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mirror of https://github.com/evilhero/mylar synced 2025-03-12 23:13:09 +00:00
Craig Hornsby 343c5a45b9 Fix for index out of range on cvinfo files
If the cvinfo had information in an unsupported format, like just 4050-xxxxx then the regular expression sub would cause an end of index exception.

Now the regex just looks for 4050-xxxxx, and doesn't really care about the format.

2018-04-18 10:19:04 -04:00

703 lines
38 KiB
Executable file

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import glob
import re
import shutil
import random
import mylar
from mylar import db, logger, helpers, importer, updater, filechecker
# You can scan a single directory and append it to the current library by specifying append=True
def libraryScan(dir=None, append=False, ComicID=None, ComicName=None, cron=None, queue=None):
if cron and not mylar.LIBRARYSCAN:
if not dir:
dir = mylar.CONFIG.COMIC_DIR
# If we're appending a dir, it's coming from the post processor which is
# already bytestring
if not append:
dir = dir.encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
if not os.path.isdir(dir):
logger.warn('Cannot find directory: %s. Not scanning' % dir.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))
return "Fail"
logger.info('Scanning comic directory: %s' % dir.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace'))
basedir = dir
comic_list = []
failure_list = []
utter_failure_list = []
comiccnt = 0
extensions = ('cbr','cbz')
cv_location = []
cbz_retry = 0
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Now attempting to parse files for additional information'
#mylar.IMPORT_PARSED_COUNT #used to count what #/totalfiles the filename parser is currently on
for r, d, f in os.walk(dir):
for files in f:
mylar.IMPORT_FILES +=1
if 'cvinfo' in files:
logger.fdebug('CVINFO found: ' + os.path.join(r))
if any(files.lower().endswith('.' + x.lower()) for x in extensions):
comic = files
comicpath = os.path.join(r, files)
comicsize = os.path.getsize(comicpath)
logger.fdebug('Comic: ' + comic + ' [' + comicpath + '] - ' + str(comicsize) + ' bytes')
t = filechecker.FileChecker(dir=r, file=comic)
results = t.listFiles()
#'type': re.sub('\.','', filetype).strip(),
#'sub': path_list,
#'volume': volume,
#'match_type': match_type,
#'comicfilename': filename,
#'comiclocation': clocation,
#'series_name': series_name,
#'series_volume': issue_volume,
#'series_year': issue_year,
#'justthedigits': issue_number,
#'annualcomicid': annual_comicid,
#'scangroup': scangroup}
if results:
resultline = '[PARSE-' + results['parse_status'].upper() + ']'
resultline += '[SERIES: ' + results['series_name'] + ']'
if results['series_volume'] is not None:
resultline += '[VOLUME: ' + results['series_volume'] + ']'
if results['issue_year'] is not None:
resultline += '[ISSUE YEAR: ' + str(results['issue_year']) + ']'
if results['issue_number'] is not None:
resultline += '[ISSUE #: ' + results['issue_number'] + ']'
logger.fdebug('[PARSED] FAILURE.')
# We need the unicode path to use for logging, inserting into database
unicode_comic_path = comicpath.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING, 'replace')
if results['parse_status'] == 'success':
comic_list.append({'ComicFilename': comic,
'ComicLocation': comicpath,
'ComicSize': comicsize,
'Unicode_ComicLocation': unicode_comic_path,
'parsedinfo': {'series_name': results['series_name'],
'series_volume': results['series_volume'],
'issue_year': results['issue_year'],
'issue_number': results['issue_number']}
comiccnt +=1
failure_list.append({'ComicFilename': comic,
'ComicLocation': comicpath,
'ComicSize': comicsize,
'Unicode_ComicLocation': unicode_comic_path,
'parsedinfo': {'series_name': results['series_name'],
'series_volume': results['series_volume'],
'issue_year': results['issue_year'],
'issue_number': results['issue_number']}
if comic.endswith('.cbz'):
cbz_retry +=1
except Exception, e:
utter_failure_list.append({'ComicFilename': comic,
'ComicLocation': comicpath,
'ComicSize': comicsize,
'Unicode_ComicLocation': unicode_comic_path,
'parsedinfo': None,
'error': e
logger.info('[' + str(e) + '] FAILURE encountered. Logging the error for ' + comic + ' and continuing...')
if comic.endswith('.cbz'):
cbz_retry +=1
mylar.IMPORT_TOTALFILES = comiccnt
logger.info('I have successfully discovered & parsed a total of ' + str(comiccnt) + ' files....analyzing now')
logger.info('I have not been able to determine what ' + str(len(failure_list)) + ' files are')
logger.info('However, ' + str(cbz_retry) + ' out of the ' + str(len(failure_list)) + ' files are in a cbz format, which may contain metadata.')
logger.info('[ERRORS] I have encountered ' + str(len(utter_failure_list)) + ' file-scanning errors during the scan, but have recorded the necessary information.')
