
687 lines
32 KiB

# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <>.
import urllib2
import json
import re
import time
import math
import datetime
import os
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from cookielib import LWPCookieJar
import cfscrape
from operator import itemgetter
import mylar
from mylar import db, logger, filechecker, helpers
class info32p(object):
def __init__(self, reauthenticate=False, searchterm=None, test=False):
self.module = '[32P-AUTHENTICATION]'
self.url = ''
self.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
if test:
self.username_32p = test['username']
self.password_32p = test['password']
self.test = True
self.username_32p = mylar.CONFIG.USERNAME_32P
self.password_32p = mylar.CONFIG.PASSWORD_32P
self.test = False
self.error = None
self.method = None
if any([mylar.CONFIG.MODE_32P is True, self.test is True]):
lses = self.LoginSession(mylar.CONFIG.USERNAME_32P, mylar.CONFIG.PASSWORD_32P)
if not lses.login():
if not self.test:
logger.error('%s [LOGIN FAILED] Disabling 32P provider until login error(s) can be fixed in order to avoid temporary bans.' % self.module)
return "disable"
if self.error:
return self.error #rtnmsg
return self.method
logger.fdebug('%s [LOGIN SUCCESS] Now preparing for the use of 32P keyed authentication...' % self.module)
self.authkey = lses.authkey
self.passkey = lses.passkey
self.session =
self.uid = lses.uid
mylar.INKDROPS_32P = int(math.floor(float(lses.inkdrops['results'][0]['inkdrops'])))
mylar.INKDROPS_32P = lses.inkdrops['results'][0]['inkdrops']
self.session = requests.Session()
self.reauthenticate = reauthenticate
self.searchterm = searchterm
self.publisher_list = {'Entertainment', 'Press', 'Comics', 'Publishing', 'Comix', 'Studios!'}
def authenticate(self):
if self.test:
return {'status': True, 'inkdrops': mylar.INKDROPS_32P}
feedinfo = []
# with cfscrape.create_scraper(delay=15) as s:
# s.headers = self.headers
# cj = LWPCookieJar(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.SECURE_DIR, ".32p_cookies.dat"))
# cj.load()
# s.cookies = cj
if mylar.CONFIG.VERIFY_32P == 1 or mylar.CONFIG.VERIFY_32P == True:
verify = True
verify = False
# logger.fdebug('[32P] Verify SSL set to : %s' % verify)
if not verify:
# #32P throws back an insecure warning because it can't validate against the CA. The below suppresses the message just for 32P instead of being displa$
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
# post to the login form
r =, verify=verify, allow_redirects=True)
#logger.debug(self.module + " Content session reply" + r.text)
#need a way to find response code (200=OK), but returns 200 for everything even failed signons (returns a blank page)'[32P] response: ' + str(r.content))
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser")
if self.searchterm:'[32P] Successfully authenticated. Initiating search for : %s' % self.searchterm)
return self.search32p(s)'[32P] Successfully authenticated.')
all_script = soup.find_all("script", {"src": False})
all_script2 = soup.find_all("link", {"rel": "alternate"})
authfound = False'%s Attempting to integrate with all of your 32P Notification feeds.' % self.module)
#get inkdrop count ...
#user_info = soup.find_all(attrs={"class": "stat"})
#inkdrops = user_info[0]['title']'INKDROPS: ' + str(inkdrops))
for al in all_script2:
alurl = al['href']
if 'auth=' in alurl and 'torrents_notify' in alurl and not authfound:
f1 = alurl.find('auth=')
f2 = alurl.find('&', f1 + 1)
auth = alurl[f1 +5:f2]
authfound = True
#logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Auth:' + str(auth))
#p1 = alurl.find('passkey=')
#p2 = alurl.find('&', p1 + 1)
#passkey = alurl[p1 +8:p2]
#logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Passkey:' + str(passkey))
if self.reauthenticate: break
if 'torrents_notify' in alurl and ('torrents_notify_' + str(self.passkey)) not in alurl:
notifyname_st = alurl.find('name=')
notifyname_en = alurl.find('&', notifyname_st +1)
if notifyname_en == -1: notifyname_en = len(alurl)
notifyname = alurl[notifyname_st +5:notifyname_en]
notifynumber_st = alurl.find('torrents_notify_')
notifynumber_en = alurl.find('_', notifynumber_st +17)
notifynumber = alurl[notifynumber_st:notifynumber_en]
logger.fdebug('%s [NOTIFICATION: %s] Notification ID: %s' % (self.module, notifyname,notifynumber))
#generate the rss-url here
feedinfo.append({'feed': notifynumber + '_' + str(self.passkey),
'feedname': notifyname,
'user': str(self.uid),
'auth': auth,
'passkey': str(self.passkey),
'authkey': str(self.authkey)})
except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, EnvironmentError):
logger.warn('Unable to retrieve information from 32Pages - either it is not responding/is down or something else is happening that is stopping me.')
#set the keys here that will be used to download.
mylar.CONFIG.PASSKEY_32P = str(self.passkey)
mylar.AUTHKEY_32P = str(self.authkey) # probably not needed here.
mylar.KEYS_32P = {}
mylar.KEYS_32P = {"user": str(self.uid),
"auth": auth,
"passkey": str(self.passkey),
"authkey": str(self.authkey)}
except NameError:
logger.warn('Unable to retrieve information from 32Pages - either it is not responding/is down or something else is happening that is stopping me.')
if self.reauthenticate:
mylar.FEEDINFO_32P = feedinfo
return feedinfo
def searchit(self):
chk_id = None'searchterm: %s' % self.searchterm)
#self.searchterm is a tuple containing series name, issue number, volume and publisher.
series_search = self.searchterm['series']
issue_search = self.searchterm['issue']
volume_search = self.searchterm['volume']
if series_search.startswith('0-Day Comics Pack'):
#issue = '21' = WED, #volume='2' = 2nd month
torrentid = 22247 #2018
publisher_search = None #'2' #2nd month
comic_id = None
elif all([self.searchterm['torrentid_32p'] is not None, self.searchterm['torrentid_32p'] != 'None']):
torrentid = self.searchterm['torrentid_32p']
comic_id = self.searchterm['id']
publisher_search = self.searchterm['publisher']
torrentid = None
comic_id = self.searchterm['id']
annualize = False
if 'annual' in series_search.lower():
series_search = re.sub(' annual', '', series_search.lower()).strip()
annualize = True
publisher_search = self.searchterm['publisher']
spl = [x for x in self.publisher_list if x in publisher_search]
for x in spl:
publisher_search = re.sub(x, '', publisher_search).strip()'publisher search set to : %s' % publisher_search)
# lookup the ComicID in the 32p sqlite3 table to pull the series_id to use.
if comic_id:
chk_id = helpers.checkthe_id(comic_id)
if any([chk_id is None, mylar.CONFIG.DEEP_SEARCH_32P is True]):
#generate the dynamic name of the series here so we can match it up
as_d = filechecker.FileChecker()
as_dinfo = as_d.dynamic_replace(series_search)
mod_series = re.sub('\|','', as_dinfo['mod_seriesname']).strip()
as_puinfo = as_d.dynamic_replace(publisher_search)
pub_series = as_puinfo['mod_seriesname']
logger.fdebug('series_search: %s' % series_search)
if '/' in series_search:
series_search = series_search[:series_search.find('/')]
if ':' in series_search:
series_search = series_search[:series_search.find(':')]
if ',' in series_search:
series_search = series_search[:series_search.find(',')]
logger.fdebug('config.search_32p: %s' % mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_32P)
if mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_32P is False:
url = ''
params = {'series': re.sub('\|','', mod_series.lower()).strip()} #series_search}
logger.fdebug('search query: %s' % re.sub('\|', '', mod_series.lower()).strip())
t = requests.get(url, params=params, verify=True, headers={'USER-AGENT': mylar.USER_AGENT[:mylar.USER_AGENT.find('/')+7] + mylar.USER_AGENT[mylar.USER_AGENT.find('(')+1]})
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
return "no results"
if t.status_code == '619':
logger.warn('[%s] Unable to retrieve data from site.' % t.status_code)
return "no results"
elif t.status_code == '999':
logger.warn('[%s] No series title was provided to the search query.' % t.status_code)
return "no results"
results = t.json()
results = t.text
if len(results) == 0:
logger.warn('No results found for search on 32P.')
