger.error('This is not an issue number - not enough numerics to parse') # int_issnum = 999999999999999 # return int_issnum try: if 'au' in issnum.lower() and issnum[:1].isdigit(): int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-2]) * 1000) + ord('a') + ord('u') elif 'ai' in issnum.lower() and issnum[:1].isdigit(): int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-2]) * 1000) + ord('a') + ord('i') elif 'inh' in issnum.lower() or 'now' in issnum.lower(): remdec = issnum.find('.') #find the decimal position. if remdec == -1: #if no decimal, it's all one string #remove the last 3 characters from the issue # (INH) int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-3]) * 1000) + ord('i') + ord('n') + ord('h') else: int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-4]) * 1000) + ord('i') + ord('n') + ord('h') elif 'now' in issnum.lower(): if '!' in issnum: issnum = re.sub('\!', '', issnum) remdec = issnum.find('.') #find the decimal position. if remdec == -1: #if no decimal, it's all one string #remove the last 3 characters from the issue # (NOW) int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-3]) * 1000) + ord('n') + ord('o') + ord('w') else: int_issnum = (int(issnum[:-4]) * 1000) + ord('n') + ord('o') + ord('w') except ValueError as e: logger.error('[' + issnum + '] Unable to properly determine the issue number. Error: %s', e) return 9999999999 if int_issnum is not None: return int_issnum #try: # issnum.decode('ascii') # logger.fdebug('ascii character.') #except: # logger.fdebug('Unicode character detected: ' + issnum) #else: issnum.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING).decode('utf-8') if type(issnum) == str: try: issnum = issnum.decode('utf-8') except: issnum = issnum.decode('windows-1252') if type(issnum) == unicode: vals = {u'\xbd':.5,u'\xbc':.25,u'\xbe':.75,u'\u221e':9999999999,u'\xe2':9999999999} else: vals = {'\xbd':.5,'\xbc':.25,'\xbe':.75,'\u221e':9999999999,'\xe2':9999999999} x = [vals[key] for key in vals if key in issnum] if x: logger.fdebug('Unicode Issue present - adjusting.') int_issnum = x[0] * 1000 logger.fdebug('int_issnum: ' + str(int_issnum)) else: if any(['.' in issnum, ',' in issnum]): #logger.fdebug('decimal detected.') if ',' in issnum: issnum = re.sub(',', '.', issnum) issst = str(issnum).find('.') if issst == 0: issb4dec = 0 else: issb4dec = str(issnum)[:issst] decis = str(issnum)[issst +1:] if len(decis) == 1: decisval = int(decis) * 10 issaftdec = str(decisval) elif len(decis) == 2: decisval = int(decis) issaftdec = str(decisval) else: decisval = decis issaftdec = str(decisval) #if there's a trailing decimal (ie. 1.50.) and it's either intentional or not, blow it away. if issaftdec[-1:] == '.': issaftdec = issaftdec[:-1] try: int_issnum = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + (int(issaftdec) * 10) except ValueError: #logger.fdebug('This has no issue # for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot.') int_issnum = 999999999999999 else: try: x = float(issnum) logger.info(x) #validity check if x < 0: #logger.info("I've encountered a negative issue #: " + str(issnum) + ". Trying to accomodate.") int_issnum = (int(x) *1000) - 1 elif bool(x): logger.fdebug('Infinity issue found.') int_issnum = 9999999999 * 1000 else: raise ValueError except ValueError, e: #this will account for any alpha in a issue#, so long as it doesn't have decimals. x = 0 tstord = None issno = None invchk = "false" while (x < len(issnum)): if issnum[x].isalpha(): #take first occurance of alpha in string and carry it through tstord = issnum[x:].rstrip() tstord = re.sub('[\-\,\.\+]', '', tstord).rstrip() issno = issnum[:x].rstrip() issno = re.sub('[\-\,\.\+]', '', issno).rstrip() try: isschk = float(issno) except ValueError, e: if len(issnum) == 1 and issnum.isalpha(): break logger.fdebug('[' + issno + '] Invalid numeric for issue - cannot be found. Ignoring.') issno = None tstord = None invchk = "true" break x+=1 if tstord is not None and issno is not None: a = 0 ordtot = 0 if len(issnum) == 1 and issnum.isalpha(): int_issnum = ord(tstord.lower()) else: while (a < len(tstord)): try: ordtot += ord(tstord[a].lower()) #lower-case the letters for simplicty except ValueError: break a+=1 int_issnum = (int(issno) * 1000) + ordtot elif invchk == "true": logger.fdebug('this does not have an issue # that I can parse properly.') int_issnum = 999999999999999 else: logger.error(str(issnum) + 'this has an alpha-numeric in the issue # which I cannot account for.') int_issnum = 999999999999999 return int_issnum def checkthepub(ComicID): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() publishers = ['marvel', 'dc', 'darkhorse'] pubchk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() if pubchk is None: logger.fdebug('No publisher information found to aid in determining series..defaulting to base check of 55 days.') return mylar.BIGGIE_PUB else: for publish in publishers: if publish in pubchk['ComicPublisher'].lower(): logger.fdebug('Biggie publisher