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Successfully parsed ' + str(comiccnt) + ' files'
#return queue.put(valreturn)
myDB = db.DBConnection()
#let's load in the watchlist to see if we have any matches.
logger.info("loading in the watchlist to see if a series is being watched already...")
watchlist = myDB.select("SELECT * from comics")
ComicName = []
DisplayName = []
ComicYear = []
ComicPublisher = []
ComicTotal = []
ComicID = []
ComicLocation = []
AltName = []
watchcnt = 0
watch_kchoice = []
watchchoice = {}
import_by_comicids = []
import_comicids = {}
for watch in watchlist:
#use the comicname_filesafe to start
watchdisplaycomic = watch['ComicName'].encode('utf-8').strip() #re.sub('[\_\#\,\/\:\;\!\$\%\&\+\'\?\@]', ' ', watch['ComicName']).encode('utf-8').strip()
# let's clean up the name, just in case for comparison purposes...
watchcomic = re.sub('[\_\#\,\/\:\;\.\-\!\$\%\&\+\'\?\@]', '', watch['ComicName_Filesafe']).encode('utf-8').strip()
#watchcomic = re.sub('\s+', ' ', str(watchcomic)).strip()
if ' the ' in watchcomic.lower():
#drop the 'the' from the watchcomic title for proper comparisons.
watchcomic = watchcomic[-4:]
alt_chk = "no" # alt-checker flag (default to no)
# account for alternate names as well
if watch['AlternateSearch'] is not None and watch['AlternateSearch'] is not 'None':
altcomic = re.sub('[\_\#\,\/\:\;\.\-\!\$\%\&\+\'\?\@]', '', watch['AlternateSearch']).encode('utf-8').strip()
#altcomic = re.sub('\s+', ' ', str(altcomic)).strip()
alt_chk = "yes" # alt-checker flag
logger.info("Successfully loaded " + str(watchcnt) + " series from your watchlist.")
watchfound = 0
datelist = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec']
# datemonth = {'one':1,'two':2,'three':3,'four':4,'five':5,'six':6,'seven':7,'eight':8,'nine':9,'ten':10,'eleven':$
# #search for number as text, and change to numeric
# for numbs in basnumbs:
# #logger.fdebug("numbs:" + str(numbs))
# if numbs in ComicName.lower():
# numconv = basnumbs[numbs]
# #logger.fdebug("numconv: " + str(numconv))
issueid_list = []
cvscanned_loc = None
cvinfo_CID = None
cnt = 0
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = '[0%] Now parsing individual filenames for metadata if available'
for i in comic_list:
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = '[' + str(cnt) + '/' + str(comiccnt) + '] Now parsing individual filenames for metadata if available'
logger.fdebug('Analyzing : ' + i['ComicFilename'])
comfilename = i['ComicFilename']
comlocation = i['ComicLocation']
issueinfo = None
#probably need to zero these issue-related metadata to None so we can pick the best option
issuevolume = None
#Make sure cvinfo is checked for FIRST (so that CID can be attached to all files properly thereafter as they're scanned in)
if os.path.dirname(comlocation) in cv_location and os.path.dirname(comlocation) != cvscanned_loc:
#if comfilename == 'cvinfo':
logger.info('comfilename: ' + comfilename)
logger.info('cvscanned_loc: ' + str(cv_location))
logger.info('comlocation: ' + os.path.dirname(comlocation))
#if cvscanned_loc != comlocation:
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(comlocation), 'cvinfo')) as f:
urllink = f.readline()
if urllink:
cid = urllink.strip()
pattern = re.compile(r"^.*?\b(49|4050)-(?P<num>\d{2,})\b.*$", re.I)
match = pattern.match(cid)
if match:
cvinfo_CID = match.group("num")
logger.info('CVINFO file located within directory. Attaching everything in directory that is valid to ComicID: ' + str(cvinfo_CID))
#store the location of the cvinfo so it's applied to the correct directory (since we're scanning multile direcorties usually)
cvscanned_loc = os.path.dirname(comlocation)
logger.error("Could not read cvinfo file properly (or it does not contain any data)")
except (OSError, IOError):
logger.error("Could not read cvinfo file properly (or it does not contain any data)")
# don't scan in it again if it's already been done initially
# continue
#if read tags is enabled during import, check here.
