2018-11-04 18:48:58 -07:00
2019-04-08 01:11:35 -06:00
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<div v-if="!loaded" style="height: 80vh;" class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center">
<img src="/img/pixelfed-icon-grey.svg" class="">
<div v-if="loaded && warning" class="bg-white mt-n4 pt-3 border-bottom">
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<p class="text-center font-weight-bold">You are blocking this account</p>
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<div class="card card-md-rounded-0 status-container orientation-unknown shadow-none border">
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<div class="d-flex d-md-none align-items-center justify-content-between card-header bg-white w-100">
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<div class="status-avatar mr-2" @click="redirect(statusProfileUrl)">
<img :src="statusAvatar" width="24px" height="24px" style="border-radius:12px;" class="cursor-pointer">
<div class="username">
<span class="username-link font-weight-bold text-dark cursor-pointer" @click="redirect(statusProfileUrl)">{{ statusUsername }}</span>
<span v-if="status.account.is_admin" class="fa-stack" title="Admin Account" data-toggle="tooltip" style="height:1em; line-height:1em; max-width:19px;">
<i class="fas fa-certificate text-danger fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-crown text-white fa-sm fa-stack-1x" style="font-size:7px;"></i>
<p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 10px;">
<span v-if="loaded && status.taggedPeople.length" class="mb-0">
<span class="font-weight-light cursor-pointer" style="color:#718096" title="Tagged People" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" @click="showTaggedPeopleModal()"><i class="fas fa-tag text-lighter"></i> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{status.taggedPeople.length}} Tagged People</span></span>
<span v-if="loaded && status.place != null && status.taggedPeople.length" class="px-2 font-weight-bold text-lighter">•</span>
<span v-if="loaded && status.place != null" class="mb-0 cursor-pointer text-truncate" style="color:#718096" @click="redirect('/discover/places/' + status.place.id + '/' + status.place.slug)"><i class="fas fa-map-marked-alt text-lighter"></i> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{status.place.name}}, {{status.place.country}}</span></span>
<div v-if="user != false" class="float-right">
<div class="post-actions">
<button class="btn btn-link text-dark no-caret" title="Post options" @click="ctxMenu()">
<span class="fas fa-ellipsis-v text-muted"></span>
<div class="col-12 col-md-8 px-0 mx-0">
<div class="postPresenterContainer d-none d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center" style="background: #000;">
<div v-if="status.pf_type === 'text'" class="w-100">
<div class="w-100 card-img-top border-bottom rounded-0" style="background-image: url(/storage/textimg/bg_1.jpg);background-size: cover;width: 100%;height: 540px;">
<div class="w-100 h-100 d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center">
<p class="text-center text-break h3 px-5 font-weight-bold" v-html="status.content"></p>
<div v-else-if="status.pf_type === 'photo'" class="w-100">
<photo-presenter :status="status" v-on:lightbox="lightbox" v-on:togglecw="status.sensitive = false"></photo-presenter>
<div v-else-if="status.pf_type === 'video'" class="w-100">
2021-07-15 23:35:34 -06:00
<video-presenter :status="status" v-on:togglecw="status.sensitive = false"></video-presenter>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<div v-else-if="status.pf_type === 'photo:album'" class="w-100">
2021-07-15 23:35:34 -06:00
<photo-album-presenter :status="status" v-on:lightbox="lightbox" v-on:togglecw="status.sensitive = false"></photo-album-presenter>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<div v-else-if="status.pf_type === 'video:album'" class="w-100">
2021-07-15 23:35:34 -06:00
<video-album-presenter :status="status" v-on:togglecw="status.sensitive = false"></video-album-presenter>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<div v-else-if="status.pf_type === 'photo:video:album'" class="w-100">
2021-07-15 23:35:34 -06:00
<mixed-album-presenter :status="status" v-on:lightbox="lightbox" v-on:togglecw="status.sensitive = false"></mixed-album-presenter>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<div v-else class="w-100">
<p class="text-center p-0 font-weight-bold text-white">Error: Problem rendering preview.</p>
<div class="col-12 col-md-4 px-0 d-flex flex-column border-left border-md-left-0">
<div class="d-md-flex d-none align-items-center justify-content-between card-header py-3 bg-white">
<div class="d-flex align-items-center status-username text-truncate">
<div class="status-avatar mr-2" @click="redirect(statusProfileUrl)">
<img :src="statusAvatar" width="24px" height="24px" style="border-radius:12px;" class="cursor-pointer">
<div class="username">
<span class="username-link font-weight-bold text-dark cursor-pointer" @click="redirect(statusProfileUrl)">{{ statusUsername }}</span>
<span v-if="status.account.is_admin" class="fa-stack" title="Admin Account" data-toggle="tooltip" style="height:1em; line-height:1em; max-width:19px;">
<i class="fas fa-certificate text-danger fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-crown text-white fa-sm fa-stack-1x" style="font-size:7px;"></i>
<p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 10px;">
<span v-if="loaded && status.taggedPeople.length" class="mb-0">
<span class="font-weight-light cursor-pointer" style="color:#718096" title="Tagged People" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" @click="showTaggedPeopleModal()"><i class="fas fa-tag text-lighter"></i> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{status.taggedPeople.length}} Tagged People</span></span>
<span v-if="loaded && status.place != null && status.taggedPeople.length" class="px-2 font-weight-bold text-lighter">•</span>
<span v-if="loaded && status.place != null" class="mb-0 cursor-pointer text-truncate" style="color:#718096" @click="redirect('/discover/places/' + status.place.id + '/' + status.place.slug)"><i class="fas fa-map-marked-alt text-lighter"></i> <span class="font-weight-bold">{{status.place.name}}, {{status.place.country}}</span></span>
