2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
< template >
< div >
< div class = "header bg-primary pb-3 mt-n4" >
< div class = "container-fluid" >
< div class = "header-body" >
< div class = "row align-items-center py-4" >
< div class = "col-lg-6 col-7" >
< p class = "display-1 text-white d-inline-block mb-0" > Instances < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "row" >
< div class = "col-xl-2 col-md-6" >
< div class = "mb-3" >
< h5 class = "text-light text-uppercase mb-0" > Total Instances < / h5 >
< span class = "text-white h2 font-weight-bold mb-0 human-size" > { { prettyCount ( stats . total _count ) } } < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-xl-2 col-md-6" >
< div class = "mb-3" >
< h5 class = "text-light text-uppercase mb-0" > New ( past 14 days ) < / h5 >
< span class = "text-white h2 font-weight-bold mb-0 human-size" > { { prettyCount ( stats . new _count ) } } < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-xl-2 col-md-6" >
< div class = "mb-3" >
< h5 class = "text-light text-uppercase mb-0" > Banned Instances < / h5 >
< span class = "text-white h2 font-weight-bold mb-0 human-size" > { { prettyCount ( stats . banned _count ) } } < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-xl-2 col-md-6" >
< div class = "mb-3" >
< h5 class = "text-light text-uppercase mb-0" > NSFW Instances < / h5 >
< span class = "text-white h2 font-weight-bold mb-0 human-size" > { { prettyCount ( stats . nsfw _count ) } } < / span >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "col-xl-2 col-md-6" >
< div class = "mb-3" >
< button class = "btn btn-outline-white btn-block btn-sm mt-1" @ click.prevent = " showAddModal = true " > Create New Instance < / button >
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
< div v-if = "showImportForm" >
< div class = "form-group mt-3" >
< div class = "custom-file" >
< input ref = "importInput" type = "file" class = "custom-file-input" id = "customFile" v -on :change = "onImportUpload" >
< label class = "custom-file-label" for = "customFile" > Choose file < / label >
< / div >
< / div >
< p class = "mb-0 mt-n3" >
< a href = "#" class = "text-white font-weight-bold small" @ click.prevent = " showImportForm = false " > Cancel < / a >
< / p >
< / div >
< div v -else class = "d-flex mt-1" >
< button class = "btn btn-outline-white btn-sm mt-1" @click ="openImportForm" > Import < / button >
< button class = "btn btn-outline-white btn-block btn-sm mt-1" @click ="downloadBackup()" > Download Backup < / button >
< / div >
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div v-if = "!loaded" class="my-5 text-center" >
< b-spinner / >
< / div >
< div v -else class = "m-n2 m-lg-4" >
< div class = "container-fluid mt-4" >
< div class = "row mb-3 justify-content-between" >
< div class = "col-12 col-md-8" >
< ul class = "nav nav-pills" >
< li class = "nav-item" >
< button : class = "['nav-link', { active: tabIndex == 0}]" @click ="toggleTab(0)" > All < / button >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item" >
< button : class = "['nav-link', { active: tabIndex == 1}]" @click ="toggleTab(1)" > New < / button >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item" >
< button : class = "['nav-link', { active: tabIndex == 2}]" @click ="toggleTab(2)" > Banned < / button >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item" >
< button : class = "['nav-link', { active: tabIndex == 3}]" @click ="toggleTab(3)" > NSFW < / button >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item" >
< button : class = "['nav-link', { active: tabIndex == 4}]" @click ="toggleTab(4)" > Unlisted < / button >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item" >
< button : class = "['nav-link', { active: tabIndex == 5}]" @click ="toggleTab(5)" > Most Users < / button >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item" >
< button : class = "['nav-link', { active: tabIndex == 6}]" @click ="toggleTab(6)" > Most Statuses < / button >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< div class = "col-12 col-md-4" >
< autocomplete
: search = "composeSearch"
: disabled = "searchLoading"
: defaultValue = "searchQuery"
placeholder = "Search instances by domain"
aria - label = "Search instances by domain"
