
124 lines
5.3 KiB

import urllib2
import lib.requests as requests
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import mylar
from mylar import logger
class info32p(object):
def __init__(self, reauthenticate=False, searchterm=None):
self.module = '[32P-AUTHENTICATION]'
self.url = ''
self.payload = {'username': mylar.USERNAME_32P,
'password': mylar.PASSWORD_32P}
self.headers = {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
self.reauthenticate = reauthenticate
self.searchterm = searchterm
def authenticate(self):
feedinfo = []
with requests.session() as s:
verify = True
if not verify:
#32P throws back an insecure warning because it can't validate against the CA. The below suppresses the message just for 32P instead of being displa$
from lib.requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
# fetch the login page
s.headers = self.headers
s.get(self.url, verify=verify)
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
logger.error(self.module + ' Unable to establish connection to 32P: ' + e)
# post to the login form
r =, data=self.payload, verify=verify)
#need a way to find response code (200=OK), but returns 200 for everything even failed signons (returns a blank page)'[32P] response: ' + str(r.content))
if self.searchterm:'[32P] Successfully authenticated. Initiating search for : ' + self.searchterm)
return self.search32p(s)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content)
all_script = soup.find_all("script", {"src":False})
all_script2 = soup.find_all("link", {"rel":"alternate"})
for ind_s in all_script:
all_value = str(ind_s)
all_items = all_value.split()
auth_found = False
user_found = False
for al in all_items:
if al == 'authkey':
auth_found = True
elif auth_found == True and al != '=':
authkey = re.sub('["/;]','', al).strip()
auth_found = False
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Authkey found: ' + str(authkey))
if al == 'userid':
user_found = True
elif user_found == True and al != '=':
userid = re.sub('["/;]','', al).strip()
user_found = False
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Userid found: ' + str(userid))
authfound = False + ' Atttempting to integrate with all of your 32P Notification feeds.')
for al in all_script2:
alurl = al['href']
if 'auth=' in alurl and 'torrents_notify' in alurl and not authfound:
f1 = alurl.find('auth=')
f2 = alurl.find('&',f1+1)
auth = alurl[f1+5:f2]
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Auth:' + str(auth))
authfound = True
p1 = alurl.find('passkey=')
p2 = alurl.find('&',p1+1)
passkey = alurl[p1+8:p2]
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' Passkey:' + str(passkey))
if self.reauthenticate: break
if 'torrents_notify' in alurl and ('torrents_notify_' + str(passkey)) not in alurl:
notifyname_st = alurl.find('name=')
notifyname_en = alurl.find('&',notifyname_st+1)
if notifyname_en == -1: notifyname_en = len(alurl)
notifyname = alurl[notifyname_st+5:notifyname_en]
notifynumber_st = alurl.find('torrents_notify_')
notifynumber_en = alurl.find('_', notifynumber_st+17)
notifynumber = alurl[notifynumber_st:notifynumber_en]
logger.fdebug(self.module + ' [NOTIFICATION: ' + str(notifyname) + '] Notification ID: ' + str(notifynumber))
#generate the rss-url here
feedinfo.append({'feed': notifynumber + '_' + str(passkey),
'feedname': notifyname,
'user': userid,
'auth': auth,
'passkey': passkey,
'authkey': authkey})
#set the keys here that will be used to download.
mylar.PASSKEY_32P = passkey
mylar.AUTHKEY_32P = authkey # probably not needed here.
mylar.KEYS_32P = {}
mylar.KEYS_32P = {"user": userid,
"auth": auth,
"passkey": passkey,
"authkey": authkey}
if self.reauthenticate:
mylar.FEEDINFO_32P = feedinfo
return feedinfo