if i['ComicLocation'].endswith('.cbz'):
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Metatagging checking enabled.')
logger.info('[IMPORT-CBZ} Attempting to read tags present in filename: ' + i['ComicLocation'])
issueinfo = helpers.IssueDetails(i['ComicLocation'], justinfo=True)
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Unable to retrieve metadata - possibly doesn\'t exist. Ignoring meta-retrieval')
logger.info('issueinfo: ' + str(issueinfo))
if issueinfo is None:
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] No valid metadata contained within filename. Dropping down to parsing the filename itself.')
issuenotes_id = None
logger.info('[IMPORT-CBZ] Successfully retrieved some tags. Lets see what I can figure out.')
comicname = issueinfo[0]['series']
if comicname is not None:
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Series Name: ' + comicname)
as_d = filechecker.FileChecker()
as_dyninfo = as_d.dynamic_replace(comicname)
logger.fdebug('Dynamic-ComicName: ' + as_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'])
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] No series name found within metadata. This is bunk - dropping down to file parsing for usable information.')
issueinfo = None
issue_number = None
if issueinfo is not None:
issueyear = issueinfo[0]['year']
issueyear = None
#if the issue number is a non-numeric unicode string, this will screw up along with impID
issue_number = issueinfo[0]['issue_number']
if issue_number is not None:
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Issue Number: ' + issue_number)
issue_number = i['parsed']['issue_number']
if 'annual' in comicname.lower() or 'annual' in comfilename.lower():
if issue_number is None or issue_number == 'None':
logger.info('Annual detected with no issue number present within metadata. Assuming year as issue.')
issue_number = 'Annual ' + str(issueyear)
issue_number = 'Annual ' + i['parsed']['issue_year']
logger.info('Annual detected with issue number present within metadata.')
if 'annual' not in issue_number.lower():
issue_number = 'Annual ' + issue_number
mod_series = re.sub('annual', '', comicname, flags=re.I).strip()
mod_series = comicname
logger.fdebug('issue number SHOULD Be: ' + issue_number)
issuetitle = issueinfo[0]['title']
issuetitle = None
issueyear = issueinfo[0]['year']
issueyear = None
issuevolume = str(issueinfo[0]['volume'])
if all([issuevolume is not None, issuevolume != 'None', not issuevolume.lower().startswith('v')]):
issuevolume = 'v' + str(issuevolume)
if any([issuevolume is None, issuevolume == 'None']):
logger.info('EXCEPT] issue volume is NONE')
issuevolume = None
logger.fdebug('[TRY]issue volume is: ' + str(issuevolume))
logger.fdebug('[EXCEPT]issue volume is: ' + str(issuevolume))
issuevolume = None
if any([comicname is None, comicname == 'None', issue_number is None, issue_number == 'None']):
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Improperly tagged file as the metatagging is invalid. Ignoring meta and just parsing the filename.')
issueinfo = None
# if used by ComicTagger, Notes field will have the IssueID.
issuenotes = issueinfo[0]['notes']
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Notes: ' + issuenotes)
if issuenotes is not None and issuenotes != 'None':
if 'Issue ID' in issuenotes:
st_find = issuenotes.find('Issue ID')
tmp_issuenotes_id = re.sub("[^0-9]", " ", issuenotes[st_find:]).strip()
if tmp_issuenotes_id.isdigit():
issuenotes_id = tmp_issuenotes_id
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Successfully retrieved CV IssueID for ' + comicname + ' #' + issue_number + ' [' + str(issuenotes_id) + ']')
elif 'CVDB' in issuenotes:
st_find = issuenotes.find('CVDB')
tmp_issuenotes_id = re.sub("[^0-9]", " ", issuenotes[st_find:]).strip()
if tmp_issuenotes_id.isdigit():
issuenotes_id = tmp_issuenotes_id
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Successfully retrieved CV IssueID for ' + comicname + ' #' + issue_number + ' [' + str(issuenotes_id) + ']')
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Unable to retrieve IssueID from meta-tagging. If there is other metadata present I will use that.')
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] Adding ' + comicname + ' to the import-queue!')