: get - result - value = "getTagResultValue"
@ submit = "onSearchResultClick"
ref = "autocomplete"
< template # result = "{ result, props }" >
< li
v - bind = "props"
class = "autocomplete-result d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center"
< div class = "font-weight-bold" : class = "{ 'text-danger': result.banned }" >
{ { result . domain } }
< / div >
< div class = "small text-muted" >
{ { prettyCount ( result . user _count ) } } users
< / div >
< / li >
< / template >
< / autocomplete >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "table-responsive" >
< table class = "table table-dark" >
< thead class = "thead-dark" >
< tr >
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('ID', 'id')" @click="toggleCol('id')" > < / th >
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('Domain', 'domain')" @click="toggleCol('domain')" > < / th >
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('Software', 'software')" @click="toggleCol('software')" > < / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('User Count', 'user_count')" @click="toggleCol('user_count')" > < / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('Status Count', 'status_count')" @click="toggleCol('status_count')" > < / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('Banned', 'banned')" @click="toggleCol('banned')" > < / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('NSFW', 'auto_cw')" @click="toggleCol('auto_cw')" > < / th >
< th scope = "col" class = "cursor-pointer" v-html = "buildColumn('Unlisted', 'unlisted')" @click="toggleCol('unlisted')" > < / th >
< th scope = "col" > Created < / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
< tr v-for = "(instance, idx) in instances" >
< td class = "font-weight-bold text-monospace text-muted" >
< a href = "#" @click.prevent ="openInstanceModal(instance.id)" >
{ { instance . id } }
< / a >
< / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" > { { instance . domain } } < / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" > { { instance . software } } < / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" > { { prettyCount ( instance . user _count ) } } < / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" > { { prettyCount ( instance . status _count ) } } < / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" v-html = "boolIcon(instance.banned, 'text-danger')" > < / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" v-html = "boolIcon(instance.auto_cw, 'text-danger')" > < / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" v-html = "boolIcon(instance.unlisted, 'text-danger')" > < / td >
< td class = "font-weight-bold" > { { timeAgo ( instance . created _at ) } } < / td >
< / tr >
< / tbody >
< / table >
< / div >
< div class = "d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center" >
< button
class = "btn btn-primary rounded-pill"
: disabled = "!pagination.prev"
@ click = "paginate('prev')" >
< / button >
< button
class = "btn btn-primary rounded-pill"
: disabled = "!pagination.next"
@ click = "paginate('next')" >
< / button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< b-modal
v - model = "showInstanceModal"
title = "View Instance"
header - class = "d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center mb-0 pb-0"
ok - title = "Save"
: ok - disabled = "!editingInstanceChanges"
@ ok = "saveInstanceModalChanges" >
< div v-if = "editingInstance && canEditInstance" class="list-group" >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Domain < / div >
< div class = "font-weight-bold" > { { editingInstance . domain } } < / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div v-if = "editingInstance.software" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Software < / div >
< div class = "font-weight-bold" > { { editingInstance . software ? ? 'Unknown' } } < / div >
< / div >
< div >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Total Users < / div >
< div class = "font-weight-bold" > { { formatCount ( editingInstance . user _count ? ? 0 ) } } < / div >
< / div >
< div >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Total Statuses < / div >
< div class = "font-weight-bold" > { { formatCount ( editingInstance . status _count ? ? 0 ) } } < / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Banned < / div >