<div class="float-right">
<div class="post-actions">
<div v-if="user != false">
<button class="btn btn-link text-dark no-caret" title="Post options" @click="ctxMenu()">
<span class="fas fa-ellipsis-v text-muted"></span>
<div class="d-flex flex-md-column flex-column-reverse h-100" style="overflow-y: auto;">
<div class="card-body status-comments pt-0">
<div v-if="status.pf_type != 'text'" class="status-comment">
<div v-if="status.content.length" class="pt-3">
<div v-if="status.sensitive">
<span class="py-3">
<a class="text-dark font-weight-bold mr-1" :href="status.account.url" v-bind:title="status.account.username">{{truncate(status.account.username,15)}}</a>
<span class="text-break">
<span class="font-italic text-muted">This comment may contain sensitive material</span>
<span class="text-primary cursor-pointer pl-1" @click="status.sensitive = false">Show</span>
<div v-else>
<p :class="[status.content.length > 620 ? 'mb-1 read-more' : 'mb-1']" style="overflow: hidden;">
<a class="font-weight-bold pr-1 text-dark text-decoration-none" :href="statusProfileUrl">{{statusUsername}}</a>
2022-01-22 19:05:53 -07:00
<span class="comment-text" :id="status.id + '-status-readmore'" v-html="content"></span>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<div v-if="showComments">
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<div class="comments mt-3">
<div v-for="(reply, index) in results" class="pb-4 media" :key="'tl' + reply.id + '_' + index">
<img :src="reply.account.avatar" class="rounded-circle border mr-3" width="42px" height="42px">
<div class="media-body">
<div v-if="reply.sensitive == true">
<span class="py-3">
2021-07-20 18:06:57 -06:00
<a class="text-dark font-weight-bold mr-1" :href="profileUrl(reply)" v-bind:title="reply.account.username">{{!reply.account.local ? '@' : '' }}{{truncate(reply.account.username,15)}}</a>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<span class="text-break">
<span class="font-italic text-muted">This comment may contain sensitive material</span>
<span class="text-primary cursor-pointer pl-1" @click="reply.sensitive = false;">Show</span>
<div v-else>
<p class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-top read-more" style="overflow-y: hidden;">
2021-07-20 18:06:57 -06:00
<a class="text-dark font-weight-bold mr-1 text-break" :href="profileUrl(reply)" v-bind:title="reply.account.username">{{!reply.account.local ? '@' : '' }}{{truncate(reply.account.username,15)}}</a>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<span class="text-break comment-body" style="word-break: break-all;" v-html="reply.content"></span>
<span style="min-width:38px;">
<span v-on:click="likeReply(reply, $event)"><i v-bind:class="[reply.favourited ? 'fas fa-heart fa-sm text-danger':'far fa-heart fa-sm text-lighter']"></i></span>
<post-menu :status="reply" :profile="user" :size="'sm'" :modal="'true'" class="d-inline-block px-2" v-on:deletePost="deleteComment(reply.id, index)"></post-menu>
<p class="">
<a v-once class="text-muted mr-3 text-decoration-none small" style="width: 20px;" v-text="timeAgo(reply.created_at)" :href="permalinkUrl(reply)"></a>
<span v-if="reply.favourites_count" class="text-muted comment-reaction font-weight-bold mr-3">{{reply.favourites_count == 1 ? '1 like' : reply.favourites_count + ' likes'}}</span>
<span class="text-muted comment-reaction font-weight-bold cursor-pointer" v-on:click="replyFocus(reply, index, true)">Reply</span>
<div v-if="reply.reply_count > 0" class="cursor-pointer" v-on:click="toggleReplies(reply)">
<span class="show-reply-bar"></span>
<span class="comment-reaction font-weight-bold text-muted">{{reply.thread ? 'Hide' : 'View'}} Replies ({{reply.reply_count}})</span>
<div v-if="reply.thread == true" class="comment-thread">
<div v-for="(s, sindex) in reply.replies" class="pb-3 media" :key="'cr' + s.id + '_' + index">
<img :src="s.account.avatar" class="rounded-circle border mr-3" width="25px" height="25px">
<div class="media-body">
<p class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-top read-more" style="overflow-y: hidden;">
2021-07-20 18:06:57 -06:00
<a class="text-dark font-weight-bold mr-1" :href="profileUrl(s)" :title="s.account.username">{{!s.account.local ? '@' : '' }}{{s.account.username}}</a>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<span class="text-break comment-body" style="word-break: break-all;" v-html="s.content"></span>
<span class="pl-2" style="min-width:38px">
<span v-on:click="likeReply(s, $event)"><i v-bind:class="[s.favourited ? 'fas fa-heart fa-sm text-danger':'far fa-heart fa-sm text-lighter']"></i></span>
<post-menu :status="s" :profile="user" :size="'sm'" :modal="'true'" class="d-inline-block pl-2" v-on:deletePost="deleteCommentReply(s.id, sindex, index) "></post-menu>
<p class="">
<a v-once class="text-muted mr-3 text-decoration-none small" style="width: 20px;" v-text="timeAgo(s.created_at)" :href="s.url"></a>
<span v-if="s.favourites_count" class="text-muted comment-reaction font-weight-bold mr-3">{{s.favourites_count == 1 ? '1 like' : s.favourites_count + ' likes'}}</span>
<div v-if="reactionBarLoading" class="card-body flex-grow-0 py-4 text-center">
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<div v-else class="card-body flex-grow-0 py-1">
<div v-if="loaded && user.hasOwnProperty('id')" class="reactions my-2 pb-1 d-flex justify-content-between">
<h3 v-bind:class="[reactions.liked ? 'fas fa-heart text-danger mr-3 m-0 cursor-pointer' : 'far fa-heart pr-3 m-0 like-btn cursor-pointer']" title="Like" v-on:click="likeStatus"></h3>
<h3 v-if="!status.comments_disabled" class="far fa-comment mr-3 m-0 cursor-pointer" title="Comment" v-on:click="replyFocus(status)"></h3>
<h3 @click="redirect(status.media_attachments[0].url)" class="fas fa-expand m-0 mr-3 cursor-pointer"></h3>
<!-- <h3 v-if="status.visibility == 'public'" v-bind:class="[reactions.bookmarked ? 'fas fa-bookmark text-warning m-0 float-right cursor-pointer' : 'far fa-bookmark m-0 float-right cursor-pointer']" title="Bookmark" v-on:click="bookmarkStatus"></h3> -->
