
2481 lines
160 KiB
Executable File

# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import shutil
import re
import shlex
import time
import logging
import mylar
import subprocess
import urllib2
import sys
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from mylar import logger, db, helpers, updater, notifiers, filechecker, weeklypull
class PostProcessor(object):
A class which will process a media file according to the post processing settings in the config.
def __init__(self, nzb_name, nzb_folder, issueid=None, module=None, queue=None, comicid=None, apicall=False):
Creates a new post processor with the given file path and optionally an NZB name.
file_path: The path to the file to be processed
nzb_name: The name of the NZB which resulted in this file being downloaded (optional)
# name of the NZB that resulted in this folder
self.nzb_name = nzb_name
self.nzb_folder = nzb_folder
if module is not None:
self.module = module + '[POST-PROCESSING]'
self.module = '[POST-PROCESSING]'
if queue:
self.queue = queue
if mylar.APILOCK is True:
return {'status': 'IN PROGRESS'}
if apicall is True:
self.apicall = True
mylar.APILOCK = True
self.apicall = False
if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'copy':
self.fileop = shutil.copy
self.fileop = shutil.move
self.valreturn = []
self.extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz', '.pdf')
self.failed_files = 0
self.log = ''
if issueid is not None:
self.issueid = issueid
self.issueid = None
if comicid is not None:
self.comicid = comicid
self.comicid = None
self.issuearcid = None
def _log(self, message, level=logger): #.message): #level=logger.MESSAGE):
A wrapper for the internal logger which also keeps track of messages and saves them to a string for sabnzbd post-processing logging functions.
message: The string to log (unicode)
level: The log level to use (optional)
# logger.log(message, level)
self.log += message + '\n'
def _run_pre_scripts(self, nzb_name, nzb_folder, seriesmetadata):
Executes any pre scripts defined in the config.
ep_obj: The object to use when calling the pre script
logger.fdebug("initiating pre script detection.")
self._log("initiating pre script detection.")
logger.fdebug("mylar.PRE_SCRIPTS : " + mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS)
self._log("mylar.PRE_SCRIPTS : " + mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS)
# for currentScriptName in mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS:
with open(mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS, 'r') as f:
first_line = f.readline()
if mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS.endswith('.sh'):
shell_cmd = re.sub('#!', '', first_line).strip()
if shell_cmd == '' or shell_cmd is None:
shell_cmd = '/bin/bash'
#forces mylar to use the executable that it was run with to run the extra script.
shell_cmd = sys.executable
currentScriptName = shell_cmd + ' ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.PRE_SCRIPTS).decode("string_escape")
logger.fdebug("pre script detected...enabling: " + str(currentScriptName))
# generate a safe command line string to execute the script and provide all the parameters
script_cmd = shlex.split(currentScriptName, posix=False) + [str(nzb_name), str(nzb_folder), str(seriesmetadata)]
logger.fdebug("cmd to be executed: " + str(script_cmd))
self._log("cmd to be executed: " + str(script_cmd))
# use subprocess to run the command and capture output
logger.fdebug(u"Executing command " +str(script_cmd))
logger.fdebug(u"Absolute path to script: " +script_cmd[0])
p = subprocess.Popen(script_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=mylar.PROG_DIR)
out, err = p.communicate() #@UnusedVariable
logger.fdebug(u"Script result: " + out)
self._log(u"Script result: " + out)
except OSError, e:
logger.warn(u"Unable to run pre_script: " + str(script_cmd))
self._log(u"Unable to run pre_script: " + str(script_cmd))
def _run_extra_scripts(self, nzb_name, nzb_folder, filen, folderp, seriesmetadata):
Executes any extra scripts defined in the config.
ep_obj: The object to use when calling the extra script
logger.fdebug("initiating extra script detection.")
self._log("initiating extra script detection.")
logger.fdebug("mylar.EXTRA_SCRIPTS : " + mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS)
self._log("mylar.EXTRA_SCRIPTS : " + mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS)
# for curScriptName in mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS:
with open(mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS, 'r') as f:
first_line = f.readline()
if mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS.endswith('.sh'):
shell_cmd = re.sub('#!', '', first_line)
if shell_cmd == '' or shell_cmd is None:
shell_cmd = '/bin/bash'
#forces mylar to use the executable that it was run with to run the extra script.
shell_cmd = sys.executable
curScriptName = shell_cmd + ' ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.EXTRA_SCRIPTS).decode("string_escape")
logger.fdebug("extra script detected...enabling: " + str(curScriptName))
# generate a safe command line string to execute the script and provide all the parameters
script_cmd = shlex.split(curScriptName) + [str(nzb_name), str(nzb_folder), str(filen), str(folderp), str(seriesmetadata)]
logger.fdebug("cmd to be executed: " + str(script_cmd))
self._log("cmd to be executed: " + str(script_cmd))
# use subprocess to run the command and capture output
logger.fdebug(u"Executing command " +str(script_cmd))
logger.fdebug(u"Absolute path to script: " +script_cmd[0])
p = subprocess.Popen(script_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=mylar.PROG_DIR)
out, err = p.communicate() #@UnusedVariable
logger.fdebug(u"Script result: " + out)
self._log(u"Script result: " + out)
except OSError, e:
logger.warn(u"Unable to run extra_script: " + str(script_cmd))
self._log(u"Unable to run extra_script: " + str(script_cmd))
def duplicate_process(self, dupeinfo):
#path to move 'should' be the entire path to the given file
path_to_move = dupeinfo['to_dupe']
file_to_move = os.path.split(path_to_move)[1]
if dupeinfo['action'] == 'dupe_src' and mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move':'[DUPLICATE-CLEANUP] New File will be post-processed. Moving duplicate [' + path_to_move + '] to Duplicate Dump Folder for manual intervention.')
if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move':'[DUPLICATE-CLEANUP][MOVE-MODE] New File will not be post-processed. Moving duplicate [' + path_to_move + '] to Duplicate Dump Folder for manual intervention.')
else:'[DUPLICATE-CLEANUP][COPY-MODE] NEW File will not be post-processed. Retaining file in original location [' + path_to_move + ']')
return True
#this gets tricky depending on if it's the new filename or the existing filename, and whether or not 'copy' or 'move' has been selected.
if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move':
#check to make sure duplicate_dump directory exists:
checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(mylar.CONFIG.DUPLICATE_DUMP, True, module='[DUPLICATE-CLEANUP]')
shutil.move(path_to_move, os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DUPLICATE_DUMP, file_to_move))
except (OSError, IOError):
logger.warn('[DUPLICATE-CLEANUP] Failed to move ' + path_to_move + ' ... to ... ' + os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DUPLICATE_DUMP, file_to_move))
return False
logger.warn('[DUPLICATE-CLEANUP] Successfully moved ' + path_to_move + ' ... to ... ' + os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DUPLICATE_DUMP, file_to_move))
return True
def tidyup(self, odir=None, del_nzbdir=False, sub_path=None, cacheonly=False, filename=None):
# del_nzbdir will remove the original directory location. Must be set to False for manual pp or else will delete manual dir that's provided (if empty).
# move = cleanup/delete original location (self.nzb_folder) AND cache location (odir) if metatagging is enabled.
# copy = cleanup/delete cache location (odir) only if enabled.
# cacheonly = will only delete the cache location (useful if there's an error during metatagging, and/or the final location is out of space)
#tidyup old path
if cacheonly is False:
logger.fdebug('File Option: %s [META-ENABLED: %s]' % (mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS, mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META))
logger.fdebug('odir: %s [filename: %s][self.nzb_folder: %s]' % (odir, filename, self.nzb_folder))
logger.fdebug('sub_path: %s [cacheonly: %s][del_nzbdir: %s]' % (sub_path, cacheonly, del_nzbdir))
#if sub_path exists, then we need to use that in place of self.nzb_folder since the file was in a sub-directory within self.nzb_folder
if all([sub_path is not None, sub_path != self.nzb_folder]): #, self.issueid is not None]):
if self.issueid is None:
logger.fdebug('Sub-directory detected during cleanup. Will attempt to remove if empty: ' + sub_path)
orig_folder = sub_path
logger.fdebug('Direct post-processing was performed against specific issueid. Using supplied filepath for deletion.')
orig_folder = self.nzb_folder
orig_folder = self.nzb_folder
#make sure we don't delete the directory passed via manual-pp and ajust for trailling slashes or not
if orig_folder.endswith('/') or orig_folder.endswith('\\'):
tmp_folder = orig_folder[:-1]
tmp_folder = orig_folder
if os.path.split(tmp_folder)[1] == filename and not os.path.isdir(tmp_folder):
logger.fdebug('%s item to be deleted is file, not folder due to direct submission: %s' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
tmp_folder = os.path.split(tmp_folder)[0]
#if all([os.path.isdir(odir), self.nzb_folder != tmp_folder]) or any([odir.startswith('mylar_'),del_nzbdir is True]):
# check to see if the directory is empty or not.
if all([mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move', self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run', tmp_folder != self.nzb_folder]):
if not os.listdir(tmp_folder):
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Tidying up. Deleting sub-folder location : ' + tmp_folder)
self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + tmp_folder)
if filename is not None:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_folder,filename)):
logger.fdebug('%s Attempting to remove file: %s' % (self.module, os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename)))
os.remove(os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename))
except Exception as e:
logger.warn('%s [%s] Unable to remove file : %s' % (self.module, e, os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename)))
if not os.listdir(tmp_folder):
logger.fdebug('%s Tidying up. Deleting original folder location : %s' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
except Exception as e:
logger.warn('%s [%s] Unable to delete original folder location: %s' % (self.module, e, tmp_folder))
logger.fdebug('%s Removed original folder location: %s' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + tmp_folder)
self._log('Failed to remove temporary directory: ' + tmp_folder)
logger.error('%s %s not empty. Skipping removal of directory - this will either be caught in further post-processing or it will have to be manually deleted.' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
self._log('Failed to remove temporary directory: ' + tmp_folder)
logger.error(self.module + ' ' + tmp_folder + ' not empty. Skipping removal of directory - this will either be caught in further post-processing or it will have to be manually deleted.')
elif all([mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move', self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run', filename is not None]):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_folder,filename)):
logger.fdebug('%s Attempting to remove original file: %s' % (self.module, os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename)))
os.remove(os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename))
except Exception as e:
logger.warn('%s [%s] Unable to remove file : %s' % (self.module, e, os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename)))
elif mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move' and all([del_nzbdir is True, self.nzb_name != 'Manual Run']): #tmp_folder != self.nzb_folder]):
if not os.listdir(tmp_folder):
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Tidying up. Deleting original folder location : ' + tmp_folder)
self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + tmp_folder)
if filename is not None:
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_folder,filename)):
logger.fdebug('%s Attempting to remove file: %s' % (self.module, os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename)))
os.remove(os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename))
except Exception as e:
logger.warn('%s [%s] Unable to remove file : %s' % (self.module, e, os.path.join(tmp_folder, filename)))
if not os.listdir(tmp_folder):
logger.fdebug('%s Tidying up. Deleting original folder location : %s' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
except Exception as e:
logger.warn('%s [%s] Unable to delete original folder location: %s' % (self.module, e, tmp_folder))
logger.fdebug('%s Removed original folder location: %s' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + tmp_folder)
self._log('Failed to remove temporary directory: ' + tmp_folder)
logger.error('%s %s not empty. Skipping removal of directory - this will either be caught in further post-processing or it will have to be manually deleted.' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
self._log('Failed to remove temporary directory: ' + tmp_folder)
logger.error('%s %s not empty. Skipping removal of directory - this will either be caught in further post-processing or it will have to be manually deleted.' % (self.module, tmp_folder))
if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META and all([os.path.isdir(odir), 'mylar_' in odir]):
#Regardless of the copy/move operation, we need to delete the files from within the cache directory, then remove the cache directory itself for the given issue.
