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mirror of https://github.com/evilhero/mylar synced 2025-03-09 21:33:42 +00:00
evilhero cdc3e8a7a0 IMP: Cleaned up interface for StoryArcs / Story Arc Details, IMP: Cleaned up interface for Reading list Management, IMP: Added better reading list management - new status (added, downloaded, read), IMP: Added sync option for use with another device for reading list transfer (ie. tablet) Android only, IMP: Autopopulate new weekly pull releases to reading list, IMP: 'Watch' option in weekly pull list now fully functional. Will watch CV for series' that do not have any series data yet as they are new starting series. Will auto-add once available, IMP: Auto-watch check is run after every refresh/recreate of the weeklypull list, IMP: Improved the Add a Series option where it will now look for issues that are 'new' or 'wanted' during add sequence, IMP: Main page interface now has coloured have/total bars to denote series completion, IMP: New scheduler / threading locks in place in an attempt to avoid database locks, FIX: Removed some erroneous locking that was going on when importing a directory was being run, IMP: Stat counter now present when post-processing multiple issues in sequence, FIX: for issue number error when post-processing and issue number was a non-alphanumeric, FIX: for metatagging: when original file was .cbz, would try to convert and fail, FIX: for issues that were negative and were preceeded by a # in the filename (filechecker), FIX: for publisher having non-alphanumeric character in name when attempting to determine publisher, FIX: if annuals enabled, would incorrectly show as being 'already in library' when viewing search results if results constained annuals, FIX:(#944) for incorrect nzbname being used when post-processing was being performed from an nzb client (experimental mainly), IMP: Turned off logging for ComicVine API counter, FIX: Added retry attempts when connecting to ComicVine in order to avoid errors when adding a series, IMP:(#963) Added ability to add snatched to filter when viewing Wanted issues on Wanted tab, FIX: When importing and then selecting a series to import via the select screen, will now flip back to the importresults and add the selected series in the background, IMP:(#952) Main page is now sorted in ascending order by Continuing/Ended status (and subbed by whether is Active/Paused).Custom sorting is still available, FIX: Dupecheck will now automatically assume existing 0-byte files are to be overwritten when performing post-processing, FIX: If publication date for series contained a '?' (usually with brand new series) will force to 'Present' to allow for pull-list comparisons to take place, FIX: Mylar will now disallow search results which have 'covers only' or 'variant' in the filename, IMP: Better nzbname generation/retrieval (will check inside nzb for possible names) to be used when post-processing, IMP: DB Update will now perform update to all active comics in descending order by Latest Date (instead of random order), FIX: Enforce the 5hr limit rule when running DB update (will only update series that haven't been updated in >5 hours), FIX: Annuals will now have/retain the proper status upon doing DB Update, FIX: Have totals will now be updated when doing a recheck files (sometimes wouldn't get updated depending on various states of status'), FIX:(#966) Added urllib2.URLError exeception trap when attempting to check Git for updates, IMP: Removed the individual sqlite calls for weeklypull, and brought them into line with using the db module (which will minimize concurrent access, which seemed to be causing db locks), IMP: Cleaned up some code and shuffled some functions so they are in more appropriate locations
2015-03-27 13:27:59 -04:00

1266 lines
68 KiB
Executable file

# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import datetime
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
import urllib2
import shlex
import re
import os
import itertools
import mylar
from mylar import db, logger, helpers, filechecker
def dbUpdate(ComicIDList=None, calledfrom=None):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
#print "comicidlist:" + str(ComicIDList)
if ComicIDList is None:
comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT LatestDate, LastUpdated, ComicID, ComicName from comics WHERE Status="Active" or Status="Loading" order by LatestDate DESC, LastUpdated ASC')
comiclist = ComicIDList
if calledfrom is None:
logger.info('Starting update for %i active comics' % len(comiclist))
cnt = 1
for comic in comiclist:
if ComicIDList is None:
ComicID = comic[2]
ComicName = comic[3]
c_date = comic[1]
if c_date is None:
logger.error(ComicName + ' failed during a previous add /refresh as it has no Last Update timestamp. Forcing refresh now.')
c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(c_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
n_date = datetime.datetime.now()
absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date)
hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0
if hours < 5:
logger.info(ComicName + '[' + str(ComicID) + '] Was refreshed less than 5 hours ago. Skipping Refresh at this time.')
cnt +=1
logger.info('[' + str(cnt) + '/' + str(len(comiclist)) + '] Refreshing :' + ComicName + ' [' + str(ComicID) + ']')
ComicID = comic
logger.fdebug('Refreshing :' + str(ComicID))
mismatch = "no"
if not mylar.CV_ONLY or ComicID[:1] == "G":
CV_EXcomicid = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone()
if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass
if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99':
mismatch = "yes"
if ComicID[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(ComicID)
else: importer.addComictoDB(ComicID,mismatch)
if mylar.CV_ONETIMER == 1:
logger.fdebug("CV_OneTimer option enabled...")
#in order to update to JUST CV_ONLY, we need to delete the issues for a given series so it's a clea$
logger.fdebug("Gathering the status of all issues for the series.")
issues = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
if not issues:
#if issues are None it's probably a bad refresh/maxed out API that resulted in the issue data
#getting wiped out and not refreshed. Setting whack=True will force a complete refresh.
logger.fdebug('No issue data available. This is Whack.')
whack = True
#check for series that are numerically out of whack (ie. 5/4)
logger.fdebug('Checking how out of whack the series is.')
whack = helpers.havetotals(refreshit=ComicID)
if calledfrom == 'weekly':
if whack == True:
logger.info('Series is out of whack. Forcibly refreshing series to ensure everything is in order.')
return True
return False
annload = [] #initiate the list here so we don't error out below.
if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
#now we load the annuals into memory to pass through to importer when refreshing so that it can
#refresh even the manually added annuals.
annual_load = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
logger.fdebug('checking annual db')
for annthis in annual_load:
if not any(d['ReleaseComicID'] == annthis['ReleaseComicID'] for d in annload):
#print 'matched on annual'
'ReleaseComicID': annthis['ReleaseComicID'],
'ReleaseComicName': annthis['ReleaseComicName'],
'ComicID': annthis['ComicID'],
'ComicName': annthis['ComicName']
#print 'added annual'
issues += annual_load #myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
#store the issues' status for a given comicid, after deleting and readding, flip the status back to$
logger.fdebug("Deleting all issue data.")