<h3 v-if="status.visibility == 'public'" v-bind:class="[reactions.bookmarked ? 'fas fa-bookmark text-warning m-0 mr-3 cursor-pointer' : 'far fa-bookmark m-0 mr-3 cursor-pointer']" title="Bookmark" v-on:click="bookmarkStatus"></h3>
<h3 v-if="status.visibility == 'public'" v-bind:class="[reactions.shared ? 'fas fa-retweet m-0 text-primary cursor-pointer' : 'fas fa-retweet m-0 share-btn cursor-pointer']" title="Share" v-on:click="shareStatus"></h3>
<div class="reaction-counts mb-0">
<div v-if="status.liked_by.username && status.liked_by.username !== user.username" class="likes mb-1">
2021-07-24 23:37:44 -06:00
<span class="like-count">Liked by
<a class="font-weight-bold text-dark" :href="status.liked_by.url">{{status.liked_by.username}}</a>
<span v-if="status.liked_by.others == true">
and <span class="font-weight-bold text-dark cursor-pointer" @click="likesModal"><span v-if="status.liked_by.total_count_pretty">{{status.liked_by.total_count_pretty}}</span> others</span>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<div class="timestamp d-flex align-items-bottom justify-content-between">
<a v-bind:href="statusUrl" class="small text-muted" :title="status.created_at">
<span class="small text-muted text-capitalize cursor-pointer" v-on:click="visibilityModal">{{status.visibility}}</span>
<div v-if="showComments" class="card-footer bg-white sticky-md-bottom p-0">
<div v-if="user.length == 0" class="comment-form-guest p-3">
<a href="/login">Login</a> to like or comment.
<form v-else class="border-0 rounded-0 align-middle" method="post" action="/i/comment" :data-id="statusId" data-truncate="false">
<textarea class="form-control border-0 rounded-0" name="comment" placeholder="Add a comment…" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" style="height:56px;line-height: 18px;max-height:80px;resize: none; padding-right:4.2rem;" @click="replyFocus(status)"></textarea>
<input type="button" value="Post" class="d-inline-block btn btn-link font-weight-bold reply-btn text-decoration-none" disabled/>
<div class="container" v-if="showProfileMorePosts">
<p class="text-lighter px-3 mt-5" style="font-weight: 600;font-size: 15px;">More posts from <a :href="'/'+statusUsername" class="text-dark">{{this.statusUsername}}</a></p>
<div class="profile-timeline mt-md-4">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-4 p-1 p-md-3" v-for="(s, index) in profileMorePosts" :key="'tlob:'+index">
<a class="card info-overlay card-md-border-0" :href="getStatusUrl(s)" v-once>
<div :class="[s.sensitive ? 'square' : 'square ' + s.media_attachments[0].filter_class]">
<span v-if="s.pf_type == 'photo:album'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-images fa-2x"></i></span>
<span v-if="s.pf_type == 'video'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-video fa-2x"></i></span>
<span v-if="s.pf_type == 'video:album'" class="float-right mr-3 post-icon"><i class="fas fa-film fa-2x"></i></span>
<div class="square-content" v-bind:style="previewBackground(s)">
<div class="info-overlay-text">
<h5 class="text-white m-auto font-weight-bold">
<span class="far fa-heart fa-lg p-2 d-flex-inline"></span>
<span class="d-flex-inline">{{s.favourites_count}}</span>
<span class="fas fa-retweet fa-lg p-2 d-flex-inline"></span>
<span class="d-flex-inline">{{s.reblogs_count}}</span>
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
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v-on:likeStatus="likeStatus" />
<comment-feed :status="status" class="mt-3" />
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<div v-if="user.hasOwnProperty('id')" v-for="(reply, index) in results" :key="'replies:'+index" class="card card-body shadow-none border border-top-0">
<div class="media">
<img :src="reply.account.avatar" class="rounded-circle border mr-3" width="32px" height="32px">
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<div v-if="reply.sensitive == true">
<span class="py-3">
<a class="text-dark font-weight-bold mr-3" style="font-size: 13px;" :href="profileUrl(reply)" v-bind:title="reply.account.username">{{trimCaption(reply.account.username,15)}}</a>
<span class="text-break" style="font-size: 13px;">
<span class="font-italic text-muted">This comment may contain sensitive material</span>
<span class="text-primary cursor-pointer pl-1" @click="reply.sensitive = false;">Show</span>
<div v-else>
<p class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-top read-more mb-0" style="overflow-y: hidden;">
<span class="mr-3" style="font-size: 13px;">
<a class="text-dark font-weight-bold mr-1 text-break" :href="profileUrl(reply)" v-bind:title="reply.account.username">{{trimCaption(reply.account.username,15)}}</a>
<span class="text-break comment-body" style="word-break: break-all;" v-html="reply.content"></span>
<span class="text-right" style="min-width: 30px;">
<span v-on:click="likeReply(reply, $event)"><i v-bind:class="[reply.favourited ? 'fas fa-heart fa-sm text-danger':'far fa-heart fa-sm text-lighter']"></i></span>
<span class="pl-2 text-lighter cursor-pointer" @click="ctxMenu(reply)">
<span class="fas fa-ellipsis-v text-lighter"></span>
<p class="mb-0">
<a v-once class="text-muted mr-3 text-decoration-none small" style="width: 20px;" v-text="timeAgo(reply.created_at)" :href="getStatusUrl(reply)"></a>
<span v-if="reply.favourites_count" class="text-muted comment-reaction font-weight-bold mr-3 small">{{reply.favourites_count == 1 ? '1 like' : reply.favourites_count + ' likes'}}</span>
<span class="small text-muted comment-reaction font-weight-bold cursor-pointer" v-on:click="replyFocus(reply, index, true)">Reply</span>
</div> -->
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
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<status-card :status="status" :hasTopBorder="true" />
<comment-feed :status="status" class="mt-3" />
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<b-modal ref="likesModal"
body-class="list-group-flush py-3 px-0">
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
<div v-if="likedLoaded" class="list-group">
