2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
@ extends ( 'admin.partial.template-full' )
@ section ( 'section' )
< div class = " title d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center " >
< span >< a href = " /i/admin/users/show/ { { $user -> id } } " class = " btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm font-weight-bold " > Back </ a ></ span >
< span class = " text-center " >
< h3 class = " font-weight-bold mb-0 " >& commat ;{{ $profile -> username }} </ h3 >
< p class = " mb-0 small text-muted text-uppercase font-weight-bold " >
< span > {{ $profile -> statuses () -> count ()}} Posts </ span >
< span class = " px-1 " >|</ span >
< span > {{ $profile -> followers () -> count ()}} Followers </ span >
< span class = " px-1 " >|</ span >
< span > {{ $profile -> following () -> count ()}} Following </ span >
</ p >
</ span >
< span >
< div class = " dropdown " >
< button class = " btn btn-outline-secondary btn-sm font-weight-bold dropdown-toggle " type = " button " id = " userActions " data - toggle = " dropdown " aria - haspopup = " true " aria - expanded = " false " >< i class = " fas fa-bars " ></ i ></ button >
< div class = " dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right " aria - labelledby = " userActions " >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /i/admin/users/show/ { { $user -> id } } " >
< span class = " font-weight-bold " > Overview </ span >
</ a >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /i/admin/users/activity/ { { $user -> id } } " >
< span class = " font-weight-bold " > Activity </ span >
</ a >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /i/admin/users/message/ { { $user -> id } } " >
< span class = " font-weight-bold " > Send Message </ span >
</ a >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " { { $profile -> url () } } " >
< span class = " font-weight-bold " > View Profile </ span >
</ a >
< div class = " dropdown-divider " ></ div >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /i/admin/users/edit/ { { $user -> id } } " >
< span class = " font-weight-bold " > Edit </ span >
</ a >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /i/admin/users/modtools/ { { $user -> id } } " >
< span class = " font-weight-bold " > Mod Tools </ span >
</ a >
< div class = " dropdown-divider " ></ div >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /i/admin/users/delete/ { { $user -> id } } " >
< span class = " text-danger font-weight-bold " > Delete Account </ span >
</ a >
</ div >
</ div >
</ span >
</ div >
< hr >
< div class = " row mb-3 " >
< div class = " col-12 col-md-8 offset-md-2 " >
< p class = " title h4 font-weight-bold mt-2 py-2 " > Moderation Logs </ p >
< hr >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-12 " >
< div class = " card card-body shadow-none border mb-3 " >
< form method = " post " >
@ csrf
< div class = " form-group " >
< textarea class = " form-control " name = " message " id = " message " rows = " 4 " style = " resize: none; " placeholder = " Send a message to other admins and mods, they will be notified " ></ textarea >
@ if ( $errors -> any ())
@ foreach ( $errors -> all () as $error )
< p class = " invalid-feedback mb-0 " style = " display:block; " >
< strong > {{ $error }} </ strong >
</ p >
@ endforeach
@ endif
</ div >
< div >
< span class = " small text-muted font-weight-bold " >
< span class = " msg-count " > 0 </ span >/ 500
</ span >
< span class = " float-right " >
< button class = " btn btn-primary btn-sm py-1 font-weight-bold " > SEND </ button >
</ span >
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
@ if ( $logs -> count () > 0 )
< div class = " list-group " >
@ foreach ( $logs as $log )
2020-02-20 00:41:19 -07:00
< div class = " list-group-item " >
2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
@ if ( $log -> message != null )
< div class = " d-flex justify-content-between " >
< div class = " mr-3 " >
< img src = " { { $log -> admin -> profile -> avatarUrl () } } " width = " 40px " height = " 40px " class = " border p-1 rounded-circle " >
</ div >
2020-02-20 00:41:19 -07:00
< div style = " flex-grow: 1; " >
2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
@ if ( $log -> user_id != Auth :: id ())
< div class = " p-3 bg-primary rounded " >
2020-02-20 13:50:54 -07:00
< p class = " mb-0 text-white " style = " font-weight: 600; " > {{ $log -> message }} </ p >
2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
</ div >
@ else
2020-02-20 13:50:54 -07:00
< div class = " p-3 bg-white border rounded " >
< p class = " mb-0 text-dark " style = " font-weight: 600; " > {{ $log -> message }} </ p >
2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
</ div >
@ endif
2020-02-20 13:50:54 -07:00
< div class = " d-flex justify-content-between small text-muted font-weight-bold mb-0 pt-2 " >
2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
< span class = " mr-4 " >
& commat ;{{ $log -> user_username }}
</ span >
< span >
{{ $log -> created_at -> diffForHumans ()}}
</ span >
</ div >
</ div >
2020-02-20 00:41:19 -07:00
@ if ( $log -> user_id == Auth :: id ())
< div class = " align-self-top ml-2 " >
< form method = " post " action = " /i/admin/users/modlogs/ { { $user -> id } }/delete " >
@ csrf
< input type = " hidden " name = " mid " value = " { { $log -> id } } " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-text " >
< i class = " fas fa-times text-lighter " ></ i >
</ button >
</ form >
</ div >
@ endif
2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
</ div >
@ else
2020-02-20 00:41:19 -07:00
< div class = " d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center " >
< div class = " mr-3 " >
< img src = " { { $log -> admin -> profile -> avatarUrl () } } " width = " 40px " height = " 40px " class = " border p-1 rounded-circle " >
</ div >
< div style = " flex-grow: 1; " >
< p class = " small text-muted font-weight-bold mb-0 " > {{ $log -> created_at -> diffForHumans ()}} </ p >
< p class = " lead mb-0 " > {{ $log -> actionToText ()}} </ p >
< p class = " small text-muted font-weight-bold mb-0 " >
by : {{ $log -> user_username }}
</ p >
</ div >
< div >
< i class = " fas fa-chevron-right fa-lg text-lighter " ></ i >
</ div >
2020-02-19 19:42:49 -07:00
</ div >
@ endif
</ div >
@ endforeach
</ div >
< div class = " d-flex justify-content-center mt-3 " >
{{ $logs -> links ()}}
</ div >
@ else
< div class = " card card-body border shadow-none text-center " >
No Activity found
</ div >
@ endif
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
@ endsection
@ push ( 'scripts' )
< script type = " text/javascript " >
$ ( '#message' ) . on ( 'keyup change paste submit' , function ( e ) {
let len = e . target . value . length ;
$ ( '.msg-count' ) . text ( len );
</ script >
@ endpush