myDB.action('DELETE FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
myDB.action('DELETE FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
logger.fdebug("Refreshing the series and pulling in new data using only CV.")
if whack == False:
#reload the annuals here.
issues_new = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
annuals = []
ann_list = []
if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
annuals_list = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
ann_list += annuals_list
issues_new += annuals_list
logger.fdebug("Attempting to put the Status' back how they were.")
icount = 0
#the problem - the loop below will not match on NEW issues that have been refreshed that weren't present in the
#db before (ie. you left Mylar off for abit, and when you started it up it pulled down new issue information)
#need to test if issuenew['Status'] is None, but in a seperate loop below.
fndissue = []
for issue in issues:
for issuenew in issues_new:
#logger.fdebug(str(issue['Issue_Number']) + ' - issuenew:' + str(issuenew['IssueID']) + ' : ' + str(issuenew['Status']))
#logger.fdebug(str(issue['Issue_Number']) + ' - issue:' + str(issue['IssueID']) + ' : ' + str(issue['Status']))
if issuenew['IssueID'] == issue['IssueID'] and (issuenew['Status'] != issue['Status'] or issue['IssueDate_Edit'] is not None):
ctrlVAL = {"IssueID": issue['IssueID']}
#if the status is None and the original status is either Downloaded / Archived, keep status & stats
if issuenew['Status'] == None and (issue['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or issue['Status'] == 'Archived'):
newVAL = {"Location": issue['Location'],
"ComicSize": issue['ComicSize'],
"Status": issue['Status']}
#if the status is now Downloaded/Snatched, keep status & stats (downloaded only)
elif issuenew['Status'] == 'Downloaded' or issue['Status'] == 'Snatched':
newVAL = {"Location": issue['Location'],
"ComicSize": issue['ComicSize']}
if issuenew['Status'] == 'Downloaded':
newVAL['Status'] = issuenew['Status']
newVAL['Status'] = issue['Status']
elif issue['Status'] == 'Archived':
newVAL = {"Status": issue['Status'],
"Location": issue['Location'],
"ComicSize": issue['ComicSize']}
#change the status to the previous status
newVAL = {"Status": issue['Status']}
if newVAL['Status'] == None:
datechk = re.sub('-','', newissue['ReleaseDate']).strip() # converts date to 20140718 format
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
newVAL = {"Status": "Wanted"}
elif int(datechk) >= int(nowtime) and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
newVAL = {"Status": "Wanted"}
newVAL = {"Status": "Skipped"}
if issue['IssueDate_Edit']:
logger.info('[#' + str(issue['Issue_Number']) + '] detected manually edited Issue Date.')
logger.info('new value : ' + str(issue['IssueDate']) + ' ... cv value : ' + str(issuenew['IssueDate']))
newVAL['IssueDate'] = issue['IssueDate']
newVAL['IssueDate_Edit'] = issue['IssueDate_Edit']
if any(d['IssueID'] == str(issue['IssueID']) for d in ann_list):
#logger.fdebug("annual detected for " + str(issue['IssueID']) + " #: " + str(issue['Issue_Number']))
myDB.upsert("Annuals", newVAL, ctrlVAL)
#logger.fdebug('#' + str(issue['Issue_Number']) + ' writing issuedata: ' + str(newVAL))
myDB.upsert("Issues", newVAL, ctrlVAL)
fndissue.append({"IssueID": issue['IssueID']})
logger.warn('Something is out of whack somewhere with the series.')
#if it's an annual (ie. deadpool-2011 ) on a refresh will throw index errors for some reason.
logger.info("In the process of converting the data to CV, I changed the status of " + str(icount) + " issues.")
issuesnew = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status is NULL', [ComicID])
if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
annualsnew = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Status is NULL', [ComicID])
newiss = []
newstatus = "Wanted"
newstatus = "Skipped"
for iss in issuesnew:
newiss.append({"IssueID": iss['IssueID'],
"Status": newstatus,
"Annual": False})
for ann in annualsnew:
newiss.append({"IssueID": iss['IssueID'],
"Status": newstatus,
"Annual": True})
if len(newiss) > 0:
for newi in newiss:
ctrlVAL = {"IssueID": newi['IssueID']}
newVAL = {"Status": newi['Status']}
#logger.fdebug('writing issuedata: ' + str(newVAL))
if newi['Annual'] == True:
myDB.upsert("Annuals", newVAL, ctrlVAL)
myDB.upsert("Issues", newVAL, ctrlVAL)
logger.info('I have added ' + str(len(newiss)) + ' new issues for this series that were not present before.')
cnt +=1
time.sleep(5) #pause for 5 secs so dont hammer CV and get 500 error
logger.info('Update complete')
def latest_update(ComicID, LatestIssue, LatestDate):
# here we add to comics.latest
#logger.info(str(ComicID) + ' - updating latest_date to : ' + str(LatestDate))
myDB = db.DBConnection()
latestCTRLValueDict = {"ComicID": ComicID}
newlatestDict = {"LatestIssue": str(LatestIssue),
"LatestDate": str(LatestDate)}
myDB.upsert("comics", newlatestDict, latestCTRLValueDict)
def upcoming_update(ComicID, ComicName, IssueNumber, IssueDate, forcecheck=None, futurepull=None, altissuenumber=None):
# here we add to upcoming table...
myDB = db.DBConnection()
dspComicName = ComicName #to make sure that the word 'annual' will be displayed on screen
if 'annual' in ComicName.lower():
adjComicName = re.sub("\\bannual\\b", "", ComicName.lower()) # for use with comparisons.
logger.fdebug('annual detected - adjusting name to : ' + adjComicName)
adjComicName = ComicName
controlValue = {"ComicID": ComicID}
newValue = {"ComicName": adjComicName,
"IssueNumber": str(IssueNumber),
"DisplayComicName": dspComicName,
"IssueDate": str(IssueDate)}
#let's refresh the series here just to make sure if an issue is available/not.