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<div class="list-group-item border-0 py-1" v-for="(user, index) in likes" :key="'modal_likes_'+index">
<div class="media">
<a :href="user.url">
<img class="mr-3 rounded-circle box-shadow" :src="user.avatar" :alt="user.username + '’s avatar'" width="30px" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/avatars/default.jpg';">
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2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
<p class="mb-0" style="font-size: 14px">
<a :href="user.url" class="font-weight-bold text-dark">
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<p v-if="!user.local" class="text-muted mb-0 text-truncate mr-3" style="font-size: 14px" :title="user.acct" data-toggle="dropdown" data-placement="bottom">
<span class="font-weight-bold">{{user.acct.split('@')[0]}}</span><span class="text-lighter">@{{user.acct.split('@')[1]}}</span>
<p v-else class="text-muted mb-0 text-truncate" style="font-size: 14px">
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
<infinite-loading v-if="likesCanLoadMore" @infinite="infiniteLikesHandler" spinner="spiral">
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<div slot="no-more"></div>
<div slot="no-results"></div>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
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<b-spinner />
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
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2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
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<label class="form-check-label font-weight-light">
Show Caption
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<label class="form-check-label font-weight-light">
Show Likes
<div class="form-check">
<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" v-model="ctxEmbedCompactMode">
<label class="form-check-label font-weight-light">
Compact Mode
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<button :class="copiedEmbed ? 'btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm py-1 font-weight-bold disabed': 'btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm py-1 font-weight-bold'" @click="ctxCopyEmbed" :disabled="copiedEmbed">{{copiedEmbed ? 'Embed Code Copied!' : 'Copy Embed Code'}}</button>
<p class="mb-0 px-2 small text-muted">By using this embed, you agree to our <a href="/site/terms">Terms of Use</a></p>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<b-modal ref="taggedModal"
title="Tagged People"
body-class="list-group-flush py-3 px-0">
<div class="list-group">
<div class="list-group-item border-0 py-1" v-for="(taguser, index) in status.taggedPeople" :key="'modal_taggedpeople_'+index">
<div class="media">
<a :href="'/'+taguser.username">
<img class="mr-3 rounded-circle box-shadow" :src="taguser.avatar" :alt="taguser.username + '’s avatar'" width="30px">
<div class="media-body">
<p class="pt-1 d-flex justify-content-between" style="font-size: 14px">
<a :href="'/'+taguser.username" class="font-weight-bold text-dark">
<button v-if="taguser.id == user.id" class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm py-1 px-3" @click="untagMe()">Untag Me</button>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<p class="mb-0 text-center small text-muted font-weight-bold"><a href="/site/kb/tagging-people">Learn more</a> about Tagging People.</p>
<b-modal ref="ctxModal"
body-class="list-group-flush p-0 rounded">
<div class="list-group text-center">
<div v-if="status && status.local == true" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="showEmbedPostModal()">Embed</div>
<div class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="ctxMenuCopyLink()">Copy Link</div>
<div v-if="status && user.id == status.account.id" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="toggleCommentVisibility">{{ showComments ? 'Disable' : 'Enable'}} Comments</div>
<a v-if="status && user.id == status.account.id" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-dark text-decoration-none" :href="editUrl()">Edit</a>
<div v-if="user && user.is_admin == true" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="ctxModMenu()">Moderation Tools</div>
<div v-if="status && user.id != status.account.id && !relationship.blocking && !user.is_admin" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-danger" @click="blockProfile()">Block</div>
<div v-if="status && user.id != status.account.id && relationship.blocking && !user.is_admin" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-danger" @click="unblockProfile()">Unblock</div>
<a v-if="user && user.id != status.account.id && !user.is_admin" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-danger text-decoration-none" :href="reportUrl()">Report</a>
<div v-if="status && user.id == status.account.id && status.visibility != 'archived'" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-danger" @click="archivePost(status)">Archive</div>
<div v-if="status && user.id == status.account.id && status.visibility == 'archived'" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-danger" @click="unarchivePost(status)">Unarchive</div>
<div v-if="status && (user.is_admin || user.id == status.account.id)" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-danger" @click="deletePost(ctxMenuStatus)">Delete</div>
<div class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-lighter" @click="closeCtxMenu()">Cancel</div>
<b-modal ref="ctxModModal"
body-class="list-group-flush p-0 rounded">
<div class="list-group text-center">
<div class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="toggleCommentVisibility">{{ showComments ? 'Disable' : 'Enable'}} Comments</div>
<div class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="moderatePost('unlist')">Unlist from Timelines</div>
<div v-if="status.sensitive" class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="moderatePost('remcw')">Remove Content Warning</div>
<div v-else class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer" @click="moderatePost('addcw')">Add Content Warning</div>
<div class="list-group-item rounded cursor-pointer text-lighter" @click="ctxModMenuClose()">Cancel</div>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<b-modal ref="replyModal"
