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mirror of https://github.com/evilhero/mylar synced 2025-03-12 15:02:55 +00:00
evilhero 2623bbcbaf IMP: Updated CT to a newer version - changed to use rarfile, fixes size invalid errors with some cbr's encountered during conversions, IMP: Search and Post-Processing Queues now added in order to queue up all searches/post-processing in sequence instead of loading lists and iterating through it and encountering various lock-related errors, IMP: In most cases, will now post-process directly against comicid/issueid/storyarcid instead of relying on relationship via nzb/torrent, FIX: realigned some checkboxes on series detail page, FIX: in configuration, indicated that ComicRN cannot be used when Completed Download Handling is enabled for a client now, FIX: Fix for issues named as 'special' that are part of the annuals section, but would not work in various portions (also will allow for naming differences in the future hopefully), FIX: Will now trap error properly when file cannot be located during dupecheck so that post-processing can continue without error, FIX: Fixed newznab test option on configuration screen so that it will return the correct response (previous was an invalid api endpoint), FIX: When retrieving image for storyarcs would error when no image was present and stop the process, FIX: accounted for some incorrect newznab responses that would return a non-api endpoint when retrieving via rss, which resulted in invalid nzbs, FIX: in some cases, weekly pull snatches would not update properly on the weekly page due to some db values not being written
2018-06-14 13:07:39 -04:00

143 lines
4.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (
# Std. lib imports.
import sys
# Local imports.
from natsort.compat.py23 import (
# This string should be sorted after any other byte string because
# it contains the max unicode character repeated 20 times.
# You would need some odd data to come after that.
null_string = ''
null_string_max = py23_unichr(sys.maxunicode) * 20
# Make the strxfrm function from strcoll on Python2
# It can be buggy (especially on BSD-based systems),
# so prefer icu if available.
import icu
from locale import getlocale
null_string_locale = b''
# This string should in theory be sorted after any other byte
# string because it contains the max byte char repeated many times.
# You would need some odd data to come after that.
null_string_locale_max = b'x7f' * 50
def dumb_sort():
return False
# If using icu, get the locale from the current global locale,
def get_icu_locale():
return icu.Locale('.'.join(getlocale()))
except TypeError: # pragma: no cover
return icu.Locale()
def get_strxfrm():
return icu.Collator.createInstance(get_icu_locale()).getSortKey
def get_thousands_sep():
sep = icu.DecimalFormatSymbols.kGroupingSeparatorSymbol
return icu.DecimalFormatSymbols(get_icu_locale()).getSymbol(sep)
def get_decimal_point():
sep = icu.DecimalFormatSymbols.kDecimalSeparatorSymbol
return icu.DecimalFormatSymbols(get_icu_locale()).getSymbol(sep)
except ImportError:
import locale
if PY_VERSION < 3:
from locale import strcoll
sentinel = object()
def custom_strcoll(a, b, last=sentinel):
"""strcoll that can handle a sentinel that is always last."""
if a is last:
return 0 if a is b else 1
elif b is last: # a cannot also be sentinel b/c above logic
return -1
else: # neither are sentinel
return strcoll(a, b)
strxfrm = cmp_to_key(custom_strcoll)
null_string_locale = strxfrm('')
null_string_locale_max = strxfrm(sentinel)
from locale import strxfrm
null_string_locale = ''
# This string should be sorted after any other byte string because
# it contains the max unicode character repeated 20 times.
# You would need some odd data to come after that.
null_string_locale_max = py23_unichr(sys.maxunicode) * 20
# On some systems, locale is broken and does not sort in the expected
# order. We will try to detect this and compensate.
def dumb_sort():
return strxfrm('A') < strxfrm('a')
def get_strxfrm():
return strxfrm
def get_thousands_sep():
sep = locale.localeconv()['thousands_sep']
# If this locale library is broken, some of the thousands separator
# characters are incorrectly blank. Here is a lookup table of the
# corrections I am aware of.
if dumb_sort():
loc = '.'.join(locale.getlocale())
except TypeError: # No locale loaded, default to ','
return ','
return {'de_DE.ISO8859-15': '.',
'es_ES.ISO8859-1': '.',
'de_AT.ISO8859-1': '.',
'de_at': '\xa0',
'nl_NL.UTF-8': '.',
'es_es': '.',
'fr_CH.ISO8859-15': '\xa0',
'fr_CA.ISO8859-1': '\xa0',
'de_CH.ISO8859-1': '.',
'fr_FR.ISO8859-15': '\xa0',
'nl_NL.ISO8859-1': '.',
'ca_ES.UTF-8': '.',
'nl_NL.ISO8859-15': '.',
'de_ch': "'",
'ca_es': '.',
'de_AT.ISO8859-15': '.',
'ca_ES.ISO8859-1': '.',
'de_AT.UTF-8': '.',
'es_ES.UTF-8': '.',
'fr_fr': '\xa0',
'es_ES.ISO8859-15': '.',
'de_DE.ISO8859-1': '.',
'nl_nl': '.',
'fr_ch': '\xa0',
'fr_ca': '\xa0',
'de_DE.UTF-8': '.',
'ca_ES.ISO8859-15': '.',
'de_CH.ISO8859-15': '.',
'fr_FR.ISO8859-1': '\xa0',
'fr_CH.ISO8859-1': '\xa0',
'de_de': '.',
'fr_FR.UTF-8': '\xa0',
'fr_CA.ISO8859-15': '\xa0',
}.get(loc, sep)
return sep
def get_decimal_point():
return locale.localeconv()['decimal_point']