mismatch = "no"
CV_EXcomicid = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone()
if CV_EXcomicid is None: pass
if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] == '99':
mismatch = "yes"
lastupdatechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID]).fetchone()
if lastupdatechk is None:
pullupd = "yes"
c_date = lastupdatechk['LastUpdated']
if c_date is None:
logger.error(lastupdatechk['ComicName'] + ' failed during a previous add /refresh. Please either delete and readd the series, or try a refresh of the series.')
c_obj_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(c_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
n_date = datetime.datetime.now()
absdiff = abs(n_date - c_obj_date)
hours = (absdiff.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + absdiff.seconds) / 3600.0
# no need to hammer the refresh
# let's check it every 5 hours (or more)
#pullupd = "yes"
if 'annual' in ComicName.lower():
if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [ComicID, IssueNumber]).fetchone()
logger.fdebug('Annual detected, but annuals not enabled. Ignoring result.')
issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [ComicID, IssueNumber]).fetchone()
if issuechk is None and altissuenumber is not None:
logger.info('altissuenumber is : ' + str(altissuenumber))
issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [ComicID, helpers.issuedigits(altissuenumber)]).fetchone()
if issuechk is None:
if futurepull is None:
og_status = None
logger.fdebug(adjComicName + ' Issue: ' + str(IssueNumber) + ' not present in listings to mark for download...updating comic and adding to Upcoming Wanted Releases.')
# we need to either decrease the total issue count, OR indicate that an issue is upcoming.
upco_results = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM UPCOMING WHERE ComicID=?",[ComicID])
upco_iss = upco_results[0][0]
#logger.info("upco_iss: " + str(upco_iss))
if int(upco_iss) > 0:
#logger.info("There is " + str(upco_iss) + " of " + str(ComicName) + " that's not accounted for")
newKey = {"ComicID": ComicID}
newVal = {"not_updated_db": str(upco_iss)}
myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newKey)
elif int(upco_iss) <=0 and lastupdatechk['not_updated_db']:
#if not_updated_db has a value, and upco_iss is > 0, let's zero it back out cause it's updated now.
newKey = {"ComicID": ComicID}
newVal = {"not_updated_db": ""}
myDB.upsert("comics", newVal, newKey)
if hours > 5 or forcecheck == 'yes':
pullupd = "yes"
logger.fdebug('Now Refreshing comic ' + ComicName + ' to make sure it is up-to-date')
if ComicID[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(ComicID,pullupd)
else: mylar.importer.updateissuedata(ComicID, ComicName, calledfrom='weeklycheck')#mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID,mismatch,pullupd)
#if 'annual' in ComicName.lower():
# logger.fdebug('Annual detected - refreshing series.')
# mylar.importer.updateissuedata(ComicID, ComicName, calledfrom='weeklycheck', issuetype='annual')
logger.fdebug('It has not been longer than 5 hours since we last did this...we will wait so we do not hammer things.')
# if futurepull is not None, let's just update the status and ComicID
nKey = {"ComicID": ComicID}
nVal = {"Status": "Wanted"}
myDB.upsert("future", nVal, nKey)
if issuechk is not None:
if issuechk['Issue_Number'] == IssueNumber or issuechk['Issue_Number'] == altissuenumber:
og_status = issuechk['Status']
#check for 'out-of-whack' series here.
whackness = dbUpdate([ComicID], calledfrom='weekly')
if whackness == True:
if any( [issuechk['Status'] == 'Downloaded', issuechk['Status'] == 'Archived', issuechk['Status'] == 'Snatched'] ):
logger.fdebug('Forcibly maintaining status of : ' + og_status + ' for #' + issuechk['Issue_Number'] + ' to ensure integrity.')
logger.fdebug('Comic series has an incorrect total count. Forcily refreshing series to ensure data is current.')
issuechk = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?", [ComicID, helpers.issuedigits(IssueNumber)]).fetchone()
if issuechk['Status'] != og_status and (issuechk['Status'] != 'Downloaded' or issuechk['Status'] != 'Archived' or issuechk['Status'] != 'Snatched'):
logger.fdebug('Forcibly changing status of ' + issuechk['Status'] + ' back to ' + og_status + ' for #' + issuechk['Issue_Number'] + ' to stop repeated downloads.')
logger.fdebug('[' + issuechk['Status'] + '] / [' + og_status + '] Status has not changed during refresh or is marked as being Wanted/Skipped correctly.')
og_status = issuechk['Status']
logger.fdebug('Comic series already up-to-date ... no need to refresh at this time.')
logger.fdebug('Available to be marked for download - checking...' + adjComicName + ' Issue: ' + str(issuechk['Issue_Number']))
logger.fdebug('...Existing status: ' + og_status)
control = {"IssueID": issuechk['IssueID']}
newValue['IssueID'] = issuechk['IssueID']
if og_status == "Snatched":
values = { "Status": "Snatched"}
newValue['Status'] = "Snatched"
elif og_status == "Downloaded":
values = { "Status": "Downloaded"}
newValue['Status'] = "Downloaded"
#if the status is Downloaded and it's on the pullist - let's mark it so everyone can bask in the glory
elif og_status == "Wanted":
values = { "Status": "Wanted"}
newValue['Status'] = "Wanted"
elif og_status == "Archived":
values = { "Status": "Archived"}
newValue['Status'] = "Archived"
elif og_status == 'Failed':
if mylar.FAILED_AUTO:
values = { "Status": "Wanted" }
values = { "Status": "Failed" }
values = { "Status": "Skipped" }
values = { "Status": "Skipped"}
newValue['Status'] = "Skipped"
#was in wrong place :(
logger.fdebug('Issues do not match for some reason...weekly new issue: ' + str(IssueNumber))
#for issues not in db - to be added to Upcoming table.
if og_status is None:
newValue['Status'] = "Wanted"
logger.fdebug('...Changing Status to Wanted and throwing it in the Upcoming section since it is not published yet.')