:title-html="replyingToUsername ? 'Reply to <span class=text-dark>' + replyingToUsername + '</span>' : ''"
title-class="font-weight-bold text-muted"
body-class="p-2 rounded">
<vue-tribute :options="tributeSettings">
<textarea class="form-control" rows="4" style="border: none; font-size: 18px; resize: none; white-space: pre-wrap;outline: none;" placeholder="Reply here ..." v-model="replyText">
<div class="border-top border-bottom my-2">
<ul class="nav align-items-center emoji-reactions" style="overflow-x: scroll;flex-wrap: unset;">
<li class="nav-item" v-on:click="emojiReaction(status)" v-for="e in emoji">{{e}}</li>
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<span class="pl-2 small text-muted font-weight-bold text-monospace">
<span :class="[replyText.length > config.uploader.max_caption_length ? 'text-danger':'text-dark']">{{replyText.length > config.uploader.max_caption_length ? config.uploader.max_caption_length - replyText.length : replyText.length}}</span>/{{config.uploader.max_caption_length}}
<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
<div class="custom-control custom-switch mr-3">
<input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input" id="replyModalCWSwitch" v-model="replySensitive">
<label :class="[replySensitive ? 'custom-control-label font-weight-bold text-dark':'custom-control-label text-lighter']" for="replyModalCWSwitch">Mark as NSFW</label>
<!-- <select class="custom-select custom-select-sm my-0 mr-2">
<option value="public" selected="">Public</option>
<option value="unlisted">Unlisted</option>
<option value="followers">Followers Only</option>
</select> -->
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm py-2 px-4 lead text-uppercase font-weight-bold" v-on:click.prevent="postReply()" :disabled="replyText.length == 0">
{{replySending == true ? 'POSTING' : 'POST'}}
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
2018-11-04 18:48:58 -07:00
2019-04-02 23:13:45 -06:00
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2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
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color:#B8C2CC !important;
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2020-03-24 21:20:41 -06:00
2019-04-02 23:13:45 -06:00
2018-11-04 18:48:58 -07:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
import VueTribute from 'vue-tribute';
import PollCard from './partials/PollCard.vue';
import CommentFeed from './partials/CommentFeed.vue';
import StatusCard from './partials/StatusCard.vue';
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
import { parseLinkHeader } from '@web3-storage/parse-link-header';
2018-11-04 18:48:58 -07:00
pixelfed.postComponent = {};
2018-12-03 13:23:22 -07:00
2018-11-04 18:48:58 -07:00
export default {
2021-03-01 22:04:46 -07:00
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
props: [
components: {
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
data() {
return {
config: window.App.config,
status: false,
media: {},
user: false,
reactions: {
liked: false,
shared: false
likes: [],
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
likesCursor: null,
likesCanLoadMore: true,
likedLoaded: false,
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
shares: [],
lightboxMedia: false,
replyText: '',
replyStatus: {},
replySensitive: false,
relationship: {},
results: [],
pagination: {},
min_id: 0,
max_id: 0,
reply_to_profile_id: 0,
thread: false,
showComments: false,
warning: false,
loaded: false,
loading: null,
replyingToId: this.statusId,
replyingToUsername: this.statusUsername,
replyToIndex: 0,
replySending: false,
emoji: window.App.util.emoji,
showReadMore: true,
showCaption: true,
ctxEmbedPayload: false,
copiedEmbed: false,
ctxEmbedShowCaption: true,
ctxEmbedShowLikes: false,
ctxEmbedCompactMode: false,
layout: this.profileLayout,
showProfileMorePosts: false,
profileMorePosts: [],
reactionBarLoading: true,
tributeSettings: {
collection: [
trigger: '@',
menuShowMinLength: 2,
values: (function (text, cb) {
let url = '/api/compose/v0/search/mention';
axios.get(url, { params: { q: text }})
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
trigger: '#',
menuShowMinLength: 2,
values: (function (text, cb) {
let url = '/api/compose/v0/search/hashtag';
axios.get(url, { params: { q: text }})
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
2022-01-22 19:05:53 -07:00
content: undefined
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
watch: {
ctxEmbedShowCaption: function (n,o) {
if(n == true) {
this.ctxEmbedCompactMode = false;
let mode = this.ctxEmbedCompactMode ? 'compact' : 'full';
this.ctxEmbedPayload = window.App.util.embed.post(this.status.url, this.ctxEmbedShowCaption, this.ctxEmbedShowLikes, mode);
ctxEmbedShowLikes: function (n,o) {
if(n == true) {
this.ctxEmbedCompactMode = false;
let mode = this.ctxEmbedCompactMode ? 'compact' : 'full';
this.ctxEmbedPayload = window.App.util.embed.post(this.status.url, this.ctxEmbedShowCaption, this.ctxEmbedShowLikes, mode);
ctxEmbedCompactMode: function (n,o) {
if(n == true) {
this.ctxEmbedShowCaption = false;
this.ctxEmbedShowLikes = false;
let mode = this.ctxEmbedCompactMode ? 'compact' : 'full';
this.ctxEmbedPayload = window.App.util.embed.post(this.status.url, this.ctxEmbedShowCaption, this.ctxEmbedShowLikes, mode);
beforeMount() {
2021-08-31 01:30:21 -06:00
this.layout = 'metro';
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
mounted() {
if(localStorage.getItem('pf_metro_ui.exp.rm') == 'false') {
this.showReadMore = false;
} else {
this.showReadMore = true;
updated() {
if(this.showReadMore == true) {
methods: {
reportUrl() {
return '/i/report?type=post&id=' + this.status.id;
editUrl() {
return this.status.url + '/edit';
timestampFormat() {
let ts = new Date(this.status.created_at);
2021-07-27 00:49:59 -06:00
return ts.toDateString() + ' · ' + ts.toLocaleTimeString();
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
fetchData() {
let self = this;
.then(response => {
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
if(response.data.status.pf_type == 'poll') {
self.layout = 'poll';
