mirror of https://github.com/evilhero/mylar
986 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
986 lines
43 KiB
Executable File
# This file is part of Mylar.
# Mylar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Mylar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Mylar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import os, errno
import sys
import shlex
import datetime
import re
import urllib
import shutil
import sqlite3
import cherrypy
import mylar
from mylar import logger, helpers, db, mb, albumart, cv, parseit, filechecker, search, updater, moveit, comicbookdb
def is_exists(comicid):
myDB = db.DBConnection()
# See if the artist is already in the database
comiclist = myDB.select('SELECT ComicID, ComicName from comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid])
if any(comicid in x for x in comiclist):
logger.info(comiclist[0][1] + u" is already in the database.")
return False
return False
def addComictoDB(comicid,mismatch=None,pullupd=None,imported=None,ogcname=None):
# Putting this here to get around the circular import. Will try to use this to update images at later date.
# from mylar import cache
myDB = db.DBConnection()
# We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
# so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage
controlValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid}
dbcomic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
if dbcomic is None:
newValueDict = {"ComicName": "Comic ID: %s" % (comicid),
"Status": "Loading"}
comlocation = None
newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
comlocation = dbcomic['ComicLocation']
filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
#run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
if pullupd is None:
helpers.ComicSort(comicorder=mylar.COMICSORT, imported=comicid)
# we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now
comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')
#comic = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [comicid]).fetchone()
if not comic:
logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + comicid)
if dbcomic is None:
newValueDict = {"ComicName": "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (comicid),
"Status": "Active"}
newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
if comic['ComicName'].startswith('The '):
sortname = comic['ComicName'][4:]
sortname = comic['ComicName']
logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + comic['ComicName'])
#--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
# gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
if mismatch == "no" or mismatch is None:
gcdinfo=parseit.GCDScraper(comic['ComicName'], comic['ComicYear'], comic['ComicIssues'], comicid)
#print ("gcdinfo: " + str(gcdinfo))
mismatch_com = "no"
if gcdinfo == "No Match":
nomatch = "true"
logger.info(u"There was an error when trying to add " + comic['ComicName'] + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")" )
return nomatch
mismatch_com = "yes"
#print ("gcdinfo:" + str(gcdinfo))
elif mismatch == "yes":
CV_EXcomicid = myDB.action("SELECT * from exceptions WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
if CV_EXcomicid['variloop'] is None: pass
vari_loop = CV_EXcomicid['variloop']
NewComicID = CV_EXcomicid['NewComicID']
gcomicid = CV_EXcomicid['GComicID']
resultURL = "/series/" + str(NewComicID) + "/"
#print ("variloop" + str(CV_EXcomicid['variloop']))
#if vari_loop == '99':
gcdinfo = parseit.GCDdetails(comseries=None, resultURL=resultURL, vari_loop=0, ComicID=comicid, TotalIssues=0, issvariation="no", resultPublished=None)
logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
# print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)
CV_NoYearGiven = "no"
#if the SeriesYear returned by CV is blank or none (0000), let's use the gcd one.
if comic['ComicYear'] is None or comic['ComicYear'] == '0000':
if mylar.CV_ONLY:
#we'll defer this until later when we grab all the issues and then figure it out
logger.info("Uh-oh. I can't find a Series Year for this series. I'm going to try analyzing deeper.")
SeriesYear = cv.getComic(comicid,'firstissue',comic['FirstIssueID'])
if SeriesYear == '0000':
logger.info("Ok - I couldn't find a Series Year at all. Loading in the issue data now and will figure out the Series Year.")
CV_NoYearGiven = "yes"
issued = cv.getComic(comicid,'issue')
SeriesYear = issued['firstdate'][:4]
SeriesYear = gcdinfo['SeriesYear']
SeriesYear = comic['ComicYear']
#let's do the Annual check here.