#this works for issues existing in DB...
elif og_status == "Skipped":
newValue['Status'] = "Wanted"
values = {"Status": "Wanted"}
logger.fdebug('...New status of Wanted')
elif og_status == "Wanted":
logger.fdebug('...Status already Wanted .. not changing.')
logger.fdebug('...Already have issue - keeping existing status of : ' + og_status)
if issuechk is None:
myDB.upsert("upcoming", newValue, controlValue)
logger.fdebug('--attempt to find errant adds to Wanted list')
logger.fdebug('UpcomingNewValue: ' + str(newValue))
logger.fdebug('UpcomingcontrolValue: ' + str(controlValue))
if issuechk['IssueDate'] == '0000-00-00' and newValue['IssueDate'] != '0000-00-00':
logger.fdebug('Found a 0000-00-00 issue - force updating series to try and get it proper.')
dateVal = {"IssueDate": newValue['IssueDate'],
"ComicName": issuechk['ComicName'],
"Status": newValue['Status'],
"IssueNumber": issuechk['Issue_Number']}
logger.fdebug('updating date in upcoming table to : ' + str(newValue['IssueDate']))
logger.fdebug('ComicID:' + str(controlValue))
myDB.upsert("upcoming", dateVal, controlValue)
logger.fdebug('Temporarily putting the Issue Date for ' + str(issuechk['Issue_Number']) + ' to ' + str(newValue['IssueDate']))
values = {"IssueDate": newValue['IssueDate']}
#if ComicID[:1] == "G": mylar.importer.GCDimport(ComicID,pullupd='yes')
#else: mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID,mismatch,pullupd='yes')
if 'annual' in ComicName.lower():
myDB.upsert("annuals", values, control)
myDB.upsert("issues", values, control)
if any( [og_status == 'Downloaded', og_status == 'Archived', og_status == 'Snatched'] ):
logger.fdebug('updating Pull-list to reflect status.')
downstats = {"Status": og_status,
"ComicID": issuechk['ComicID']}
return downstats
def weekly_update(ComicName,IssueNumber,CStatus,CID,futurepull=None,altissuenumber=None):
if futurepull:
logger.fdebug('future_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) + ' #:' + str(IssueNumber) + ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus))
logger.fdebug('weekly_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) + ' #:' + str(IssueNumber) + ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus))
if altissuenumber:
logger.fdebug('weekly_update of table : ' + str(ComicName) + ' (Alternate Issue #):' + str(altissuenumber) + ' to a status of ' + str(CStatus))
# here we update status of weekly table...
# added Issue to stop false hits on series' that have multiple releases in a week
# added CStatus to update status flags on Pullist screen
myDB = db.DBConnection()
if futurepull is None:
issuecheck = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM weekly WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=?", [ComicName,IssueNumber]).fetchone()
issuecheck = myDB.selectone("SELECT * FROM future WHERE COMIC=? AND ISSUE=?", [ComicName,IssueNumber]).fetchone()
if issuecheck is not None:
controlValue = { "COMIC": str(ComicName),
"ISSUE": str(IssueNumber)}
if CStatus:
newValue = {"STATUS": CStatus,
"ComicID": CID}
newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted"}
newValue = {"STATUS": "Skipped"}
if futurepull is None:
myDB.upsert("weekly", newValue, controlValue)
logger.fdebug('checking ' + str(issuecheck['ComicID']) + ' status of : ' + str(CStatus))
if issuecheck['ComicID'] is not None and CStatus != None:
newValue = {"STATUS": "Wanted",
"ComicID": issuecheck['ComicID']}
logger.fdebug('updating value: ' + str(newValue))
logger.fdebug('updating control: ' + str(controlValue))
myDB.upsert("future", newValue, controlValue)
def newpullcheck(ComicName, ComicID, issue=None):
# When adding a new comic, let's check for new issues on this week's pullist and update.
mylar.weeklypull.pullitcheck(comic1off_name=ComicName, comic1off_id=ComicID, issue=issue)
def no_searchresults(ComicID):
# when there's a mismatch between CV & GCD - let's change the status to
# something other than 'Loaded'
myDB = db.DBConnection()
controlValue = { "ComicID": ComicID}
newValue = {"Status": "Error",
"LatestDate": "Error",
"LatestIssue": "Error"}
myDB.upsert("comics", newValue, controlValue)
def nzblog(IssueID, NZBName, ComicName, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None, id=None, prov=None, alt_nzbname=None):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
newValue = {'NZBName': NZBName}
if IssueID is None or IssueID == 'None':
#if IssueID is None, it's a one-off download from the pull-list.
#give it a generic ID above the last one so it doesn't throw an error later.
logger.fdebug("Story Arc (SARC) detected as: " + str(SARC))
if mylar.HIGHCOUNT == 0:
IssueID = '900000'
IssueID = int(mylar.HIGHCOUNT) + 1
if SARC:
IssueID = 'S' + str(IssueArcID)
newValue['SARC'] = SARC
controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID,
"Provider": prov}
if id:
logger.info('setting the nzbid for this download grabbed by ' + prov + ' in the nzblog to : ' + str(id))
newValue['ID'] = id
if alt_nzbname:
logger.info('setting the alternate nzbname for this download grabbed by ' + prov + ' in the nzblog to : ' + alt_nzbname)
newValue['AltNZBName'] = alt_nzbname
#check if it exists already in the log.
chkd = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=? and Provider=?', [IssueID, prov]).fetchone()
if chkd is None:
if chkd['AltNZBName'] is None or chkd['AltNZBName'] == '':
#we need to wipe the entry so we can re-update with the alt-nzbname if required
myDB.action('DELETE FROM nzblog WHERE IssueID=? and Provider=?', [IssueID, prov])
logger.fdebug('Deleted stale entry from nzblog for IssueID: ' + str(IssueID) + ' [' + prov + ']')
myDB.upsert("nzblog", newValue, controlValue)
def foundsearch(ComicID, IssueID, mode=None, down=None, provider=None, SARC=None, IssueArcID=None, module=None):