#sometimes during a meta, it retains the cbr as well after conversion depending on settings. Make sure to delete too thus the 'walk'.
for filename in os.listdir(odir):
filepath = os.path.join(odir, filename)
except OSError:
if not os.listdir(odir):
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Tidying up. Deleting temporary cache directory : ' + odir)
self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + odir)
self._log('Failed to remove temporary directory: ' + odir)
logger.error(self.module + ' ' + odir + ' not empty. Skipping removal of temporary cache directory - this will either be caught in further post-processing or have to be manually deleted.')
except (OSError, IOError):
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Failed to remove directory - Processing will continue, but manual removal is necessary')
self._log('Failed to remove temporary directory')
def Process(self):
module = self.module
self._log("nzb name: " + self.nzb_name)
self._log("nzb folder: " + self.nzb_folder)
logger.fdebug(module + ' nzb name: ' + self.nzb_name)
logger.fdebug(module + ' nzb folder: ' + self.nzb_folder)
if mylar.USE_SABNZBD==0:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Not using SABnzbd')
elif mylar.USE_SABNZBD != 0 and self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
logger.fdebug(module + ' Not using SABnzbd : Manual Run')
# if the SAB Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
if all([mylar.CONFIG.SAB_TO_MYLAR, mylar.CONFIG.SAB_DIRECTORY is not None, mylar.CONFIG.SAB_DIRECTORY != 'None']):
self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.SAB_DIRECTORY, self.nzb_name).encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
logger.fdebug(module + ' SABnzbd Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : ' + self.nzb_folder)
if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
if self.nzb_name != 'Manual Run':
logger.fdebug(module + ' Using NZBGET')
logger.fdebug(module + ' NZB name as passed from NZBGet: ' + self.nzb_name)
# if the NZBGet Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
if self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
logger.fdebug(module + ' Manual Run Post-Processing enabled.')
elif all([mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not None, mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_DIRECTORY is not 'None']):
logger.fdebug(module + ' NZB name as passed from NZBGet: ' + self.nzb_name)
self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.NZBGET_DIRECTORY, self.nzb_name).encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
logger.fdebug(module + ' NZBGET Download folder option enabled. Directory set to : ' + self.nzb_folder)
myDB = db.DBConnection()
self.oneoffinlist = False
if any([self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run', self.issueid is not None, self.comicid is not None, self.apicall is True]):
if all([self.issueid is None, self.comicid is not None, self.apicall is True]) or self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run' or all([self.apicall is True, self.comicid is None, self.issueid is None, self.nzb_name.startswith('0-Day')]):
if self.comicid is not None:
logger.fdebug('%s Now post-processing pack directly against ComicID: %s' % (module, self.comicid))
elif all([self.apicall is True, self.issueid is None, self.comicid is None, self.nzb_name.startswith('0-Day')]):
logger.fdebug('%s Now post-processing 0-day pack: %s' % (module, self.nzb_name))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Manual Run initiated')
#Manual postprocessing on a folder.
#first we get a parsed results list of the files being processed, and then poll against the sql to get a short list of hits.
flc = filechecker.FileChecker(self.nzb_folder, justparse=True, pp_mode=True)
filelist = flc.listFiles()
if filelist['comiccount'] == 0: # is None:
logger.warn('There were no files located - check the debugging logs if you think this is in error.')
return'I have located ' + str(filelist['comiccount']) + ' files that I should be able to post-process. Continuing...')
if all([self.comicid is None, '_' not in self.issueid]):
cid = myDB.selectone('SELECT ComicID FROM issues where IssueID=?', [str(self.issueid)]).fetchone()
self.comicid = cid[0]
if '_' in self.issueid:
logger.fdebug('Story Arc post-processing request detected.')
self.issuearcid = self.issueid
logger.fdebug('%s Now post-processing directly against ComicID: %s / IssueID: %s' % (module, self.comicid, self.issueid))
if self.nzb_name.lower().endswith(self.extensions):
flc = filechecker.FileChecker(self.nzb_folder, file=self.nzb_name, pp_mode=True)
fl = flc.listFiles()
filelist = {}
filelist['comiclist'] = [fl]
filelist['comiccount'] = len(filelist['comiclist'])
flc = filechecker.FileChecker(self.nzb_folder, justparse=True, pp_mode=True)
filelist = flc.listFiles()
#preload the entire ALT list in here.
alt_list = []
alt_db ="SELECT * FROM Comics WHERE AlternateSearch != 'None'")
if alt_db is not None:
for aldb in alt_db:
as_d = filechecker.FileChecker(AlternateSearch=helpers.conversion(aldb['AlternateSearch']))
as_dinfo = as_d.altcheck()
alt_list.append({'AS_Alt': as_dinfo['AS_Alt'],
'AS_Tuple': as_dinfo['AS_Tuple'],
'AS_DyComicName': aldb['DynamicComicName']})
manual_arclist = []
oneoff_issuelist = []
manual_list = []
for fl in filelist['comiclist']:
self.matched = False
as_d = filechecker.FileChecker()
as_dinfo = as_d.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(fl['series_name']))
mod_seriesname = as_dinfo['mod_seriesname']
loopchk = []
if fl['alt_series'] is not None:'%s Alternate series naming detected: %s' % (module, fl['alt_series']))
as_sinfo = as_d.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(fl['alt_series']))
mod_altseriesname = as_sinfo['mod_seriesname']
if all([mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON, 'annual' in mod_altseriesname.lower()]) or all([mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON, 'special' in mod_altseriesname.lower()]):
mod_altseriesname = re.sub('annual', '', mod_altseriesname, flags=re.I).strip()
mod_altseriesname = re.sub('special', '', mod_altseriesname, flags=re.I).strip()
if not any(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', mod_altseriesname).lower() == x for x in loopchk):
loopchk.append(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', mod_altseriesname.lower()))
for x in alt_list:
cname = x['AS_DyComicName']
for ab in x['AS_Alt']:
tmp_ab = re.sub(' ', '', ab)
tmp_mod_seriesname = re.sub(' ', '', mod_seriesname)
if re.sub('\|', '', tmp_mod_seriesname.lower()).strip() == re.sub('\|', '', tmp_ab.lower()).strip():
if not any(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', cname.lower()) == x for x in loopchk):
loopchk.append(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', cname.lower()))
if all([mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON, 'annual' in mod_seriesname.lower()]) or all([mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON, 'special' in mod_seriesname.lower()]):
mod_seriesname = re.sub('annual', '', mod_seriesname, flags=re.I).strip()
mod_seriesname = re.sub('special', '', mod_seriesname, flags=re.I).strip()
#make sure we add back in the original parsed filename here.
if not any(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', mod_seriesname).lower() == x for x in loopchk):
loopchk.append(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', mod_seriesname.lower()))
if any([self.issueid is not None, self.comicid is not None]):
comicseries ='SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [self.comicid])
tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM comics WHERE DynamicComicName IN ({seq}) COLLATE NOCASE".format(seq=','.join('?' * len(loopchk)))
comicseries =, tuple(loopchk))
if comicseries is None:
logger.error(module + ' No Series in Watchlist - checking against Story Arcs (just in case). If I do not find anything, maybe you should be running Import?')
watchvals = []
for wv in comicseries:
#do some extra checks in here to ignore these types:
#check for Paused status /
#check for Ended status and 100% completion of issues.
if wv['Status'] == 'Paused' or (wv['Have'] == wv['Total'] and not any(['Present' in wv['ComicPublished'],[:4] in wv['ComicPublished']])):
logger.warn(wv['ComicName'] + ' [' + wv['ComicYear'] + '] is either Paused or in an Ended status with 100% completion. Ignoring for match.')
wv_comicname = wv['ComicName']
wv_comicpublisher = wv['ComicPublisher']
wv_alternatesearch = wv['AlternateSearch']
wv_comicid = wv['ComicID']
wv_seriesyear = wv['ComicYear']
wv_comicversion = wv['ComicVersion']
wv_publisher = wv['ComicPublisher']
wv_total = wv['Total']
logger.fdebug('Queuing to Check: ' + wv['ComicName'] + ' [' + str(wv['ComicYear']) + '] -- ' + str(wv['ComicID']))
#force it to use the Publication Date of the latest issue instead of the Latest Date (which could be anything)
latestdate ='SELECT IssueDate from issues WHERE ComicID=? order by ReleaseDate DESC', [wv['ComicID']])
if latestdate:
tmplatestdate = latestdate[0][0]
if tmplatestdate[:4] != wv['LatestDate'][:4]:
if tmplatestdate[:4] > wv['LatestDate'][:4]:
latestdate = tmplatestdate
latestdate = wv['LatestDate']
latestdate = tmplatestdate
latestdate = wv['LatestDate']
if latestdate == '0000-00-00' or latestdate == 'None' or latestdate is None:
logger.fdebug('Forcing a refresh of series: ' + wv_comicname + ' as it appears to have incomplete issue dates.')
logger.fdebug('Refresh complete for ' + wv_comicname + '. Rechecking issue dates for completion.')
latestdate ='SELECT IssueDate from issues WHERE ComicID=? order by ReleaseDate DESC', [wv['ComicID']])
if latestdate:
tmplatestdate = latestdate[0][0]
if tmplatestdate[:4] != wv['LatestDate'][:4]:
if tmplatestdate[:4] > wv['LatestDate'][:4]:
latestdate = tmplatestdate
latestdate = wv['LatestDate']
latestdate = tmplatestdate
latestdate = wv['LatestDate']
logger.fdebug('Latest Date (after forced refresh) set to :' + str(latestdate))
if latestdate == '0000-00-00' or latestdate == 'None' or latestdate is None:
logger.fdebug('Unable to properly attain the Latest Date for series: ' + wv_comicname + '. Cannot check against this series for post-processing.')
watchvals.append({"ComicName": wv_comicname,
"ComicPublisher": wv_comicpublisher,
"AlternateSearch": wv_alternatesearch,
"ComicID": wv_comicid,
"WatchValues": {"SeriesYear": wv_seriesyear,
"LatestDate": latestdate,
"ComicVersion": wv_comicversion,
"Publisher": wv_publisher,
"Total": wv_total,
"ComicID": wv_comicid,
"IsArc": False}
for cs in watchvals:
wm = filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=cs['ComicName'], Publisher=cs['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=cs['AlternateSearch'], manual=cs['WatchValues'])
watchmatch = wm.matchIT(fl)
if watchmatch['process_status'] == 'fail':
temploc= watchmatch['justthedigits'].replace('_', ' ')
temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)'temploc: %s' % temploc)
datematch = "False"
if any(['annual' in temploc.lower(), 'special' in temploc.lower()]) and mylar.CONFIG.ANNUALS_ON is True:
biannchk = re.sub('-', '', temploc.lower()).strip()
if 'biannual' in biannchk:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Bi-Annual detected.')
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('biannual', '', str(biannchk)).strip())
if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('annual', '', str(temploc.lower())).strip())
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('special', '', str(temploc.lower())).strip())
logger.fdebug(module + ' Annual/Special detected [' + str(fcdigit) +']. ComicID assigned as ' + str(cs['ComicID']))
annchk = "yes"
issuechk ="SELECT * from annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [cs['ComicID'], fcdigit])
annchk = "no"
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(temploc)
issuechk ="SELECT * from issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [cs['ComicID'], fcdigit])
if issuechk is None:
logger.fdebug(module + ' No corresponding issue # found for ' + str(cs['ComicID']))
for isc in issuechk:
datematch = "True"
if isc['ReleaseDate'] is not None and isc['ReleaseDate'] != '0000-00-00':
monthval = isc['ReleaseDate']
watch_issueyear = isc['ReleaseDate'][:4]
monthval = isc['IssueDate']
watch_issueyear = isc['IssueDate'][:4]
if len(watchmatch) >= 1 and watchmatch['issue_year'] is not None:
#if the # of matches is more than 1, we need to make sure we get the right series
#compare the ReleaseDate for the issue, to the found issue date in the filename.
#if ReleaseDate doesn't exist, use IssueDate
#if no issue date was found, then ignore.