if mylar.ANNUALS_ON:
annualcomicname = re.sub('[\,\:]', '', comic['ComicName'])
annuals = comicbookdb.cbdb(annualcomicname, SeriesYear)
print ("Number of Annuals returned: " + str(annuals['totalissues']))
nb = 0
while (nb <= int(annuals['totalissues'])):
annualval = annuals['annualslist'][nb]
except IndexError:
newCtrl = {"IssueID": str(annualval['AnnualIssue'] + annualval['AnnualDate'])}
newVals = {"Issue_Number": annualval['AnnualIssue'],
"IssueDate": annualval['AnnualDate'],
"IssueName": annualval['AnnualTitle'],
"ComicID": comicid,
"Status": "Skipped"}
myDB.upsert("annuals", newVals, newCtrl)
#parseit.annualCheck(gcomicid=gcdinfo['GCDComicID'], comicid=comicid, comicname=comic['ComicName'], comicyear=SeriesYear)
#comic book location on machine
# setup default location here
if comlocation is None:
# let's remove the non-standard characters here.
u_comicnm = comic['ComicName']
u_comicname = u_comicnm.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
if ':' in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname or '?' in u_comicname:
comicdir = u_comicname
if ':' in comicdir:
comicdir = comicdir.replace(':','')
if '/' in comicdir:
comicdir = comicdir.replace('/','-')
if ',' in comicdir:
comicdir = comicdir.replace(',','')
if '?' in comicdir:
comicdir = comicdir.replace('?','')
else: comicdir = u_comicname
series = comicdir
publisher = comic['ComicPublisher']
year = SeriesYear
#do work to generate folder path
values = {'$Series': series,
'$Publisher': publisher,
'$Year': year,
'$series': series.lower(),
'$publisher': publisher.lower(),
'$Volume': year
#print mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT
#print 'working dir:'
#print helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)
if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '':
comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + SeriesYear + ")"
comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)
#comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
#mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
#moved this out of the above loop so it will chk for existance of comlocation in case moved
#if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
#print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
# os.makedirs(str(comlocation))
# logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
#except OSError:
# logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))
filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)
#try to account for CV not updating new issues as fast as GCD
#seems CV doesn't update total counts
#comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']
comicIssues = comic['ComicIssues']
if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == "cv":
comicIssues = str(int(comic['ComicIssues']) + 1)
#let's download the image...
if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR):pass
#let's make the dir.
logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))
except OSError:
logger.error('Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of cache dir: ' + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))
coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, str(comicid) + ".jpg")
urllib.urlretrieve(str(comic['ComicImage']), str(coverfile))
with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
ComicImage = os.path.join('cache',str(comicid) + ".jpg")
#this is for Firefox when outside the LAN...it works, but I don't know how to implement it
#without breaking the normal flow for inside the LAN (above)
#ComicImage = "http://" + str(mylar.HTTP_HOST) + ":" + str(mylar.HTTP_PORT) + "/cache/" + str(comicid) + ".jpg"
logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + comic['ComicName'])
#if the comic cover local is checked, save a cover.jpg to the series folder.
comiclocal = os.path.join(str(comlocation) + "/cover.jpg")
except IOError as e:
logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")
if comic['ComicVersion'].isdigit():
comicVol = "v" + comic['ComicVersion']
comicVol = None
#for description ...
#Cdesc = helpers.cleanhtml(comic['ComicDescription'])
#cdes_find = Cdesc.find("Collected")
#cdes_removed = Cdesc[:cdes_find]
#print cdes_removed
controlValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid}
newValueDict = {"ComicName": comic['ComicName'],
"ComicSortName": sortname,
"ComicYear": SeriesYear,
"ComicImage": ComicImage,
"Total": comicIssues,
"ComicVersion": comicVol,
"ComicLocation": comlocation,
"ComicPublisher": comic['ComicPublisher'],
#"Description": Cdesc.decode('utf-8', 'replace'),
"DetailURL": comic['ComicURL'],
# "ComicPublished": gcdinfo['resultPublished'],
"ComicPublished": 'Unknown',
"DateAdded": helpers.today(),
"Status": "Loading"}
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
#comicsort here...