# When doing a Force Search (Wanted tab), the resulting search calls this to update.
# this is all redudant code that forceRescan already does.
# should be redone at some point so that instead of rescanning entire
# series directory, it just scans for the issue it just downloaded and
# and change the status to Snatched accordingly. It is not to increment the have count
# at this stage as it's not downloaded - just the .nzb has been snatched and sent to SAB.
if module is None:
module = ''
module += '[UPDATER]'
myDB = db.DBConnection()
modcomicname = False
logger.fdebug(module + ' comicid: ' + str(ComicID))
logger.fdebug(module + ' issueid: ' + str(IssueID))
if mode != 'story_arc':
comic = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
ComicName = comic['ComicName']
if mode == 'want_ann':
issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone()
if ComicName != issue['ReleaseComicName'] + ' Annual':
ComicName = issue['ReleaseComicName']
modcomicname = True
issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE IssueID=?', [IssueID]).fetchone()
CYear = issue['IssueDate'][:4]
issue = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM readinglist WHERE IssueArcID=?', [IssueArcID]).fetchone()
ComicName = issue['ComicName']
CYear = issue['IssueYEAR']
if down is None:
# update the status to Snatched (so it won't keep on re-downloading!)
logger.info(module + ' Updating status to snatched')
logger.fdebug(module + ' Provider is ' + provider)
newValue = {"Status": "Snatched"}
if mode == 'story_arc':
cValue = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID}
snatchedupdate = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID}
myDB.upsert("readinglist", newValue, cValue)
# update the snatched DB
snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueArcID,
"Status": "Snatched",
"Provider": provider
if mode == 'want_ann':
controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID}
myDB.upsert("annuals", newValue, controlValue)
controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID}
myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue)
# update the snatched DB
snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueID,
"Status": "Snatched",
"Provider": provider
if mode == 'story_arc':
IssueNum = issue['IssueNumber']
newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": ComicName,
"ComicID": 'None',
"Issue_Number": IssueNum,
"DateAdded": helpers.now(),
"Status": "Snatched"
if modcomicname:
IssueNum = issue['Issue_Number']
if mode == 'want_ann':
IssueNum = "Annual " + issue['Issue_Number']
IssueNum = issue['Issue_Number']
newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": ComicName,
"ComicID": ComicID,
"Issue_Number": IssueNum,
"DateAdded": helpers.now(),
"Status": "Snatched"
myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate)
logger.info(module + ' Updated the status (Snatched) complete for ' + ComicName + ' Issue: ' + str(IssueNum))
if down == 'PP':
logger.info(module + ' Setting status to Post-Processed in history.')
downstatus = 'Post-Processed'
logger.info(module + ' Setting status to Downloaded in history.')
downstatus = 'Downloaded'
if mode == 'want_ann':
if modcomicname:
IssueNum = issue['Issue_Number']
IssueNum = "Annual " + issue['Issue_Number']
elif mode == 'story_arc':
IssueNum = issue['IssueNumber']
IssueID = IssueArcID
IssueNum = issue['Issue_Number']
snatchedupdate = {"IssueID": IssueID,
"Status": downstatus,
"Provider": provider
newsnatchValues = {"ComicName": ComicName,
"ComicID": ComicID,
"Issue_Number": IssueNum,
"DateAdded": helpers.now(),
"Status": downstatus
myDB.upsert("snatched", newsnatchValues, snatchedupdate)
if mode == 'story_arc':
cValue = {"IssueArcID": IssueArcID}
nValue = {"Status": "Downloaded"}
myDB.upsert("readinglist", nValue, cValue)
controlValue = {"IssueID": IssueID}
newValue = {"Status": "Downloaded"}
if mode == 'want_ann':
myDB.upsert("annuals", newValue, controlValue)
myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue)
logger.info(module + ' Updating Status (' + downstatus + ') now complete for ' + ComicName + ' issue: ' + IssueNum)
def forceRescan(ComicID,archive=None,module=None):
if module is None:
module = ''
module += '[FILE-RESCAN]'
myDB = db.DBConnection()
# file check to see if issue exists
rescan = myDB.selectone('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID]).fetchone()
if rescan['AlternateSearch'] is not None:
altnames = rescan['AlternateSearch'] + '##'
altnames = ''
annscan = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
if annscan is None:
for ascan in annscan:
#logger.info('ReleaseComicName: ' + ascan['ReleaseComicName'])
if ascan['ReleaseComicName'] not in altnames:
altnames += ascan['ReleaseComicName'] + '!!' + ascan['ReleaseComicID'] + '##'
altnames = altnames[:-2]
logger.info(module + ' Now checking files for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') in ' + rescan['ComicLocation'] )
fca = []
if archive is None:
tmpval = filechecker.listFiles(dir=rescan['ComicLocation'], watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=altnames)
comiccnt = int(tmpval['comiccount'])
logger.fdebug(module + 'comiccnt is:' + str(comiccnt))
if mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None' and os.path.join(mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation'])) != rescan['ComicLocation']:
logger.fdebug(module + 'multiple_dest_dirs:' + mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS)
logger.fdebug(module + 'dir: ' + rescan['ComicLocation'])
logger.fdebug(module + 'os.path.basename: ' + os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation']))
pathdir = os.path.join(mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation']))
logger.info(module + ' Now checking files for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') in :' + pathdir )
tmpv = filechecker.listFiles(dir=pathdir, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=altnames)
logger.fdebug(module + 'tmpv filecount: ' + str(tmpv['comiccount']))
comiccnt += int(tmpv['comiccount'])
fca.append(filechecker.listFiles(dir=archive, watchcomic=rescan['ComicName'], Publisher=rescan['ComicPublisher'], AlternateSearch=rescan['AlternateSearch']))
fcb = []
fc = {}
#if len(fca) > 0:
for ca in fca:
i = 0
while True:
cla = ca['comiclist'][i]
except (IndexError, KeyError) as e:
fcb.append({"ComicFilename": cla['ComicFilename'],
"ComicLocation": cla['ComicLocation'],
"ComicSize": cla['ComicSize'],
"JusttheDigits": cla['JusttheDigits'],
"AnnualComicID": cla['AnnualComicID']})
fc['comiclist'] = fcb
is_cnt = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID])
iscnt = is_cnt[0][0]
#iscnt = rescan['Total']
havefiles = 0
if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
an_cnt = myDB.select("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?", [ComicID])
anncnt = an_cnt[0][0]
anncnt = 0
fccnt = comiccnt #int(fc['comiccount'])
issnum = 1
fcnew = []
fn = 0
issuedupechk = []
annualdupechk = []
issueexceptdupechk = []
mc_issue = []
mc_issuenumber = []
reissues = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
multiple_check = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? GROUP BY Int_IssueNumber HAVING (COUNT(Int_IssueNumber) > 1)', [ComicID])
if len(multiple_check) == 0:
logger.fdebug('No issues with identical issue numbering were detected for this series')
mc_issuenumber = None
logger.fdebug('Multiple issues with identical numbering were detected. Attempting to accomodate.')