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY] Now checking against ' + cs['ComicName'] + '-' + cs['ComicID'])
issyr = None
#logger.fdebug(module + ' issuedate:' + str(isc['IssueDate']))
#logger.fdebug(module + ' isc: ' + str(isc['IssueDate'][5:7])) + ' ReleaseDate: ' + str(isc['ReleaseDate'])) + ' IssueDate: ' + str(isc['IssueDate']))
if isc['ReleaseDate'] is not None and isc['ReleaseDate'] != '0000-00-00':
if int(isc['ReleaseDate'][:4]) < int(watchmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY] ' + str(isc['ReleaseDate']) + ' is before the issue year of ' + str(watchmatch['issue_year']) + ' that was discovered in the filename')
datematch = "False"
if int(isc['IssueDate'][:4]) < int(watchmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY] ' + str(isc['IssueDate']) + ' is before the issue year ' + str(watchmatch['issue_year']) + ' that was discovered in the filename')
datematch = "False"
if int(monthval[5:7]) == 11 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 12:
issyr = int(monthval[:4]) + 1
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY] IssueYear (issyr) is ' + str(issyr))
elif int(monthval[5:7]) == 1 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 2 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 3:
issyr = int(monthval[:4]) - 1
if datematch == "False" and issyr is not None:
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY] ' + str(issyr) + ' comparing to ' + str(watchmatch['issue_year']) + ' : rechecking by month-check versus year.')
datematch = "True"
if int(issyr) != int(watchmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][.:FAIL:.] Issue is before the modified issue year of ' + str(issyr))
datematch = "False"
else: + '[ISSUE-VERIFY] Found matching issue # ' + str(fcdigit) + ' for ComicID: ' + str(cs['ComicID']) + ' / IssueID: ' + str(isc['IssueID']))
if datematch == "True":
# if we get to here, we need to do some more comparisons just to make sure we have the right volume
# first we chk volume label if it exists, then we drop down to issue year
# if the above both don't exist, and there's more than one series on the watchlist (or the series is > v1)
# then spit out the error message and don't post-process it.
watch_values = cs['WatchValues']
#logger.fdebug('WATCH_VALUES:' + str(watch_values))
if any([watch_values['ComicVersion'] is None, watch_values['ComicVersion'] == 'None']):
tmp_watchlist_vol = '1'
tmp_watchlist_vol = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", watch_values['ComicVersion']).strip()
if all([watchmatch['series_volume'] != 'None', watchmatch['series_volume'] is not None]):
tmp_watchmatch_vol = re.sub("[^0-9]","", watchmatch['series_volume']).strip()
if len(tmp_watchmatch_vol) == 4:
if int(tmp_watchmatch_vol) == int(watch_values['SeriesYear']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][SeriesYear-Volume MATCH] Series Year of ' + str(watch_values['SeriesYear']) + ' matched to volume/year label of ' + str(tmp_watchmatch_vol))
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][SeriesYear-Volume FAILURE] Series Year of ' + str(watch_values['SeriesYear']) + ' DID NOT match to volume/year label of ' + tmp_watchmatch_vol)
datematch = "False"
if len(watchvals) > 1 and int(tmp_watchmatch_vol) > 1:
if int(tmp_watchmatch_vol) == int(tmp_watchlist_vol):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][SeriesYear-Volume MATCH] Volume label of series Year of ' + str(watch_values['ComicVersion']) + ' matched to volume label of ' + str(watchmatch['series_volume']))
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][SeriesYear-Volume FAILURE] Volume label of Series Year of ' + str(watch_values['ComicVersion']) + ' DID NOT match to volume label of ' + str(watchmatch['series_volume']))
#datematch = "False"
if any([tmp_watchlist_vol is None, tmp_watchlist_vol == 'None', tmp_watchlist_vol == '']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][NO VOLUME PRESENT] No Volume label present for series. Dropping down to Issue Year matching.')
datematch = "False"
elif len(watchvals) == 1 and int(tmp_watchlist_vol) == 1:
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][Lone Volume MATCH] Volume label of ' + str(watch_values['ComicVersion']) + ' indicates only volume for this series on your watchlist.')
elif int(tmp_watchlist_vol) > 1:
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][Lone Volume FAILURE] Volume label of ' + str(watch_values['ComicVersion']) + ' indicates that there is more than one volume for this series, but the one on your watchlist has no volume label set.')
datematch = "False"
if datematch == "False" and all([watchmatch['issue_year'] is not None, watchmatch['issue_year'] != 'None', watch_issueyear is not None]):
#now we see if the issue year matches exactly to what we have within Mylar.
if int(watch_issueyear) == int(watchmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][Issue Year MATCH] Issue Year of ' + str(watch_issueyear) + ' is a match to the year found in the filename of : ' + str(watchmatch['issue_year']))
datematch = 'True'
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][Issue Year FAILURE] Issue Year of ' + str(watch_issueyear) + ' does NOT match the year found in the filename of : ' + str(watchmatch['issue_year']))
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY] Checking against complete date to see if month published could allow for different publication year.')
if issyr is not None:
if int(issyr) != int(watchmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][Issue Year FAILURE] Modified Issue year of ' + str(issyr) + ' is before the modified issue year of ' + str(issyr))
logger.fdebug(module + '[ISSUE-VERIFY][Issue Year MATCH] Modified Issue Year of ' + str(issyr) + ' is a match to the year found in the filename of : ' + str(watchmatch['issue_year']))
datematch = 'True'
if datematch == 'True':
if watchmatch['sub']:
logger.fdebug('%s[SUB: %s][CLOCATION: %s]' % (module, watchmatch['sub'], watchmatch['comiclocation']))
clocation = os.path.join(watchmatch['comiclocation'], watchmatch['sub'], helpers.conversion(watchmatch['comicfilename']))
logger.fdebug('%s[CLOCATION] %s' % (module, watchmatch['comiclocation']))
if self.issueid is not None and os.path.isfile(watchmatch['comiclocation']):
clocation = watchmatch['comiclocation']
clocation = os.path.join(watchmatch['comiclocation'],helpers.conversion(watchmatch['comicfilename']))
annualtype = None
if annchk == 'yes':
if 'Annual' in isc['ReleaseComicName']:
annualtype = 'Annual'
elif 'Special' in isc['ReleaseComicName']:
annualtype = 'Special'
if 'Annual' in isc['ComicName']:
annualtype = 'Annual'
elif 'Special' in isc['ComicName']:
annualtype = 'Special'
manual_list.append({"ComicLocation": clocation,
"ComicID": cs['ComicID'],
"IssueID": isc['IssueID'],
"IssueNumber": isc['Issue_Number'],
"AnnualType": annualtype,
"ComicName": cs['ComicName'],
"Series": watchmatch['series_name'],
"AltSeries": watchmatch['alt_series'],
"One-Off": False})
logger.fdebug(module + '[NON-MATCH: ' + cs['ComicName'] + '-' + cs['ComicID'] + '] Incorrect series - not populating..continuing post-processing')
logger.fdebug(module + '[NON-MATCH: ' + cs['ComicName'] + '-' + cs['ComicID'] + '] Incorrect series - not populating..continuing post-processing')
xmld = filechecker.FileChecker()
xmld1 = xmld.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(cs['ComicName']))
xseries = xmld1['mod_seriesname'].lower()
xmld2 = xmld.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(watchmatch['series_name']))
xfile = xmld2['mod_seriesname'].lower()
if re.sub('\|', '', xseries) == re.sub('\|', '', xfile):
logger.fdebug('%s[DEFINITIVE-NAME MATCH] Definitive name match exactly to : %s [%s]' % (module, watchmatch['series_name'], cs['ComicID']))
if len(manual_list) > 1:
manual_list = [item for item in manual_list if all([item['IssueID'] == isc['IssueID'], item['AnnualType'] is not None]) or all([item['IssueID'] == isc['IssueID'], item['ComicLocation'] == clocation]) or all([item['IssueID'] != isc['IssueID'], item['ComicLocation'] != clocation])]
self.matched = True
continue #break
if datematch == 'True':
logger.fdebug(module + '[SUCCESSFUL MATCH: ' + cs['ComicName'] + '-' + cs['ComicID'] + '] Match verified for ' + helpers.conversion(fl['comicfilename']))
#mlp = []
#xmld = filechecker.FileChecker()
#if len(manual_list) > 1:
# #in case the manual pp matches on more than one series in the watchlist, drop back down to exact name matching to see if we can narrow
# #the matches down further to the point where there's only one exact match. Not being able to match specifically when there is more than
# #one item in the manual list that's matched to the same file will result in a dupe_src error and/or mistakingly PP'ing against the
# #wrong series.
# for x in manual_list:
# xmld1 = xmld.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(x['ComicName']))
# xseries = xmld1['mod_seriesname'].lower()
# xmld2 = xmld.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(x['Series']))
# xfile = xmld2['mod_seriesname'].lower()
#'[xseries:%s][xfile:%s]' % (xseries,xfile))
# if re.sub('\|', '', xseries).strip() == re.sub('\|', '', xfile).strip():
# logger.fdebug('%s[DEFINITIVE-NAME MATCH] Definitive name match exactly to : %s [%s]' % (module, x['ComicName'], x['ComicID']))
# mlp.append(x)
# else:
# pass
# if len(mlp) == 1:
# manual_list = mlp
# logger.fdebug('%s[CONFIRMED-FORCE-OVERRIDE] Over-ride of matching taken due to exact name matching of series' % module)
# else:
# logger.warn('%s[CONFIRMATION-PROBLEM] Unable to determine proper match for series as more than one successful match came up.' % module)
#we should setup for manual post-processing of story-arc issues here
#we can also search by ComicID to just grab those particular arcs as an alternative as well (not done)
#as_d = filechecker.FileChecker()
#as_dinfo = as_d.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(fl['series_name']))
#mod_seriesname = as_dinfo['mod_seriesname']
#arcloopchk = []
#for x in alt_list:
# cname = x['AS_DyComicName']
# for ab in x['AS_Alt']:
# if re.sub('[\|\s]', '', mod_seriesname.lower()).strip() in re.sub('[\|\s]', '', ab.lower()).strip():
# if not any(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', cname.lower()) == x for x in arcloopchk):
# arcloopchk.append(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', cname.lower()))
##make sure we add back in the original parsed filename here.
#if not any(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', mod_seriesname).lower() == x for x in arcloopchk):
# arcloopchk.append(re.sub('[\|\s]', '', mod_seriesname.lower()))
if self.issuearcid is None:
tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE DynamicComicName IN ({seq}) COLLATE NOCASE".format(seq=','.join('?' * len(loopchk))) #len(arcloopchk)))
arc_series =, tuple(loopchk)) #arcloopchk))
if self.issuearcid[0] == 'S':
self.issuearcid = self.issuearcid[1:]
arc_series ="SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?", [self.issuearcid])
if arc_series is None:
logger.error(module + ' No Story Arcs in Watchlist that contain that particular series - aborting Manual Post Processing. Maybe you should be running Import?')
arcvals = []
for av in arc_series:
arcvals.append({"ComicName": av['ComicName'],
"ArcValues": {"StoryArc": av['StoryArc'],
"StoryArcID": av['StoryArcID'],
"IssueArcID": av['IssueArcID'],
"ComicName": av['ComicName'],
"DynamicComicName": av['DynamicComicName'],
"ComicPublisher": av['IssuePublisher'],
"Publisher": av['Publisher'],
"IssueID": av['IssueID'],
"IssueNumber": av['IssueNumber'],
"IssueYear": av['IssueYear'], #for some reason this is empty
"ReadingOrder": av['ReadingOrder'],
"IssueDate": av['IssueDate'],
"Status": av['Status'],
"Location": av['Location']},
"WatchValues": {"SeriesYear": av['SeriesYear'],
"LatestDate": av['IssueDate'],
"ComicVersion": 'v' + str(av['SeriesYear']),
"Publisher": av['IssuePublisher'],
"Total": av['TotalIssues'], # this will return the total issues in the arc (not needed for this)
"ComicID": av['ComicID'],
"IsArc": True}
from collections import defaultdict
res = defaultdict(list)
for acv in arcvals:
res[acv['ComicName']].append({"ArcValues": acv['ArcValues'],
"WatchValues": acv['WatchValues']})
if len(res) > 0:
logger.fdebug('%s Now Checking if %s issue(s) may also reside in one of the storyarc\'s that I am watching.' % (module, len(res)))
for k,v in res.items():
i = 0
#k is ComicName
#v is ArcValues and WatchValues
while i < len(v):
if k is None or k == 'None':
arcm = filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=k, Publisher=v[i]['ArcValues']['ComicPublisher'], manual=v[i]['WatchValues'])
arcmatch = arcm.matchIT(fl)
#logger.fdebug('arcmatch: ' + str(arcmatch))
if arcmatch['process_status'] == 'fail':
temploc= arcmatch['justthedigits'].replace('_', ' ')
temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
if helpers.issuedigits(temploc) != helpers.issuedigits(v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueNumber']):
#logger.fdebug('issues dont match. Skipping')
if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
biannchk = re.sub('-', '', temploc.lower()).strip()
if 'biannual' in biannchk:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Bi-Annual detected.')