detected - ' + pubchk['ComicPublisher']) return mylar.BIGGIE_PUB logger.fdebug('Indie publisher detected - ' + pubchk['ComicPublisher']) return mylar.INDIE_PUB def annual_update(): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() annuallist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals') if annuallist is None: logger.info('no annuals to update.') return cnames = [] #populate the ComicName field with the corresponding series name from the comics table. for ann in annuallist: coms = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ann['ComicID']]).fetchone() cnames.append({'ComicID': ann['ComicID'], 'ComicName': coms['ComicName'] }) #write in a seperate loop to avoid db locks i=0 for cns in cnames: ctrlVal = {"ComicID": cns['ComicID']} newVal = {"ComicName": cns['ComicName']} myDB.upsert("annuals", newVal, ctrlVal) i+=1 logger.info(str(i) + ' series have been updated in the annuals table.') return def replacetheslash(data): # this is necessary for the cache directory to display properly in IE/FF. # os.path.join will pipe in the '\' in windows, which won't resolve # when viewing through cherrypy - so convert it and viola. if platform.system() == "Windows": slashreplaced = data.replace('\\', '/') else: slashreplaced = data return slashreplaced def urlretrieve(urlfile, fpath): chunk = 4096 f = open(fpath, "w") while 1: data = urlfile.read(chunk) if not data: print "done." break f.write(data) print "Read %s bytes"%len(data) def renamefile_readingorder(readorder): import logger logger.fdebug('readingorder#: ' + str(readorder)) if int(readorder) < 10: readord = "00" + str(readorder) elif int(readorder) >= 10 and int(readorder) < 99: readord = "0" + str(readorder) else: readord = str(readorder) return readord def latestdate_fix(): import db, logger datefix = [] cnupdate = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM comics') if comiclist is None: logger.fdebug('No Series in watchlist to correct latest date') return for cl in comiclist: if cl['ComicName_Filesafe'] is None: cnupdate.append({"comicid": cl['ComicID'], "comicname_filesafe": filesafe(cl['ComicName'])}) latestdate = cl['LatestDate'] #logger.fdebug("latestdate: " + str(latestdate)) if latestdate[8:] == '': #logger.fdebug("invalid date " + str(latestdate) + " appending 01 for day to avoid errors") if len(latestdate) <= 7: finddash = latestdate.find('-') #logger.info('dash found at position ' + str(finddash)) if finddash != 4: #format of mm-yyyy lat_month = latestdate[:finddash] lat_year = latestdate[finddash +1:] else: #format of yyyy-mm lat_month = latestdate[finddash +1:] lat_year = latestdate[:finddash] latestdate = (lat_year) + '-' + str(lat_month) + '-01' datefix.append({"comicid": cl['ComicID'], "latestdate": latestdate}) #logger.info('latest date: ' + str(latestdate)) #now we fix. if len(datefix) > 0: logger.info('Preparing to correct/fix ' + str(len(datefix)) + ' series that have incorrect values given for the Latest Date field.') for df in datefix: newCtrl = {"ComicID": df['comicid']} newVal = {"LatestDate": df['latestdate']} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newCtrl) if len(cnupdate) > 0: logger.info('Preparing to update ' + str(len(cnupdate)) + ' series on your watchlist for use with non-ascii characters') for cn in cnupdate: newCtrl = {"ComicID": cn['comicid']} newVal = {"ComicName_Filesafe": cn['comicname_filesafe']} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newCtrl) return def upgrade_dynamic(): import db, logger dynamic_comiclist = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() #update the comicdb to include the Dynamic Names (and any futher changes as required) clist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM Comics') for cl in clist: cl_d = mylar.filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=cl['ComicName']) cl_dyninfo = cl_d.dynamic_replace(cl['ComicName']) dynamic_comiclist.append({'DynamicComicName': re.sub('[\|\s]','', cl_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'].lower()).strip(), 'ComicID': cl['ComicID']}) if len(dynamic_comiclist) > 0: for dl in dynamic_comiclist: CtrlVal = {"ComicID": dl['ComicID']} newVal = {"DynamicComicName": dl['DynamicComicName']} myDB.upsert("Comics", newVal, CtrlVal) #update the readinglistdb to include the Dynamic Names (and any futher changes as required) dynamic_storylist = [] rlist = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM readinglist WHERE StoryArcID is not NULL') for rl in rlist: rl_d = mylar.filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=rl['ComicName']) rl_dyninfo = cl_d.dynamic_replace(rl['ComicName']) dynamic_storylist.append({'DynamicComicName': re.sub('[\|\s]','', rl_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'].lower()).strip(), 'IssueArcID': rl['IssueArcID']}) if len(dynamic_storylist) > 0: for ds in dynamic_storylist: CtrlVal = {"IssueArcID": ds['IssueArcID']} newVal = {"DynamicComicName": ds['DynamicComicName']} myDB.upsert("readinglist", newVal, CtrlVal) logger.info('Finshed