return "no results"
# with cfscrape.create_scraper(delay=15) as s:
# s.headers = self.headers
# cj = LWPCookieJar(os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.SECURE_DIR, ".32p_cookies.dat"))
# cj.load()
# s.cookies = cj
data = []
pdata = []
pubmatch = False
if any([series_search.startswith('0-Day Comics Pack'), torrentid is not None]):
data.append({"id": torrentid,
"series": series_search})
if any([not chk_id, mylar.CONFIG.DEEP_SEARCH_32P is True]):
if mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_32P is True:
url = '' #?action=serieslist&filter=' + series_search #&filter=F
params = {'action': 'serieslist', 'filter': series_search}
time.sleep(1) #just to make sure we don't hammer, 1s pause.
t = self.session.get(url, params=params, verify=True, allow_redirects=True)
soup = BeautifulSoup(t.content, "html.parser")
results = soup.find_all("a", {"class":"object-qtip"},{"data-type":"torrentgroup"})
for r in results:
if mylar.CONFIG.SEARCH_32P is True:
torrentid = r['data-id']
torrentname = r.findNext(text=True)
torrentname = torrentname.strip()
torrentid = r['id']
torrentname = r['series']
as_d = filechecker.FileChecker()
as_dinfo = as_d.dynamic_replace(torrentname)
seriesresult = re.sub('\|','', as_dinfo['mod_seriesname']).strip()
logger.fdebug('searchresult: %s --- %s [%s]' % (seriesresult, mod_series, publisher_search))
if seriesresult.lower() == mod_series.lower():
logger.fdebug('[MATCH] %s [%s]' % (torrentname, torrentid))
data.append({"id": torrentid,
"series": torrentname})
elif publisher_search.lower() in seriesresult.lower():
logger.fdebug('[MATCH] Publisher match.')
tmp_torrentname = re.sub(publisher_search.lower(), '', seriesresult.lower()).strip()
as_t = filechecker.FileChecker()
as_tinfo = as_t.dynamic_replace(tmp_torrentname)
if re.sub('\|', '', as_tinfo['mod_seriesname']).strip() == mod_series.lower():
logger.fdebug('[MATCH] %s [%s]' % (torrentname, torrentid))
pdata.append({"id": torrentid,
"series": torrentname})
pubmatch = True
logger.fdebug('%s series listed for searching that match.' % len(data))
logger.fdebug('Exact series ID already discovered previously. Setting to : %s [%s]' % (chk_id['series'], chk_id['id']))
pdata.append({"id": chk_id['id'],
"series": chk_id['series']})
pubmatch = True
if all([len(data) == 0, len(pdata) == 0]):
return "no results"
dataset = []
if len(data) > 0:
dataset += data
if len(pdata) > 0:
dataset += pdata
logger.fdebug(str(len(dataset)) + ' series match the tile being searched for on 32P...')
if all([chk_id is None, not series_search.startswith('0-Day Comics Pack'), self.searchterm['torrentid_32p'] is not None, self.searchterm['torrentid_32p'] != 'None']) and any([len(data) == 1, len(pdata) == 1]):
#update the 32p_reference so we avoid doing a url lookup next time
helpers.checkthe_id(comic_id, dataset)
if all([not series_search.startswith('0-Day Comics Pack'), self.searchterm['torrentid_32p'] is not None, self.searchterm['torrentid_32p'] != 'None']):
logger.debug('Unable to properly verify reference on 32P - will update the 32P reference point once the issue has been successfully matched against.')
results32p = []
resultlist = {}
for x in dataset:
#for 0-day packs, issue=week#, volume=month, id=0-day year pack (ie.issue=21&volume=2 for feb.21st)
payload = {"action": "groupsearch",
"id": x['id'], #searchid,
"issue": issue_search}
#in order to match up against 0-day stuff, volume has to be none at this point
#when doing other searches tho, this should be allowed to go through
#if all([volume_search != 'None', volume_search is not None]):
# payload.update({'volume': re.sub('v', '', volume_search).strip()})
if series_search.startswith('0-Day Comics Pack'):
payload.update({"volume": volume_search})
payload = json.dumps(payload)
payload = json.loads(payload)
logger.fdebug('payload: %s' % payload)
url = ''
time.sleep(1) #just to make sure we don't hammer, 1s pause.