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('biannual', '', str(biannchk)).strip())
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('annual', '', str(temploc.lower())).strip())
logger.fdebug(module + ' Annual detected [' + str(fcdigit) +']. ComicID assigned as ' + str(v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID']))
annchk = "yes"
issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID'], fcdigit]).fetchone()
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(temploc)
issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from storyarcs WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID'], fcdigit]).fetchone()
if issuechk is None:
logger.fdebug(module + ' No corresponding issue # found for ' + str(v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID']))
datematch = "True"
if len(arcmatch) >= 1 and arcmatch['issue_year'] is not None:
#if the # of matches is more than 1, we need to make sure we get the right series
#compare the ReleaseDate for the issue, to the found issue date in the filename.
#if ReleaseDate doesn't exist, use IssueDate
#if no issue date was found, then ignore.
issyr = None
logger.fdebug('issuedate:' + str(issuechk['IssueDate']))
logger.fdebug('issuechk: ' + str(issuechk['IssueDate'][5:7]))
logger.fdebug('StoreDate ' + str(issuechk['ReleaseDate']))
logger.fdebug('IssueDate: ' + str(issuechk['IssueDate']))
if all([issuechk['ReleaseDate'] is not None, issuechk['ReleaseDate'] != '0000-00-00']) or all([issuechk['IssueDate'] is not None, issuechk['IssueDate'] != '0000-00-00']):
if issuechk['ReleaseDate'] == '0000-00-00':
datevalue = issuechk['IssueDate']
if int(datevalue[:4]) < int(arcmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + ' ' + str(datevalue[:4]) + ' is before the issue year ' + str(arcmatch['issue_year']) + ' that was discovered in the filename')
datematch = "False"
datevalue = issuechk['ReleaseDate']
if int(datevalue[:4]) < int(arcmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + ' ' + str(datevalue[:4]) + ' is before the issue year of ' + str(arcmatch['issue_year']) + ' that was discovered in the filename')
datematch = "False"
monthval = datevalue
if int(monthval[5:7]) == 11 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 12:
issyr = int(monthval[:4]) + 1
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueYear (issyr) is ' + str(issyr))
elif int(monthval[5:7]) == 1 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 2 or int(monthval[5:7]) == 3:
issyr = int(monthval[:4]) - 1
if datematch == "False" and issyr is not None:
logger.fdebug(module + ' ' + str(issyr) + ' comparing to ' + str(arcmatch['issue_year']) + ' : rechecking by month-check versus year.')
datematch = "True"
if int(issyr) != int(arcmatch['issue_year']):
logger.fdebug(module + '[.:FAIL:.] Issue is before the modified issue year of ' + str(issyr))
datematch = "False"
else: + ' Found matching issue # ' + str(fcdigit) + ' for ComicID: ' + str(v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID']) + ' / IssueID: ' + str(issuechk['IssueID']))
logger.fdebug('datematch: ' + str(datematch))
logger.fdebug('temploc: ' + str(helpers.issuedigits(temploc)))
logger.fdebug('arcissue: ' + str(helpers.issuedigits(v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueNumber'])))
if datematch == "True" and helpers.issuedigits(temploc) == helpers.issuedigits(v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueNumber']):
passit = False
if len(manual_list) > 0:
if any([ v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueID'] == x['IssueID'] for x in manual_list ]):'[STORY-ARC POST-PROCESSING] IssueID ' + str(v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueID']) + ' exists in your watchlist. Bypassing Story-Arc post-processing performed later.')
#add in the storyarcid into the manual list so it will perform story-arc functions after normal manual PP is finished.
for a in manual_list:
if a['IssueID'] == v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueID']:
a['IssueArcID'] = v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueArcID']
passit = True
if passit == False:
tmpfilename = helpers.conversion(arcmatch['comicfilename'])
if arcmatch['sub']:
clocation = os.path.join(arcmatch['comiclocation'], arcmatch['sub'], tmpfilename)
clocation = os.path.join(arcmatch['comiclocation'], tmpfilename)'[' + k + ' #' + issuechk['IssueNumber'] + '] MATCH: ' + clocation + ' / ' + str(issuechk['IssueID']) + ' / ' + str(v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueID']))
if v[i]['ArcValues']['Publisher'] is None:
arcpublisher = v[i]['ArcValues']['ComicPublisher']
arcpublisher = v[i]['ArcValues']['Publisher']
manual_arclist.append({"ComicLocation": clocation,
"Filename": tmpfilename,
"ComicID": v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID'],
"IssueID": v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueID'],
"IssueNumber": v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueNumber'],
"StoryArc": v[i]['ArcValues']['StoryArc'],
"StoryArcID": v[i]['ArcValues']['StoryArcID'],
"IssueArcID": v[i]['ArcValues']['IssueArcID'],
"Publisher": arcpublisher,
"ReadingOrder": v[i]['ArcValues']['ReadingOrder'],
"ComicName": k}) + '[SUCCESSFUL MATCH: ' + k + '-' + v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID'] + '] Match verified for ' + arcmatch['comicfilename'])
self.matched = True
logger.fdebug(module + '[NON-MATCH: ' + k + '-' + v[i]['WatchValues']['ComicID'] + '] Incorrect series - not populating..continuing post-processing')
if self.matched is False:
#one-off manual pp'd of torrents
if all(['0-Day Week' in self.nzb_name, mylar.CONFIG.PACK_0DAY_WATCHLIST_ONLY is True]):
oneofflist ="select s.Issue_Number, s.ComicName, s.IssueID, s.ComicID, s.Provider, w.PUBLISHER, w.weeknumber, w.year from snatched as s inner join nzblog as n on s.IssueID = n.IssueID inner join weekly as w on s.IssueID = w.IssueID WHERE n.OneOff = 1;") #(s.Provider ='32P' or s.Provider='WWT' or s.Provider='DEM') AND n.OneOff = 1;")
#oneofflist ="select s.Issue_Number, s.ComicName, s.IssueID, s.ComicID, s.Provider, w.PUBLISHER, w.weeknumber, w.year from snatched as s inner join nzblog as n on s.IssueID = n.IssueID and s.Hash is not NULL inner join weekly as w on s.IssueID = w.IssueID WHERE n.OneOff = 1;") #(s.Provider ='32P' or s.Provider='WWT' or s.Provider='DEM') AND n.OneOff = 1;")
if not oneofflist:
logger.fdebug(module + '[ONEOFF-SELECTION][self.nzb_name: %s]' % self.nzb_name)
oneoffvals = []
for ofl in oneofflist:'[ONEOFF-SELECTION] ofl: %s' % ofl)
oneoffvals.append({"ComicName": ofl['ComicName'],
"ComicPublisher": ofl['PUBLISHER'],
"Issue_Number": ofl['Issue_Number'],
"AlternateSearch": None,
"ComicID": ofl['ComicID'],
"IssueID": ofl['IssueID'],
"WatchValues": {"SeriesYear": None,
"LatestDate": None,
"ComicVersion": None,
"Publisher": ofl['PUBLISHER'],
"Total": None,
"ComicID": ofl['ComicID'],
"IsArc": False}})
#this seems redundant to scan in all over again...
#for fl in filelist['comiclist']:
for ofv in oneoffvals:'[ONEOFF-SELECTION] ofv: %s' % ofv)
wm = filechecker.FileChecker(watchcomic=ofv['ComicName'], Publisher=ofv['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=None, manual=ofv['WatchValues'])
#if fl['sub'] is not None:
# pathtofile = os.path.join(fl['comiclocation'], fl['sub'], fl['comicfilename'])
# pathtofile = os.path.join(fl['comiclocation'], fl['comicfilename'])
watchmatch = wm.matchIT(fl)
if watchmatch['process_status'] == 'fail':
temploc= watchmatch['justthedigits'].replace('_', ' ')
temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)'watchmatch: %s' % watchmatch)
if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
biannchk = re.sub('-', '', temploc.lower()).strip()
if 'biannual' in biannchk:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Bi-Annual detected.')
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('biannual', '', str(biannchk)).strip())
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('annual', '', str(temploc.lower())).strip())
logger.fdebug(module + ' Annual detected [' + str(fcdigit) +']. ComicID assigned as ' + str(ofv['ComicID']))
annchk = "yes"
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(temploc)
if fcdigit == helpers.issuedigits(ofv['Issue_Number']):
if watchmatch['sub']:
clocation = os.path.join(watchmatch['comiclocation'], watchmatch['sub'], helpers.conversion(watchmatch['comicfilename']))
clocation = os.path.join(watchmatch['comiclocation'],helpers.conversion(watchmatch['comicfilename']))
oneoff_issuelist.append({"ComicLocation": clocation,
"ComicID": ofv['ComicID'],
"IssueID": ofv['IssueID'],
"IssueNumber": ofv['Issue_Number'],
"ComicName": ofv['ComicName'],
"One-Off": True})
self.oneoffinlist = True
logger.fdebug(module + ' No corresponding issue # in dB found for %s # %s' % (ofv['ComicName'],ofv['Issue_Number']))
logger.fdebug(module + '[SUCCESSFUL MATCH: ' + ofv['ComicName'] + '-' + ofv['ComicID'] + '] Match verified for ' + helpers.conversion(fl['comicfilename']))
self.matched = True
logger.fdebug('%s There are %s files found that match on your watchlist, %s files are considered one-off\'s, and %s files do not match anything' % (module, len(manual_list), len(oneoff_issuelist), int(filelist['comiccount']) - len(manual_list)))
delete_arc = []
if len(manual_arclist) > 0:'[STORY-ARC MANUAL POST-PROCESSING] I have found ' + str(len(manual_arclist)) + ' issues that belong to Story Arcs. Flinging them into the correct directories.')
for ml in manual_arclist:
issueid = ml['IssueID']
ofilename = orig_filename = ml['ComicLocation']'[STORY-ARC POST-PROCESSING] Enabled for ' + ml['StoryArc'])
grdst = helpers.arcformat(ml['StoryArc'], helpers.spantheyears(ml['StoryArcID']), ml['Publisher'])
#tag the meta.
metaresponse = None
crcvalue = helpers.crc(ofilename)
if mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META:'[STORY-ARC POST-PROCESSING] Metatagging enabled - proceeding...')
import cmtagmylar
metaresponse =, issueid=issueid, filename=ofilename)
except ImportError:
logger.warn(module + ' comictaggerlib not found on system. Ensure the ENTIRE lib directory is located within mylar/lib/comictaggerlib/')
metaresponse = "fail"
if metaresponse == "fail":
logger.fdebug(module + ' Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without metatagging...')
elif any([metaresponse == "unrar error", metaresponse == "corrupt"]):
logger.error(module + ' This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it is incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying it.')