#run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
if pullupd is None:
if CV_NoYearGiven == 'no':
#if set to 'no' then we haven't pulled down the issues, otherwise we did it already
issued = cv.getComic(comicid,'issue')
logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + comic['ComicName'] )
n = 0
iscnt = int(comicIssues)
issid = []
issnum = []
issname = []
issdate = []
int_issnum = []
#let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
latestiss = "0"
latestdate = "0000-00-00"
firstiss = "10000000"
firstdate = "2099-00-00"
#print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
#---removed NEW code here---
logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + comic['ComicName'])
if not mylar.CV_ONLY:
#fccnt = int(fc['comiccount'])
#logger.info(u"Found " + str(fccnt) + "/" + str(iscnt) + " issues of " + comic['ComicName'] + "...verifying")
#fcnew = []
if iscnt > 0: #if a series is brand new, it wont have any issues/details yet so skip this part
while (n <= iscnt):
firstval = issued['issuechoice'][n]
except IndexError:
cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval['Issue_Name'])
issid = str(firstval['Issue_ID'])
issnum = str(firstval['Issue_Number'])
#print ("issnum: " + str(issnum))
issname = cleanname
if '.' in str(issnum):
issn_st = str(issnum).find('.')
issn_b4dec = str(issnum)[:issn_st]
#if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
dec_is = str(issnum)[issn_st + 1:]
if len(dec_is) == 1:
dec_nisval = int(dec_is) * 10
iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
if len(dec_is) == 2:
dec_nisval = int(dec_is)
iss_naftdec = str(dec_nisval)
iss_issue = issn_b4dec + "." + iss_naftdec
issis = (int(issn_b4dec) * 1000) + dec_nisval
elif 'au' in issnum.lower():
print ("au detected")
stau = issnum.lower().find('au')
issnum_au = issnum[:stau]
print ("issnum_au: " + str(issnum_au))
#account for Age of Ultron mucked up numbering
issis = str(int(issnum_au) * 1000) + 'AU'
else: issis = int(issnum) * 1000
bb = 0
while (bb <= iscnt):
gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
#print ("gcdval: " + str(gcdval))
except IndexError:
#account for gcd variation here
if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
#logger.fdebug("gcd-variation accounted for.")
issdate = '0000-00-00'
int_issnum = int ( issis / 1000 )
if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
#no number detected - GN, TP or the like
logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
elif 'au' in gcdval['GCDIssue'].lower():
#account for Age of Ultron mucked up numbering - this is in format of 5AU.00
gstau = gcdval['GCDIssue'].lower().find('au')
gcdis_au = gcdval['GCDIssue'][:gstau]
gcdis = str(int(gcdis_au) * 1000) + 'AU'
elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
#logger.fdebug("g-issue:" + str(gcdval['GCDIssue']))
issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
#logger.fdebug("issst:" + str(issst))
issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
#logger.fdebug("issb4dec:" + str(issb4dec))
#if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst+1:]
#logger.fdebug("decis:" + str(decis))
if len(decis) == 1:
decisval = int(decis) * 10
issaftdec = str(decisval)
if len(decis) == 2:
decisval = int(decis)
issaftdec = str(decisval)
gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
#logger.fdebug("gcd_issue:" + str(gcd_issue))
gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
except ValueError:
logger.error("This has no issue #'s for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot. This feature to allow these will be added in the near future.")
gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
if gcdis == issis:
issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
if str(issis).isdigit():
int_issnum = int( gcdis / 1000 )
if 'au' in issis.lower():
int_issnum = str(int(gcdis[:-2]) / 1000) + 'AU'
logger.error("this has an alpha-numeric in the issue # which I cannot account for. Get on github and log the issue for evilhero.")
#get the latest issue / date using the date.
if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
latestiss = str(issnum)
latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
#bb = iscnt
#print("(" + str(n) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(issnum) + " Date" + str(issdate))
# check if the issue already exists
iss_exists = myDB.action('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid]).fetchone()
# Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is already in the database
if iss_exists is None:
newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()
controlValueDict = {"IssueID": issid}
newValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid,
"ComicName": comic['ComicName'],
"IssueName": issname,
"Issue_Number": issnum,
"IssueDate": issdate,
"Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
if iss_exists:
#print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']
myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
except sqlite3.InterfaceError, e:
#raise sqlite3.InterfaceError(e)
logger.error("MAJOR error trying to get issue data, this is most likey a MULTI-VOLUME series and you need to use the custom_exceptions.csv file.")