#impid = comicname + '-' + str(issueyear) + '-' + str(issue_number) #com_NAME + "-" + str(result_comyear) + "-" + str(comiss)
impid = str(random.randint(1000000,99999999))
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] impid: ' + str(impid))
#make sure we only add in those issueid's which don't already have a comicid attached via the cvinfo scan above (this is for reverse-lookup of issueids)
issuepopulated = False
if cvinfo_CID is None:
if issuenotes_id is None:
logger.info('[IMPORT-CBZ] No ComicID detected where it should be. Bypassing this metadata entry and going the parsing route [' + comfilename + ']')
#we need to store the impid here as well so we can look it up.
issueid_list.append({'issueid': issuenotes_id,
'importinfo': {'impid': impid,
'comicid': None,
'comicname': comicname,
'dynamicname': as_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'],
'comicyear': issueyear,
'issuenumber': issue_number,
'volume': issuevolume,
'comfilename': comfilename,
'comlocation': comlocation.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)}
issuepopulated = True
if issuepopulated == False:
if cvscanned_loc == os.path.dirname(comlocation):
cv_cid = cvinfo_CID
logger.fdebug('[IMPORT-CBZ] CVINFO_COMICID attached : ' + str(cv_cid))
cv_cid = None
"impid": impid,
"comicid": cv_cid,
"watchmatch": None,
"displayname": mod_series,
"comicname": comicname,
"dynamicname": as_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'],
"comicyear": issueyear,
"issuenumber": issue_number,
"volume": issuevolume,
"issueid": issuenotes_id,
"comfilename": comfilename,
"comlocation": comlocation.decode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
#logger.fdebug(i['ComicFilename'] + ' is not in a metatagged format (cbz). Bypassing reading of the metatags')
if issueinfo is None:
if i['parsedinfo']['issue_number'] is None:
if 'annual' in i['parsedinfo']['series_name'].lower():
logger.fdebug('Annual detected with no issue number present. Assuming year as issue.')##1 issue')
if i['parsedinfo']['issue_year'] is not None:
issuenumber = 'Annual ' + str(i['parsedinfo']['issue_year'])
issuenumber = 'Annual 1'
issuenumber = i['parsedinfo']['issue_number']
if 'annual' in i['parsedinfo']['series_name'].lower():
mod_series = re.sub('annual', '', i['parsedinfo']['series_name'], flags=re.I).strip()
logger.fdebug('Annual detected with no issue number present. Assuming year as issue.')##1 issue')
if i['parsedinfo']['issue_number'] is not None:
issuenumber = 'Annual ' + str(i['parsedinfo']['issue_number'])
if i['parsedinfo']['issue_year'] is not None:
issuenumber = 'Annual ' + str(i['parsedinfo']['issue_year'])
issuenumber = 'Annual 1'
mod_series = i['parsedinfo']['series_name']
issuenumber = i['parsedinfo']['issue_number']
logger.fdebug('[' + mod_series + '] Adding to the import-queue!')
isd = filechecker.FileChecker()
is_dyninfo = isd.dynamic_replace(helpers.conversion(mod_series))
logger.fdebug('Dynamic-ComicName: ' + is_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'])
#impid = dispname + '-' + str(result_comyear) + '-' + str(comiss) #com_NAME + "-" + str(result_comyear) + "-" + str(comiss)
impid = str(random.randint(1000000,99999999))
logger.fdebug("impid: " + str(impid))
if cvscanned_loc == os.path.dirname(comlocation):
cv_cid = cvinfo_CID
logger.fdebug('CVINFO_COMICID attached : ' + str(cv_cid))
cv_cid = None
if issuevolume is None:
logger.fdebug('issue volume is : ' + str(issuevolume))
if i['parsedinfo']['series_volume'] is None:
issuevolume = None
if str(i['parsedinfo']['series_volume'].lower()).startswith('v'):
issuevolume = i['parsedinfo']['series_volume']
issuevolume = 'v' + str(i['parsedinfo']['series_volume'])
logger.fdebug('issue volume not none : ' + str(issuevolume))
if issuevolume.lower().startswith('v'):
issuevolume = issuevolume
issuevolume = 'v' + str(issuevolume)
logger.fdebug('IssueVolume is : ' + str(issuevolume))
"impid": impid,
"comicid": cv_cid,
"issueid": None,
"watchmatch": None, #watchmatch (should be true/false if it already exists on watchlist)
"displayname": mod_series,
"comicname": i['parsedinfo']['series_name'],
"dynamicname": is_dyninfo['mod_seriesname'].lower(),
"comicyear": i['parsedinfo']['issue_year'],
"issuenumber": issuenumber, #issuenumber,
"volume": issuevolume,
"comfilename": comfilename,
"comlocation": helpers.conversion(comlocation)
#logger.fdebug('import_by_ids: ' + str(import_by_comicids))
#reverse lookup all of the gathered IssueID's in order to get the related ComicID
reverse_issueids = []
for x in issueid_list:
vals = None
if len(reverse_issueids) > 0:
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Now Reverse looking up ' + str(len(reverse_issueids)) + ' IssueIDs to get the ComicIDs'
vals = mylar.cv.getComic(None, 'import', comicidlist=reverse_issueids)
#logger.fdebug('vals returned:' + str(vals))
if len(watch_kchoice) > 0:
watchchoice['watchlist'] = watch_kchoice
#logger.fdebug("watchchoice: " + str(watchchoice))
logger.info("I have found " + str(watchfound) + " out of " + str(comiccnt) + " comics for series that are being watched.")