< div class = "mr-n2 mb-1" >
< b-form-checkbox v-model = "editingInstance.banned" switch size="lg" > < / b -form -checkbox >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Apply CW to Media < / div >
< div class = "mr-n2 mb-1" >
< b-form-checkbox v-model = "editingInstance.auto_cw" switch size="lg" > < / b -form -checkbox >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Unlisted < / div >
< div class = "mr-n2 mb-1" >
< b-form-checkbox v-model = "editingInstance.unlisted" switch size="lg" > < / b -form -checkbox >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between" : class = "[ instanceModalNotes ? 'flex-column gap-2' : 'align-items-center']" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Notes < / div >
< transition name = "fade" >
< div v-if = "instanceModalNotes" class="w-100" >
< b-form-textarea v-model = "editingInstance.notes" rows="3" max-rows="5" maxlength="500" > < / b -form -textarea >
< p class = "small text-muted" > { { editingInstance . notes ? editingInstance . notes . length : 0 } } / 500 < / p >
< / div >
< div v -else class = "mb-1" >
< a href = "#" class = "font-weight-bold small" @click.prevent ="showModalNotes()" > { { editingInstance . notes ? 'View' : 'Add' } } < / a >
< / div >
< / transition >
< / div >
< / div >
< template # modal -footer >
< div class = "w-100 d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center" >
< div >
< b-button
variant = "outline-danger"
size = "sm"
@ click = "deleteInstanceModal"
< / b-button >
< b-button
v - if = "!refreshedModalStats"
variant = "outline-primary"
size = "sm"
@ click = "refreshModalStats"
Refresh Stats
< / b-button >
< / div >
< div >
< b-button
variant = "secondary"
@ click = "showInstanceModal = false"
< / b-button >
< b-button
variant = "primary"
@ click = "saveInstanceModalChanges"
< / b-button >
< / div >
< / div >
< / template >
< / b-modal >
< b-modal
v - model = "showAddModal"
title = "Add Instance"
ok - title = "Save"
: ok - disabled = "addNewInstance.domain.length < 2"
@ ok = "saveNewInstance" >
< div class = "list-group" >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Domain < / div >
< div >
< b-form-input v-model = "addNewInstance.domain" placeholder="Add domain here" / >
< p class = "small text-light mb-0" > Enter a valid domain without https : //</p>
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Banned < / div >
< div class = "mr-n2 mb-1" >
< b-form-checkbox v-model = "addNewInstance.banned" switch size="lg" > < / b -form -checkbox >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Apply CW to Media < / div >
< div class = "mr-n2 mb-1" >
< b-form-checkbox v-model = "addNewInstance.auto_cw" switch size="lg" > < / b -form -checkbox >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Unlisted < / div >
< div class = "mr-n2 mb-1" >
< b-form-checkbox v-model = "addNewInstance.unlisted" switch size="lg" > < / b -form -checkbox >
< / div >
< / div >
< div class = "list-group-item d-flex flex-column gap-2 justify-content-between" >
< div class = "text-muted small" > Notes < / div >
< div class = "w-100" >
< b-form-textarea v-model = "addNewInstance.notes" rows="3" max-rows="5" maxlength="500" placeholder="Add optional notes here" > < / b -form -textarea >
< p class = "small text-muted" > { { addNewInstance . notes ? addNewInstance . notes . length : 0 } } / 500 < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
< / b-modal >
< b-modal
v - model = "showImportModal"
title = "Import Instance Backup"
ok - title = "Import"
: ok - disabled = "!importData || (!importData.banned.length && !importData.unlisted.length && !importData.auto_cw.length)"
@ ok = "completeImport"
@ cancel = "cancelImport" >
< div v-if = "showImportModal && importData" >
< div v-if = "importData.auto_cw && importData.auto_cw.length" class="mb-5" >
< p class = "font-weight-bold text-center my-0" > NSFW Instances ( { { importData . auto _cw . length } } ) < / p >
< p class = "small text-center text-muted mb-1" > Tap on an instance to remove it . < / p >
< div class = "list-group" >
< a v-for = "(instance, idx) in importData.auto_cw" class="list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" href="#" @click.prevent="filterImportData('auto_cw', idx)" >