myDB.action("DELETE FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid])
# logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + comic['ComicName'])
# cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])
# logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + comic['ComicName'])
# cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)
if iscnt > 0: #if a series is brand new, it wont have any issues/details yet so skip this part
while (n <= iscnt):
firstval = issued['issuechoice'][n]
except IndexError:
cleanname = helpers.cleanName(firstval['Issue_Name'])
issid = str(firstval['Issue_ID'])
issnum = firstval['Issue_Number']
#print ("issnum: " + str(issnum))
issname = cleanname
issdate = str(firstval['Issue_Date'])
if issnum.isdigit():
int_issnum = int( issnum )
if 'au' in issnum.lower():
int_issnum = str(int(issnum[:-2])) + 'AU'
elif u'\xbd' in issnum:
issnum = .5
int_issnum = .5
elif '.' in issnum or ',' in issnum:
if ',' in issnum: issnum = re.sub(',','.', issnum)
issst = str(issnum).find('.')
#logger.fdebug("issst:" + str(issst))
issb4dec = str(issnum)[:issst]
#logger.fdebug("issb4dec:" + str(issb4dec))
#if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
decis = str(issnum)[issst+1:]
#logger.fdebug("decis:" + str(decis))
if len(decis) == 1:
decisval = int(decis) * 10
issaftdec = str(decisval)
if len(decis) == 2:
decisval = int(decis)
issaftdec = str(decisval)
int_issnum = str(issnum)
except ValueError:
logger.error("This has no issue #'s for me to get - Either a Graphic Novel or one-shot.")
x = float(issnum)
#validity check
if x < 0:
logger.info("I've encountered a negative issue #: " + str(issnum) + ". Trying to accomodate.")
int_issnum = str(issnum)
else: raise ValueError
except ValueError, e:
logger.error(str(issnum) + "this has an alpha-numeric in the issue # which I cannot account for.")
#get the latest issue / date using the date.
if firstval['Issue_Date'] > latestdate:
latestiss = issnum
latestdate = str(firstval['Issue_Date'])
if firstval['Issue_Date'] < firstdate:
firstiss = issnum
firstdate = str(firstval['Issue_Date'])
# check if the issue already exists
iss_exists = myDB.action('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid]).fetchone()
# Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is already in the database
if iss_exists is None:
newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()
controlValueDict = {"IssueID": issid}
newValueDict = {"ComicID": comicid,
"ComicName": comic['ComicName'],
"IssueName": issname,
"Issue_Number": issnum,
"IssueDate": issdate,
"Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum
if iss_exists:
#print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
except sqlite3.InterfaceError, e:
#raise sqlite3.InterfaceError(e)
logger.error("Something went wrong - I can't add the issue information into my DB.")
myDB.action("DELETE FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?", [comicid])
#figure publish dates here...
styear = str(SeriesYear)
#if SeriesYear == '0000':
# styear = firstdate[:4]
if firstdate[5:7] == '00':
stmonth = "?"
stmonth = helpers.fullmonth(firstdate[5:7])
ltyear = re.sub('/s','', latestdate[:4])
if latestdate[5:7] == '00':
ltmonth = "?"
ltmonth = helpers.fullmonth(latestdate[5:7])
#try to determine if it's an 'actively' published comic from above dates
#threshold is if it's within a month (<45 days) let's assume it's recent.
c_date = datetime.date(int(latestdate[:4]),int(latestdate[5:7]),1)
n_date = datetime.date.today()
recentchk = (n_date - c_date).days
#print ("recentchk: " + str(recentchk))
if recentchk <= 55:
lastpubdate = 'Present'
lastpubdate = str(ltmonth) + ' ' + str(ltyear)
publishfigure = str(stmonth) + ' ' + str(styear) + ' - ' + str(lastpubdate)
controlValueStat = {"ComicID": comicid}
newValueStat = {"Status": "Active",
"LatestIssue": latestiss,
"LatestDate": latestdate,
"ComicPublished": publishfigure,
"LastUpdated": helpers.now()
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
if mylar.CVINFO or (mylar.CV_ONLY and mylar.CVINFO):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(comlocation,"cvinfo")) or mylar.CV_ONETIMER:
with open(os.path.join(comlocation,"cvinfo"),"w") as text_file:
logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + comic['ComicName'])
#move the files...if imported is not empty (meaning it's not from the mass importer.)
if imported is None or imported == 'None':
if mylar.IMP_MOVE:
logger.info("Mass import - Move files")
logger.info("Mass import - Moving not Enabled. Setting Archived Status for import.")