wat = 0
comicids = []
if watchfound > 0:
logger.info('You checked off Move Files...so that\'s what I am going to do')
#check to see if Move Files is enabled.
#if not being moved, set the archive bit.
logger.fdebug('Moving files into appropriate directory')
while (wat < watchfound):
watch_the_list = watchchoice['watchlist'][wat]
watch_comlocation = watch_the_list['ComicLocation']
watch_comicid = watch_the_list['ComicID']
watch_comicname = watch_the_list['ComicName']
watch_comicyear = watch_the_list['ComicYear']
watch_comiciss = watch_the_list['ComicIssue']
logger.fdebug('ComicLocation: ' + watch_comlocation)
orig_comlocation = watch_the_list['OriginalLocation']
orig_filename = watch_the_list['OriginalFilename']
logger.fdebug('Orig. Location: ' + orig_comlocation)
logger.fdebug('Orig. Filename: ' + orig_filename)
#before moving check to see if Rename to Mylar structure is enabled.
logger.fdebug('Renaming files according to configuration details : ' + str(mylar.CONFIG.FILE_FORMAT))
renameit = helpers.rename_param(watch_comicid, watch_comicname, watch_comicyear, watch_comiciss)
nfilename = renameit['nfilename']
dst_path = os.path.join(watch_comlocation, nfilename)
if str(watch_comicid) not in comicids:
logger.fdebug('Renaming files not enabled, keeping original filename(s)')
dst_path = os.path.join(watch_comlocation, orig_filename)
#os.rename(os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)), os.path.join(self.nzb_folder,str(nfilename + ext)))
#src = os.path.join(, str(nfilename + ext))
logger.fdebug('I am going to move ' + orig_comlocation + ' to ' + dst_path)
shutil.move(orig_comlocation, dst_path)
except (OSError, IOError):
logger.info("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.")
# if move files isn't enabled, let's set all found comics to Archive status :)
while (wat < watchfound):
watch_the_list = watchchoice['watchlist'][wat]
watch_comicid = watch_the_list['ComicID']
watch_issue = watch_the_list['ComicIssue']
logger.fdebug('ComicID: ' + str(watch_comicid))
logger.fdebug('Issue#: ' + str(watch_issue))
issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues where ComicID=? AND INT_IssueNumber=?", [watch_comicid, watch_issue]).fetchone()
if issuechk is None:
logger.fdebug('No matching issues for this comic#')
logger.fdebug('...Existing status: ' + str(issuechk['Status']))
control = {"IssueID": issuechk['IssueID']}
values = {"Status": "Archived"}
logger.fdebug('...changing status of ' + str(issuechk['Issue_Number']) + ' to Archived ')
myDB.upsert("issues", values, control)
if str(watch_comicid) not in comicids:
if comicids is None: pass
c_upd = len(comicids)
c = 0
while (c < c_upd ):
logger.fdebug('Rescanning.. ' + str(c))
if not len(import_by_comicids):
return "Completed"
if len(import_by_comicids) > 0 or len(vals) > 0:
#import_comicids['comic_info'] = import_by_comicids
#if vals:
# import_comicids['issueid_info'] = vals
# import_comicids['issueid_info'] = None
if vals:
cvimport_comicids = vals
import_cv_ids = len(vals)
cvimport_comicids = None
import_cv_ids = 0
import_cv_ids = 0
return {'import_by_comicids': import_by_comicids,
'import_count': len(import_by_comicids),
'CV_import_comicids': cvimport_comicids,
'import_cv_ids': import_cv_ids,
'issueid_list': issueid_list,
'failure_list': failure_list,
'utter_failure_list': utter_failure_list}
def scanLibrary(scan=None, queue=None):
mylar.IMPORT_FILES = 0
valreturn = []
if scan:
soma = libraryScan(queue=queue)
except Exception, e:
logger.error('[IMPORT] Unable to complete the scan: %s' % e)
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = None
valreturn.append({"somevalue": 'self.ie',
"result": 'error'})
return queue.put(valreturn)
if soma == "Completed":
logger.info('[IMPORT] Sucessfully completed import.')