updating ' + str(len(dynamic_comiclist)) + ' / ' + str(len(dynamic_storylist)) + ' entries within the db.') mylar.DYNAMIC_UPDATE = 4 mylar.config_write() return def checkFolder(): from mylar import PostProcessor, logger import Queue queue = Queue.Queue() #monitor a selected folder for 'snatched' files that haven't been processed logger.info('Checking folder ' + mylar.CHECK_FOLDER + ' for newly snatched downloads') PostProcess = PostProcessor.PostProcessor('Manual Run', mylar.CHECK_FOLDER, queue=queue) vals = PostProcess.Process() return def LoadAlternateSearchNames(seriesname_alt, comicid): import logger #seriesname_alt = db.comics['AlternateSearch'] AS_Alt = [] Alternate_Names = {} alt_count = 0 #logger.fdebug('seriesname_alt:' + str(seriesname_alt)) if seriesname_alt is None or seriesname_alt == 'None': logger.fdebug('no Alternate name given. Aborting search.') return "no results" else: chkthealt = seriesname_alt.split('##') if chkthealt == 0: AS_Alternate = seriesname_alt AS_Alt.append(seriesname_alt) for calt in chkthealt: AS_Alter = re.sub('##', '', calt) u_altsearchcomic = AS_Alter.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip() AS_formatrem_seriesname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', u_altsearchcomic) if AS_formatrem_seriesname[:1] == ' ': AS_formatrem_seriesname = AS_formatrem_seriesname[1:] AS_Alt.append({"AlternateName": AS_formatrem_seriesname}) alt_count+=1 Alternate_Names['AlternateName'] = AS_Alt Alternate_Names['ComicID'] = comicid Alternate_Names['Count'] = alt_count logger.info('AlternateNames returned:' + str(Alternate_Names)) return Alternate_Names def havetotals(refreshit=None): import db, logger comics = [] myDB = db.DBConnection() if refreshit is None: comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT * from comics order by ComicSortName COLLATE NOCASE') else: comiclist = [] comicref = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE ComicID=?", [refreshit]).fetchone() #refreshit is the ComicID passed from the Refresh Series to force/check numerical have totals comiclist.append({"ComicID": comicref[0], "Have": comicref[7], "Total": comicref[8]}) for comic in comiclist: issue = myDB.selectone("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?", [comic['ComicID']]).fetchone() if issue is None: if refreshit is not None: logger.fdebug(str(comic['ComicID']) + ' has no issuedata available. Forcing complete Refresh/Rescan') return True else: continue if mylar.ANNUALS_ON: annuals_on = True annual = myDB.selectone("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?", [comic['ComicID']]).fetchone() annualcount = annual[0] if not annualcount: annualcount = 0 else: annuals_on = False annual = None annualcount = 0 try: totalissues = comic['Total'] + annualcount haveissues = comic['Have'] except TypeError: logger.warning('[Warning] ComicID: ' + str(comic['ComicID']) + ' is incomplete - Removing from DB. You should try to re-add the series.') myDB.action("DELETE from COMICS WHERE ComicID=? AND ComicName LIKE 'Comic ID%'", [comic['ComicID']]) myDB.action("DELETE from ISSUES WHERE ComicID=? AND ComicName LIKE 'Comic ID%'", [comic['ComicID']]) continue if not haveissues: havetracks = 0 if refreshit is not None: if haveissues > totalissues: return True # if it's 5/4, send back to updater and don't restore previous status' else: return False # if it's 5/5 or 4/5, send back to updater and restore previous status' try: percent = (haveissues *100.0) /totalissues if percent > 100: percent = 101 except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError): percent = 0 totalissuess = '?' if comic['LatestDate'] is None: logger.warn(comic['ComicName'] + ' has not finished loading. Nulling some values so things display properly until they can populate.') recentstatus = 'Loading' elif comic['ComicPublished'] is None or comic['ComicPublished'] == '' or comic['LatestDate'] is None: recentstatus = 'Unknown' elif comic['ForceContinuing'] == 1: recentstatus = 'Continuing' elif 'present' in comic['ComicPublished'].lower() or (today()[:4] in comic['LatestDate']): latestdate = comic['LatestDate'] #pull-list f'd up the date by putting '15' instead of '2015' causing 500 server errors if '-' in latestdate[:3]: st_date = latestdate.find('-') st_remainder = latestdate[st_date+1:] st_year = latestdate[:st_date] year = '20' + st_year latestdate = str(year) + '-' + str(st_remainder) #logger.fdebug('year set to: ' + latestdate) c_date = datetime.date(int(latestdate[:4]), int(latestdate[5:7]), 1) n_date = datetime.date.today() recentchk = (n_date - c_date).days if comic['NewPublish']: recentstatus = 'Continuing' else: if recentchk < 55: recentstatus = 'Continuing' else: recentstatus = 'Ended' else: recentstatus = 'Ended' comics.append({"ComicID": comic['ComicID'], "ComicName": comic['ComicName'], "ComicSortName": comic['ComicSortName'], "ComicPublisher": comic['ComicPublisher'], "ComicYear": comic['ComicYear'], "ComicImage": comic['ComicImage'], "LatestIssue": comic['LatestIssue'], "LatestDate": comic['LatestDate'], "ComicPublished": re.sub('(N)', '', comic['ComicPublished']).strip(), "Status": comic['Status'], "recentstatus": recentstatus, "percent": percent, "totalissues": totalissues, "haveissues": haveissues, "DateAdded": comic['LastUpdated']}) return comics def filesafe(comic): import unicodedata u_comic = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', comic).encode('ASCII', 'ignore').strip() comicname_filesafe = re.sub('[\:\'\"\,\?