Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/evilhero/mylar synced 2025-03-09 13:24:53 +00:00
evilhero 2623bbcbaf IMP: Updated CT to a newer version - changed to use rarfile, fixes size invalid errors with some cbr's encountered during conversions, IMP: Search and Post-Processing Queues now added in order to queue up all searches/post-processing in sequence instead of loading lists and iterating through it and encountering various lock-related errors, IMP: In most cases, will now post-process directly against comicid/issueid/storyarcid instead of relying on relationship via nzb/torrent, FIX: realigned some checkboxes on series detail page, FIX: in configuration, indicated that ComicRN cannot be used when Completed Download Handling is enabled for a client now, FIX: Fix for issues named as 'special' that are part of the annuals section, but would not work in various portions (also will allow for naming differences in the future hopefully), FIX: Will now trap error properly when file cannot be located during dupecheck so that post-processing can continue without error, FIX: Fixed newznab test option on configuration screen so that it will return the correct response (previous was an invalid api endpoint), FIX: When retrieving image for storyarcs would error when no image was present and stop the process, FIX: accounted for some incorrect newznab responses that would return a non-api endpoint when retrieving via rss, which resulted in invalid nzbs, FIX: in some cases, weekly pull snatches would not update properly on the weekly page due to some db values not being written
2018-06-14 13:07:39 -04:00

556 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Dump archive contents, test extraction."""
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import io
import sys
import getopt
from datetime import datetime
import rarfile as rf
usage = """
dumprar [switches] [ARC1 ARC2 ...] [@ARCLIST]
@file read archive names from file
-pPSW set password
-Ccharset set fallback charset
-v increase verbosity
-t attempt to read all files
-x write read files out
-c show archive comment
-h show usage
-- stop switch parsing
os_list = ['DOS', 'OS2', 'WIN', 'UNIX', 'MACOS', 'BEOS']
block_strs = ['MARK', 'MAIN', 'FILE', 'OLD_COMMENT', 'OLD_EXTRA',
r5_block_types = {
def rar3_type(btype):
"""RAR3 type code as string."""
if btype < rf.RAR_BLOCK_MARK or btype > rf.RAR_BLOCK_ENDARC:
return "*UNKNOWN*"
return block_strs[btype - rf.RAR_BLOCK_MARK]
def rar5_type(btype):
"""RAR5 type code as string."""
return r5_block_types.get(btype, '*UNKNOWN*')
main_bits = (
endarc_bits = (
file_bits = (
generic_bits = (
file_parms = ("D64", "D128", "D256", "D512",
"D1024", "D2048", "D4096", "DIR")
r5_block_flags = (
r5_main_flags = (
r5_file_flags = (
r5_enc_flags = (
r5_endarc_flags = (
r5_file_enc_flags = (
r5_file_redir_types = {
r5_file_redir_flags = (
def xprint(m, *args):
"""Print string to stdout.
Format unicode safely.
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
m = m.decode('utf8')
if args:
m = m % args
if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
m = m.encode('utf8')
def render_flags(flags, bit_list):
"""Show bit names.
res = []
known = 0
for bit in bit_list:
known = known | bit[0]
if flags & bit[0]:
unknown = flags & ~known
n = 0
while unknown:
if unknown & 1:
res.append("UNK_%04x" % (1 << n))
unknown = unknown >> 1
n += 1
if not res:
return '-'
return ",".join(res)
def get_file_flags(flags):
"""Show flag names and handle dict size.
res = render_flags(flags & ~rf.RAR_FILE_DICTMASK, file_bits)
xf = (flags & rf.RAR_FILE_DICTMASK) >> 5
res += "," + file_parms[xf]
return res
def fmt_time(t):
"""Format time.
if t is None:
return '(-)'
if isinstance(t, datetime):
return t.isoformat('T')
return "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" % t
def show_item(h):
"""Show any RAR3/5 record.
if isinstance(h, rf.Rar3Info):
elif isinstance(h, rf.Rar5Info):
xprint('Unknown info record')
def show_item_v3(h):
"""Show any RAR3 record.
st = rar3_type(h.type)
xprint("%s: hdrlen=%d datlen=%d", st, h.header_size, h.add_size)
if h.type in (rf.RAR_BLOCK_FILE, rf.RAR_BLOCK_SUB):
if h.host_os == rf.RAR_OS_UNIX:
s_mode = "0%o" % h.mode
s_mode = "0x%x" % h.mode
xprint(" flags=0x%04x:%s", h.flags, get_file_flags(h.flags))
if h.host_os >= 0 and h.host_os < len(os_list):
s_os = os_list[h.host_os]
s_os = "?"