#check for existing files...
if pullupd is None:
# lets' check the pullist for anything at this time as well since we're here.
# do this for only Present comics....
if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING and lastpubdate == 'Present': #and 'Present' in gcdinfo['resultPublished']:
print ("latestissue: #" + str(latestiss))
chkstats = myDB.action("SELECT * FROM issues WHERE ComicID=? AND Issue_Number=?", [comicid,str(latestiss)]).fetchone()
print chkstats['Status']
if chkstats['Status'] == 'Skipped' or chkstats['Status'] == 'Wanted' or chkstats['Status'] == 'Snatched':
logger.info(u"Checking this week's pullist for new issues of " + comic['ComicName'])
updater.newpullcheck(comic['ComicName'], comicid)
#here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...
results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [comicid])
if results:
logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : " + comic['ComicName'])
for result in results:
else: logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + comic['ComicName'])
logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")
logger.info(u"Already have the latest issue : #" + str(latestiss))
def GCDimport(gcomicid, pullupd=None,imported=None,ogcname=None):
# this is for importing via GCD only and not using CV.
# used when volume spanning is discovered for a Comic (and can't be added using CV).
# Issue Counts are wrong (and can't be added).
# because Comicvine ComicID and GCD ComicID could be identical at some random point, let's distinguish.
# CV = comicid, GCD = gcomicid :) (ie. CV=2740, GCD=G3719)
gcdcomicid = gcomicid
myDB = db.DBConnection()
# We need the current minimal info in the database instantly
# so we don't throw a 500 error when we redirect to the artistPage
controlValueDict = {"ComicID": gcdcomicid}
comic = myDB.action('SELECT ComicName, ComicYear, Total, ComicPublished, ComicImage, ComicLocation, ComicPublisher FROM comics WHERE ComicID=?', [gcomicid]).fetchone()
ComicName = comic[0]
ComicYear = comic[1]
ComicIssues = comic[2]
ComicPublished = comic[3]
comlocation = comic[5]
ComicPublisher = comic[6]
#ComicImage = comic[4]
#print ("Comic:" + str(ComicName))
newValueDict = {"Status": "Loading"}
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
# we need to lookup the info for the requested ComicID in full now
#comic = cv.getComic(comicid,'comic')
if not comic:
logger.warn("Error fetching comic. ID for : " + gcdcomicid)
if dbcomic is None:
newValueDict = {"ComicName": "Fetch failed, try refreshing. (%s)" % (gcdcomicid),
"Status": "Active"}
newValueDict = {"Status": "Active"}
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
#run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
if pullupd is None:
helpers.ComicSort(comicorder=mylar.COMICSORT, imported=gcomicid)
if ComicName.startswith('The '):
sortname = ComicName[4:]
sortname = ComicName
logger.info(u"Now adding/updating: " + ComicName)
#--Now that we know ComicName, let's try some scraping
# gcd will return issue details (most importantly publishing date)
comicid = gcomicid[1:]
resultURL = "/series/" + str(comicid) + "/"
gcdinfo=parseit.GCDdetails(comseries=None, resultURL=resultURL, vari_loop=0, ComicID=gcdcomicid, TotalIssues=ComicIssues, issvariation=None, resultPublished=None)
if gcdinfo == "No Match":
logger.warn("No matching result found for " + ComicName + " (" + ComicYear + ")" )
nomatch = "true"
return nomatch
logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved details for " + ComicName )
# print ("Series Published" + parseit.resultPublished)
ComicImage = gcdinfo['ComicImage']
#comic book location on machine
# setup default location here
if comlocation is None:
