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mirror of https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed.git synced 2025-03-11 22:53:07 +00:00

New translations web.php (Galician)

[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
daniel 2021-12-22 02:23:24 -07:00
parent 004a647f9c
commit 73b7aa078b

View file

@ -3,95 +3,95 @@
return [ return [
'common' => [ 'common' => [
'comment' => 'Comment', 'comment' => 'Comentar',
'commented' => 'Commented', 'commented' => 'Comentou',
'comments' => 'Comments', 'comments' => 'Comentarios',
'like' => 'Like', 'like' => 'Like',
'liked' => 'Liked', 'liked' => 'Liked',
'likes' => 'Likes', 'likes' => 'Gustoulle',
'share' => 'Share', 'share' => 'Compartir',
'shared' => 'Shared', 'shared' => 'Compartiu',
'shares' => 'Shares', 'shares' => 'Shares',
'unshare' => 'Unshare', 'unshare' => 'Unshare',
'cancel' => 'Cancel', 'cancel' => 'Cancelar',
'copyLink' => 'Copy Link', 'copyLink' => 'Copiar ligazón',
'delete' => 'Delete', 'delete' => 'Eliminar',
'error' => 'Error', 'error' => 'Erro',
'errorMsg' => 'Something went wrong. Please try again later.', 'errorMsg' => 'Algo foi mal. Ténteo de novo máis tarde.',
'oops' => 'Oops!', 'oops' => 'Vaites!',
'other' => 'Other', 'other' => 'Outro',
'readMore' => 'Read more', 'readMore' => 'Ler máis',
'success' => 'Success', 'success' => 'Success',
'sensitive' => 'Sensitive', 'sensitive' => 'Sensitive',
'sensitiveContent' => 'Sensitive Content', 'sensitiveContent' => 'Contido sensible',
'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'This post may contain sensitive content', 'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Esta publicación pode conter contido sensible',
], ],
'site' => [ 'site' => [
'terms' => 'Terms of Use', 'terms' => 'Termos de uso',
'privacy' => 'Privacy Policy', 'privacy' => 'Política de Privacidade',
], ],
'navmenu' => [ 'navmenu' => [
'search' => 'Search', 'search' => 'Busca',
'admin' => 'Admin Dashboard', 'admin' => 'Panel Administrativo',
// Timelines // Timelines
'homeFeed' => 'Home Feed', 'homeFeed' => 'Cronoloxía de Inicio',
'localFeed' => 'Local Feed', 'localFeed' => 'Cronoloxía Local',
'globalFeed' => 'Global Feed', 'globalFeed' => 'Cronoloxía Global',
// Core features // Core features
'discover' => 'Discover', 'discover' => 'Descubrir',
'directMessages' => 'Direct Messages', 'directMessages' => 'Mensaxes Directas',
'notifications' => 'Notifications', 'notifications' => 'Notificacións',
'groups' => 'Groups', 'groups' => 'Grupos',
'stories' => 'Stories', 'stories' => 'Historias',
// Self links // Self links
'profile' => 'Profile', 'profile' => 'Perfil',
'drive' => 'Drive', 'drive' => 'Drive',
'settings' => 'Settings', 'settings' => 'Axustes',
'compose' => 'Create New', 'compose' => 'Crear Nova',
// Nav footer // Nav footer
'about' => 'About', 'about' => 'Acerca de',
'help' => 'Help', 'help' => 'Axuda',
'language' => 'Language', 'language' => 'Idioma',
'privacy' => 'Privacy', 'privacy' => 'Privacidade',
'terms' => 'Terms', 'terms' => 'Termos',
// Temporary links // Temporary links
'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Go back to previous design' 'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Volver ó deseño previo'
], ],
'directMessages' => [ 'directMessages' => [
'inbox' => 'Inbox', 'inbox' => 'Bandexa de entrada',
'sent' => 'Sent', 'sent' => 'Enviados',
'requests' => 'Requests' 'requests' => 'Peticións'
], ],
'notifications' => [ 'notifications' => [
'liked' => 'liked your', 'liked' => 'gustoulle a túa',
'commented' => 'commented on your', 'commented' => 'comentou na túa',
'reacted' => 'reacted to your', 'reacted' => 'reaccionou a túa',
'shared' => 'shared your', 'shared' => 'compartiu a túa',
'tagged' => 'tagged you in a', 'tagged' => 'etiquetoute nunca',
'updatedA' => 'updated a', 'updatedA' => 'actualizou unha',
'sentA' => 'sent a', 'sentA' => 'enviou unha',
'followed' => 'followed', 'followed' => 'seguiu',
'mentioned' => 'mentioned', 'mentioned' => 'mencionou',
'you' => 'you', 'you' => 'you',
'yourApplication' => 'Your application to join', 'yourApplication' => 'A túa solicitude para unirte',
'applicationApproved' => 'was approved!', 'applicationApproved' => 'foi aprobada!',
'applicationRejected' => 'was rejected. You can re-apply to join in 6 months.', 'applicationRejected' => 'for rexeitada. Podes volver a solicitar unirte en 6 meses.',
'dm' => 'dm', 'dm' => 'md',
'groupPost' => 'group post', 'groupPost' => 'group post',
'modlog' => 'modlog', 'modlog' => 'modlog',
'post' => 'post', 'post' => 'post',
@ -102,57 +102,57 @@ return [