{ { instance } }
< span class = "badge badge-warning" > Auto CW < / span >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< div v-if = "importData.unlisted && importData.unlisted.length" class="mb-5" >
< p class = "font-weight-bold text-center my-0" > Unlisted Instances ( { { importData . unlisted . length } } ) < / p >
< p class = "small text-center text-muted mb-1" > Tap on an instance to remove it . < / p >
< div class = "list-group" >
< a v-for = "(instance, idx) in importData.unlisted" class="list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" href="#" @click.prevent="filterImportData('unlisted', idx)" >
{ { instance } }
< span class = "badge badge-primary" > Unlisted < / span >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
< div v-if = "importData.banned && importData.banned.length" class="mb-5" >
< p class = "font-weight-bold text-center my-0" > Banned Instances ( { { importData . banned . length } } ) < / p >
< p class = "small text-center text-muted mb-1" > Review instances , tap on an instance to remove it . < / p >
< div class = "list-group" >
< a v-for = "(instance, idx) in importData.banned" class="list-group-item d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between" href="#" @click.prevent="filterImportData('banned', idx)" >
{ { instance } }
< span class = "badge badge-danger" > Banned < / span >
< / a >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
< div v-if = "!importData.banned.length && !importData.unlisted.length && !importData.auto_cw.length" >
< div class = "text-center" >
< p >
< i class = "far fa-check-circle fa-4x text-success" > < / i >
< / p >
< p class = "lead" > Nothing to import ! < / p >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
< / b-modal >
< / div >
< / template >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
import Autocomplete from '@trevoreyre/autocomplete-vue'
import '@trevoreyre/autocomplete-vue/dist/style.css'
export default {
components : {
Autocomplete ,
} ,
data ( ) {
return {
loaded : false ,
tabIndex : 0 ,
stats : {
total _count : 0 ,
new _count : 0 ,
banned _count : 0 ,
nsfw _count : 0
} ,
instances : [ ] ,
pagination : [ ] ,
sortCol : undefined ,
sortDir : undefined ,
searchQuery : undefined ,
filterMap : [
'all' ,
'new' ,
'banned' ,
'cw' ,
'unlisted' ,
'popular_users' ,
] ,
searchLoading : false ,
showInstanceModal : false ,
instanceModal : { } ,
editingInstanceChanges : false ,
canEditInstance : false ,
editingInstance : { } ,
editingInstanceIndex : 0 ,
instanceModalNotes : false ,
showAddModal : false ,
refreshedModalStats : false ,
addNewInstance : {
domain : "" ,
banned : false ,
auto _cw : false ,
unlisted : false ,
notes : undefined
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
} ,
showImportForm : false ,
showImportModal : false ,
importData : undefined ,
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
} ,
mounted ( ) {
this . fetchStats ( ) ;
let u = new URLSearchParams ( window . location . search ) ;
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
if ( u . has ( 'filter' ) && ! u . has ( 'q' ) && ! u . has ( 'sort' ) ) {
const url = new URL ( window . location . origin + '/i/admin/api/instances/get' ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
if ( u . has ( 'filter' ) ) {
this . tabIndex = this . filterMap . indexOf ( u . get ( 'filter' ) ) ;
url . searchParams . set ( 'filter' , u . get ( 'filter' ) ) ;
if ( u . has ( 'cursor' ) ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'cursor' , u . get ( 'cursor' ) ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
this . fetchInstances ( url . toString ( ) ) ;
} else if ( u . has ( 'sort' ) && ! u . has ( 'q' ) ) {
const url = new URL ( window . location . origin + '/i/admin/api/instances/get' ) ;
url . searchParams . set ( 'sort' , u . get ( 'sort' ) ) ;
if ( u . has ( 'dir' ) ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'dir' , u . get ( 'dir' ) ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
if ( u . has ( 'filter' ) ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'filter' , u . get ( 'filter' ) ) ;
if ( u . has ( 'cursor' ) ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'cursor' , u . get ( 'cursor' ) ) ;