if(response.data.status.pf_type == 'text') {
self.layout = 'text';
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
self.status = response.data.status;
self.media = self.status.media_attachments;
2022-01-22 19:05:53 -07:00
self.content = response.data.status.content;
self.status.emojis.forEach(function(emoji) {
2022-02-09 20:48:19 -07:00
let img = `<img draggable="false" class="emojione custom-emoji" alt="${emoji.shortcode}" title="${emoji.shortcode}" src="${emoji.url}" data-original="${emoji.url}" data-static="${emoji.static_url}" width="18" height="18" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='/storage/emoji/missing.png';" />`;
2022-01-22 19:05:53 -07:00
self.content = self.content.replace(`:${emoji.shortcode}:`, img);
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
self.showCaption = !response.data.status.sensitive;
if(self.status.comments_disabled == false) {
self.showComments = true;
this.loaded = true;
setTimeout(function() {
document.querySelectorAll('.status-comment .postCommentsContainer .comment-body a').forEach(function(i, e) {
i.href = App.util.format.rewriteLinks(i);
}, 500);
}).catch(error => {
swal('Oops!', 'An error occured, please try refreshing the page.', 'error');
fetchState() {
let self = this;
.then(res => {
self.user = res.data.user;
window._sharedData.curUser = self.user;
self.likes = res.data.likes;
self.shares = res.data.shares;
self.reactions = res.data.reactions;
self.reactionBarLoading = false;
likesModal() {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
window.location.href = '/login?next=' + encodeURIComponent('/p/' + this.status.shortcode);
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
if(this.likes && this.likes.length) {
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
axios.get('/api/v1/statuses/'+ this.statusId + '/favourited_by', {
params: {
limit: 40,
'_pe': 1
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
.then(res => {
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
this.likes = res.data;
if(res.headers && res.headers.link) {
const links = parseLinkHeader(res.headers.link);
if(links.prev) {
this.likesCursor = links.prev.cursor;
this.likesCanLoadMore = true;
} else {
this.likesCanLoadMore = false;
} else {
this.likesCanLoadMore = false;
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
.then(() => {
setTimeout(() => { this.likedLoaded = true }, 1000);
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
infiniteLikesHandler($state) {
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
if(!this.likesCanLoadMore) {
axios.get('/api/v1/statuses/'+ this.statusId + '/favourited_by', {
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
params: {
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
cursor: this.likesCursor,
limit: 20,
'_pe': 1
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
2023-03-04 23:47:29 -07:00
}).then(res => {
if (res && res.data.length) {
if(res.headers && res.headers.link) {
const links = parseLinkHeader(res.headers.link);
if(links.prev) {
this.likesCursor = links.prev.cursor;
this.likesCanLoadMore = true;
} else {
this.likesCanLoadMore = false;
} else {
this.likesCanLoadMore = false;
return this.likesCanLoadMore;
}).then(res => {
if(res) {
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
} else {
likeStatus(event) {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
window.location.href = '/login?next=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname);
axios.post('/i/like', {
item: this.status.id
}).then(res => {
this.status.favourites_count = res.data.count;
if(this.reactions.liked == true) {
this.reactions.liked = false;
let user = this.user.id;
this.likes = this.likes.filter(function(like) {
return like.id !== user;
} else {
this.reactions.liked = true;
let user = this.user;
setTimeout(function() {
event.target.classList.add('animate__animated', 'animate__bounce');
}).catch(err => {
swal('Error', 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', 'error');
shareStatus() {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
window.location.href = '/login?next=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname);
axios.post('/i/share', {
item: this.status.id
}).then(res => {
this.status.reblogs_count = res.data.count;
if(this.reactions.shared == true) {
this.reactions.shared = false;
let user = this.user.id;
this.shares = this.shares.filter(function(reaction) {
return reaction.id !== user;
} else {
this.reactions.shared = true;
let user = this.user;
}).catch(err => {
swal('Error', 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', 'error');
bookmarkStatus() {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
window.location.href = '/login?next=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname);
axios.post('/i/bookmark', {
item: this.status.id
}).then(res => {
if(this.reactions.bookmarked == true) {
this.reactions.bookmarked = false;
} else {
this.reactions.bookmarked = true;
}).catch(err => {
swal('Error', 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', 'error');
blockProfile() {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
axios.post('/i/block', {
type: 'user',
item: this.status.account.id
}).then(res => {
this.relationship.blocking = true;
swal('Success', 'You have successfully blocked ' + this.status.account.acct, 'success');
}).catch(err => {
swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error');
unblockProfile() {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
axios.post('/i/unblock', {
type: 'user',
item: this.status.account.id
}).then(res => {
this.relationship.blocking = false;
swal('Success', 'You have successfully unblocked ' + this.status.account.acct, 'success');
}).catch(err => {
swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error');
deletePost(status) {
if(!this.ownerOrAdmin()) {
var result = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this post?');
if (result) {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
axios.post('/i/delete', {
type: 'status',
item: this.status.id
}).then(res => {
swal('Success', 'You have successfully deleted this post', 'success');
setTimeout(function() {
window.location.href = '/';
}, 3000);