#launch failed download handling here.
elif metaresponse.startswith('file not found'):
filename_in_error = metaresponse.split('||')[1]
self._log("The file cannot be found in the location provided for metatagging to be used [" + filename_in_error + "]. Please verify it exists, and re-run if necessary. Attempting to continue without metatagging...")
logger.error(module + ' The file cannot be found in the location provided for metatagging to be used [' + filename_in_error + ']. Please verify it exists, and re-run if necessary. Attempting to continue without metatagging...')
odir = os.path.split(metaresponse)[0]
ofilename = os.path.split(metaresponse)[1]
ext = os.path.splitext(metaresponse)[1] + ' Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (' + ofilename + ') - Continuing..')
self._log('Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (' + ofilename + ') - proceeding...')
dfilename = ofilename
dfilename = ml['Filename']
if metaresponse:
src_location = odir
grab_src = os.path.join(src_location, ofilename)
src_location = ofilename
grab_src = ofilename
logger.fdebug(module + ' Source Path : ' + grab_src)
checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(grdst, True, module=module)
if not checkdirectory:
logger.warn(module + ' Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
#send to renamer here if valid.
renamed_file = helpers.rename_param(ml['ComicID'], ml['ComicName'], ml['IssueNumber'], dfilename, issueid=ml['IssueID'], arc=ml['StoryArc'])
if renamed_file:
dfilename = renamed_file['nfilename']
logger.fdebug(module + ' Renaming file to conform to configuration: ' + ofilename)
#if from a StoryArc, check to see if we're appending the ReadingOrder to the filename
logger.fdebug(module + ' readingorder#: ' + str(ml['ReadingOrder']))
if int(ml['ReadingOrder']) < 10: readord = "00" + str(ml['ReadingOrder'])
elif int(ml['ReadingOrder']) >= 10 and int(ml['ReadingOrder']) <= 99: readord = "0" + str(ml['ReadingOrder'])
else: readord = str(ml['ReadingOrder'])
dfilename = str(readord) + "-" + os.path.split(dfilename)[1]
grab_dst = os.path.join(grdst, dfilename)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Destination Path : ' + grab_dst)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Source Path : ' + grab_src) + '[ONE-OFF MODE][' + mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS.upper() + '] ' + grab_src + ' into directory : ' + grab_dst)
#this is also for issues that are part of a story arc, and don't belong to a watchlist series (ie. one-off's)
checkspace = helpers.get_free_space(grdst)
if checkspace is False:
if all([metaresponse is not None, metaresponse != 'fail']): # meta was done
self.tidyup(src_location, True, cacheonly=True)
raise OSError
fileoperation = helpers.file_ops(grab_src, grab_dst, one_off=True)
if not fileoperation:
raise OSError
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s [ONE-OFF MODE] Failed to %s %s: %s' % (module, mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS, grab_src, e))
#tidyup old path
if any([mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move', mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'copy']):
self.tidyup(src_location, True, filename=orig_filename)
#delete entry from nzblog table
#if it was downloaded via mylar from the storyarc section, it will have an 'S' in the nzblog
#if it was downloaded outside of mylar and/or not from the storyarc section, it will be a normal issueid in the nzblog
#IssArcID = 'S' + str(ml['IssueArcID'])
myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE IssueID=? AND SARC=?', ['S' + str(ml['IssueArcID']),ml['StoryArc']])
myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE IssueID=? AND SARC=?', [ml['IssueArcID'],ml['StoryArc']])
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueArcID: ' + str(ml['IssueArcID']))
ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": ml['IssueArcID']}
newVal = {"Status": "Downloaded",
"Location": grab_dst}
logger.fdebug('writing: ' + str(newVal) + ' -- ' + str(ctrlVal))
myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal)
logger.fdebug(module + ' [' + ml['StoryArc'] + '] Post-Processing completed for: ' + grab_dst)
if (all([self.nzb_name != 'Manual Run', self.apicall is False]) or self.oneoffinlist is True) and not self.nzb_name.startswith('0-Day') and self.issuearcid is None: # and all([self.issueid is None, self.comicid is None, self.apicall is False]):
ppinfo = []
if self.oneoffinlist is False:
nzbname = self.nzb_name
#remove extensions from nzb_name if they somehow got through (Experimental most likely)
if nzbname.lower().endswith(self.extensions):
fd, ext = os.path.splitext(nzbname)
self._log("Removed extension from nzb: " + ext)
nzbname = re.sub(str(ext), '', str(nzbname))
#replace spaces
# let's change all space to decimals for simplicity
logger.fdebug('[NZBNAME]: ' + nzbname)
#gotta replace & or escape it
nzbname = re.sub("\&", 'and', nzbname)
nzbname = re.sub('[\,\:\?\'\+]', '', nzbname)
nzbname = re.sub('[\(\)]', ' ', nzbname)
logger.fdebug('[NZBNAME] nzbname (remove chars): ' + nzbname)
nzbname = re.sub('.cbr', '', nzbname).strip()
nzbname = re.sub('.cbz', '', nzbname).strip()
nzbname = re.sub('[\.\_]', ' ', nzbname).strip()
nzbname = re.sub('\s+', ' ', nzbname) #make sure we remove the extra spaces.
logger.fdebug('[NZBNAME] nzbname (remove extensions, double spaces, convert underscores to spaces): ' + nzbname)
nzbname = re.sub('\s', '.', nzbname)
logger.fdebug(module + ' After conversions, nzbname is : ' + str(nzbname))
# if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
# nzbname=self.nzb_name
self._log("nzbname: " + str(nzbname))
nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=? or altnzbname=?", [nzbname, nzbname]).fetchone()
self.oneoff = False
if nzbiss is None:
self._log("Failure - could not initially locate nzbfile in my database to rename.")
logger.fdebug(module + ' Failure - could not locate nzbfile initially')
# if failed on spaces, change it all to decimals and try again.
nzbname = re.sub('[\(\)]', '', str(nzbname))
self._log("trying again with this nzbname: " + str(nzbname))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Trying to locate nzbfile again with nzbname of : ' + str(nzbname))
nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=? or altnzbname=?", [nzbname, nzbname]).fetchone()
if nzbiss is None:
logger.error(module + ' Unable to locate downloaded file within items I have snatched. Attempting to parse the filename directly and process.')
#set it up to run manual post-processing on self.nzb_folder
self._log('Unable to locate downloaded file within items I have snatched. Attempting to parse the filename directly and process.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'outside'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
self._log("I corrected and found the nzb as : " + str(nzbname))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Auto-corrected and found the nzb as : ' + str(nzbname))
#issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
logger.fdebug(module + ' Issueid: ' + str(issueid))
sarc = nzbiss['SARC']
self.oneoff = nzbiss['OneOff']
tmpiss = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone()
if tmpiss is None:
tmpiss = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone()
comicid = None
comicname = None
issuenumber = None
if tmpiss is not None:
ppinfo.append({'comicid': tmpiss['ComicID'],
'issueid': issueid,
'comicname': tmpiss['ComicName'],
'issuenumber': tmpiss['Issue_Number'],
'comiclocation': None,
'publisher': None,
'sarc': sarc,
'oneoff': self.oneoff})
elif all([self.oneoff is not None, issueid[0] == 'S']):
issuearcid = re.sub('S', '', issueid).strip()
oneinfo = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?", [issuearcid]).fetchone()
if oneinfo is None:
logger.warn('Unable to locate issue as previously snatched arc issue - it might be something else...')
self._log('Unable to locate issue as previously snatched arc issue - it might be something else...')
#reverse lookup the issueid here to see if it possible exists on watchlist...
tmplookup = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [oneinfo['ComicID']]).fetchone()
if tmplookup is not None:
logger.fdebug('[WATCHLIST-DETECTION-%s] Processing as Arc, detected on watchlist - will PP for both.' % tmplookup['ComicName'])
self.oneoff = False
self.oneoff = True
ppinfo.append({'comicid': oneinfo['ComicID'],
'comicname': oneinfo['ComicName'],
'issuenumber': oneinfo['IssueNumber'],
'publisher': oneinfo['IssuePublisher'],
'comiclocation': None,
'issueid': issueid, #need to keep it so the 'S' is present to denote arc.
'sarc': sarc,
'oneoff': self.oneoff})
if all([len(ppinfo) == 0, self.oneoff is not None, mylar.CONFIG.ALT_PULL == 2]):
oneinfo = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone()
if oneinfo is None:
oneinfo = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM oneoffhistory WHERE IssueID=?', [issueid]).fetchone()
if oneinfo is None:
logger.warn('Unable to locate issue as previously snatched one-off')
self._log('Unable to locate issue as previously snatched one-off')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
OComicname = oneinfo['ComicName']
OIssue = oneinfo['IssueNumber']
OPublisher = None
OComicname = oneinfo['COMIC']
OIssue = oneinfo['ISSUE']
OPublisher = oneinfo['PUBLISHER']
ppinfo.append({'comicid': oneinfo['ComicID'],
'comicname': OComicname,
'issuenumber': OIssue,
'publisher': OPublisher,
'comiclocation': None,
'issueid': issueid,
'sarc': None,
'oneoff': True})
self.oneoff = True + ' Discovered %s # %s by %s [comicid:%s][issueid:%s]' % (comicname, issuenumber, publisher, comicid, issueid))
#use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number
for x in oneoff_issuelist:
if x['One-Off'] is True:
oneinfo = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE IssueID=?', [x['IssueID']]).fetchone()
if oneinfo is not None:
ppinfo.append({'comicid': oneinfo['ComicID'],
'comicname': oneinfo['COMIC'],
'issuenumber': oneinfo['ISSUE'],
'publisher': oneinfo['PUBLISHER'],
'issueid': x['IssueID'],
'comiclocation': x['ComicLocation'],
'sarc': None,
'oneoff': x['One-Off']})
self.oneoff = True
if len(ppinfo) > 0:
for pp in ppinfo:'[PPINFO-POST-PROCESSING-ATTEMPT] %s' % pp)
if any([self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run', self.issueid is not None, self.comicid is not None, self.apicall is True]):
#loop through the hits here.
if len(manual_list) == 0 and len(manual_arclist) == 0: + ' No matches for Manual Run ... exiting.')
elif len(manual_arclist) > 0 and len(manual_list) == 0: + ' Manual post-processing completed for ' + str(len(manual_arclist)) + ' story-arc issues.')
elif len(manual_arclist) > 0: + ' Manual post-processing completed for ' + str(len(manual_arclist)) + ' story-arc issues.')
i = 0
for ml in manual_list:
comicid = ml['ComicID']
issueid = ml['IssueID']
issuenumOG = ml['IssueNumber']
#check to see if file is still being written to.
waiting = True
while waiting is True:
ctime = max(os.path.getctime(ml['ComicLocation']), os.path.getmtime(ml['ComicLocation']))
if time.time() > ctime > time.time() - 10:
time.sleep(max(time.time() - ctime, 0))
#file is no longer present in location / can't be accessed.
dupthis = helpers.duplicate_filecheck(ml['ComicLocation'], ComicID=comicid, IssueID=issueid)
if dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_src' or dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_file':
#check if duplicate dump folder is enabled and if so move duplicate file in there for manual intervention.
#'dupe_file' - do not write new file as existing file is better quality
#'dupe_src' - write new file, as existing file is a lesser quality (dupe)
dupchkit = self.duplicate_process(dupthis)
if dupchkit == False:
logger.warn('Unable to move duplicate file - skipping post-processing of this file.')
if any([dupthis['action'] == "write", dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_src']):
stat = ' [' + str(i) + '/' + str(len(manual_list)) + ']'
self.Process_next(comicid, issueid, issuenumOG, ml, stat)
dupthis = None
if self.failed_files == 0:
if all([self.comicid is not None, self.issueid is None]):'%s post-processing of pack completed for %s issues.' % (module, i))
if self.issueid is not None:
if ml['AnnualType'] is not None:'%s direct post-processing of issue completed for %s %s #%s.' % (module, ml['ComicName'], ml['AnnualType'], ml['IssueNumber']))
else:'%s direct post-processing of issue completed for %s #%s.' % (module, ml['ComicName'], ml['IssueNumber']))
else:'%s Manual post-processing completed for %s issues.' % (module, i))
if self.comicid is not None:'%s post-processing of pack completed for %s issues [FAILED: %s]' % (module, i, self.failed_files))
else:'%s Manual post-processing completed for %s issues [FAILED: %s]' % (module, i, self.failed_files))
if mylar.APILOCK is True:
mylar.APILOCK = False
def nzb_or_oneoff_pp(self, tinfo=None, manual=None):
module = self.module
myDB = db.DBConnection()
manual_list = None
if tinfo is not None: #manual is None:
sandwich = None
issueid = tinfo['issueid']
comicid = tinfo['comicid']
comicname = tinfo['comicname']
issuearcid = None
issuenumber = tinfo['issuenumber']
publisher = tinfo['publisher']
sarc = tinfo['sarc']
oneoff = tinfo['oneoff']
if all([oneoff is True, tinfo['comiclocation'] is not None]):
location = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tinfo['comiclocation'], os.pardir))
location = self.nzb_folder
annchk = "no"
issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid]).fetchone()
if issuenzb is None: + ' Could not detect as a standard issue - checking against annuals.')
issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid]).fetchone()
if issuenzb is None: + ' issuenzb not found.')