for mc in multiple_check:
mc_issuenumber.append({"Int_IssueNumber": mc['Int_IssueNumber']})
if not mc_issuenumber is None:
for mciss in mc_issuenumber:
mchk = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Int_IssueNumber=?', [ComicID, mciss['Int_IssueNumber']])
for mck in mchk:
mc_issue.append({"Int_IssueNumber": mck['Int_IssueNumber'],
"IssueYear": mck['IssueDate'][:4],
"IssueID": mck['IssueID']})
logger.fdebug('mc_issue:' + str(mc_issue))
issID_to_ignore = []
issID_to_write = []
while (fn < fccnt):
haveissue = "no"
issuedupe = "no"
annualdupe = "no"
tmpfc = fc['comiclist'][fn]
except IndexError:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Unable to properly retrieve a file listing for the given series.')
logger.fdebug(module + ' Probably because the filenames being scanned are not in a parseable format')
if fn == 0:
temploc= tmpfc['JusttheDigits'].replace('_', ' ')
temploc = re.sub('[\#\']', '', temploc)
logger.fdebug(module + ' temploc: ' + str(temploc))
if 'annual' not in temploc.lower():
#remove the extension here
extensions = ('.cbr','.cbz','.cb7')
if temploc.lower().endswith(extensions):
logger.fdebug(module + ' Removed extension for issue: ' + str(temploc))
temploc = temploc[:-4]
fcnew_af = re.findall('[^\()]+', temploc)
fcnew = shlex.split(fcnew_af[0])
fcn = len(fcnew)
n = 0
while True:
reiss = reissues[n]
except IndexError:
int_iss = helpers.issuedigits(reiss['Issue_Number'])
issyear = reiss['IssueDate'][:4]
old_status = reiss['Status']
issname = reiss['IssueName']
fnd_iss_except = 'None'
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(temploc)
if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
logger.fdebug(module + ' [' + str(reiss['IssueID']) + '] Issue match - fcdigit: ' + str(fcdigit) + ' ... int_iss: ' + str(int_iss))
if '-' in temploc and temploc.find(reiss['Issue_Number']) > temploc.find('-'):
logger.fdebug(module + ' I have detected a possible Title in the filename')
logger.fdebug(module + ' the issue # has occured after the -, so I assume that it is part of the Title')
#baseline these to default to normal scanning
multiplechk = False
issuedupe = "no"
foundchk = False
#check here if muliple identical numbering issues exist for the series
if len(mc_issue) > 1:
for mi in mc_issue:
if mi['Int_IssueNumber'] == int_iss:
if mi['IssueID'] == reiss['IssueID']:
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID matches to multiple issues : ' + str(mi['IssueID']) + '. Checking dupe.')
logger.fdebug(module + ' miISSUEYEAR: ' + str(mi['IssueYear']) + ' -- issyear : ' + str(issyear))
if any(mi['IssueID'] == d['issueid'] for d in issuedupechk):
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID already within dupe. Checking next if available.')
multiplechk = True
if (mi['IssueYear'] in tmpfc['ComicFilename']) and (issyear == mi['IssueYear']):
logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched to year within filename : ' + str(issyear))
multiplechk = False
logger.fdebug(module + ' Did not match to year within filename : ' + str(issyear))
multiplechk = True
if multiplechk == True:
#this will detect duplicate filenames within the same directory.
for di in issuedupechk:
if di['fcdigit'] == fcdigit:
#base off of config - base duplication keep on filesize or file-type (or both)
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Duplicate issue detected [' + di['filename'] + '] [' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'] + ']')
# mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT = 'filesize' / 'filetype-cbr' / 'filetype-cbz'
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Based on duplication preferences I will retain based on : ' + mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT)
removedupe = False
if 'cbr' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT or 'cbz' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT:
if 'cbr' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT:
#this has to be configured in config - either retain cbr or cbz.
if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbz'):
#keep di['filename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in file : ' + di['filename'])
issuedupe = "yes"
#keep tmpfc['ComicFilename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
removedupe = True
elif 'cbz' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT:
if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbr'):
#keep di['filename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename'])
issuedupe = "yes"
#keep tmpfc['ComicFilename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
removedupe = True
if mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT == 'filesize':
if tmpfc['ComicSize'] <= di['filesize']:
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename'])
issuedupe = "yes"
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
removedupe = True
if removedupe:
#need to remove the entry from issuedupechk so can add new one.
#tuple(y for y in x if y) for x in a
issuedupe_temp = []
tmphavefiles = 0
for x in issuedupechk:
#logger.fdebug('Comparing x: ' + x['filename'] + ' to di:' + di['filename'])
if x['filename'] != di['filename']:
issuedupechk = issuedupe_temp
havefiles = tmphavefiles
foundchk = False
if issuedupe == "no":
if foundchk == False:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched...issue: ' + rescan['ComicName'] + '#' + reiss['Issue_Number'] + ' --- ' + str(int_iss))
haveissue = "yes"
isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])
logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filename: ' + str(isslocation))
logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filesize: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicSize']))
# to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then
# compare earlier...
issuedupechk.append({'fcdigit': fcdigit,
'filename': tmpfc['ComicFilename'],
'filesize': tmpfc['ComicSize'],
'issueyear': issyear,
'issueid': reiss['IssueID']})
if issuedupe == "yes":
logger.fdebug(module + ' I should break out here because of a dupe.')
if haveissue == "yes" or issuedupe == "yes": break
if tmpfc['AnnualComicID']:
ANNComicID = tmpfc['AnnualComicID']
logger.fdebug(module + ' Forcing ComicID to ' + str(ANNComicID) + ' in case of duplicate numbering across volumes.')