\!\\\]', '', u_comic) comicname_filesafe = re.sub('[\/\*]', '-', comicname_filesafe) return comicname_filesafe def IssueDetails(filelocation, IssueID=None): import zipfile, logger, shutil from xml.dom.minidom import parseString dstlocation = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.zip') issuedetails = [] if filelocation.endswith('.cbz'): logger.fdebug('CBZ file detected. Checking for .xml within file') shutil.copy(filelocation, dstlocation) else: logger.fdebug('filename is not a cbz : ' + filelocation) return cover = "notfound" issuetag = None pic_extensions = ('.jpg','.png','.webp') modtime = os.path.getmtime(dstlocation) low_infile = 999999 try: with zipfile.ZipFile(dstlocation, 'r') as inzipfile: for infile in inzipfile.namelist(): tmp_infile = re.sub("[^0-9]","", infile).strip() if tmp_infile == '': pass elif int(tmp_infile) < int(low_infile): low_infile = tmp_infile low_infile_name = infile if infile == 'ComicInfo.xml': logger.fdebug('Extracting ComicInfo.xml to display.') dst = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, 'ComicInfo.xml') data = inzipfile.read(infile) #print str(data) issuetag = 'xml' #looks for the first page and assumes it's the cover. (Alternate covers handled later on) elif any(['000.' in infile, '00.' in infile]) and infile.endswith(pic_extensions) and cover == "notfound": logger.fdebug('Extracting primary image ' + infile + ' as coverfile for display.') local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(infile)) local_file.close cover = "found" elif any(['00a' in infile, '00b' in infile, '00c' in infile, '00d' in infile, '00e' in infile]) and infile.endswith(pic_extensions) and cover == "notfound": logger.fdebug('Found Alternate cover - ' + infile + ' . Extracting.') altlist = ('00a', '00b', '00c', '00d', '00e') for alt in altlist: if alt in infile: local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(infile)) local_file.close cover = "found" break elif any(['001.jpg' in infile, '001.png' in infile, '001.webp' in infile, '01.jpg' in infile, '01.png' in infile, '01.webp' in infile]) and cover == "notfound": logger.fdebug('Extracting primary image ' + infile + ' as coverfile for display.') local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(infile)) local_file.close cover = "found" if cover != "found": logger.fdebug('Invalid naming sequence for jpgs discovered. Attempting to find the lowest sequence and will use as cover (it might not work). Currently : ' + str(low_infile)) local_file = open(os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, 'temp.jpg'), "wb") local_file.write(inzipfile.read(low_infile_name)) local_file.close cover = "found" except: logger.info('ERROR. Unable to properly retrieve the cover for displaying. It\'s probably best to re-tag this file.') return ComicImage = os.path.join('cache', 'temp.jpg?' +str(modtime)) IssueImage = replacetheslash(ComicImage) if issuetag is None: import subprocess from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output unzip_cmd = "/usr/bin/unzip" try: #unzip -z will extract the zip comment field. data = subprocess.check_output([unzip_cmd, '-z', dstlocation]) # return data is encoded in bytes, not unicode. Need to figure out how to run check_output returning utf-8 issuetag = 'comment' except CalledProcessError as e: logger.warn('Unable to extract comment field from zipfile.') #logger.info('data:' + str(data)) if issuetag == 'xml': #import easy to use xml parser called minidom: dom = parseString(data) results = dom.getElementsByTagName('ComicInfo') for result in results: try: issue_title = result.getElementsByTagName('Title')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: issue_title = "None" try: series_title = result.getElementsByTagName('Series')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: series_title = "None" try: series_volume = result.getElementsByTagName('Volume')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: series_volume = "None" try: issue_number = result.getElementsByTagName('Number')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: issue_number = "None" try: summary = result.getElementsByTagName('Summary')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: summary = "None" if '*List' in summary: summary_cut = summary.find('*List') summary = summary[:summary_cut] #check here to see if Covers exist as they will probably be misnamed when trying to determine the actual cover # (ie. 00a.jpg / 00d.jpg - when there's a Cover A or a Cover D listed) try: notes = result.getElementsByTagName('Notes')[0].firstChild.wholeText #IssueID is in here except: notes = "None" try: year = result.getElementsByTagName('Year')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: year = "None" try: month = result.getElementsByTagName('Month')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: month = "None" try: day = result.getElementsByTagName('Day')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: day = "None" try: writer = result.getElementsByTagName('Writer')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: writer = "None" try: penciller = result.getElementsByTagName('Penciller')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: penciller = "None" try: inker = result.getElementsByTagName('Inker')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: inker = "None" try: colorist = result.getElementsByTagName('Colorist')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: colorist = "None" try: letterer = result.getElementsByTagName('Letterer')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: letterer = "None" try: cover_artist = result.getElementsByTagName('CoverArtist')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: cover_artist = "None" try: editor = result.getElementsByTagName('Editor')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: editor = "None" try: publisher = result.getElementsByTagName('Publisher')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: publisher = "None" try: webpage = result.getElementsByTagName('Web')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: webpage = "None" try: pagecount = result.getElementsByTagName('PageCount')[0].firstChild.wholeText except: pagecount = 0 i = 0 try: pageinfo = result.getElementsByTagName('Page')[0].attributes if pageinfo: pageinfo_test == True except: pageinfo_test = False if pageinfo_test: while (i < int(pagecount)): pageinfo = result.getElementsByTagName('Page')[i].attributes attrib = pageinfo.getNamedItem('Image') #logger.fdebug('Frontcover validated as being image #: ' + str(attrib.value)) att = pageinfo.getNamedItem('Type') logger.fdebug('pageinfo: ' + str(pageinfo)) if att.value == 'FrontCover': #logger.fdebug('FrontCover detected. Extracting.') break i+=1 elif issuetag == 'comment': logger.info('CBL Tagging.') stripline = 'Archive: ' + dstlocation data = re.sub(stripline, '', data.encode("utf-8")).strip() if data is None or data == '': return import ast ast_data = ast.literal_eval(str(data)) lastmodified = ast_data['lastModified'] dt = ast_data['ComicBookInfo/1.0'] try: publisher = dt['publisher'] except: publisher = None try: year = dt['publicationYear'] except: year = None try: month = dt['publicationMonth'] except: month = None try: day = dt['publicationDay'] except: day = None try: issue_title = dt['title'] except: issue_title = None try: series_title = dt['series'] except: series_title = None try: issue_number = dt['issue'] except: issue_number = None try: summary = dt['comments'] except: summary = "None" editor = "None" colorist = "None" artist = "None" writer = "None" letterer = "None" cover_artist = "None" penciller = "None" inker = "None" try: series_volume = dt['volume'] except: series_volume = None try: t = dt['credits'] except: editor = None colorist = None artist = None writer = None letterer = None cover_artist = None penciller = None inker = None else: for cl in dt['credits']: if cl['role'] == 'Editor': if editor == "None": editor = cl['person'] else: editor += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Colorist': if colorist == "None": colorist = cl['person'] else: colorist += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Artist': if artist == "None": artist = cl['person'] else: artist += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Writer': if writer == "None": writer = cl['person'] else: writer += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Letterer': if letterer == "None": letterer = cl['person'] else: letterer += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Cover': if cover_artist == "None": cover_artist = cl['person'] else: cover_artist += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Penciller': if penciller == "None": penciller = cl['person'] else: penciller += ', ' + cl['person'] elif cl['role'] == 'Inker': if inker == "None": inker = cl['person'] else: inker += ', ' + cl['person'] try: notes = dt['notes'] except: notes = "None" try: webpage = dt['web'] except: webpage = "None" try: pagecount = dt['pagecount'] except: pagecount = "None" else: logger.warn('Unable to locate any metadata within cbz file. Tag this file and try again if necessary.') return issuedetails.append({"title": issue_title, "series": series_title, "volume": series_volume, "issue_number": issue_number, "summary": summary, "notes": notes, "year": year, "month": month, "day": day, "writer": writer, "penciller": penciller, "inker": inker, "colorist": colorist, "letterer": letterer, "cover_artist": cover_artist, "editor": editor, "publisher": publisher, "webpage": webpage, "pagecount": pagecount, "IssueImage": IssueImage}) return