elif soma == "Fail":
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Failure'
valreturn.append({"somevalue": 'self.ie',
"result": 'error'})
return queue.put(valreturn)
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Now adding the completed results to the DB.'
logger.info('[IMPORT] Parsing/Reading of files completed!')
logger.info('[IMPORT] Attempting to import ' + str(int(soma['import_cv_ids'] + soma['import_count'])) + ' files into your watchlist.')
logger.info('[IMPORT-BREAKDOWN] Files with ComicIDs successfully extracted: ' + str(soma['import_cv_ids']))
logger.info('[IMPORT-BREAKDOWN] Files that had to be parsed: ' + str(soma['import_count']))
logger.info('[IMPORT-BREAKDOWN] Files that were unable to be parsed: ' + str(len(soma['failure_list'])))
logger.info('[IMPORT-BREAKDOWN] Files that caused errors during the import: ' + str(len(soma['utter_failure_list'])))
#logger.info('[IMPORT-BREAKDOWN] Failure Files: ' + str(soma['failure_list']))
myDB = db.DBConnection()
#first we do the CV ones.
if int(soma['import_cv_ids']) > 0:
for i in soma['CV_import_comicids']:
#we need to find the impid in the issueid_list as that holds the impid + other info
abc = [x for x in soma['issueid_list'] if x['issueid'] == i['IssueID']]
ghi = abc[0]['importinfo']
nspace_dynamicname = re.sub('[\|\s]', '', ghi['dynamicname'].lower()).strip()
#these all have related ComicID/IssueID's...just add them as is.
controlValue = {"impID": ghi['impid']}
newValue = {"Status": "Not Imported",
"ComicName": helpers.conversion(i['ComicName']),
"DisplayName": helpers.conversion(i['ComicName']),
"DynamicName": helpers.conversion(nspace_dynamicname),
"ComicID": i['ComicID'],
"IssueID": i['IssueID'],
"IssueNumber": helpers.conversion(i['Issue_Number']),
"Volume": ghi['volume'],
"ComicYear": ghi['comicyear'],
"ComicFilename": helpers.conversion(ghi['comfilename']),
"ComicLocation": helpers.conversion(ghi['comlocation']),
"ImportDate": helpers.today(),
"WatchMatch": None} #i['watchmatch']}
myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue)
if int(soma['import_count']) > 0:
for ss in soma['import_by_comicids']:
nspace_dynamicname = re.sub('[\|\s]', '', ss['dynamicname'].lower()).strip()
controlValue = {"impID": ss['impid']}
newValue = {"ComicYear": ss['comicyear'],
"Status": "Not Imported",
"ComicName": helpers.conversion(ss['comicname']),
"DisplayName": helpers.conversion(ss['displayname']),
"DynamicName": helpers.conversion(nspace_dynamicname),
"ComicID": ss['comicid'], #if it's been scanned in for cvinfo, this will be the CID - otherwise it's None
"IssueID": None,
"Volume": ss['volume'],
"IssueNumber": helpers.conversion(ss['issuenumber']),
"ComicFilename": helpers.conversion(ss['comfilename']),
"ComicLocation": helpers.conversion(ss['comlocation']),
"ImportDate": helpers.today(),
"WatchMatch": ss['watchmatch']}
myDB.upsert("importresults", newValue, controlValue)
# because we could be adding volumes/series that span years, we need to account for this
# add the year to the db under the term, valid-years
# add the issue to the db under the term, min-issue
#locate metadata here.
# unzip -z filename.cbz will show the comment field of the zip which contains the metadata.
mylar.IMPORT_STATUS = 'Import completed.'
valreturn.append({"somevalue": 'self.ie',
"result": 'success'})
return queue.put(valreturn)