torrents will now properly hide torrent information, IMP: Specified daemon port for deluge as an on-screen tip for more detail, IMP: Added 100,200,ALL as viewable watchlist views, FIX: When viewing pullist and annual integration enabled, if annual was present would incorrectly link to invalid annual series instead of the actual series itself, IMP: Added more detail error messages to metatagging errors and better handling of stranded files during cleanup, IMP: Improved some handling for weekly pull-list one-off's and refactored the nzb/oneoff post-processing into a seperate function for future callables, Moved all the main url locations for public torrent sites to the init module so that it can be cascaded down for use in other modules instead as a global, IMP: Added a 'deep_search_32p' variable in the config.ini for specific usage with 32p, where if there is more than one result will dig deeper into each result to try and figure out if there are series matches, as opposed to the default where it will only use ref32p table if available or just the first hit in a multiple series search results and ignore the remainder, FIX:Fixed some unknown characters appearing in the pullist due to unicode-related conversion problems, FIX: fixed some special cases of file parsing errors due to Volume label being named different than expected, FIX: Added a 3s pause between experimental searches to try and not hit their frequency limitation, IMP: Weekly Pullist One-off's will now show status of Snatched/Downloaded as required, FIX: Fixed some deluge parameter problems when using auto-snatch torrent script/option, IMP: Changed the downlocation in the auto-snatch option to an env variable instead of being passed to avoid unicode-related problems, FIX: Fixed some magnet-related issues for torrents when using a watchdir + TPSE, FIX: Added more verbose error message for rtorrent connection issues, FIX: Could not connect to rtorrent client if no username/password were provided, IMP: Set the db updater to run every 5 minutes on the watchlist, automatically refreshing the oldest updated series each time that is more than 5 hours old (force db update from the activity/job schedulers page will run the db updater against the entire watchlist in sequence), IMP: Attempt to handle long paths in windows (ie. > 256c) by prepending the unicode windows api character to the import a directory path (windows only), IMP: When manual metatagging a series, will update the series after all the metatagging has been completed as opposed to after each issue, IMP: Will now display available inkdrops on Config/Search Providers tab when using 32P (future will utilize/indicate inkdrop threshold when downloading) |
cache | ||
data | ||
init-scripts | ||
lib | ||
mylar | ||
post-processing | ||
screens | ||
.gitignore | ||
custom_exceptions_sample.csv | ||
exceptions.csv | || | || | ||
substitutes_sample.csv |
Mylar is an automated Comic Book (cbr/cbz) downloader program heavily-based on the Headphones template and logic (which is also based on Sick-Beard).
Yes, it does work, yes there are still bugs, and for that reason I still consider it the definition of an 'Alpha Release'.
At least version 2.7.9 Python for proper usage (3.x is not supported).
** NEW ** You will need to get your OWN ComicVine API Key for this application to fully work. Failure to do this will result in limited (to No) ability when using Mylar.
To start it, type in 'python' from within the root of the mylar directory. Adding a --help option to the command will give a list of available options.
Once it's started, navigate to localhost:8090 in your web browser (or whatever IP the machine that has Mylar is on).
Here are some helpful hints hopefully:
- Add a comic (series) using the Search button, or using the Pullist.
- Make sure you specify Comic Location in the Configuration! (Mylar auto-creates the Comic Series directories under the Comic Location. The directory is displayed on the Comic Detail page).
- If you make any Configuration changes, shutdown Mylar and restart it or else errors will occur - this is an outstanding bug.
- You need to specify a search-provider in order to perform any search-related function!
- In the Configuration section, if you enable 'Automatically Mark Upcoming Issues as Wanted' it will mark any NEW comic from the Pullist that is on your 'watchlist' as wanted.
- There are times when adding a comic it will fail with an 'Error', submit a bug and it will be checked out (usually an easy fix).
- For the most up-to-date build, use the Development build. Master doesn't get updated as frequently (> month), and Development is usually fairly stable.
The Mylar Forums are also online @
Please submit issues via git for any outstanding problems that need attention.
Post-Processing (Post-Processing is similar to the way SickBeard handles it.)
- Within the post-processing/ folder of Mylar there are 2 files ( and autoProcessComics.cfg.sample)
- Within the post-processing/ folder of Mylar there are 2 directories (nzbget, sabnzbd) and within each of these client folders, is a script that is to be used with the respective download client.
- Edit (put in your Mylar host, port, login and password (if required), and ssl(0 for no, 1 for yes) and rename the autoProcessComics.cfg.sample to autoProcessComics.cfg.
- Copy, autoProcessComics.cfg and the respective into your SABnzbd/NZBGet scripts directory (or wherever your download client stores its scripts).
- Make sure SABnzbd/NZBGet is setup to have a 'comic-related' category that points it to the script that was just moved.
- Ensure in Mylar that the category is named exactly the same.
- You can now specify Folder / File Formats.
- Folder Format - if left blank, it will default to just using the default Comic Directory [ and creating subdirectories beneath in the format of ComicName-(Year) ] You can do multi-levels as well - so you could do $Publisher/$Series/$Year to have it setup like DC Comics/Batman/2011 (as an example)
- File Format - if left blank, Mylar will use the original file and not rename at all. This includes replacing spaces, and zero suppression (both renaming features).
- Folder Format IS used on every Add Series / Refresh Series request. Enabling Renaming has no bearing on this, so make sure if you're not using the default, that it's what you want.
Please help make it better, by sending in your bug reports / enhancement requests or just say what's working for you.