this . fetchInstances ( url . toString ( ) ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
} else if ( u . has ( 'q' ) ) {
this . tabIndex = - 1 ;
this . searchQuery = u . get ( 'q' ) ;
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
const url = new URL ( window . location . origin + '/i/admin/api/instances/query' ) ;
url . searchParams . set ( 'q' , u . get ( 'q' ) ) ;
if ( u . has ( 'cursor' ) ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'cursor' , u . get ( 'cursor' ) ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
this . fetchInstances ( url . toString ( ) ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
} else {
this . fetchInstances ( ) ;
} ,
watch : {
editingInstance : {
deep : true ,
immediate : true ,
handler : function ( updated , old ) {
if ( ! this . canEditInstance ) {
return ;
if (
JSON . stringify ( old ) === JSON . stringify ( this . instances . filter ( i => i . id === updated . id ) [ 0 ] ) &&
JSON . stringify ( updated ) === JSON . stringify ( this . instanceModal )
) {
this . editingInstanceChanges = true ;
} else {
this . editingInstanceChanges = false ;
} ,
methods : {
fetchStats ( ) {
axios . get ( '/i/admin/api/instances/stats' )
. then ( res => {
this . stats = res . data ;
} )
} ,
fetchInstances ( url = '/i/admin/api/instances/get' ) {
axios . get ( url )
. then ( res => {
this . instances = res . data . data ;
this . pagination = { ... res . data . links , ... res . data . meta } ;
} )
. then ( ( ) => {
this . $nextTick ( ( ) => {
this . loaded = true ;
} )
} )
} ,
toggleTab ( idx ) {
this . loaded = false ;
this . tabIndex = idx ;
this . searchQuery = undefined ;
let url = '/i/admin/api/instances/get?filter=' + this . filterMap [ idx ] ;
history . pushState ( null , '' , '/i/admin/instances?filter=' + this . filterMap [ idx ] ) ;
this . fetchInstances ( url ) ;
} ,
prettyCount ( str ) {
if ( str ) {
return str . toLocaleString ( 'en-CA' , { compactDisplay : "short" , notation : "compact" } ) ;
} else {
return 0 ;
return str ;
} ,
formatCount ( str ) {
if ( str ) {
return str . toLocaleString ( 'en-CA' ) ;
} else {
return 0 ;
return str ;
} ,
timeAgo ( str ) {
if ( ! str ) {
return str ;
return App . util . format . timeAgo ( str ) ;
} ,
boolIcon ( val , success = 'text-success' , danger = 'text-muted' ) {
if ( val ) {
return ` <i class="far fa-check-circle fa-lg ${ success } "></i> ` ;
return ` <i class="far fa-times-circle fa-lg ${ danger } "></i> ` ;
} ,
toggleCol ( col ) {
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
if ( this . filterMap [ this . tabIndex ] == col || this . searchQuery ) {
return ;
this . sortCol = col ;
if ( ! this . sortDir ) {
this . sortDir = 'desc' ;
} else {
this . sortDir = this . sortDir == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc' ;
const url = new URL ( window . location . origin + '/i/admin/instances' ) ;
url . searchParams . set ( 'sort' , col ) ;
url . searchParams . set ( 'dir' , this . sortDir ) ;
if ( this . tabIndex != 0 ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'filter' , this . filterMap [ this . tabIndex ] ) ;
history . pushState ( null , '' , url ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
const apiUrl = new URL ( window . location . origin + '/i/admin/api/instances/get' ) ;
apiUrl . searchParams . set ( 'sort' , col ) ;
apiUrl . searchParams . set ( 'dir' , this . sortDir ) ;
if ( this . tabIndex != 0 ) {
apiUrl . searchParams . set ( 'filter' , this . filterMap [ this . tabIndex ] ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
this . fetchInstances ( apiUrl . toString ( ) ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
} ,
buildColumn ( name , col ) {
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
if ( [ 1 , 5 , 6 ] . indexOf ( this . tabIndex ) != - 1 || ( this . searchQuery && this . searchQuery . length ) ) {
return name ;
if ( this . tabIndex === 2 && col === 'banned' ) {
return name ;
if ( this . tabIndex === 3 && col === 'auto_cw' ) {
return name ;
if ( this . tabIndex === 4 && col === 'unlisted' ) {
return name ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
let icon = ` <i class="far fa-sort"></i> ` ;
if ( col == this . sortCol ) {
icon = this . sortDir == 'desc' ?