reannuals = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? AND ReleaseComicID=?', [ComicID, ANNComicID])
reannuals = myDB.select('SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=?', [ComicID])
ANNComicID = ComicID
# annual inclusion here.
#logger.fdebug("checking " + str(temploc))
fcnew = shlex.split(str(temploc))
fcn = len(fcnew)
n = 0
reann = None
while True:
reann = reannuals[n]
except IndexError:
int_iss = helpers.issuedigits(reann['Issue_Number'])
logger.fdebug(module + ' int_iss:' + str(int_iss))
issyear = reann['IssueDate'][:4]
old_status = reann['Status']
fcdigit = helpers.issuedigits(re.sub('annual', '', temploc.lower()).strip())
logger.fdebug(module + ' fcdigit:' + str(fcdigit))
if int(fcdigit) == int_iss:
logger.fdebug(module + ' [' + str(ANNComicID) + '] Annual match - issue : ' + str(int_iss))
#baseline these to default to normal scanning
multiplechk = False
annualdupe = "no"
foundchk = False
#check here if muliple identical numbering issues exist for the series
if len(mc_issue) > 1:
for mi in mc_issue:
if mi['Int_IssueNumber'] == int_iss:
if mi['IssueID'] == reann['IssueID']:
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID matches to multiple issues : ' + str(mi['IssueID']) + '. Checking dupe.')
logger.fdebug(module + ' miISSUEYEAR: ' + str(mi['IssueYear']) + ' -- issyear : ' + str(issyear))
if any(mi['IssueID'] == d['issueid'] for d in issuedupechk):
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID already within dupe. Checking next if available.')
multiplechk = True
if (mi['IssueYear'] in tmpfc['ComicFilename']) and (issyear == mi['IssueYear']):
logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched to year within filename : ' + str(issyear))
multiplechk = False
logger.fdebug(module + ' Did not match to year within filename : ' + str(issyear))
multiplechk = True
if multiplechk == True:
#this will detect duplicate filenames within the same directory.
for di in annualdupechk:
if di['fcdigit'] == fcdigit:
#base off of config - base duplication keep on filesize or file-type (or both)
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Duplicate issue detected [' + di['filename'] + '] [' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'] + ']')
# mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT = 'filesize' / 'filetype-cbr' / 'filetype-cbz'
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK] Based on duplication preferences I will retain based on : ' + mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT)
removedupe = False
if 'cbr' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT or 'cbz' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT:
if 'cbr' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT:
#this has to be configured in config - either retain cbr or cbz.
if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbz'):
#keep di['filename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in file : ' + di['filename'])
annualdupe = "yes"
#keep tmpfc['ComicFilename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBR PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in file : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
removedupe = True
elif 'cbz' in mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT:
if tmpfc['ComicFilename'].endswith('.cbr'):
#keep di['filename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename'])
annualdupe = "yes"
#keep tmpfc['ComicFilename']
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-CBZ PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
removedupe = True
if mylar.DUPECONSTRAINT == 'filesize':
if tmpfc['ComicSize'] <= di['filesize']:
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining currently scanned in filename : ' + di['filename'])
annualdupe = "yes"
logger.fdebug('[DUPECHECK-FILESIZE PRIORITY] [#' + reann['Issue_Number'] + '] Retaining newly scanned in filename : ' + tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
removedupe = True
if removedupe:
#need to remove the entry from issuedupechk so can add new one.
#tuple(y for y in x if y) for x in a
annualdupe_temp = []
tmphavefiles = 0
for x in annualdupechk:
logger.fdebug('Comparing x: ' + x['filename'] + ' to di:' + di['filename'])
if x['filename'] != di['filename']:
annualdupechk = annualdupe_temp
havefiles = tmphavefiles
foundchk = False
if annualdupe == "no":
if foundchk == False:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Matched...annual issue: ' + rescan['ComicName'] + '#' + str(reann['Issue_Number']) + ' --- ' + str(int_iss))
haveissue = "yes"
isslocation = str(tmpfc['ComicFilename'])
issSize = str(tmpfc['ComicSize'])
logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filename: ' + str(isslocation))
logger.fdebug(module + ' .......filesize: ' + str(tmpfc['ComicSize']))
# to avoid duplicate issues which screws up the count...let's store the filename issues then
# compare earlier...
annualdupechk.append({'fcdigit': int(fcdigit),
'anncomicid': ANNComicID,
'filename': tmpfc['ComicFilename'],
'filesize': tmpfc['ComicSize'],
'issueyear': issyear,
'issueid': reann['IssueID']})
if annualdupe == "yes":
logger.fdebug(module + ' I should break out here because of a dupe.')
if haveissue == "yes" or annualdupe == "yes": break
if issuedupe == "yes" or annualdupe == "yes": pass
#we have the # of comics, now let's update the db.
#even if we couldn't find the physical issue, check the status.
#-- if annuals aren't enabled, this will bugger out.
writeit = True
if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
if reann is None:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Annual present in location, but series does not have any annuals attached to it - Ignoring')
writeit = False
iss_id = reann['IssueID']
iss_id = reiss['IssueID']
if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
logger.fdebug(module + ' Annual support not enabled, but annual issue present within directory. Ignoring annual.')
writeit = False
iss_id = reiss['IssueID']
logger.warn(module + ' An error occured trying to get the relevant issue data. This is probably due to the series not having proper issue data.')
logger.warn(module + ' you should either Refresh the series, and/or submit an issue on github in regards to the series and the error.')
if writeit == True:
logger.fdebug(module + ' issueID to write to db:' + str(iss_id))
controlValueDict = {"IssueID": iss_id}
#if Archived, increase the 'Have' count.
