import mylar from mylar import db, logger, helpers, updater, filechecker import os import shutil import ast def movefiles(comicid, comlocation, imported): #comlocation is destination #comicid is used for rename files_moved = [] try: imported = ast.literal_eval(imported) except ValueError: pass myDB = db.DBConnection() logger.fdebug('comlocation is : ' + comlocation) logger.fdebug('original comicname is : ' + imported['ComicName']) impres = imported['filelisting'] if impres is not None: if all([mylar.CONFIG.CREATE_FOLDERS is False, not os.path.isdir(comlocation)]): checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True) if not checkdirectory: logger.warn('Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.') return for impr in impres: srcimp = impr['comiclocation'] orig_filename = impr['comicfilename'] #before moving check to see if Rename to Mylar structure is enabled. if mylar.CONFIG.IMP_RENAME and mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT != '': logger.fdebug("Renaming files according to configuration details : " + str(mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT)) renameit = helpers.rename_param(comicid, imported['ComicName'], impr['issuenumber'], orig_filename) nfilename = renameit['nfilename'] dstimp = os.path.join(comlocation, nfilename) else: logger.fdebug("Renaming files not enabled, keeping original filename(s)") dstimp = os.path.join(comlocation, orig_filename)"moving " + srcimp + " ... to " + dstimp) try: shutil.move(srcimp, dstimp) files_moved.append({'srid': imported['srid'], 'filename': impr['comicfilename']}) except (OSError, IOError): logger.error("Failed to move files - check directories and manually re-run.") logger.fdebug("all files moved.") #now that it's moved / renamed ... we remove it from importResults or mark as completed. if len(files_moved) > 0:'files_moved: ' + str(files_moved)) for result in files_moved: try: res = result['import_id'] except: #if it's an 'older' import that wasn't imported, just make it a basic match so things can move and update properly. controlValue = {"ComicFilename": result['filename'], "SRID": result['srid']} newValue = {"Status": "Imported", "ComicID": comicid} else: controlValue = {"impID": result['import_id'], "ComicFilename": result['filename']} newValue = {"Status": "Imported", "SRID": result['srid'], "ComicID": comicid} myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue) return def archivefiles(comicid, comlocation, imported): myDB = db.DBConnection() # if move files isn't enabled, let's set all found comics to Archive status :) try: imported = ast.literal_eval(imported) except Exception as e: logger.warn('[%s] Error encountered converting import data' % e) ComicName = imported['ComicName'] impres = imported['filelisting'] if impres is not None: scandir = [] for impr in impres: srcimp = impr['comiclocation'] orig_filename = impr['comicfilename'] if not any([os.path.abspath(os.path.join(srcimp, os.pardir)) == x for x in scandir]): scandir.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(srcimp, os.pardir))) for sdir in scandir:'Updating issue information and setting status to Archived for location: ' + sdir) updater.forceRescan(comicid, archive=sdir) #send to rescanner with archive mode turned on'Now scanning in files.') updater.forceRescan(comicid) for result in impres: try: res = result['import_id'] except: #if it's an 'older' import that wasn't imported, just make it a basic match so things can move and update properly. controlValue = {"ComicFilename": result['comicfilename'], "SRID": imported['srid']} newValue = {"Status": "Imported", "ComicID": comicid} else: controlValue = {"impID": result['import_id'], "ComicFilename": result['comicfilename']} newValue = {"Status": "Imported", "SRID": imported['srid'], "ComicID": comicid} myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue) return