d = self.session.get(url, params=payload, verify=True, allow_redirects=True)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s [%s] Could not POST URL %s' % (self.module, e, url))
searchResults = d.json()
except Exception as e:
searchResults = d.text
logger.debug('[%s] %s Search Result did not return valid JSON, falling back on text: %s' % (e, self.module, searchResults.text))
return False
if searchResults['status'] == 'success' and searchResults['count'] > 0:
logger.fdebug('successfully retrieved %s search results' % searchResults['count'])
for a in searchResults['details']:
if series_search.startswith('0-Day Comics Pack'):
title = series_search
title = self.searchterm['series'] + ' v' + a['volume'] + ' #' + a['issues']
results32p.append({'link': a['id'],
'title': title,
'filesize': a['size'],
'issues': a['issues'],
'pack': a['pack'],
'format': a['format'],
'language': a['language'],
'seeders': a['seeders'],
'leechers': a['leechers'],
'scanner': a['scanner'],
'chkit': {'id': x['id'], 'series': x['series']},
'pubdate': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(a['upload_time'])).strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S'),
'int_pubdate': float(a['upload_time'])})
logger.fdebug('32P did not return any valid search results.')
if len(results32p) > 0:
resultlist['entries'] = sorted(results32p, key=itemgetter('pack','title'), reverse=False)
logger.debug('%s Resultslist: %s' % (self.module, resultlist))
resultlist = 'no results'
return resultlist
def downloadfile(self, payload, filepath):
url = ''
r = self.session.get(url, params=payload, verify=True, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s [%s] Could not POST URL %s' % ('[32P-DOWNLOADER]', e, url))
return False
if str(r.status_code) != '200':
logger.warn('Unable to download torrent from 32P [Status Code returned: %s]' % r.status_code)
if str(r.status_code) == '404':
logger.warn('[32P-CACHED_ENTRY] Entry found in 32P cache - incorrect. Torrent has probably been merged into a pack, or another series id. Removing from cache.')
logger.fdebug('content: %s' % r.content)
return False
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks
return True
def delete_cache_entry(self, id):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
myDB.action("DELETE FROM rssdb WHERE link=? AND Site='32P'", [id])
class LoginSession(object):
def __init__(self, un, pw, session_path=None):
un: account username (required)
pw: account password (required)
session_path: the path to the actual file you want to persist your cookies in
If blank, saves to $HOME/.32p_cookies.dat
self.module = '[32P-AUTHENTICATION]'
try: = cfscrape.create_scraper(delay=15)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s Can\'t create session with cfscrape' % self.module)
self.session_path = session_path if session_path is not None else os.path.join(mylar.CONFIG.SECURE_DIR, ".32p_cookies.dat") = LWPCookieJar(self.session_path)
if not os.path.exists(self.session_path):
logger.fdebug('%s Session cookie does not exist. Signing in and Creating.' % self.module)
logger.fdebug('%s Session cookie found. Attempting to load...' % self.module)
self.un = un = pw
self.authkey = None
self.passkey = None
self.uid = None
self.inkdrops = None
def cookie_exists(self, name):
Checks if cookie <name> exists in
Beware - this doesn't match domain, so only use this method on one domain
for ci in
if ( == name):
return True
return False
def cookie_value(self, name, default=None):
Returns the value of the cookie name, returning default if it doesn't exist.
Beware - this doesn't match domain too, so only use this method on one domain
for ci in
if ( == name):
return ci.value
return default
def valid_skey_attempt(self, skey):
Not generally the proper method to call - call test_key_valid()
instead - which calls this method.
Attempts to fetch data via an ajax method that will fail if not
authorized. The parameter skey should be set to the string
value of the cookie named session.
Returns: True on success, False on failure. Side Effects: Sets
self.uid, self,authkey and self.passkey
u = ''''''
params = {'action': 'index'}
testcookie = dict(session=skey)
r =, params=params, timeout=60, allow_redirects=False, cookies=testcookie)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Got an exception [%s] trying to GET to: %s' % (e,u))
self.error = {'status':'error', 'message':'exception trying to retrieve site'}
return False
if r.status_code != 200:
if r.status_code == 302:
newloc = r.headers.get('Location', '')
logger.warn('Got redirect from the POST-ajax action=login GET: %s' % newloc)
self.error = {'status':'redirect-error', 'message':'got redirect from POST-ajax login action : ' + newloc}
logger.error('Got bad status code in the POST-ajax action=login GET: %s' % r.status_code)
self.error = {'status':'bad status code', 'message':'bad status code received in the POST-ajax login action :' + str(r.status_code)}
return False
j = r.json()
logger.warn('Error - response from session-based skey check was not JSON: %s' % r.text)
return False
self.uid = j['response']['id']
self.authkey = j['response']['authkey']
self.passkey = pk = j['response']['passkey']
d ='', params={'action': 'user_inkdrops'}, verify=True, allow_redirects=True)
except Exception as e:
logger.error('Unable to retreive Inkdrop total : %s' % e)
self.inkdrops = d.json()
logger.error('Inkdrop result did not return valid JSON, unable to verify response')
logger.fdebug('inkdrops: %s' % self.inkdrops)
return True
def valid_login_attempt(self, un, pw):
Does the actual POST to the login.php method (using the ajax parameter, which is far more reliable
than HTML parsing.
