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Because of how Mylar is based upon headphones, logistically the API that rembo10 has created for headphones
will work reasonably well for Mylar - with some obvious changes. With that said, this was all taken from headphones
as a starting base and will be added to as required.
The API is really new and probably needs alot of cleaning up and to be tested out properly.
There are no error codes yet, but will be added soon.
General structure:
http://localhost:8090 + HTTP_ROOT + /api?apikey=$apikey&cmd=$command
Data returned in json format.
If executing a command like "delComic" or "addComic" you'll get back an "OK", else, you'll get the data you requested
getIndex (fetch data from index page. Returns: ArtistName, ArtistSortName, ArtistID, Status, DateAdded,
[LatestAlbum, ReleaseDate, AlbumID], HaveTracks, TotalTracks,
IncludeExtras, LastUpdated, [ArtworkURL, ThumbURL]: a remote url to the artwork/thumbnail. To get the cached image path, see getArtistArt command.
ThumbURL is added/updated when an artist is added/updated. If your using the database method to get the artwork,
it's more reliable to use the ThumbURL than the ArtworkURL)
getComic&id=$comicid (fetch artist data. returns the artist object (see above) and album info: Status, AlbumASIN, DateAdded, AlbumTitle, ArtistName, ReleaseDate, AlbumID, ArtistID, Type, ArtworkURL: hosted image path. For cached image, see getAlbumArt command)
getIssue&id=$comicid (fetch data from album page. Returns the album object, a description object and a tracks object. Tracks contain: AlbumASIN, AlbumTitle, TrackID, Format, TrackDuration (ms), ArtistName, TrackTitle, AlbumID, ArtistID, Location, TrackNumber, CleanName (stripped of punctuation /styling), BitRate)
getUpcoming[&include_downloaded_issues=Y] (fetch "This Week's Upcoming". Add the &include_downloaded_issues parameter to.. include downloaded issues.
This essentially forces the results to look like they would have at the start of the week, when all of the
issues were still Wanted. Returns: Status, ComicName, IssueID, DisplayComicName, IssueNumber, IssueDate, ComicID)
getWanted (Returns: Status, AlbumASIN, DateAdded, AlbumTitle, ArtistName, ReleaseDate, AlbumID, ArtistID, Type)
getHistory (Returns: Status, DateAdded, Title, URL (nzb), FolderName, AlbumID, Size (bytes))
getLogs (not working yet)
findArtist&name=$artistname[&limit=$limit] (perform artist query on musicbrainz. Returns: url, score, name, uniquename (contains disambiguation info), id)
findAlbum&name=$albumname[&limit=$limit] (perform album query on musicbrainz. Returns: title, url (artist), id (artist), albumurl, albumid, score, uniquename (artist - with disambiguation)
addComic&id=$comicid (add an comic to the db by comicid)
addAlbum&id=$releaseid (add an album to the db by album release id)
delComic&id=$comicid (delete Comic from db by comicid)
pauseComic&id=$artistid (pause an comic in db)
resumeComic&id=$artistid (resume an comic in db)
refreshComic&id=$comicid (refresh info for comic in db)
queueIssue&id=$issueid (Mark an issue as wanted and start the search.
unqueueIssue&id=$issueid (Unmark issue as wanted / i.e. mark as skipped)
forceSearch (force search for wanted issues - not launched in a separate thread so it may take a bit to complete)
forceProcess&nzb_name&nzb_folder (force post process issues in download directory - also not launched in a separate thread
for manual run set nzb_name to 'Manual+Run')
getVersion (Returns some version information: git_path, install_type, current_version, installed_version, commits_behind
checkGithub (updates the version information above and returns getVersion data)
shutdown (shut down mylar)
restart (restart mylar)
update (update mylar - you may want to check the install type in get version and not allow this if type==exe)
downloadIssue&id=$issueid (download that issue to your browser)
findComic&name=$comicname (Find comics)
getStoryArc (List all story arcs)
getStoryArc&customOnly=1 (List custom story arcs)
getStoryArc&id=$arcid (Show story arc issues)
addStoryArc&id=$arcid&issues=$issues (add a comma delimited list of CV issue IDs to existing Story Arc ID.
Appended in order to the end of the reading order)
addStoryArc&storyarcname=$name&issues=$issues (create a new story arc and add a comma delimited list of CV issue IDs
to it.)