}).catch(err => {
swal('Error', 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'error');
owner() {
return this.user.id === this.status.account.id;
admin() {
return this.user.is_admin == true;
ownerOrAdmin() {
return this.owner() || this.admin();
lightbox(src) {
this.lightboxMedia = src;
postReply() {
let self = this;
this.replySending = true;
if(this.replyText.length == 0 ||
this.replyText.trim() == '@'+this.status.account.acct) {
self.replyText = null;
let data = {
item: this.replyingToId,
comment: this.replyText,
sensitive: this.replySensitive
this.replyText = '';
axios.post('/i/comment', data)
.then(function(res) {
let entity = res.data.entity;
if(entity.in_reply_to_id == self.status.id) {
if(self.layout == 'metro') {
} else {
let elem = $('.status-comments')[0];
elem.scrollTop = elem.clientHeight * 2;
} else {
if(self.replyToIndex >= 0) {
let el = self.results[self.replyToIndex];
el.reply_count = el.reply_count + 1;
self.replySending = false;
deleteComment(id, i) {
axios.post('/i/delete', {
type: 'comment',
item: id
}).then(res => {
this.results.splice(i, 1);
}).catch(err => {
swal('Something went wrong!', 'Please try again later', 'error');
deleteCommentReply(id, i, pi) {
axios.post('/i/delete', {
type: 'comment',
item: id
}).then(res => {
this.results[pi].replies.splice(i, 1);
}).catch(err => {
swal('Something went wrong!', 'Please try again later', 'error');
l(e) {
let len = e.length;
if(len < 10) { return e; }
return e.substr(0, 10)+'...';
replyFocus(e, index, prependUsername = false) {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
this.redirect('/login?next=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location.pathname));
if(this.status.comments_disabled) {
this.replyToIndex = index;
this.replyingToId = e.id;
this.replyingToUsername = e.account.username;
this.reply_to_profile_id = e.account.id;
let username = e.account.local ? '@' + e.account.username + ' '
: '@' + e.account.acct + ' ';
if(prependUsername == true) {
this.replyText = username;
fetchComments() {
let url = '/api/v2/comments/'+this.statusProfileId+'/status/'+this.statusId;
.then(response => {
let self = this;
2022-02-09 20:48:19 -07:00
this.results = response.data.data.filter(p => {
return p.pf_type == 'text';
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
this.pagination = response.data.meta.pagination;
if(this.results.length > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
document.querySelectorAll('.status-comment .postCommentsContainer .comment-body a').forEach(function(i, e) {
i.href = App.util.format.rewriteLinks(i);
}, 500);
}).catch(error => {
if(!error.response) {
$('.postCommentsLoader .lds-ring')
.addClass('pt-4 font-weight-bold text-muted')
.text('An error occurred, cannot fetch comments. Please try again later.');
} else {
switch(error.response.status) {
case 401:
$('.postCommentsLoader .lds-ring')
.addClass('pt-4 font-weight-bold text-muted')
.text('Please login to view.');
$('.postCommentsLoader .lds-ring')
.addClass('pt-4 font-weight-bold text-muted')
.text('An error occurred, cannot fetch comments. Please try again later.');
loadMore(e) {
if(this.pagination.total_pages == 1 || this.pagination.current_page == this.pagination.total_pages) {
let next = this.pagination.links.next;
.then(response => {
let self = this;
let res = response.data.data;
for(let i=0; i < res.length; i++) {
this.pagination = response.data.meta.pagination;
likeReply(status, $event) {
if($('body').hasClass('loggedIn') == false) {
swal('Login', 'Please login to perform this action.', 'info');
axios.post('/i/like', {
item: status.id
}).then(res => {
status.favourites_count = res.data.count;
if(status.favourited == true) {
status.favourited = false;
} else {
status.favourited = true;
}).catch(err => {
swal('Error', 'Something went wrong, please try again later.', 'error');
truncate(str,lim) {
return _.truncate(str,{
length: lim
timeAgo(ts) {
return App.util.format.timeAgo(ts);
emojiReaction() {
let em = event.target.innerText;
if(this.replyText.length == 0) {
this.reply_to_profile_id = this.status.account.id;
this.replyText = em + ' ';
} else {
this.reply_to_profile_id = this.status.account.id;
this.replyText += em + ' ';
toggleCommentVisibility() {
if(this.ownerOrAdmin() == false) {
let state = this.status.comments_disabled;
let self = this;
if(state == true) {
// re-enable comments
axios.post('/i/visibility', {
item: self.status.id,
disableComments: false
}).then(function(res) {
self.status.comments_disabled = false;
}).catch(function(err) {
} else {
// disable comments
axios.post('/i/visibility', {
item: self.status.id,
disableComments: true
}).then(function(res) {
self.status.comments_disabled = true;
self.showComments = false;
}).catch(function(err) {
fetchRelationships() {
if(document.querySelectorAll('body')[0].classList.contains('loggedIn') == false) {
} else {
axios.get('/api/pixelfed/v1/accounts/relationships', {
params: {
'id[]': this.statusProfileId
}).then(res => {
if(res.data[0] == null) {
this.relationship = res.data[0];
if(res.data[0].blocking == true) {
this.loaded = true;
this.warning = true;
} else {
visibilityModal() {
switch(this.status.visibility) {
case 'public':
swal('Public Post', 'This post is visible to everyone.', 'info');
case 'unlisted':
swal('Unlisted Post', 'This post is visible on profiles and with a direct links. It is not displayed on timelines.', 'info');
case 'private':
swal('Private Post', 'This post is only visible to followers.', 'info');
toggleReplies(reply) {
if(reply.thread) {
reply.thread = false;
} else {
if(reply.replies.length > 0) {
reply.thread = true;
let url = '/api/v2/comments/'+reply.account.id+'/status/'+reply.id;
.then(response => {
reply.replies = _.reverse(response.data.data);
reply.thread = true;
redirect(url) {
window.location.href = url;
showEmbedPostModal() {
let mode = this.ctxEmbedCompactMode ? 'compact' : 'full';
this.ctxEmbedPayload = window.App.util.embed.post(this.status.url, this.ctxEmbedShowCaption, this.ctxEmbedShowLikes, mode);
ctxCopyEmbed() {
permalinkUrl(reply, showOrigin = false) {
let profile = reply.account;
if(profile.local == true) {
return reply.url;
} else {
return showOrigin ?
reply.url :
'/i/web/post/_/' + profile.id + '/' + reply.id;
fetchProfilePosts() {
if(!$('body').hasClass('loggedIn') && this.loaded) {
let self = this;
let apiUrl = '/api/pixelfed/v1/accounts/' + this.statusProfileId + '/statuses';
axios.get(apiUrl, {
params: {
only_media: true,
min_id: 1,
limit: 9
.then(res => {
let data = res.data.filter(function(status) {
return status.media_attachments.length > 0 &&
status.id != self.statusId &&
status.sensitive == false
let ids = data.map(status => status.id);
if(data.length >= 3) {
self.showProfileMorePosts = true;
self.profileMorePosts = data.slice(0,6);
previewUrl(status) {
return status.sensitive ? '/storage/no-preview.png?v=' + new Date().getTime() : status.media_attachments[0].preview_url;
previewBackground(status) {
let preview = this.previewUrl(status);
return 'background-image: url(' + preview + ');';
getStatusUrl(status) {
if(status.local == true) {
return status.url;
return '/i/web/post/_/' + status.account.id + '/' + status.id;
2021-07-20 18:06:57 -06:00
profileUrl(status) {
if(status.local == true) {
return status.account.url;
return '/i/web/profile/_/' + status.account.id;
2021-06-28 22:50:40 -06:00
showTaggedPeopleModal() {
if(!$('body').hasClass('loggedIn') && this.loaded) {
untagMe() {
let id = this.user.id;
axios.post('/api/local/compose/tag/untagme', {
status_id: this.statusId,
profile_id: id
}).then(res => {
this.status.taggedPeople = this.status.taggedPeople.filter(t => {
return t.id != id;
swal('Untagged', 'You have been untagged from this post.', 'success');
}).catch(err => {
swal('An Error Occurred', 'Please try again later.', 'error');
copyPostUrl() {
moderatePost(action, $event) {
let status = this.status;
let username = status.account.username;
let msg = '';
let self = this;
switch(action) {
case 'addcw':
msg = 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?';
title: 'Confirm',
text: msg,
icon: 'warning',
buttons: true,
dangerMode: true
}).then(res => {
if(res) {
axios.post('/api/v2/moderator/action', {
action: action,
item_id: status.id,
item_type: 'status'
}).then(res => {
swal('Success', 'Successfully added content warning', 'success');
status.sensitive = true;
}).catch(err => {
'Something went wrong, please try again later.',
case 'remcw':
msg = 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?';
title: 'Confirm',
text: msg,
icon: 'warning',
buttons: true,
dangerMode: true
}).then(res => {
if(res) {
axios.post('/api/v2/moderator/action', {
action: action,
item_id: status.id,
item_type: 'status'
}).then(res => {
swal('Success', 'Successfully added content warning', 'success');
status.sensitive = false;
}).catch(err => {
'Something went wrong, please try again later.',
case 'unlist':
msg = 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?';
title: 'Confirm',
text: msg,
icon: 'warning',
buttons: true,
dangerMode: true
}).then(res => {
if(res) {
axios.post('/api/v2/moderator/action', {
action: action,
item_id: status.id,
item_type: 'status'
}).then(res => {
// this.feed = this.feed.filter(f => {
// return f.id != status.id;
// });
swal('Success', 'Successfully unlisted post', 'success');
}).catch(err => {
'Something went wrong, please try again later.',
ctxMenu() {
closeCtxMenu(truncate) {
ctxModMenu() {
ctxModMenuClose() {
ctxMenuCopyLink() {
let status = this.status;
2021-07-26 22:49:46 -06:00
archivePost(status) {
if(window.confirm('Are you sure you want to archive this post?') == false) {
axios.post('/api/pixelfed/v2/status/' + status.id + '/archive')
.then(res => {
window.location.href = '/';
unarchivePost(status) {
if(window.confirm('Are you sure you want to unarchive this post?') == false) {
axios.post('/api/pixelfed/v2/status/' + status.id + '/unarchive')
.then(res => {
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
2021-07-26 22:49:46 -06:00
2021-08-04 20:29:21 -06:00
statusLike(s) {
this.reactions.liked = !!this.reactions.liked;
trimCaption(caption, len = 60) {
return _.truncate(caption, {
length: len
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2018-11-04 18:48:58 -07:00
2018-12-25 15:42:12 -06:00