` <i class="far fa-sort-up"></i> ` :
` <i class="far fa-sort-down"></i> `
return ` ${ name } ${ icon } ` ;
} ,
paginate ( dir ) {
event . currentTarget . blur ( ) ;
let apiUrl = dir == 'next' ? this . pagination . next : this . pagination . prev ;
let cursor = dir == 'next' ? this . pagination . next _cursor : this . pagination . prev _cursor ;
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const url = new URL ( window . location . origin + '/i/admin/instances' ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
if ( cursor ) {
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
url . searchParams . set ( 'cursor' , cursor ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
if ( this . searchQuery ) {
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
url . searchParams . set ( 'q' , this . searchQuery ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
if ( this . sortCol ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'sort' , this . sortCol ) ;
if ( this . sortDir ) {
url . searchParams . set ( 'dir' , this . sortDir ) ;
history . pushState ( null , '' , url . toString ( ) ) ;
2023-03-19 05:29:54 -06:00
this . fetchInstances ( apiUrl ) ;
} ,
composeSearch ( input ) {
if ( input . length < 1 ) { return [ ] ; } ;
this . searchQuery = input ;
history . pushState ( null , '' , '/i/admin/instances?q=' + input ) ;
return axios . get ( '/i/admin/api/instances/query' , {
params : {
q : input ,
} ) . then ( res => {
if ( ! res || ! res . data ) {
this . fetchInstances ( ) ;
} else {
this . tabIndex = - 1 ;
this . instances = res . data . data ;
this . pagination = { ... res . data . links , ... res . data . meta } ;
return res . data . data ;
} ) ;
} ,
getTagResultValue ( result ) {
return result . name ;
} ,
onSearchResultClick ( result ) {
this . openInstanceModal ( result . id ) ;
return ;
} ,
openInstanceModal ( id ) {
const cached = this . instances . filter ( i => i . id === id ) [ 0 ] ;
this . refreshedModalStats = false ;
this . editingInstanceChanges = false ;
this . instanceModalNotes = false ;
this . canEditInstance = false ;
this . instanceModal = cached ;
this . $nextTick ( ( ) => {
this . editingInstance = cached ;
this . showInstanceModal = true ;
this . canEditInstance = true ;
} )
} ,
showModalNotes ( ) {
this . instanceModalNotes = true ;
} ,
saveInstanceModalChanges ( ) {
axios . post ( '/i/admin/api/instances/update' , this . editingInstance )
. then ( res => {
this . showInstanceModal = false ;
this . $bvToast . toast ( ` Successfully updated ${ res . data . data . domain } ` , {
title : 'Instance Updated' ,
autoHideDelay : 5000 ,
appendToast : true ,
variant : 'success'
} )
} )
} ,
saveNewInstance ( ) {
axios . post ( '/i/admin/api/instances/create' , this . addNewInstance )
. then ( res => {
this . showInstanceModal = false ;
this . instances . unshift ( res . data . data ) ;
} )
. catch ( err => {
swal ( 'Oops!' , 'An error occured, please try again later.' , 'error' ) ;
this . addNewInstance = {
domain : "" ,
banned : false ,
auto _cw : false ,
unlisted : false ,
notes : undefined
} )
} ,
refreshModalStats ( ) {
axios . post ( '/i/admin/api/instances/refresh-stats' , {
id : this . instanceModal . id
} )
. then ( res => {
this . refreshedModalStats = true ;
this . instanceModal = res . data . data ;
this . editingInstance = res . data . data ;
this . instances = this . instances . map ( i => {
if ( i . id === res . data . data . id ) {
return res . data . data ;
return i ;
} )
} )
} ,
deleteInstanceModal ( ) {
if ( ! window . confirm ( 'Are you sure you want to delete this instance? This will not delete posts or profiles from this instance.' ) ) {
return ;
axios . post ( '/i/admin/api/instances/delete' , {
id : this . instanceModal . id
} )
. then ( res => {
this . showInstanceModal = false ;
this . instances = this . instances . filter ( i => i . id != this . instanceModal . id ) ;
} )
2023-03-25 01:23:05 -06:00
. then ( ( ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => this . fetchStats ( ) , 1000 ) ;
} )
} ,
openImportForm ( ) {
let el = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ;
el . classList . add ( 'text-left' ) ;
el . classList . add ( 'mb-0' ) ;