#if it's non-numeric, it contains a 'G' at the beginning indicating it's a multi-volume
#using GCD data. Set sandwich to 1 so it will bypass and continue post-processing.
if 'S' in issueid:
sandwich = issueid
if oneoff is False:
onechk = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?', [re.sub('S','', issueid).strip()]).fetchone()
if onechk is not None:
issuearcid = onechk['IssueArcID']
issuenzb = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL', [onechk['IssueID']]).fetchone()
if issuenzb is None:
issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [onechk['IssueID']]).fetchone()
if issuenzb is not None:
issueid = issuenzb['IssueID']
logger.fdebug('Reverse lookup discovered watchlisted series [issueid: %s] - adjusting so we can PP both properly.' % issueid)
elif 'G' in issueid or '-' in issueid:
sandwich = 1
elif any([oneoff is True, issueid >= '900000', issueid == '1']): + ' [ONE-OFF POST-PROCESSING] One-off download detected. Post-processing as a non-watchlist item.')
sandwich = None #arbitrarily set it to None just to force one-off downloading below.
logger.error(module + ' Unable to locate downloaded file as being initiated via Mylar. Attempting to parse the filename directly and process.')
self._log('Unable to locate downloaded file within items I have snatched. Attempting to parse the filename directly and process.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'outside'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
else: + ' Successfully located issue as an annual. Continuing.')
annchk = "yes"
if issuenzb is not None: + ' issuenzb found.')
if helpers.is_number(issueid):
sandwich = int(issuenzb['IssueID'])
if all([sandwich is not None, helpers.is_number(sandwich), sarc is None]):
if sandwich < 900000:
# if sandwich is less than 900000 it's a normal watchlist download. Bypass.
if any([oneoff is True, issuenzb is None]) or all([sandwich is not None, 'S' in str(sandwich), oneoff is True]) or int(sandwich) >= 900000:
# this has no issueID, therefore it's a one-off or a manual post-proc.
# At this point, let's just drop it into the Comic Location folder and forget about it..
if sandwich is not None and 'S' in sandwich:
self._log("One-off STORYARC mode enabled for Post-Processing for %s" % sarc)'%s One-off STORYARC mode enabled for Post-Processing for %s' % (module, sarc))
self._log("One-off mode enabled for Post-Processing. All I'm doing is moving the file untouched into the Grab-bag directory.")
if mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR is None:
mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR = os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.DESTINATION_DIR, 'Grabbag')'%s One-off mode enabled for Post-Processing. Will move into Grab-bag directory: %s' % (module, mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR))
self._log("Grab-Bag Directory set to : %s" % mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR)
grdst = mylar.CONFIG.GRABBAG_DIR
odir = location
if odir is None:
odir = self.nzb_folder
ofilename = orig_filename = tinfo['comiclocation']
if ofilename is not None:
path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
#os.walk the location to get the filename...(coming from sab kinda thing) where it just passes the path.
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(odir, followlinks=True):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.lower().endswith(self.extensions):
ofilename = orig_filename = filename
logger.fdebug(module + ' Valid filename located as : ' + ofilename)
path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
if ofilename is None:
logger.error(module + ' Unable to post-process file as it is not in a valid cbr/cbz format or cannot be located in path. PostProcessing aborted.')
self._log('Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
if sandwich is not None and 'S' in sandwich:
issuearcid = re.sub('S', '', issueid)
logger.fdebug(module + ' issuearcid:' + str(issuearcid))
arcdata = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM storyarcs WHERE IssueArcID=?", [issuearcid]).fetchone()
if arcdata is None:
logger.warn(module + ' Unable to locate issue within Story Arcs. Cannot post-process at this time - try to Refresh the Arc and manual post-process if necessary.')
self._log('Unable to locate issue within Story Arcs in orde to properly assign metadata. PostProcessing aborted.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
if arcdata['Publisher'] is None:
arcpub = arcdata['IssuePublisher']
arcpub = arcdata['Publisher']
grdst = helpers.arcformat(arcdata['StoryArc'], helpers.spantheyears(arcdata['StoryArcID']), arcpub)
if comicid is None:
comicid = arcdata['ComicID']
if comicname is None:
comicname = arcdata['ComicName']
if issuenumber is None:
issuenumber = arcdata['IssueNumber']
issueid = arcdata['IssueID']
#tag the meta.
metaresponse = None
crcvalue = helpers.crc(os.path.join(location, ofilename))
#if a one-off download from the pull-list, will not have an issueid associated with it, and will fail to due conversion/tagging.
#if altpull/2 method is being used, issueid may already be present so conversion/tagging is possible with some additional fixes.
if all([mylar.CONFIG.ENABLE_META, issueid is not None]):
self._log("Metatagging enabled - proceeding...")
import cmtagmylar
metaresponse =, issueid=issueid, filename=os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, ofilename))
except ImportError:
logger.warn(module + ' comictaggerlib not found on system. Ensure the ENTIRE lib directory is located within mylar/lib/comictaggerlib/')
metaresponse = "fail"
if metaresponse == "fail":
logger.fdebug(module + ' Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without metatagging...')
elif any([metaresponse == "unrar error", metaresponse == "corrupt"]):
logger.error(module + ' This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it is incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying it.')
#launch failed download handling here.
elif metaresponse.startswith('file not found'):
filename_in_error = metaresponse.split('||')[1]
self._log("The file cannot be found in the location provided for metatagging [" + filename_in_error + "]. Please verify it exists, and re-run if necessary.")
logger.error(module + ' The file cannot be found in the location provided for metagging [' + filename_in_error + ']. Please verify it exists, and re-run if necessary.')
odir = os.path.split(metaresponse)[0]
ofilename = os.path.split(metaresponse)[1]
ext = os.path.splitext(metaresponse)[1] + ' Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (' + ofilename + ') - Continuing..')
self._log('Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (' + ofilename + ') - proceeding...')
dfilename = ofilename
if metaresponse:
src_location = odir
src_location = location
grab_src = os.path.join(src_location, ofilename)
self._log("Source Path : " + grab_src) + ' Source Path : ' + grab_src)
checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(grdst, True, module=module)
if not checkdirectory:
logger.warn(module + ' Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
#send to renamer here if valid.
renamed_file = helpers.rename_param(comicid, comicname, issuenumber, dfilename, issueid=issueid, arc=sarc)
if renamed_file:
dfilename = renamed_file['nfilename']
logger.fdebug(module + ' Renaming file to conform to configuration: ' + ofilename)
if sandwich is not None and 'S' in sandwich:
#if from a StoryArc, check to see if we're appending the ReadingOrder to the filename
logger.fdebug(module + ' readingorder#: ' + str(arcdata['ReadingOrder']))
if int(arcdata['ReadingOrder']) < 10: readord = "00" + str(arcdata['ReadingOrder'])
elif int(arcdata['ReadingOrder']) >= 10 and int(arcdata['ReadingOrder']) <= 99: readord = "0" + str(arcdata['ReadingOrder'])
else: readord = str(arcdata['ReadingOrder'])
dfilename = str(readord) + "-" + dfilename
dfilename = ofilename
grab_dst = os.path.join(grdst, dfilename)
grab_dst = os.path.join(grdst, ofilename)
self._log("Destination Path : " + grab_dst) + ' Destination Path : ' + grab_dst) + '[' + mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS + '] ' + ofilename + ' into directory : ' + grab_dst)
checkspace = helpers.get_free_space(grdst)
if checkspace is False:
if all([metaresponse != 'fail', metaresponse is not None]): # meta was done
self.tidyup(src_location, True, cacheonly=True)
raise OSError
fileoperation = helpers.file_ops(grab_src, grab_dst)
if not fileoperation:
raise OSError
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s Failed to %s %s: %s' % (module, mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS, grab_src, e))
self._log("Failed to %s %s: %s" % (mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS, grab_src, e))
#tidyup old path
if any([mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move', mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'copy']):
self.tidyup(src_location, True, filename=orig_filename)
#delete entry from nzblog table
myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])
if sandwich is not None and 'S' in sandwich: + ' IssueArcID is : ' + str(issuearcid))
ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": issuearcid}
newVal = {"Status": "Downloaded",
"Location": grab_dst}
myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal) + ' Updated status to Downloaded') + ' Post-Processing completed for: [' + sarc + '] ' + grab_dst)
self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFUL! ")
elif oneoff is True: + ' IssueID is : ' + str(issueid))
ctrlVal = {"IssueID": issueid}
newVal = {"Status": "Downloaded"} + ' Writing to db: ' + str(newVal) + ' -- ' + str(ctrlVal))
myDB.upsert("weekly", newVal, ctrlVal) + ' Updated status to Downloaded')
myDB.upsert("oneoffhistory", newVal, ctrlVal) + ' Updated history for one-off\'s for tracking purposes') + ' Post-Processing completed for: [ %s #%s ] %s' % (comicname, issuenumber, grab_dst))
self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFUL! ")
self.sendnotify(comicname, issueyear=None, issuenumOG=issuenumber, annchk=annchk, module=module)
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
manual_arclist = []
if tinfo['comiclocation'] is None:
cloc = self.nzb_folder
cloc = tinfo['comiclocation']
clocation = cloc
if os.path.isdir(cloc):
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(cloc, followlinks=True):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.lower().endswith(self.extensions):
clocation = os.path.join(root, filename)
manual_list = {'ComicID': tinfo['comicid'],
'IssueID': tinfo['issueid'],
'ComicLocation': clocation,
'SARC': tinfo['sarc'],
'IssueArcID': issuearcid,
'ComicName': tinfo['comicname'],
'IssueNumber': tinfo['issuenumber'],
'Publisher': tinfo['publisher'],
'OneOff': tinfo['oneoff']}
manual_list = manual
if self.nzb_name == 'Manual Run':
#loop through the hits here.
if len(manual_list) == 0 and len(manual_arclist) == 0: + ' No matches for Manual Run ... exiting.')
elif len(manual_arclist) > 0 and len(manual_list) == 0: + ' Manual post-processing completed for ' + str(len(manual_arclist)) + ' story-arc issues.')
elif len(manual_arclist) > 0: + ' Manual post-processing completed for ' + str(len(manual_arclist)) + ' story-arc issues.')
i = 0
for ml in manual_list:
comicid = ml['ComicID']
issueid = ml['IssueID']
issuenumOG = ml['IssueNumber']
#check to see if file is still being written to.
while True:
waiting = False
ctime = max(os.path.getctime(ml['ComicLocation']), os.path.getmtime(ml['ComicLocation']))
if time.time() > ctime > time.time() - 10:
time.sleep(max(time.time() - ctime, 0))
waiting = True
#file is no longer present in location / can't be accessed.
dupthis = helpers.duplicate_filecheck(ml['ComicLocation'], ComicID=comicid, IssueID=issueid)
if dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_src' or dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_file':
#check if duplicate dump folder is enabled and if so move duplicate file in there for manual intervention.
#'dupe_file' - do not write new file as existing file is better quality
#check if duplicate dump folder is enabled and if so move duplicate file in there for manual intervention.
#'dupe_file' - do not write new file as existing file is better quality
#'dupe_src' - write new file, as existing file is a lesser quality (dupe)
dupchkit = self.duplicate_process(dupthis)
if dupchkit == False:
logger.warn('Unable to move duplicate file - skipping post-processing of this file.')
if any([dupthis['action'] == "write", dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_src']):
stat = ' [' + str(i) + '/' + str(len(manual_list)) + ']'
self.Process_next(comicid, issueid, issuenumOG, ml, stat)
dupthis = None
if self.failed_files == 0: + ' Manual post-processing completed for ' + str(i) + ' issues.')
else: + ' Manual post-processing completed for ' + str(i) + ' issues [FAILED: ' + str(self.failed_files) + ']')
comicid = issuenzb['ComicID']
issuenumOG = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
#the self.nzb_folder should contain only the existing filename
dupthis = helpers.duplicate_filecheck(self.nzb_folder, ComicID=comicid, IssueID=issueid)
if dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_src' or dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_file':
#check if duplicate dump folder is enabled and if so move duplicate file in there for manual intervention.