xprint(" os=%d:%s ver=%d mode=%s meth=%c cmp=%d dec=%d vol=%d",
h.host_os, s_os,
h.extract_version, s_mode, h.compress_type,
h.compress_size, h.file_size, h.volume)
ucrc = (h.CRC + (1 << 32)) & ((1 << 32) - 1)
xprint(" crc=0x%08x (%d) date_time=%s", ucrc, h.CRC, fmt_time(h.date_time))
xprint(" name=%s", h.filename)
if h.mtime:
xprint(" mtime=%s", fmt_time(h.mtime))
if h.ctime:
xprint(" ctime=%s", fmt_time(h.ctime))
if h.atime:
xprint(" atime=%s", fmt_time(h.atime))
if h.arctime:
xprint(" arctime=%s", fmt_time(h.arctime))
elif h.type == rf.RAR_BLOCK_MAIN:
xprint(" flags=0x%04x:%s", h.flags, render_flags(h.flags, main_bits))
elif h.type == rf.RAR_BLOCK_ENDARC:
xprint(" flags=0x%04x:%s", h.flags, render_flags(h.flags, endarc_bits))
elif h.type == rf.RAR_BLOCK_MARK:
xprint(" flags=0x%04x:", h.flags)
xprint(" flags=0x%04x:%s", h.flags, render_flags(h.flags, generic_bits))
if h.comment is not None:
cm = repr(h.comment)
if cm[0] == 'u':
cm = cm[1:]
xprint(" comment=%s", cm)
def show_item_v5(h):
"""Show any RAR5 record.
st = rar5_type(h.block_type)
xprint("%s: hdrlen=%d datlen=%d hdr_extra=%d", st, h.header_size,
h.compress_size, h.block_extra_size)
xprint(" block_flags=0x%04x:%s", h.block_flags, render_flags(h.block_flags, r5_block_flags))
if h.block_type in (rf.RAR5_BLOCK_FILE, rf.RAR5_BLOCK_SERVICE):
xprint(" name=%s", h.filename)
if h.file_host_os == rf.RAR5_OS_UNIX:
s_os = 'UNIX'
s_mode = "0%o" % h.mode
s_os = 'WINDOWS'
s_mode = "0x%x" % h.mode
xprint(" file_flags=0x%04x:%s", h.file_flags, render_flags(h.file_flags, r5_file_flags))
cmp_flags = h.file_compress_flags
xprint(" cmp_algo=%d cmp_meth=%d dict=%d solid=%r",
cmp_flags & 0x3f,
(cmp_flags >> 7) & 0x07,
cmp_flags >> 10,
cmp_flags & rf.RAR5_COMPR_SOLID > 0)
xprint(" os=%d:%s mode=%s cmp=%r dec=%r vol=%r",
h.file_host_os, s_os, s_mode,
h.compress_size, h.file_size, h.volume)
if h.CRC is not None:
xprint(" crc=0x%08x (%d)", h.CRC, h.CRC)
if h.blake2sp_hash is not None:
xprint(" blake2sp=%s", rf.tohex(h.blake2sp_hash))
if h.date_time is not None:
xprint(" date_time=%s", fmt_time(h.date_time))
if h.mtime:
xprint(" mtime=%s", fmt_time(h.mtime))
if h.ctime:
xprint(" ctime=%s", fmt_time(h.ctime))
if h.atime:
xprint(" atime=%s", fmt_time(h.atime))
if h.arctime:
xprint(" arctime=%s", fmt_time(h.arctime))
if h.flags & rf.RAR_FILE_PASSWORD:
enc_algo, enc_flags, kdf_count, salt, iv, checkval = h.file_encryption
algo_name = 'AES256' if enc_algo == rf.RAR5_XENC_CIPHER_AES256 else 'UnknownAlgo'
xprint(' algo=%d:%s enc_flags=%04x:%s kdf_lg=%d kdf_count=%d salt=%s iv=%s checkval=%s',
enc_algo, algo_name, enc_flags, render_flags(enc_flags, r5_file_enc_flags),
kdf_count, 1 << kdf_count, rf.tohex(salt), rf.tohex(iv),
checkval and rf.tohex(checkval) or '-')
if h.file_redir:
redir_type, redir_flags, redir_name = h.file_redir
xprint(' redir: type=%s flags=%d:%s destination=%s',
r5_file_redir_types.get(redir_type, 'Unknown'),
redir_flags, render_flags(redir_flags, r5_file_redir_flags),
if h.file_owner:
uname, gname, uid, gid = h.file_owner
xprint(' owner: name=%r group=%r uid=%r gid=%r',
uname, gname, uid, gid)
if h.file_version:
flags, version = h.file_version
xprint(' version: flags=%r version=%r', flags, version)
elif h.block_type == rf.RAR5_BLOCK_MAIN:
xprint(" flags=0x%04x:%s", h.flags, render_flags(h.main_flags, r5_main_flags))
elif h.block_type == rf.RAR5_BLOCK_ENDARC:
xprint(" flags=0x%04x:%s", h.flags, render_flags(h.endarc_flags, r5_endarc_flags))
elif h.block_type == rf.RAR5_BLOCK_ENCRYPTION:
algo_name = 'AES256' if h.encryption_algo == rf.RAR5_XENC_CIPHER_AES256 else 'UnknownAlgo'
xprint(" algo=%d:%s flags=0x%04x:%s", h.encryption_algo, algo_name, h.flags,
render_flags(h.encryption_flags, r5_enc_flags))
xprint(" kdf_lg=%d kdf_count=%d", h.encryption_kdf_count, 1 << h.encryption_kdf_count)
xprint(" salt=%s", rf.tohex(h.encryption_salt))
xprint(" - missing info -")
if h.comment is not None:
cm = repr(h.comment)
if cm[0] == 'u':
cm = cm[1:]
xprint(" comment=%s", cm)
cf_show_comment = 0
cf_verbose = 0
cf_charset = None
cf_extract = 0
cf_test_read = 0
cf_test_unrar = 0
cf_test_memory = 0
def check_crc(f, inf, desc):
"""Compare result crc to expected value.