Input: un: The username (usually would be self.un, but that's not a requirement
pw: The password (usually but not a requirement)
Note: The underlying object will handle setting the session cookie from a valid login,
but you'll need to call the save method if your cookies are being persisted.
Returns: True (success) False (failure)
postdata = {'username': un, 'password': pw, 'keeplogged': 1}
u = ''
r =, data=postdata, timeout=60, allow_redirects=True)
logger.debug('%s Status Code: %s' % (self.module, r.status_code))
except Exception as e:
logger.error('%s Got an exception when trying to login: %s' % (self.module, e))
self.error = {'status':'exception', 'message':'Exception when trying to login'}
return False
if r.status_code != 200:
logger.warn('%s Got bad status code from login POST: %d\n%s\n%s' % (self.module, r.status_code, r.text, r.headers))
logger.debug('%s Request URL: %s \n Content: %s \n History: %s' % (self.module, r.url ,r.text, r.history))
self.error = {'status':'Bad Status code', 'message':(r.status_code, r.text, r.headers)}
return False
logger.debug('%s Trying to analyze login JSON reply from 32P: %s' % (self.module, r.text))
d = r.json()
logger.debug('%s Request URL: %s \n Content: %s \n History: %s' % (self.module, r.url ,r.text, r.history))
logger.error('%s The data returned by the login page was not JSON: %s' % (self.module, r.text))
self.error = {'status':'JSON not returned', 'message':r.text}
return False
if d['status'] == 'success':
return True
logger.error('%s Got unexpected status result: %s' % (self.module, d))
logger.debug('%s Request URL: %s \n Content: %s \n History: %s \n Json: %s' % (self.module, r.url ,r.text, r.history, d))
self.error = d
return False
def test_skey_valid(self, skey=None):
You should call this method to test if the specified session key
(skey) is still valid. If skey is left out or None, it
automatically gets the value of the session cookie currently
Returns: True (success) False (failure)
Side effects: Saves the cookies file.
if skey is None:
skey = self.cookie_value('session', '')
if skey is None or skey == '':
return False
if (self.valid_skey_attempt(skey)):
return True
return False
def test_login(self):
This is the method to call if you JUST want to login using self.un &
Note that this will generate a new session on every time you login successfully!
This is why the "keeplogged" option is only for when you persist cookies to disk.
Note that after a successful login, it will test the session key, which has the side effect of
getting the authkey,passkey & uid
Returns: True (login success) False (login failure)
Side Effects: On success: Sets the authkey, uid, passkey and saves the cookies to disk
(on failure): clears the cookies and saves that to disk.
if (self.valid_login_attempt(self.un,
if self.cookie_exists('session'):
if (not self.test_skey_valid()):
logger.error('Bad error: The attempt to get your attributes after successful login failed!')
self.error = {'status': 'Bad error', 'message': 'Attempt to get attributes after successful login failed.'}
return False
return True
logger.warn('Missing session cookie after successful login: %s' %
return False
def login(self):
This is generally the only method you'll want to call, as it handles testing test_skey_valid() before
trying test_login().
Returns: True (success) / False (failure)
Side effects: Methods called will handle saving the cookies to disk, and setting
self.authkey, self.passkey, and self.uid
if (self.test_skey_valid()):
logger.fdebug('%s Session key-based login was good.' % self.module)
self.method = 'Session Cookie retrieved OK.'
return {'ses':,
'status': True}
if (self.test_login()):
logger.fdebug('%s Credential-based login was good.' % self.module)
self.method = 'Credential-based login OK.'
return {'ses':,
'status': True}
logger.warn('%s Both session key and credential-based logins failed.' % self.module)
self.method = 'Both session key & credential login failed.'
return {'ses':,
'status': False}
#if __name__ == '__main__':
# ab = DoIt()
# c = ab.loadit()