#if archive:
# issStatus = "Archived"
if haveissue == "yes":
issStatus = "Downloaded"
newValueDict = {"Location": isslocation,
"ComicSize": issSize,
"Status": issStatus
if 'annual' in temploc.lower():
#issID_to_write.append({"tableName": "annuals",
# "newValueDict": newValueDict,
# "controlValueDict": controlValueDict})
myDB.upsert("annuals", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
#issID_to_write.append({"tableName": "issues",
# "valueDict": newValueDict,
# "keyDict": controlValueDict})
myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
# if len(issID_to_write) > 0:
# for iss in issID_to_write:
# logger.info('writing ' + str(iss))
# writethis = myDB.upsert(iss['tableName'], iss['valueDict'], iss['keyDict'])
logger.fdebug(module + ' IssueID to ignore: ' + str(issID_to_ignore))
#here we need to change the status of the ones we DIDN'T FIND above since the loop only hits on FOUND issues.
update_iss = []
tmpsql = "SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND IssueID not in ({seq})".format(seq=','.join(['?']*(len(issID_to_ignore)-1)))
chkthis = myDB.select(tmpsql, issID_to_ignore)
# chkthis = None
if chkthis is None:
for chk in chkthis:
old_status = chk['Status']
#logger.fdebug('old_status:' + str(old_status))
if old_status == "Skipped":
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
issStatus = "Wanted"
issStatus = "Skipped"
elif old_status == "Archived":
issStatus = "Archived"
elif old_status == "Downloaded":
issStatus = "Archived"
elif old_status == "Wanted":
issStatus = "Wanted"
elif old_status == "Ignored":
issStatus = "Ignored"
elif old_status == "Snatched": #this is needed for torrents, or else it'll keep on queuing..
issStatus = "Snatched"
issStatus = "Skipped"
#logger.fdebug("new status: " + str(issStatus))
update_iss.append({"IssueID": chk['IssueID'],
"Status": issStatus})
if len(update_iss) > 0:
i = 0
#do it like this to avoid DB locks...
for ui in update_iss:
controlValueDict = {"IssueID": ui['IssueID']}
newStatusValue = {"Status": ui['Status']}
myDB.upsert("issues", newStatusValue, controlValueDict)
logger.info(module + ' Updated the status of ' + str(i) + ' issues for ' + rescan['ComicName'] + ' (' + str(rescan['ComicYear']) + ') that were not found.')
logger.info(module + ' Total files located: ' + str(havefiles))
foundcount = havefiles
arcfiles = 0
arcanns = 0
# if filechecker returns 0 files (it doesn't find any), but some issues have a status of 'Archived'
# the loop below won't work...let's adjust :)
arcissues = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID])
if int(arcissues[0][0]) > 0:
arcfiles = arcissues[0][0]
arcannuals = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Archived'", [ComicID])
if int(arcannuals[0][0]) > 0:
arcanns = arcannuals[0][0]
if arcfiles > 0 or arcanns > 0:
arcfiles = arcfiles + arcanns
havefiles = havefiles + arcfiles
logger.fdebug(module + ' Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many archive files:' + str(arcfiles))
ignorecount = 0
if mylar.IGNORE_HAVETOTAL: # if this is enabled, will increase Have total as if in Archived Status
ignores = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status='Ignored'", [ComicID])
if int(ignores[0][0]) > 0:
ignorecount = ignores[0][0]
havefiles = havefiles + ignorecount
logger.fdebug(module + ' Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many Ignored files:' + str(ignorecount))
snatchedcount = 0
if mylar.SNATCHED_HAVETOTAL: # if this is enabled, will increase Have total as if in Archived Status
snatches = myDB.select("SELECT count(*) FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Status='Snatched'", [ComicID])
if int(snatches[0][0]) > 0:
snatchedcount = snatches[0][0]
havefiles = havefiles + snatchedcount
logger.fdebug(module + ' Adjusting have total to ' + str(havefiles) + ' because of this many Snatched files:' + str(snatchedcount))
#now that we are finished...
#adjust for issues that have been marked as Downloaded, but aren't found/don't exist.
#do it here, because above loop only cycles though found comics using filechecker.
downissues = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Downloaded'", [ComicID])
downissues += myDB.select("SELECT * FROM annuals WHERE ComicID=? and Status='Downloaded'", [ComicID])
if downissues is None:
archivedissues = 0 #set this to 0 so it tallies correctly.
for down in downissues:
#print "downlocation:" + str(down['Location'])
#remove special characters from
#temploc = rescan['ComicLocation'].replace('_', ' ')
#temploc = re.sub('[\#\'\/\.]', '', temploc)
#print ("comiclocation: " + str(rescan['ComicLocation']))
#print ("downlocation: " + str(down['Location']))
if down['Location'] is None:
logger.fdebug(module + ' Location does not exist which means file was not downloaded successfully, or was moved.')
controlValue = {"IssueID": down['IssueID']}
newValue = {"Status": "Archived"}
myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue)
comicpath = os.path.join(rescan['ComicLocation'], down['Location'])
if os.path.exists(comicpath):
#print "Issue exists - no need to change status."
if mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS is not None and mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS != 'None':
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(mylar.MULTIPLE_DEST_DIRS, os.path.basename(rescan['ComicLocation']))):
#logger.fdebug('Issue(s) currently exist and found within multiple destination directory location')
#print "Changing status from Downloaded to Archived - cannot locate file"
controlValue = {"IssueID": down['IssueID']}
newValue = {"Status": "Archived"}
myDB.upsert("issues", newValue, controlValue)
totalarc = arcfiles + archivedissues
havefiles = havefiles + archivedissues #arcfiles already tallied in havefiles in above segment
logger.fdebug(module + ' arcfiles : ' + str(arcfiles))
logger.fdebug(module + ' havefiles: ' + str(havefiles))
logger.fdebug(module + ' I have changed the status of ' + str(archivedissues) + ' issues to a status of Archived, as I now cannot locate them in the series directory.')
combined_total = iscnt + anncnt #(rescan['Total'] + anncnt)
#let's update the total count of comics that was found.
controlValueStat = {"ComicID": rescan['ComicID']}
newValueStat = {"Have": havefiles,
"Total": iscnt}
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
logger.info(module + ' I have physically found ' + str(foundcount) + ' issues, ignored ' + str(ignorecount) + ' issues, snatched ' + str(snatchedcount) + ' issues, and accounted for ' + str(totalarc) + ' in an Archived state [ Total Issue Count: ' + str(havefiles) + ' / ' + str(combined_total) + ' ]')