#'dupe_file' - do not write new file as existing file is better quality
#'dupe_src' - write new file, as existing file is a lesser quality (dupe)
if mylar.CONFIG.DDUMP and not all([mylar.CONFIG.DUPLICATE_DUMP is None, mylar.CONFIG.DUPLICATE_DUMP == '']):
dupchkit = self.duplicate_process(dupthis)
if dupchkit == False:
logger.warn('Unable to move duplicate file - skipping post-processing of this file.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop',
"issueid": issueid,
"comicid": comicid})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
if dupthis['action'] == "write" or dupthis['action'] == 'dupe_src':
if manual_list is None:
return self.Process_next(comicid, issueid, issuenumOG)
else:'Post-processing issue is found in more than one destination - let us do this!')
return self.Process_next(comicid, issueid, issuenumOG, manual_list)
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop',
"issueid": issueid,
"comicid": comicid})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
def Process_next(self, comicid, issueid, issuenumOG, ml=None, stat=None):
if stat is None: stat = ' [1/1]'
module = self.module
annchk = "no"
snatchedtorrent = False
myDB = db.DBConnection()
comicnzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE issueid=? AND comicid=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid, comicid]).fetchone()
if ml is not None and mylar.CONFIG.SNATCHEDTORRENT_NOTIFY:
snatchnzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from snatched WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicID=? AND (provider=? OR provider=? OR provider=? OR provider=?) AND Status='Snatched'", [issueid, comicid, 'TPSE', 'DEM', 'WWT', '32P']).fetchone()
if snatchnzb is None:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Was not snatched as a torrent. Using manual post-processing.')
logger.fdebug(module + ' Was downloaded from ' + snatchnzb['Provider'] + '. Enabling torrent manual post-processing completion notification.')
if issuenzb is None:
issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE issueid=? and comicid=?", [issueid, comicid]).fetchone()
annchk = "yes"
if annchk == "no": + stat + ' Starting Post-Processing for ' + issuenzb['ComicName'] + ' issue: ' + issuenzb['Issue_Number'])
else: + stat + ' Starting Post-Processing for ' + issuenzb['ReleaseComicName'] + ' issue: ' + issuenzb['Issue_Number'])
logger.fdebug(module + ' issueid: ' + str(issueid))
logger.fdebug(module + ' issuenumOG: ' + issuenumOG)
#issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0]
#new CV API - removed all we go AGAIN!
issuenum = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
issue_except = 'None'
if 'au' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
issue_except = ' AU'
elif 'ai' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
issue_except = ' AI'
elif 'inh' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
issue_except = '.INH'
elif 'now' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
if '!' in issuenum: issuenum = re.sub('\!', '', issuenum)
issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
issue_except = '.NOW'
elif 'mu' in issuenum.lower() and issuenum[:1].isdigit():
issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
issue_except = '.MU'
elif u'\xbd' in issuenum:
issuenum = '0.5'
elif u'\xbc' in issuenum:
issuenum = '0.25'
elif u'\xbe' in issuenum:
issuenum = '0.75'
elif u'\u221e' in issuenum:
#issnum = utf-8 will encode the infinity symbol without any help
issuenum = 'infinity'
issue_exceptions = ['A',
exceptionmatch = [x for x in issue_exceptions if x.lower() in issuenum.lower()]
if exceptionmatch:
logger.fdebug('[FILECHECKER] We matched on : ' + str(exceptionmatch))
for x in exceptionmatch:
issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
issue_except = x
if '.' in issuenum:
iss_find = issuenum.find('.')
iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find]
if iss_b4dec == '':
iss_b4dec = '0'
iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find +1:]
if iss_decval.endswith('.'): iss_decval = iss_decval[:-1]
if int(iss_decval) == 0:
iss = iss_b4dec
issdec = int(iss_decval)
issueno = str(iss)
self._log("Issue Number: " + str(issueno))
logger.fdebug(module + 'Issue Number: ' + str(issueno))
if len(iss_decval) == 1:
iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval
issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10
iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0')
issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
issueno = iss_b4dec
self._log("Issue Number: " + str(iss))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Issue Number: ' + str(iss))
iss = issuenum
issueno = iss
# issue zero-suppression here
if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL == "0":
zeroadd = ""
if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none": zeroadd = ""
elif mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0"
elif mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00"
logger.fdebug(module + ' Zero Suppression set to : ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N))
prettycomiss = None
if issueno.isalpha():
logger.fdebug('issue detected as an alpha.')
prettycomiss = str(issueno)
x = float(issueno)
#validity check
if x < 0:'I\'ve encountered a negative issue #: ' + str(issueno) + '. Trying to accomodate.')
prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(issueno[1:])
elif x >= 0:
raise ValueError
except ValueError, e:
logger.warn('Unable to properly determine issue number [' + str(issueno) + '] - you should probably log this on github for help.')
if prettycomiss is None and len(str(issueno)) > 0:
#if int(issueno) < 0:
# self._log("issue detected is a negative")
# prettycomiss = '-' + str(zeroadd) + str(abs(issueno))
if int(issueno) < 10:
logger.fdebug('issue detected less than 10')
if '.' in iss:
if int(iss_decval) > 0:
issueno = str(iss)
prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
if issue_except != 'None':
prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss))
elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100:
logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100')
if mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none":
zeroadd = ""
zeroadd = "0"
if '.' in iss:
if int(iss_decval) > 0:
issueno = str(iss)
prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
if issue_except != 'None':
prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '.Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss))
logger.fdebug('issue detected greater than 100')
if '.' in iss:
if int(iss_decval) > 0:
issueno = str(iss)
prettycomiss = str(issueno)
if issue_except != 'None':
prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
logger.fdebug('Zero level supplement set to ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + '. Issue will be set as : ' + str(prettycomiss))
elif len(str(issueno)) == 0:
prettycomiss = str(issueno)
logger.fdebug('issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None: ' + str(prettycomiss))
if annchk == "yes":
self._log("Annual detected.")
logger.fdebug(module + ' Pretty Comic Issue is : ' + str(prettycomiss))
issueyear = issuenzb['IssueDate'][:4]
self._log("Issue Year: " + str(issueyear))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Issue Year : ' + str(issueyear))
month = issuenzb['IssueDate'][5:7].replace('-', '').strip()
month_name = helpers.fullmonth(month)
if month_name is None:
month_name = 'None'
publisher = comicnzb['ComicPublisher']
self._log("Publisher: " + publisher)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Publisher: ' + publisher)
#we need to un-unicode this to make sure we can write the filenames properly for spec.chars
series = comicnzb['ComicName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
self._log("Series: " + series)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Series: ' + str(series))
if comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] is None or comicnzb['AlternateFileName'] == 'None':
seriesfilename = series
seriesfilename = comicnzb['AlternateFileName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
logger.fdebug(module + ' Alternate File Naming has been enabled for this series. Will rename series to : ' + seriesfilename)
seriesyear = comicnzb['ComicYear']
self._log("Year: " + seriesyear)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Year: ' + str(seriesyear))
comlocation = comicnzb['ComicLocation']
self._log("Comic Location: " + comlocation)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Comic Location: ' + str(comlocation))
comversion = comicnzb['ComicVersion']
self._log("Comic Version: " + str(comversion))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Comic Version: ' + str(comversion))
if comversion is None:
comversion = 'None'
#if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
if comversion == 'None':
chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN', '', mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT)
chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
self._log("No version # found for series - tag will not be available for renaming.")
logger.fdebug(module + ' No version # found for series, removing from filename')
logger.fdebug('%s New format is now: %s' % (module, chunk_file_format))
chunk_file_format = mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT
if annchk == "no":
chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$Annual', '', chunk_file_format)
chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Not an annual - removing from filename parameters')
logger.fdebug('%s New format: %s' % (module, chunk_file_format))
logger.fdebug('%s Chunk_file_format is: %s' % (module, chunk_file_format))
if '$Annual' not in chunk_file_format:
#if it's an annual, but $Annual isn't specified in file_format, we need to
#force it in there, by default in the format of $Annual $Issue
prettycomiss = "Annual %s" % prettycomiss
logger.fdebug('%s prettycomiss: %s' % (module, prettycomiss))
ofilename = None
#if it's a Manual Run, use the ml['ComicLocation'] for the exact filename.
if ml is None:
importissue = False
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.nzb_folder, followlinks=True):
for filename in filenames:
if filename.lower().endswith(self.extensions):
odir = root
logger.fdebug(module + ' odir (root): ' + odir)
ofilename = filename
logger.fdebug(module + ' ofilename: ' + ofilename)
path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
if odir is None:
logger.fdebug(module + ' No root folder set.')
odir = self.nzb_folder
logger.error(module + ' unable to set root folder. Forcing it due to some error above most likely.')
if os.path.isfile(self.nzb_folder) and self.nzb_folder.lower().endswith(self.extensions):
import ntpath
odir, ofilename = ntpath.split(self.nzb_folder)
path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
importissue = True
odir = self.nzb_folder
if ofilename is None:
self._log("Unable to locate a valid cbr/cbz file. Aborting post-processing for this filename.")
logger.error(module + ' unable to locate a valid cbr/cbz file. Aborting post-processing for this filename.')
self.failed_files +=1
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
logger.fdebug(module + ' odir: ' + odir)
logger.fdebug(module + ' ofilename: ' + ofilename)
#if meta-tagging is not enabled, we need to declare the check as being fail
#if meta-tagging is enabled, it gets changed just below to a default of pass
pcheck = "fail"
#make sure we know any sub-folder off of self.nzb_folder that is being used so when we do
#tidy-up we can remove the empty directory too. odir is the original COMPLETE path at this point
if ml is None:
subpath = odir
orig_filename = ofilename
crcvalue = helpers.crc(os.path.join(odir, ofilename))
subpath, orig_filename = os.path.split(ml['ComicLocation'])
crcvalue = helpers.crc(ml['ComicLocation'])
#tag the meta.
self._log("Metatagging enabled - proceeding...")
logger.fdebug(module + ' Metatagging enabled - proceeding...')
pcheck = "pass"
vol_label = seriesyear
vol_label = comversion
import cmtagmylar
if ml is None:
pcheck =, issueid=issueid, comversion=vol_label, filename=os.path.join(odir, ofilename))
pcheck =, issueid=issueid, comversion=vol_label, manual="yes", filename=ml['ComicLocation'])
except ImportError:
logger.fdebug(module + ' comictaggerlib not found on system. Ensure the ENTIRE lib directory is located within mylar/lib/comictaggerlib/')
logger.fdebug(module + ' continuing with PostProcessing, but I am not using metadata.')
pcheck = "fail"
if pcheck == "fail":
self._log("Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without tagging...")
logger.fdebug(module + ' Unable to write metadata successfully - check mylar.log file. Attempting to continue without tagging...')
self.failed_files +=1
#we need to set this to the cbz file since not doing it will result in nothing getting moved.
#not sure how to do this atm
elif any([pcheck == "unrar error", pcheck == "corrupt"]):
if ml is not None:
self._log("This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it's incomplete. Marking as BAD, and not post-processing.")
logger.error(module + ' This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it is incomplete. Marking as BAD, and not post-processing.')
self.failed_files +=1
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
self._log("This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it's incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying a different copy.")
logger.error(module + ' This is a corrupt archive - whether CRC errors or it is incomplete. Marking as BAD, and retrying a different copy.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'fail',
"issueid": issueid,
"comicid": comicid,
"comicname": comicnzb['ComicName'],
"issuenumber": issuenzb['Issue_Number'],
"annchk": annchk})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
elif pcheck.startswith('file not found'):
filename_in_error = pcheck.split('||')[1]
self._log("The file cannot be found in the location provided [" + filename_in_error + "]. Please verify it exists, and re-run if necessary. Aborting.")
logger.error(module + ' The file cannot be found in the location provided [' + filename_in_error + ']. Please verify it exists, and re-run if necessary. Aborting')
self.failed_files +=1
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
#need to set the filename source as the new name of the file returned from comictagger.
odir = os.path.split(pcheck)[0]
ofilename = os.path.split(pcheck)[1]
ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)[1]
self._log("Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz - Continuing..") + ' Sucessfully wrote metadata to .cbz (' + ofilename + ') - Continuing..')
#Run Pre-script
nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
nzbf = self.nzb_folder #original nzb folder
#name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
#create the dic and send it.
seriesmeta = []
seriesmetadata = {}
'name': series,
'comicyear': seriesyear,
'comicid': comicid,
'issueid': issueid,
'issueyear': issueyear,
'issue': issuenum,
'publisher': publisher
seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
self._run_pre_scripts(nzbn, nzbf, seriesmetadata)
file_values = {'$Series': seriesfilename,
'$Issue': prettycomiss,
'$Year': issueyear,
'$series': series.lower(),
'$Publisher': publisher,
'$publisher': publisher.lower(),
'$VolumeY': 'V' + str(seriesyear),
'$VolumeN': comversion,
'$monthname': month_name,
'$month': month,
'$Annual': 'Annual'
if ml:
if pcheck == "fail":
odir, ofilename = os.path.split(ml['ComicLocation'])
orig_filename = ofilename
elif pcheck:
#odir, ofilename already set. Carry it through.
odir, orig_filename = os.path.split(ml['ComicLocation'])
logger.fdebug(module + ' ofilename:' + ofilename)
if any([ofilename == odir, ofilename == odir[:-1], ofilename == '']):
self._log("There was a problem deciphering the filename/directory - please verify that the filename : [" + ofilename + "] exists in location [" + odir + "]. Aborting.")
logger.error(module + ' There was a problem deciphering the filename/directory - please verify that the filename : [' + ofilename + '] exists in location [' + odir + ']. Aborting.')
self.failed_files +=1
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
logger.fdebug(module + ' odir: ' + odir)
logger.fdebug(module + ' ofilename: ' + ofilename)
ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)[1]
logger.fdebug(module + ' ext:' + ext)
if ofilename is None or ofilename == '':
logger.error(module + ' Aborting PostProcessing - the filename does not exist in the location given. Make sure that ' + self.nzb_folder + ' exists and is the correct location.')
self.failed_files +=1
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
self._log('Original Filename: %s [%s]' % (orig_filename, ext))
logger.fdebug('%s Original Filename: %s [%s]' % (module, orig_filename, ext))
if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT == '' or not mylar.CONFIG.RENAME_FILES:
self._log("Rename Files isn't enabled...keeping original filename.")
logger.fdebug(module + ' Rename Files is not enabled - keeping original filename.')