issuedetails def get_issue_title(IssueID=None, ComicID=None, IssueNumber=None): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() if IssueID: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if issue is None: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if issue is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to locate given IssueID within the db. Assuming Issue Title is None.') return None else: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [ComicID, issuedigits(IssueNumber)]).fetchone() if issue is None: issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone() if issue is None: logger.fdebug('Unable to locate given IssueID within the db. Assuming Issue Title is None.') return None return issue['IssueName'] def int_num(s): try: return int(s) except ValueError: return float(s) def listLibrary(): import db library = {} myDB = db.DBConnection() # Get individual comics list = myDB.select("SELECT ComicId FROM Comics") for row in list: library[row['ComicID']] = row['ComicID'] # Add the annuals if mylar.ANNUALS_ON: list = myDB.select("SELECT ReleaseComicId,ComicID FROM Annuals") for row in list: library[row['ReleaseComicId']] = row['ComicID'] return library def incr_snatched(ComicID): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() incr_count = myDB.selectone("SELECT Have FROM Comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone() logger.fdebug('Incrementing HAVE count total to : ' + str(incr_count['Have'] + 1)) newCtrl = {"ComicID": ComicID} newVal = {"Have": incr_count['Have'] + 1} myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newCtrl) return def duplicate_filecheck(filename, ComicID=None, IssueID=None, StoryArcID=None): #filename = the filename in question that's being checked against #comicid = the comicid of the series that's being checked for duplication #issueid = the issueid of the issue that's being checked for duplication #storyarcid = the storyarcid of the issue that's being checked for duplication. # import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Duplicate check for ' + filename) filesz = os.path.getsize(filename) if IssueID: dupchk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if dupchk is None: dupchk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if dupchk is None: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Unable to find corresponding Issue within the DB. Do you still have the series on your watchlist?') return series = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [dupchk['ComicID']]).fetchone() #if it's a retry and the file was already snatched, the status is Snatched and won't hit the dupecheck. #rtnval will be one of 3: #'write' - write new file #'dupe_file' - do not write new file as existing file is better quality #'dupe_src' - write new file, as existing file is a lesser quality (dupe) rtnval = [] if dupchk['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or dupchk['Status'] == 'Archived': try: dupsize = dupchk['ComicSize'] except: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Duplication detection returned no hits as this is a new Snatch. This is not a duplicate.') rtnval.append({'action': "write"}) logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing Status already set to ' + dupchk['Status']) cid = [] if dupsize is None: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing filesize is 0 bytes as I cannot locate the orginal entry - it is probably archived.') logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Checking series for unrefreshed series syndrome (USS).') havechk = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone() if havechk: if havechk['Have'] > havechk['Total']: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Series has invalid issue totals [' + str(havechk['Have']) + '/' + str(havechk['Total']) + '] Attempting to Refresh & continue post-processing this issue.') cid.append(ComicID) logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] ComicID: ' + str(ComicID)) mylar.updater.dbUpdate(ComicIDList=cid, calledfrom='dupechk') return duplicate_filecheck(filename, ComicID, IssueID, StoryArcID) else: #not sure if this one is correct - should never actually get to this point. rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])}) else: rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])}) else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing file within db :' + dupchk['Location'] + ' has a filesize of : ' + str(dupsize) + ' bytes.') #keywords to force keep / delete #this will be eventually user-controlled via the GUI once the options are enabled. if int(dupsize) == 0: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Existing filesize is 0 as I cannot locate the original entry.') if dupchk['Status'] == 'Archived': logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Assuming issue is Archived.') rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename}) return