# This file is part of Mylar. # # Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mylar. If not, see . ##################################### ## Stolen from Sick-Beard's db.py ## ##################################### from __future__ import with_statement import os import sqlite3 import threading import time import Queue import mylar import logger db_lock = threading.Lock() mylarQueue = Queue.Queue() def dbFilename(filename="mylar.db"): return os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, filename) class WriteOnly: def __init__(self): t = threading.Thread(target=self.worker, name="DB-WRITER") t.daemon = True t.start() logger.fdebug('Thread WriteOnly initialized.') def worker(self): myDB = DBConnection() #this should be in it's own thread somewhere, constantly polling the queue and sending them to the writer. logger.fdebug('worker started.') while True: thisthread = threading.currentThread().name if not mylarQueue.empty(): # Rename the main thread logger.fdebug('[' + str(thisthread) + '] queue is not empty yet...') (QtableName, QvalueDict, QkeyDict) = mylarQueue.get(block=True, timeout=None) logger.fdebug('[REQUEUE] Table: ' + str(QtableName) + ' values: ' + str(QvalueDict) + ' keys: ' + str(QkeyDict)) sqlResult = myDB.upsert(QtableName, QvalueDict, QkeyDict) if sqlResult: mylarQueue.task_done() return sqlResult else: time.sleep(1) #logger.fdebug('[' + str(thisthread) + '] sleeping until active.') class DBConnection: def __init__(self, filename="mylar.db"): self.filename = filename self.connection = sqlite3.connect(dbFilename(filename), timeout=20) self.connection.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.queue = mylarQueue def fetch(self, query, args=None): with db_lock: if query == None: return sqlResult = None attempt = 0 while attempt < 5: try: if args == None: #logger.fdebug("[FETCH] : " + query) cursor = self.connection.cursor() sqlResult = cursor.execute(query) else: #logger.fdebug("[FETCH] : " + query + " with args " + str(args)) cursor = self.connection.cursor() sqlResult = cursor.execute(query, args) # get out of the connection attempt loop since we were successful break except sqlite3.OperationalError, e: if "unable to open database file" in e.args[0] or "database is locked" in e.args[0]: logger.warn('Database Error: %s' % e) attempt += 1 time.sleep(1) else: logger.warn('DB error: %s' % e) raise except sqlite3.DatabaseError, e: logger.error('Fatal error executing query: %s' % e) raise return sqlResult def action(self, query, args=None): with db_lock: if query == None: return sqlResult = None attempt = 0 while attempt < 5: try: if args == None: #logger.fdebug("[ACTION] : " + query) sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query) else: #logger.fdebug("[ACTION] : " + query + " with args " + str(args)) sqlResult = self.connection.execute(query, args) self.connection.commit() break except sqlite3.OperationalError, e: if "unable to open database file" in e.message or "database is locked" in e.message: logger.warn('Database Error: %s' % e) logger.warn('sqlresult: %s' % query) attempt += 1 time.sleep(1) else: logger.error('Database error executing %s :: %s' % (query, e)) raise return sqlResult def select(self, query, args=None): sqlResults = self.fetch(query, args).fetchall() if sqlResults == None: return [] return sqlResults def selectone(self, query, args=None): sqlResults = self.fetch(query, args) if sqlResults == None: return [] return sqlResults def upsert(self, tableName, valueDict, keyDict): thisthread = threading.currentThread().name changesBefore = self.connection.total_changes genParams = lambda myDict: [x + " = ?" for x in myDict.keys()] query = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET " + ", ".join(genParams(valueDict)) + " WHERE " + " AND ".join(genParams(keyDict)) self.action(query, valueDict.values() + keyDict.values()) if self.connection.total_changes == changesBefore: query = "INSERT INTO " +tableName +" (" + ", ".join(valueDict.keys() + keyDict.keys()) + ")" + \ " VALUES (" + ", ".join(["?"] * len(valueDict.keys() + keyDict.keys())) + ")" self.action(query, valueDict.values() + keyDict.values()) #else: # logger.info('[' + str(thisthread) + '] db is currently locked for writing. Queuing this action until it is free') # logger.info('Table: ' + str(tableName) + ' Values: ' + str(valueDict) + ' Keys: ' + str(keyDict)) # self.queue.put( (tableName, valueDict, keyDict) ) # #assuming this is coming in from a seperate thread, so loop it until it's free to write. # #self.queuesend()