el . innerHTML = '<p class="lead mb-0">Import your instance moderation backup.</span></p><br /><p>Import Instructions:</p><ol><li>Press OK</li><li>Press "Choose File" on Import form input</li><li>Select your <kbd>pixelfed-instances-mod.json</kbd> file</li><li>Review instance moderation actions. Tap on an instance to remove it</li><li>Press "Import" button to finish importing</li></ol>' ;
let wrapper = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
wrapper . appendChild ( el ) ;
swal ( {
title : 'Import Backup' ,
content : wrapper ,
icon : 'info'
} )
this . showImportForm = true ;
} ,
downloadBackup ( $event ) {
axios . get ( '/i/admin/api/instances/download-backup' , {
responseType : "blob"
} )
. then ( res => {
let el = document . createElement ( 'a' ) ;
el . setAttribute ( 'download' , 'pixelfed-instances-mod.json' )
const href = URL . createObjectURL ( res . data ) ;
el . href = href ;
el . setAttribute ( 'target' , '_blank' ) ;
el . click ( ) ;
swal (
'Instance Backup Downloading' ,
'Your instance moderation backup is downloading. Use this to import auto_cw, banned and unlisted instances to supported Pixelfed instances.' ,
} )
} ,
async onImportUpload ( ev ) {
let res = await this . getParsedImport ( ev . target . files [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( ! res . hasOwnProperty ( 'version' ) || res . version !== 1 ) {
swal ( 'Invalid Backup' , 'We cannot validate this backup. Please try again later.' , 'error' ) ;
this . showImportForm = false ;
this . $refs . importInput . reset ( ) ;
return ;
this . importData = res ;
this . showImportModal = true ;
} ,
async getParsedImport ( ev ) {
try {
return await this . parseJsonFile ( ev ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
let el = document . createElement ( 'p' ) ;
el . classList . add ( 'text-left' ) ;
el . classList . add ( 'mb-0' ) ;
el . innerHTML = '<p class="lead">An error occured when attempting to parse the import file. <span class="font-weight-bold">Please try again later.</span></p><br /><p class="small text-danger mb-0">Error message:</p><div class="card card-body"><code>' + err . message + '</code></div>' ;
let wrapper = document . createElement ( 'div' ) ;
wrapper . appendChild ( el ) ;
swal ( {
title : 'Import Error' ,
content : wrapper ,
icon : 'error'
} )
return ;
} ,
async promisedParseJSON ( json ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
try {
resolve ( JSON . parse ( json ) )
} catch ( e ) {
reject ( e )
} )
} ,
async parseJsonFile ( file ) {
return new Promise ( ( resolve , reject ) => {
const fileReader = new FileReader ( )
fileReader . onload = event => resolve ( this . promisedParseJSON ( event . target . result ) )
fileReader . onerror = error => reject ( error )
fileReader . readAsText ( file )
} )
} ,
filterImportData ( type , index ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'auto_cw' :
this . importData . auto _cw . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
break ;
case 'unlisted' :
this . importData . unlisted . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
break ;
case 'banned' :
this . importData . banned . splice ( index , 1 ) ;
break ;
} ,
completeImport ( ) {
this . showImportForm = false ;
axios . post ( '/i/admin/api/instances/import-data' , {
'banned' : this . importData . banned ,
'auto_cw' : this . importData . auto _cw ,
'unlisted' : this . importData . unlisted ,
} )
. then ( res => {
swal ( 'Import Uploaded' , 'Import successfully uploaded, please allow a few minutes to process.' , 'success' ) ;
} )
. then ( ( ) => {
setTimeout ( ( ) => this . fetchStats ( ) , 1000 ) ;
} )
} ,
cancelImport ( bvModalEvent ) {
if ( this . importData . banned . length || this . importData . auto _cw . length || this . importData . unlisted . length ) {
if ( ! window . confirm ( 'Are you sure you want to cancel importing?' ) ) {
bvModalEvent . preventDefault ( ) ;
return ;
} else {
this . showImportForm = false ;
this . $refs . importInput . value = '' ;
this . importData = {
banned : [ ] ,
auto _cw : [ ] ,
unlisted : [ ]
} ;
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< / script >
< style lang = "scss" scoped >
. gap - 2 {
gap : 1 rem ;
< / style >