2024-07-09 23:52:08 -06:00
< template >
< div class = "create-group-component col-12 col-md-9" style = "height: 100vh - 51px !important;overflow:hidden" >
< div v-if = "!hide" class="row h-100 bg-lighter" >
< div class = "col-12 col-md-8 border-left" >
< div class = "bg-dark p-5 mx-n3" >
< p class = "h1 font-weight-bold text-light mb-2" > Create Group < / p >
< p class = "text-lighter mb-0" > Create a new federated Group that is compatible with other Pixelfed and Lemmy servers < / p >
< / div >
< div class = "px-2 mb-5" >
< div class = "mt-4" >
< text-input
label = "Group Name"
: value = "name"
: hasLimit = "true"
: maxLimit = "limit.name.max"
placeholder = "Add your group name"
helpText = "Alphanumeric characters only, you can change this later."
: largeInput = "true"
@ update = "handleUpdate('name', $event)"
/ >
< hr >
< select-input
label = "Group Type"
: value = "membership"
: categories = "membershipCategories"
placeholder = "Select a type"
helpText = "Select the membership type, you can change this later."
@ update = "handleUpdate('membership', $event)"
/ >
< hr >
< select-input
label = "Group Category"
: value = "category"
: categories = "categories"
placeholder = "Select a category"
helpText = "Choose the most relevant category to improve discovery and visibility"
@ update = "handleUpdate('category', $event)"
/ >
< hr >
< text-area-input
label = "Group Description"
: value = "description"
: hasLimit = "true"
: maxLimit = "limit.description.max"
placeholder = "Describe your groups purpose in a few words"
helpText = "Describe your groups purpose in a few words, you can change this later."
@ update = "handleUpdate('description', $event)"
/ >
< hr >
< checkbox-input
label = "Adult Content"
inputText = "Allow Adult Content"
: value = "configuration.adult"
helpText = "Groups that allow adult content should enable this or risk suspension or deletion by instance admins. Illegal content is prohibited. You can change this later."
/ >
< hr >
< checkbox-input
label = ""
inputText = "I agree to the the Community Guidelines and Terms of Use and will administrate this group according to the rules set by this server. I understand that failure to abide by these terms may lead to the suspension of this group, and my account."
: value = "hasConfirmed"
: strongText = "false"
@ update = "handleUpdate('hasConfirmed', $event)"
/ >
<!-- < div class = "form-group row" >
< div class = "col-sm-10 offset-sm-2" >
< div class = "form-check" >
< input class = "form-check-input" type = "checkbox" id = "gridCheck1" v-model = "hasConfirmed" >
< label class = "form-check-label" for = "gridCheck1" >
I agree to the < a href = "#" > Community Guidelines < / a > and < a href = "#" > Terms of Use < / a >
< / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div > -- >
< button
class = "btn btn-primary btn-block font-weight-bold rounded-pill mt-4"
@ click = "createGroup"
: disabled = "!hasConfirmed" >
Create Group
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-12 col-md-4 bg-white" >
<!-- < div >
< button
v - if = "page <= 4"
class = "btn btn-primary btn-block font-weight-bold rounded-pill mt-4"
@ click = "nextPage"
: disabled = "!membership" >
< / button >
< button
v - if = "page == 5"
class = "btn btn-primary btn-block font-weight-bold rounded-pill mt-4"
@ click = "createGroup"
: disabled = "!hasConfirmed" >
Create Group
< / button >
< button
v - if = "page >= 2"
class = "btn btn-light btn-block font-weight-bold rounded-pill border mt-4"
@ click = "prevPage" >
< / button >
< div v-if = "maxPage > 2" class="mt-4" >
< p v-if = "name && name.length" >
< span class = "text-lighter" > Name : < / span >
< span class = "font-weight-bold" > { { name } } < / span >
< / p >
< p v-if = "description && description.length" >
< span class = "text-lighter" > Description : < / span >
< span > { { description } } < / span >
< / p >
< p v-if = "membership && membership.length" >
< span class = "text-lighter" > Membership : < / span >
< span class = "text-capitalize" > { { membership } } < / span >
< / p >
< p v-if = "category && category.length" >
< span class = "text-lighter" > Category : < / span >