exp = inf._md_expect
if exp is None:
ucrc = f._md_context.digest()
if ucrc != exp:
print('crc error - %s - exp=%r got=%r' % (desc, exp, ucrc))
def test_read_long(r, inf):
"""Test read and readinto.
md_class = inf._md_class or rf.NoHashContext
bctx = md_class()
f = r.open(inf.filename)
total = 0
while 1:
data = f.read(8192)
if not data:
total += len(data)
if total != inf.file_size:
xprint("\n *** %s has corrupt file: %s ***", r.rarfile, inf.filename)
xprint(" *** short read: got=%d, need=%d ***\n", total, inf.file_size)
check_crc(f, inf, 'read')
bhash = bctx.hexdigest()
if cf_verbose > 1:
if f._md_context.digest() == inf._md_expect:
#xprint(" checkhash: %r", bhash)
xprint(" checkhash: %r got=%r exp=%r cls=%r\n",
bhash, f._md_context.digest(), inf._md_expect, inf._md_class)
# test .seek() & .readinto()
if cf_test_read > 1:
f.seek(0, 0)
total = 0
buf = bytearray(rf.ZERO * 1024)
while 1:
res = f.readinto(buf)
if not res:
total += res
if inf.file_size != total:
xprint(" *** readinto failed: got=%d, need=%d ***\n", total, inf.file_size)
#check_crc(f, inf, 'readinto')
def test_read(r, inf):
"""Test file read."""
test_read_long(r, inf)
def test_real(fn, psw):
"""Actual archive processing.
xprint("Archive: %s", fn)
cb = None
if cf_verbose > 1:
cb = show_item
rfarg = fn
if cf_test_memory:
rfarg = io.BytesIO(open(fn, 'rb').read())
# check if rar
if not rf.is_rarfile(rfarg):
xprint(" --- %s is not a RAR file ---", fn)
# open
r = rf.RarFile(rfarg, charset=cf_charset, info_callback=cb)
# set password
if r.needs_password():
if psw:
xprint(" --- %s requires password ---", fn)
# show comment
if cf_show_comment and r.comment:
for ln in r.comment.split('\n'):
xprint(" %s", ln)
elif cf_verbose > 0 and r.comment:
cm = repr(r.comment)
if cm[0] == 'u':
cm = cm[1:]
xprint(" comment=%s", cm)
# process
for n in r.namelist():
inf = r.getinfo(n)
if inf.isdir():
if cf_verbose == 1:
if cf_test_read:
test_read(r, inf)
if cf_extract:
for inf in r.infolist():
if cf_test_unrar:
def test(fn, psw):
"""Process one archive with error handling.
test_real(fn, psw)
except rf.NeedFirstVolume:
xprint(" --- %s is middle part of multi-vol archive ---", fn)
except rf.Error:
exc, msg, tb = sys.exc_info()
xprint("\n *** %s: %s ***\n", exc.__name__, msg)
del tb
except IOError:
exc, msg, tb = sys.exc_info()
xprint("\n *** %s: %s ***\n", exc.__name__, msg)
del tb
def main():
"""Program entry point.
global cf_verbose, cf_show_comment, cf_charset
global cf_extract, cf_test_read, cf_test_unrar
global cf_test_memory
psw = None
# parse args
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'p:C:hvcxtRM')
except getopt.error as ex:
print(str(ex), file=sys.stderr)
for o, v in opts:
if o == '-p':
psw = v
elif o == '-h':
elif o == '-v':
cf_verbose += 1
elif o == '-c':
cf_show_comment = 1
elif o == '-x':
cf_extract = 1
elif o == '-t':
cf_test_read += 1
elif o == '-T':
cf_test_unrar = 1
elif o == '-M':
cf_test_memory = 1
elif o == '-C':
cf_charset = v
raise Exception("unhandled switch: " + o)
args2 = []
for a in args:
if a[0] == "@":
for ln in open(a[1:], 'r'):
fn = ln[:-1]
args = args2
if not args:
# pypy .readinto()+memoryview() is buggy
#if cf_test_read > 1 and hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'):
# cf_test_read = 1
for fn in args:
test(fn, psw)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt: