
190 lines
8.6 KiB
Executable File

# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import re
import time
import threading
import urllib, urllib2
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString, Element
import mylar
from mylar import logger, db, cv
from mylar.helpers import multikeysort, replace_all, cleanName, cvapi_check
mb_lock = threading.Lock()
def pullsearch(comicapi,comicquery,offset,explicit,type):
u_comicquery = urllib.quote(comicquery.encode('utf-8').strip())
u_comicquery = u_comicquery.replace(" ", "%20")
if explicit == 'all' or explicit == 'loose':
PULLURL = mylar.CVURL + 'search?api_key=' + str(comicapi) + '&resources=' + str(type) + '&query=' + u_comicquery + '&field_list=id,name,start_year,site_detail_url,count_of_issues,image,publisher,description&format=xml&page=' + str(offset)
# 02/22/2014 use the volume filter label to get the right results.
# add the 's' to the end of type to pluralize the caption (it's needed)
if type == 'story_arc':'redefining.')
u_comicquery = re.sub("%20AND%20", "%20", u_comicquery)
PULLURL = mylar.CVURL + str(type) + 's?api_key=' + str(comicapi) + '&filter=name:' + u_comicquery + '&field_list=id,name,start_year,site_detail_url,count_of_issues,image,publisher,description&format=xml&offset=' + str(offset) # 2012/22/02 - CVAPI flipped back to offset instead of page
#all these imports are standard on most modern python implementations
#CV API Check here.
if mylar.CVAPI_COUNT == 0 or mylar.CVAPI_COUNT >= mylar.CVAPI_MAX:
#download the file:
file = urllib2.urlopen(PULLURL)
except urllib2.HTTPError, err:
logger.error('err : ' + str(err))
logger.error("There was a major problem retrieving data from ComicVine - on their end. You'll have to try again later most likely.")
#increment CV API counter.
mylar.CVAPI_COUNT +=1
#convert to string:
data =
#close file because we dont need it anymore:
#parse the xml you downloaded
dom = parseString(data)
return dom
def findComic(name, mode, issue, limityear=None, explicit=None, type=None):
#with mb_lock:
comiclist = []
comicResults = None
chars = set('!?*')
if any((c in chars) for c in name):
name = '"'+name+'"'
#print ("limityear: " + str(limityear))
if limityear is None: limityear = 'None'
comicquery = name
#comicquery=name.replace(" ", "%20")
if explicit is None:
#logger.fdebug('explicit is None. Setting to Default mode of ALL search words.')
#comicquery=name.replace(" ", " AND ")
explicit = 'all'
if explicit == 'loose':
logger.fdebug('Changing to loose mode - this will match ANY of the search words')
comicquery = name.replace(" ", " OR ")
elif explicit == 'explicit':
logger.fdebug('Changing to explicit mode - this will match explicitly on the EXACT words')
comicquery=name.replace(" ", " AND ")
logger.fdebug('Default search mode - this will match on ALL search words')
comicquery = name.replace(" ", " AND ")
explicit = 'all'
if mylar.COMICVINE_API == 'None' or mylar.COMICVINE_API is None or mylar.COMICVINE_API == mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI:
logger.warn('You have not specified your own ComicVine API key - alot of things will be limited. Get your own @')
comicapi = mylar.DEFAULT_CVAPI
comicapi = mylar.COMICVINE_API
if type is None:
type = 'volume'
#let's find out how many results we get from the query...
searched = pullsearch(comicapi,comicquery,0,explicit,type)
if searched is None: return False
totalResults = searched.getElementsByTagName('number_of_total_results')[0].firstChild.wholeText
logger.fdebug("there are " + str(totalResults) + " search results...")
if not totalResults:
return False
countResults = 0
while (countResults < int(totalResults)):
#logger.fdebug("querying " + str(countResults))
if countResults > 0:
#2012/22/02 - CV API flipped back to offset usage instead of page
if explicit == 'all' or explicit == 'loose':
#all / loose uses page for offset
offsetcount = (countResults/100) + 1
#explicit uses offset
offsetcount = countResults
searched = pullsearch(comicapi,comicquery,offsetcount,explicit,type)
comicResults = searched.getElementsByTagName(type) #('volume')
body = ''
n = 0
if not comicResults:
for result in comicResults:
#retrieve the first xml tag (<tag>data</tag>)
#that the parser finds with name tagName:
xmlcnt = result.getElementsByTagName('count_of_issues')[0].firstChild.wholeText
#here we can determine what called us, and either start gathering all issues or just limited ones.
#print ("n: " + str(n) + "--xmcnt" + str(xmlcnt))
if issue is not None and str(issue).isdigit():
#this gets buggered up with NEW/ONGOING series because the db hasn't been updated
#to reflect the proper count. Drop it by 1 to make sure.
limiter = int(issue) - 1
else: limiter = 0
if int(xmlcnt) >= limiter:
xmlTag = result.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].firstChild.wholeText
if (result.getElementsByTagName('start_year')[0].firstChild) is not None:
xmlYr = result.getElementsByTagName('start_year')[0].firstChild.wholeText
else: xmlYr = "0000"
if xmlYr in limityear or limityear == 'None':
xmlurl = result.getElementsByTagName('site_detail_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText
xmlid = result.getElementsByTagName('id')[0].firstChild.wholeText
publishers = result.getElementsByTagName('publisher')
if len(publishers) > 0:
pubnames = publishers[0].getElementsByTagName('name')
if len(pubnames) >0:
xmlpub = pubnames[0].firstChild.wholeText
xmlpub = "Unknown"
xmlpub = "Unknown"
if (result.getElementsByTagName('name')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue) is None:
xmlimage = result.getElementsByTagName('super_url')[0].firstChild.wholeText
xmlimage = "cache/blankcover.jpg"
xmldesc = result.getElementsByTagName('description')[0].firstChild.wholeText
xmldesc = "None"
'name': xmlTag,
'comicyear': xmlYr,
'comicid': xmlid,
'url': xmlurl,
'issues': xmlcnt,
'comicimage': xmlimage,
'publisher': xmlpub,
'description': xmldesc
logger.fdebug('year: ' + str(xmlYr) + ' - contraint not met. Has to be within ' + str(limityear))
#search results are limited to 100 and by pagination now...let's account for this.
countResults = countResults + 100
return comiclist, explicit