rtnval else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Assuming 0-byte file - this one is gonna get hammered.') logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Based on duplication preferences I will retain based on : ' + mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT) tmp_dupeconstraint = mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT if any(['cbr' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT, 'cbz' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT]): if 'cbr' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT: if filename.endswith('.cbr'): #this has to be configured in config - either retain cbr or cbz. if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbr'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbr format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + filename) rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_src", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])}) else: if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbz'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbz format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + dupchk['Location']) rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename}) elif 'cbz' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT: if filename.endswith('.cbr'): if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbr'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbr format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + dupchk['Location']) rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename}) else: if dupchk['Location'].endswith('.cbz'): logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] BOTH files are in cbz format. Retaining the larger filesize of the two.') tmp_dupeconstraint = 'filesize' else: #keep filename logger.info('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + filename) rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_src", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])}) if mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT == 'filesize' or tmp_dupeconstraint == 'filesize': if filesz <= int(dupsize) and int(dupsize) != 0: logger.info('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + dupchk['Location']) rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_file", 'to_dupe': filename}) else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + dupchk['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + filename) rtnval.append({'action': "dupe_src", 'to_dupe': os.path.join(series['ComicLocation'], dupchk['Location'])}) else: logger.info('[DUPECHECK] Duplication detection returned no hits. This is not a duplicate of anything that I have scanned in as of yet.') rtnval.append({'action': "write"}) return rtnval def create_https_certificates(ssl_cert, ssl_key): """ Create a pair of self-signed HTTPS certificares and store in them in 'ssl_cert' and 'ssl_key'. Method assumes pyOpenSSL is installed. This code is stolen from SickBeard (http://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard). """ from mylar import logger from OpenSSL import crypto from certgen import createKeyPair, createCertRequest, createCertificate, \ TYPE_RSA, serial # Create the CA Certificate cakey = createKeyPair(TYPE_RSA, 2048) careq = createCertRequest(cakey, CN="Certificate Authority") cacert = createCertificate(careq, (careq, cakey), serial, (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10)) # ten years pkey = createKeyPair(TYPE_RSA, 2048) req = createCertRequest(pkey, CN="Mylar") cert = createCertificate(req, (cacert, cakey), serial, (0, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10)) # ten years # Save the key and certificate to disk try: with open(ssl_key, "w") as fp: fp.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey)) with open(ssl_cert, "w") as fp: fp.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)) except IOError as e: logger.error("Error creating SSL key and certificate: %s", e) return False return True def torrent_create(site, linkid, alt=None): if any([site == '32P', site == 'TOR']): pass elif site == 'TPSE': if alt is None: url = 'http://torrentproject.se/torrent/' + str(linkid) + '.torrent' else: url = 'http://torrentproject.se/torrent/' + str(linkid) + '.torrent' elif site == 'DEM': url = 'https://www.demonoid.pw/files/download/' + str(linkid) + '/' elif site == 'WWT': url = 'https://worldwidetorrents.eu/download.php' return url def parse_32pfeed(rssfeedline): KEYS_32P = {} if mylar.ENABLE_32P and len(rssfeedline) > 1: userid_st = rssfeedline.find('&user') userid_en = rssfeedline.find('&', userid_st +1) if userid_en == -1: USERID_32P = rssfeedline[userid_st +6:] else: USERID_32P = rssfeedline[userid_st +6:userid_en] auth_st = rssfeedline.find('&auth') auth_en = rssfeedline.find('&', auth_st +1) if auth_en == -1: AUTH_32P = rssfeedline[auth_st +6:] else: AUTH_32P = rssfeedline[auth_st +6:auth_en] authkey_st = rssfeedline.find('&authkey') authkey_en = rssfeedline.find('&', authkey_st +1) if authkey_en == -1: AUTHKEY_32P = rssfeedline[authkey_st +9:] else: AUTHKEY_32P = rssfeedline[authkey_st +9:authkey_en] KEYS_32P = {"user": USERID_32P, "auth": AUTH_32P, "authkey": AUTHKEY_32P, "passkey": mylar.PASSKEY_32P} return KEYS_32P def humanize_time(self, amount, units = 'seconds'): def process_time(amount, units): INTERVALS = [ 1, 60, 60*60, 60*60*24, 60*60*24*7, 60*60*24*7*4, 60*60*24*7*4*12, 60*60*24*7*4*12*100, 60*60*24*7*4*12*100*10] NAMES = [('second', 'seconds'), ('minute', 'minutes'), ('hour', 'hours'), ('day', 'days'), ('week', 'weeks'), ('month', 'months'), ('year', 'years'), ('century', 'centuries'), ('millennium', 'millennia')] result = [] unit = map(lambda a: a[1], NAMES).index(units) # Convert to seconds amount = amount * INTERVALS[unit] for i in range(len(NAMES)-1, -1, -1): a = amount // INTERVALS[i] if a > 0: result.append( (a, NAMES[i][1 % a]) ) amount -= a * INTERVALS[i] return result rd = process_time(int(amount), units) cont = 0 for u in rd: if u[0] > 0: cont += 1 buf = '' i = 0 for u in rd: if u[0] > 0: buf += "%d %s" % (u[0], u[1]) cont -= 1 if i < (len(rd)-1): if cont > 1: buf += ", " else: buf += " and " i += 1 return buf def issue_status(IssueID): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() logger.fdebug('[ISSUE-STATUS] Issue Status Check for ' + str(IssueID)) isschk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if isschk is None: isschk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?", [IssueID]).fetchone() if isschk is None: logger.warn('Unable to retrieve IssueID from db. This is a problem. Aborting.') return False if any([isschk['Status'] == 'Downloaded', isschk['Status'] == 'Snatched']): return True else: return False def crc(filename): import hashlib #memory in lieu of speed (line by line) #prev = 0 #for eachLine in open(filename,"rb"): # prev = zlib.crc32(eachLine, prev) #return "%X"%(prev & 0xFFFFFFFF) #speed in lieu of memory (file into memory entirely) #return "%X" % (zlib.crc32(open(filename, "rb").read()) & 0xFFFFFFFF) return hashlib.md5(filename).hexdigest() def issue_find_ids(ComicName, ComicID, pack, IssueNumber): import db, logger myDB = db.DBConnection() issuelist = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]) if 'Annual' not in pack: pack_issues = range(int(pack[:pack.find('-')]),int(pack[pack.find('-')+1:])+1) annualize = False else: #remove the annuals wording tmp_annuals = pack[pack.find('Annual'):] tmp_ann = re.sub('[annual/annuals/+]', '', tmp_annuals.lower()).strip() tmp_pack = re.sub('[annual/annuals/+]', '', pack.lower()).strip() pack_issues = range(int(tmp_pack[:tmp_pack.find('-')]),int(tmp_pack[tmp_pack.find('-')+1:])+1) annualize = True issues = {} issueinfo = [] Int_IssueNumber = issuedigits(IssueNumber) valid = False for iss in pack_issues: int_iss = issuedigits(iss) for xb in issuelist: if xb['Status'] != 'Downloaded': if xb['Int_IssueNumber'] == int_iss: issueinfo.append({'issueid': xb['IssueID'], 'int_iss': int_iss, 'issuenumber': xb['Issue_Number']}) break for x in issueinfo: if Int_IssueNumber == x['int_iss']: valid = True break issues['issues'] = issueinfo if len(issues['issues']) == len(pack_issues): logger.info('Complete issue count of ' + str(len(pack_issues)) + ' issues are available within this pack for ' + ComicName) else: logger.info('Issue counts are not complete (not a COMPLETE pack) for ' + ComicName) issues['issue_range'] = pack_issues issues['valid'] = valid return issues #def file_ops(path,dst): # # path = source path + filename # # dst = destination path + filename # #get the crc of the file prior to the operation and then compare after to ensure it's complete. # crc_check = mylar.filechecker.crc(path) # #will be either copy / move # if mylar.FILE_OPS == 'copy': # shutil.copy( path , dst ) # if crc_check == mylar.filechecker.crc(dst): # return True # else: # return False # elif mylar.FILE_OPS == 'move': # shutil.move( path , dst ) # if crc_check == mylar.filechecker.crc(dst): # return True # else: # return False # elif mylar.FILE_OPS == 'hardlink': # import sys # # Open a file # fd = os.open( path, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT ) # os.close( fd ) # # Now create another copy of the above file. # os.link( path, dst ) # print "Created hard link successfully!!" # return True # elif mylar.FILE_OPS == 'softlink': # try: # os.symlink( path, dst ) # except OSError, e: # if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # os.remove(dst) # os.symlink( path, dst ) # else: # raise e # print 'Unable to create symlink.' # return False # return True # else: # return False from threading import Thread class ThreadWithReturnValue(Thread): def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}, Verbose=None): Thread.__init__(self, group, target, name, args, kwargs, Verbose) self._return = None def run(self): if self._Thread__target is not None: self._return = self._Thread__target(*self._Thread__args, **self._Thread__kwargs) def join(self): Thread.join(self) return self._return