# let's remove the non-standard characters here.
u_comicnm = ComicName
u_comicname = u_comicnm.encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
if ':' in u_comicname or '/' in u_comicname or ',' in u_comicname:
comicdir = u_comicname
if ':' in comicdir:
comicdir = comicdir.replace(':','')
if '/' in comicdir:
comicdir = comicdir.replace('/','-')
if ',' in comicdir:
comicdir = comicdir.replace(',','')
else: comicdir = u_comicname
series = comicdir
publisher = ComicPublisher
year = ComicYear
#do work to generate folder path
values = {'$Series': series,
'$Publisher': publisher,
'$Year': year,
'$series': series.lower(),
'$publisher': publisher.lower(),
'$Volume': year
if mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT == '':
comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + comic['ComicYear'] + ")"
comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + helpers.replace_all(mylar.FOLDER_FORMAT, values)
#comlocation = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR + "/" + comicdir + " (" + ComicYear + ")"
if mylar.DESTINATION_DIR == "":
logger.error(u"There is no general directory specified - please specify in Config/Post-Processing.")
#mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
comlocation = comlocation.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
#if it doesn't exist - create it (otherwise will bugger up later on)
if os.path.isdir(str(comlocation)):
logger.info(u"Directory (" + str(comlocation) + ") already exists! Continuing...")
#print ("Directory doesn't exist!")
# os.makedirs(str(comlocation))
# logger.info(u"Directory successfully created at: " + str(comlocation))
#except OSError:
# logger.error(u"Could not create comicdir : " + str(comlocation))
filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)
comicIssues = gcdinfo['totalissues']
#let's download the image...
if os.path.exists(mylar.CACHE_DIR):pass
#let's make the dir.
logger.info(u"Cache Directory successfully created at: " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))
except OSError:
logger.error(u"Could not create cache dir : " + str(mylar.CACHE_DIR))
coverfile = os.path.join(mylar.CACHE_DIR, str(gcomicid) + ".jpg")
urllib.urlretrieve(str(ComicImage), str(coverfile))
with open(str(coverfile)) as f:
ComicImage = os.path.join('cache',str(gcomicid) + ".jpg")
#this is for Firefox when outside the LAN...it works, but I don't know how to implement it
#without breaking the normal flow for inside the LAN (above)
#ComicImage = "http://" + str(mylar.HTTP_HOST) + ":" + str(mylar.HTTP_PORT) + "/cache/" + str(comi$
logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved cover for " + ComicName)
#if the comic cover local is checked, save a cover.jpg to the series folder.
comiclocal = os.path.join(str(comlocation) + "/cover.jpg")
except IOError as e:
logger.error(u"Unable to save cover locally at this time.")
#if comic['ComicVersion'].isdigit():
# comicVol = "v" + comic['ComicVersion']
# comicVol = None
controlValueDict = {"ComicID": gcomicid}
newValueDict = {"ComicName": ComicName,
"ComicSortName": sortname,
"ComicYear": ComicYear,
"Total": comicIssues,
"ComicLocation": comlocation,
#"ComicVersion": comicVol,
"ComicImage": ComicImage,
#"ComicPublisher": comic['ComicPublisher'],
#"ComicPublished": comicPublished,
"DateAdded": helpers.today(),
"Status": "Loading"}
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
#comicsort here...
#run the re-sortorder here in order to properly display the page
if pullupd is None:
logger.info(u"Sucessfully retrieved issue details for " + ComicName )
n = 0
iscnt = int(comicIssues)
issnum = []
issname = []
issdate = []
int_issnum = []
#let's start issue #'s at 0 -- thanks to DC for the new 52 reboot! :)
latestiss = "0"
latestdate = "0000-00-00"
#print ("total issues:" + str(iscnt))
#---removed NEW code here---
logger.info(u"Now adding/updating issues for " + ComicName)
bb = 0
while (bb <= iscnt):
gcdval = gcdinfo['gcdchoice'][bb]
#print ("gcdval: " + str(gcdval))
except IndexError:
#account for gcd variation here
if gcdinfo['gcdvariation'] == 'gcd':
#print ("gcd-variation accounted for.")
issdate = '0000-00-00'
int_issnum = int ( issis / 1000 )
if 'nn' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
#no number detected - GN, TP or the like
logger.warn(u"Non Series detected (Graphic Novel, etc) - cannot proceed at this time.")
elif '.' in str(gcdval['GCDIssue']):
issst = str(gcdval['GCDIssue']).find('.')