#check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise
if ofilename.lower().endswith(self.extensions):
nfilename = ofilename[:-4]
nfilename = ofilename
nfilename = helpers.replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values)
#mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.CONFIG.REPLACE_CHAR)
nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:\?\"\']', '', nfilename)
nfilename = re.sub('[\/\*]', '-', nfilename)
self._log("New Filename: " + nfilename)
logger.fdebug(module + ' New Filename: ' + nfilename)
src = os.path.join(odir, ofilename)
checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True, module=module)
if not checkdirectory:
logger.warn(module + ' Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.')
self.failed_files +=1
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
dst = os.path.join(comlocation, (nfilename + ext).lower())
dst = os.path.join(comlocation, (nfilename + ext.lower()))
self._log("Source:" + src)
self._log("Destination:" + dst)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Source: ' + src)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Destination: ' + dst)
if ml is None:
#downtype = for use with updater on history table to set status to 'Downloaded'
downtype = 'True'
#non-manual run moving/deleting...
logger.fdebug(module + ' self.nzb_folder: ' + self.nzb_folder)
logger.fdebug(module + ' odir: ' + odir)
logger.fdebug(module + ' ofilename:' + ofilename)
logger.fdebug(module + ' nfilename:' + nfilename + ext)
if ofilename != (nfilename + ext):
logger.fdebug(module + ' Renaming ' + os.path.join(odir, ofilename) + ' ' + os.path.join(odir, nfilename + ext))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Filename is identical as original, not renaming.')
src = os.path.join(odir, ofilename)
self._log("[" + mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS + "] " + src + " - to - " + dst)
checkspace = helpers.get_free_space(comlocation)
if checkspace is False:
if all([pcheck is not None, pcheck != 'fail']): # meta was done
self.tidyup(odir, True, cacheonly=True)
raise OSError
fileoperation = helpers.file_ops(src, dst)
if not fileoperation:
raise OSError
except Exception as e:
self._log("Failed to " + mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS + " " + src + " - check log for exact error.")
self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.")
logger.error('%s Failed to %s %s: %s' % (module, mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS, src, e))
logger.error(module + ' Post-Processing ABORTED')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
#tidyup old path
if any([mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move', mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'copy']):
self.tidyup(odir, True, filename=orig_filename)
#downtype = for use with updater on history table to set status to 'Post-Processed'
downtype = 'PP'
#Manual Run, this is the portion.
src = os.path.join(odir, ofilename)
if ofilename != (nfilename + ext):
logger.fdebug(module + ' Renaming ' + os.path.join(odir, ofilename)) #' ' + os.path.join(odir, self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext)))
logger.fdebug(module + ' Filename is identical as original, not renaming.')
logger.fdebug(module + ' odir src : ' + src)
logger.fdebug(module + '[' + mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS + '] ' + src + ' ... to ... ' + dst)
checkspace = helpers.get_free_space(comlocation)
if checkspace is False:
if all([pcheck != 'fail', pcheck is not None]): # meta was done
self.tidyup(odir, True, cacheonly=True)
raise OSError
fileoperation = helpers.file_ops(src, dst)
if not fileoperation:
raise OSError
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s Failed to %s %s: %s' % (module, mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS, src, e))
logger.error(module + ' Post-Processing ABORTED.')
self.failed_files +=1
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn) + ' ' + mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS + ' successful to : ' + dst)
if any([mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'move', mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'copy']):
self.tidyup(odir, True, subpath, filename=orig_filename)
#Hopefully set permissions on downloaded file
if mylar.OS_DETECT != 'windows':
permission = int(mylar.CONFIG.CHMOD_FILE, 8)
os.chmod(dst.rstrip(), permission)
except OSError:
logger.error(module + ' Failed to change file permissions. Ensure that the user running Mylar has proper permissions to change permissions in : ' + dst)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Continuing post-processing but unable to change file permissions in ' + dst)
#let's reset the fileop to the original setting just in case it's a manual pp run
if mylar.CONFIG.FILE_OPTS == 'copy':
self.fileop = shutil.copy
self.fileop = shutil.move
#delete entry from nzblog table
myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])
updater.totals(comicid, havefiles='+1',issueid=issueid,file=dst)
#update snatched table to change status to Downloaded
if annchk == "no":
updater.foundsearch(comicid, issueid, down=downtype, module=module, crc=crcvalue)
dispiss = '#%s' % issuenumOG
updatetable = 'issues'
updater.foundsearch(comicid, issueid, mode='want_ann', down=downtype, module=module, crc=crcvalue)
if 'annual' in issuenzb['ReleaseComicName'].lower(): #series.lower():
dispiss = 'Annual #%s' % issuenumOG
elif 'special' in issuenzb['ReleaseComicName'].lower():
dispiss = 'Special #%s' % issuenumOG
dispiss = '#%s' % issuenumOG
updatetable = 'annuals'
logger.fdebug('[annchk:%s] issue to update: %s' % (annchk, dispiss))
#new method for updating status after pp
if os.path.isfile(dst):
ctrlVal = {"IssueID": issueid}
newVal = {"Status": "Downloaded",
"Location": os.path.basename(dst)}
logger.fdebug('writing: ' + str(newVal) + ' -- ' + str(ctrlVal))
myDB.upsert(updatetable, newVal, ctrlVal)
if ml['IssueArcID']:'Watchlist Story Arc match detected.')
arcinfo = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM storyarcs where IssueArcID=?', [ml['IssueArcID']]).fetchone()
if arcinfo is None:
logger.warn('Unable to locate IssueID within givin Story Arc. Ensure everything is up-to-date (refreshed) for the Arc.')
if arcinfo['Publisher'] is None:
arcpub = arcinfo['IssuePublisher']
arcpub = arcinfo['Publisher']
grdst = helpers.arcformat(arcinfo['StoryArc'], helpers.spantheyears(arcinfo['StoryArcID']), arcpub)'grdst:' + grdst)
checkdirectory = filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(grdst, True, module=module)
if not checkdirectory:
logger.warn(module + ' Error trying to validate/create directory. Aborting this process at this time.')
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop'})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
logger.fdebug(module + ' readingorder#: ' + str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']))
if int(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) < 10: readord = "00" + str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder'])
elif int(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) >= 10 and int(arcinfo['ReadingOrder']) <= 99: readord = "0" + str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder'])
else: readord = str(arcinfo['ReadingOrder'])
dfilename = str(readord) + "-" + os.path.split(dst)[1]
dfilename = os.path.split(dst)[1]
grab_dst = os.path.join(grdst, dfilename)
logger.fdebug(module + ' Destination Path : ' + grab_dst)
grab_src = dst
logger.fdebug(module + ' Source Path : ' + grab_src) + '[' + mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS.upper() + '] ' + str(dst) + ' into directory : ' + str(grab_dst))
#need to ensure that src is pointing to the series in order to do a soft/hard-link properly
checkspace = helpers.get_free_space(grdst)
if checkspace is False:
raise OSError
fileoperation = helpers.file_ops(grab_src, grab_dst, arc=True)
if not fileoperation:
raise OSError
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s Failed to %s %s: %s' % (module, mylar.CONFIG.ARC_FILEOPS, grab_src, e))
#delete entry from nzblog table in case it was forced via the Story Arc Page
IssArcID = 'S' + str(ml['IssueArcID'])
myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE IssueID=? AND SARC=?', [IssArcID,arcinfo['StoryArc']])
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueArcID: ' + str(ml['IssueArcID']))
ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID": ml['IssueArcID']}
newVal = {"Status": "Downloaded",
"Location": grab_dst}
logger.fdebug('writing: ' + str(newVal) + ' -- ' + str(ctrlVal))
myDB.upsert("storyarcs", newVal, ctrlVal)
logger.fdebug(module + ' [' + arcinfo['StoryArc'] + '] Post-Processing completed for: ' + grab_dst)
#mylar.CONFIG.WEEKFOLDER = will *copy* the post-processed file to the weeklypull list folder for the given week.
#mylar.CONFIG.SEND2READ = will add the post-processed file to the readinglits
weeklypull.weekly_check(comicid, issuenum, file=(nfilename +ext), path=dst, module=module, issueid=issueid)
# retrieve/create the corresponding comic objects
folderp = dst #folder location after move/rename
nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
filen = nfilename + ext #new filename
#name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
#create the dic and send it.
seriesmeta = []
seriesmetadata = {}
'name': series,
'comicyear': seriesyear,
'comicid': comicid,
'issueid': issueid,
'issueyear': issueyear,
'issue': issuenum,
'publisher': publisher
seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
self._run_extra_scripts(nzbn, self.nzb_folder, filen, folderp, seriesmetadata)
#if ml is not None:
# #we only need to return self.log if it's a manual run and it's not a snatched torrent
# #manual run + not snatched torrent (or normal manual-run)
# + ' Post-Processing completed for: ' + series + ' ' + dispiss)
# self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFUL! ")
# self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
# "mode": 'stop',
# "issueid": issueid,
# "comicid": comicid})
# #if self.apicall is True:
# self.sendnotify(series, issueyear, dispiss, annchk, module)
# return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
self.sendnotify(series, issueyear, dispiss, annchk, module)'%s Post-Processing completed for: %s %s' % (module, series, dispiss))
self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFUL! ")
self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
"mode": 'stop',
"issueid": issueid,
"comicid": comicid})
return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
def sendnotify(self, series, issueyear, issuenumOG, annchk, module):
if issueyear is None:
prline = '%s %s' % (series, issuenumOG)
prline = '%s (%s) %s' % (series, issueyear, issuenumOG)
prline2 = 'Mylar has downloaded and post-processed: ' + prline
pushmessage = prline
prowl = notifiers.PROWL()
prowl.notify(pushmessage, "Download and Postprocessing completed", module=module)
nma = notifiers.NMA()
nma.notify(prline=prline, prline2=prline2, module=module)
pushover = notifiers.PUSHOVER()
pushover.notify(prline, prline2, module=module)
boxcar = notifiers.BOXCAR()
boxcar.notify(prline=prline, prline2=prline2, module=module)
pushbullet = notifiers.PUSHBULLET()
pushbullet.notify(prline=prline, prline2=prline2, module=module)
telegram = notifiers.TELEGRAM()
slack = notifiers.SLACK()
slack.notify("Download and Postprocessing completed", prline, module=module)
class FolderCheck():
def __init__(self):
import Queue
import PostProcessor, logger
self.module = '[FOLDER-CHECK]'
self.queue = Queue.Queue()
def run(self):
if mylar.IMPORTLOCK:'There is an import currently running. In order to ensure successful import - deferring this until the import is finished.')
#monitor a selected folder for 'snatched' files that haven't been processed
#junk the queue as it's not needed for folder monitoring, but needed for post-processing to run without error.
helpers.job_management(write=True, job='Folder Monitor', current_run=helpers.utctimestamp(), status='Running')
mylar.MONITOR_STATUS = 'Running' + ' Checking folder ' + mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_FOLDER + ' for newly snatched downloads')
PostProcess = PostProcessor('Manual Run', mylar.CONFIG.CHECK_FOLDER, queue=self.queue)
result = PostProcess.Process() + ' Finished checking for newly snatched downloads')
helpers.job_management(write=True, job='Folder Monitor', last_run_completed=helpers.utctimestamp(), status='Waiting')
mylar.MONITOR_STATUS = 'Waiting'