< span class = "text-capitalize" > { { category } } < / span >
< / p >
< / div >
< / div > -- >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / template >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
import TextInput from '@/groups/partials/CreateForm/TextInput.vue' ;
import SelectInput from '@/groups/partials/CreateForm/SelectInput.vue' ;
import TextAreaInput from '@/groups/partials/CreateForm/TextAreaInput.vue' ;
import CheckboxInput from '@/groups/partials/CreateForm/CheckboxInput.vue' ;
export default {
components : {
"text-input" : TextInput ,
"select-input" : SelectInput ,
"text-area-input" : TextAreaInput ,
"checkbox-input" : CheckboxInput ,
} ,
data ( ) {
return {
hide : true ,
name : null ,
page : 1 ,
maxPage : 1 ,
description : null ,
membership : "placeholder" ,
submitting : false ,
categories : [ ] ,
category : "" ,
limit : {
name : {
max : 60
} ,
description : {
max : 500
} ,
configuration : {
types : {
text : true ,
photos : true ,
videos : true ,
// events: false,
polls : true
} ,
federation : true ,
adult : false ,
discoverable : false ,
autospam : false ,
dms : false ,
slowjoin : {
enabled : false ,
age : 90 ,
limit : {
post : 1 ,
comment : 20 ,
threads : 2 ,
likes : 5 ,
hashtags : 5 ,
mentions : 1 ,
autolinks : 1
} ,
hasConfirmed : false ,
permissionChecked : false ,
membershipCategories : [
{ key : 'Public' , value : 'public' } ,
2024-10-05 23:57:48 -06:00
// { key: 'Private', value: 'private' },
// { key: 'Local', value: 'local' },
2024-07-09 23:52:08 -06:00
] ,
} ,
mounted ( ) {
this . permissionCheck ( ) ;
this . fetchCategories ( ) ;
} ,
methods : {
permissionCheck ( ) {
axios . post ( '/api/v0/groups/permission/create' )
. then ( res => {
if ( res . data . permission == false ) {
swal ( 'Limit reached' , 'You cannot create any more groups' , 'error' ) ;
this . hide = true ;
} else {
this . hide = false ;
this . permissionChecked = true ;
} ) ;
} ,
submit ( $event ) {
$event . preventDefault ( ) ;
this . submitting = true ;
axios . post ( '/api/v0/groups/create' , {
name : this . name ,
description : this . description ,
membership : this . membership
} ) . then ( res => {
console . log ( res . data ) ;
window . location . href = res . data . url ;
} ) . catch ( err => {
console . log ( err . response ) ;
} )
} ,
fetchCategories ( ) {
axios . get ( '/api/v0/groups/categories/list' )
. then ( res => {
this . categories = res . data . map ( c => {
return {
key : c ,
value : c
} ) ;
} )
} ,
createGroup ( ) {
axios . post ( '/api/v0/groups/create' , {
name : this . name ,
description : this . description ,
membership : this . membership ,
configuration : this . configuration
} )
. then ( res => {
console . log ( res . data ) ;
location . href = res . data . url ;
} )
} ,
handleUpdate ( key , val ) {
this [ key ] = val ;
< / script >
< style lang = "scss" >
. create - group - component {
. submit - button {
width : 130 px ;
. multistep {
margin - top : 30 px ;
margin - bottom : 30 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
counter - reset : step ;
text - align : center ;
padding - left : 0 ;
. multistep li {
list - style - type : none ;
text - transform : uppercase ;
font - size : 9 px ;
font - weight : 700 ;
width : 20 % ;
float : left ;
position : relative ;
color : # B8C2CC ;
. multistep li . active {
color : # 000 ;
. multistep li : before {
content : counter ( step ) ;
counter - increment : step ;
width : 24 px ;
height : 24 px ;
line - height : 26 px ;
display : block ;
font - size : 12 px ;
color : # B8C2CC ;
background : # F3F4F6 ;
border - radius : 25 px ;
margin : 0 auto 10 px auto ;
transition : background 400 ms ;
. multistep li : after {
content : '' ;
width : 100 % ;
height : 2 px ;
background : # dee2e6 ;
position : absolute ;
left : - 50 % ;
top : 11 px ;
z - index : - 1 ;
transition : background 400 ms ;
. multistep li : first - child : after {
content : none ;
. multistep li . active : before ,
. multistep li . active : after {
background : # 2 c78bf ;
color : white ;
transition : background 400 ms ;
. col - form - label {
font - weight : 600 ;
text - align : right ;
< / style >