issb4dec = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[:issst]
#if the length of decimal is only 1 digit, assume it's a tenth
decis = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])[issst+1:]
if len(decis) == 1:
decisval = int(decis) * 10
issaftdec = str(decisval)
if len(decis) == 2:
decisval = int(decis)
issaftdec = str(decisval)
if int(issaftdec) == 0: issaftdec = "00"
gcd_issue = issb4dec + "." + issaftdec
gcdis = (int(issb4dec) * 1000) + decisval
gcdis = int(str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])) * 1000
gcd_issue = str(gcdval['GCDIssue'])
#get the latest issue / date using the date.
int_issnum = int( gcdis / 1000 )
issdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
issid = "G" + str(gcdval['IssueID'])
if gcdval['GCDDate'] > latestdate:
latestiss = str(gcd_issue)
latestdate = str(gcdval['GCDDate'])
#print("(" + str(bb) + ") IssueID: " + str(issid) + " IssueNo: " + str(gcd_issue) + " Date" + str(issdate) )
# check if the issue already exists
iss_exists = myDB.action('SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=?', [issid]).fetchone()
# Only change the status & add DateAdded if the issue is not already in the database
if iss_exists is None:
newValueDict['DateAdded'] = helpers.today()
#adjust for inconsistencies in GCD date format - some dates have ? which borks up things.
if "?" in str(issdate):
issdate = "0000-00-00"
controlValueDict = {"IssueID": issid}
newValueDict = {"ComicID": gcomicid,
"ComicName": ComicName,
"Issue_Number": gcd_issue,
"IssueDate": issdate,
"Int_IssueNumber": int_issnum
#print ("issueid:" + str(controlValueDict))
#print ("values:" + str(newValueDict))
if mylar.AUTOWANT_ALL:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
elif issdate > helpers.today() and mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING:
newValueDict['Status'] = "Wanted"
newValueDict['Status'] = "Skipped"
if iss_exists:
#print ("Existing status : " + str(iss_exists['Status']))
newValueDict['Status'] = iss_exists['Status']
myDB.upsert("issues", newValueDict, controlValueDict)
# logger.debug(u"Updating comic cache for " + ComicName)
# cache.getThumb(ComicID=issue['issueid'])
# logger.debug(u"Updating cache for: " + ComicName)
# cache.getThumb(ComicIDcomicid)
controlValueStat = {"ComicID": gcomicid}
newValueStat = {"Status": "Active",
"LatestIssue": latestiss,
"LatestDate": latestdate,
"LastUpdated": helpers.now()
myDB.upsert("comics", newValueStat, controlValueStat)
if mylar.CVINFO:
if not os.path.exists(comlocation + "/cvinfo"):
with open(comlocation + "/cvinfo","w") as text_file:
text_file.write("http://www.comicvine.com/volume/49-" + str(comicid))
logger.info(u"Updating complete for: " + ComicName)
#move the files...if imported is not empty (meaning it's not from the mass importer.)
if imported is None or imported == 'None':
if mylar.IMP_MOVE:
logger.info("Mass import - Move files")
logger.info("Mass import - Moving not Enabled. Setting Archived Status for import.")
#check for existing files...
if pullupd is None:
# lets' check the pullist for anyting at this time as well since we're here.
if mylar.AUTOWANT_UPCOMING and 'Present' in ComicPublished:
logger.info(u"Checking this week's pullist for new issues of " + ComicName)
updater.newpullcheck(comic['ComicName'], gcomicid)
#here we grab issues that have been marked as wanted above...
results = myDB.select("SELECT * FROM issues where ComicID=? AND Status='Wanted'", [gcomicid])
if results:
logger.info(u"Attempting to grab wanted issues for : " + ComicName)
for result in results:
foundNZB = "none"
if (mylar.NZBSU or mylar.DOGNZB or mylar.EXPERIMENTAL or mylar.NEWZNAB or mylar.NZBX) and (mylar.SAB_HOST):
foundNZB = search.searchforissue(result['IssueID'])
if foundNZB == "yes":
updater.foundsearch(result['ComicID'], result['IssueID'])
else: logger.info(u"No issues marked as wanted for " + ComicName)
logger.info(u"Finished grabbing what I could.")