
186 lines
5.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

return [
'common' => [
'comment' => 'Komentovať',
'commented' => 'Commented',
'comments' => 'Komentáre',
'like' => 'Like',
'liked' => 'Páči sa mi',
'likes' => 'Likes',
'share' => 'Zdielať',
'shared' => 'Zdieľané',
'shares' => 'Zdiaľané',
'unshare' => 'Zrušiť zdieľanie',
'cancel' => 'Zrušiť',
'copyLink' => 'Skopírovať odkaz',
'delete' => 'Vymazať',
'error' => 'Chyba',
'errorMsg' => 'Niečo sa pokazilo. Prosím, skúste to znova neskôr.',
'oops' => 'Ups!',
'other' => 'Iné',
'readMore' => 'Zobraziť viac',
'success' => 'Hotovo',
'sensitive' => 'Citlivý',
'sensitiveContent' => 'Citlivý obsah',
'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Tento príspevok môže obsahovať citlivý obsah',
'site' => [
'terms' => 'Podmienky používania',
'privacy' => 'Zásady ochrany osobných údajov',
'navmenu' => [
'search' => 'Hľadať',
'admin' => 'Panel správcu',
// Timelines
'homeFeed' => 'Domovský kanál',
'localFeed' => 'Miestny kanál',
'globalFeed' => 'Globálny kanál',
// Core features
'discover' => 'Objavte',
'directMessages' => 'Priame Správy',
'notifications' => 'Notifikácie',
'groups' => 'Skupiny',
'stories' => 'Stories',
// Self links
'profile' => 'Profil',
'drive' => 'Úložisko',
'settings' => 'Nastavenia',
'compose' => 'Vytvoriť nový',
// Nav footer
'about' => 'O aplikácii',
'help' => 'Pomocník',
'language' => 'Jazyk',
'privacy' => 'Ochrana osobných údajov',
'terms' => 'Podmienky',
// Temporary links
'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Vrátiť sa späť k predošlému dizajnu'
'directMessages' => [
'inbox' => 'Prijaté',
'sent' => 'Odoslané',
'requests' => 'Žiadosti'
'notifications' => [
'liked' => 'sa páči váš',
'commented' => 'komentoval na vašom',
'reacted' => 'reagoval na váš',
'shared' => 'zdieľal váš',
'tagged' => 'označil vás v',
'updatedA' => 'aktualizoval',
'sentA' => 'poslal',
'followed' => 'začal sledovať',
'mentioned' => 'spomenul',
'you' => 'vy',
'yourApplication' => 'Vaša žiadosť o pripojenie',
'applicationApproved' => 'bola schválená!',
'applicationRejected' => 'bola odmietnutá. Môžete znova požiadať o pripojenie za 6 mesiacov.',
'dm' => 'dm',
'groupPost' => 'skupinový príspevok',
'modlog' => 'modlog',
'post' => 'príspevok',
'story' => 'story',
'post' => [
'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers',
'shareToOther' => 'Share to other',
'noLikes' => 'No likes yet',
'uploading' => 'Uploading',
'profile' => [
'posts' => 'Posts',
'followers' => 'Followers',
'following' => 'Following',
'admin' => 'Admin',
'collections' => 'Collections',
'follow' => 'Follow',
'unfollow' => 'Unfollow',
'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile',
'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested',
'joined' => 'Joined',
'emptyCollections' => 'We can\'t seem to find any collections',
'emptyPosts' => 'We can\'t seem to find any posts',
'menu' => [
'viewPost' => 'View Post',
'viewProfile' => 'View Profile',
'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools',
'report' => 'Report',
'archive' => 'Archive',
'unarchive' => 'Unarchive',
'embed' => 'Embed',
'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options',
'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines',
'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning',
'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning',
'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer',
'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts',
'spam' => 'Spam',
'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content',
'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful',
'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account',
'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement',
'impersonation' => 'Impersonation',
'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud',
'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report',
'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?',
'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!',
'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.',
'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.',
'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?',
'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning',
'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?',
'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning',
'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?',
'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post',
'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.',
'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer',
'toFollowers' => 'to Followers',
'showCaption' => 'Show Caption',
'showLikes' => 'Show Likes',
'compactMode' => 'Compact Mode',
'embedConfirmText' => 'By using this embed, you agree to our',
'deletePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this post?',
'archivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to archive this post?',
'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?',
'story' => [
'add' => 'Add Story'
'timeline' => [
'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'People you may know'
'hashtags' => [
'emptyFeed' => 'We can\'t seem to find any posts for this hashtag'