'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers', 'shareToFollowers' => 'Share to followers',
'shareToOther' => 'Share to other', 'shareToOther' => 'Share to other',
'noLikes' => 'No likes yet', 'noLikes' => 'No likes yet',
'uploading' => 'Uploading', 'uploading' => 'Subindo',
], ],
'profile' => [ 'profile' => [
'posts' => 'Posts', 'posts' => 'Publicacións',
'followers' => 'Followers', 'followers' => 'Seguidores',
'following' => 'Following', 'following' => 'Seguindo',
'admin' => 'Admin', 'admin' => 'Administrador',
'collections' => 'Collections', 'collections' => 'Coleccións',
'follow' => 'Follow', 'follow' => 'Seguir',
'unfollow' => 'Unfollow', 'unfollow' => 'Deixar de seguir',
'editProfile' => 'Edit Profile', 'editProfile' => 'Editar perfil',
'followRequested' => 'Follow Requested', 'followRequested' => 'Seguimento pedido',
'joined' => 'Joined', 'joined' => 'Uniuse',
], ],
'menu' => [ 'menu' => [
'viewPost' => 'View Post', 'viewPost' => 'Ver publicación',
'viewProfile' => 'View Profile', 'viewProfile' => 'Ver perfil',
'moderationTools' => 'Moderation Tools', 'moderationTools' => 'Ferramentas de moderación',
'report' => 'Report', 'report' => 'Informar',
'archive' => 'Archive', 'archive' => 'Arquivar',
'unarchive' => 'Unarchive', 'unarchive' => 'Desarquivar',
'embed' => 'Embed', 'embed' => 'Incrustar',
'selectOneOption' => 'Select one of the following options', 'selectOneOption' => 'Elixe unha das seguintes opcións',
'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Unlist from Timelines', 'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Non listar en cronoloxías',
'addCW' => 'Add Content Warning', 'addCW' => 'Engadir aviso sobre o contido',
'removeCW' => 'Remove Content Warning', 'removeCW' => 'Retirar o aviso sobre o contido',
'markAsSpammer' => 'Mark as Spammer', 'markAsSpammer' => 'Marcar como Spammer',
'markAsSpammerText' => 'Unlist + CW existing and future posts', 'markAsSpammerText' => 'Non listar + aviso sobre o contido en publicacións existentes e futuras',
'spam' => 'Spam', 'spam' => 'Spam',
'sensitive' => 'Sensitive Content', 'sensitive' => 'Contido sensible',
'abusive' => 'Abusive or Harmful', 'abusive' => 'Abusivo ou daniño',
'underageAccount' => 'Underage Account', 'underageAccount' => 'Conta de minor de idade',
'copyrightInfringement' => 'Copyright Infringement', 'copyrightInfringement' => 'Violación dos dereitos de autor',
'impersonation' => 'Impersonation', 'impersonation' => 'Suplantación de identidade',
'scamOrFraud' => 'Scam or Fraud', 'scamOrFraud' => 'Estafa ou fraude',
'confirmReport' => 'Confirm Report', 'confirmReport' => 'Confirmar reporte',
'confirmReportText' => 'Are you sure you want to report this post?', 'confirmReportText' => 'Seguro que queres informar sobre esta publicación?',
'reportSent' => 'Report Sent!', 'reportSent' => 'Informe enviado!',
'reportSentText' => 'We have successfully received your report.', 'reportSentText' => 'Recibimos correctamente o teu informe.',
'reportSentError' => 'There was an issue reporting this post.', 'reportSentError' => 'Houbo un problema reportando esta publicación.',
'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to add a content warning to this post?', 'modAddCWConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres engadir un aviso de contido sobre esta publicación?',
'modCWSuccess' => 'Successfully added content warning', 'modCWSuccess' => 'Aviso de contido engadido correctamente',
'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to remove the content warning on this post?', 'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres eliminar o aviso de contido sobre esta publicación?',
'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Successfully removed content warning', 'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Aviso de contido eliminado correctamente',
'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?', 'modUnlistConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to unlist this post?',
'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post', 'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Successfully unlisted post',
'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to mark this user as a spammer? All existing and future posts will be unlisted on timelines and a content warning will be applied.', 'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'Seguro que queres marcar a este usuario como spam? Todas as publicacións existentes e futuras serán quitadas das cronoloxías e un aviso de contido será aplicado.',
'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer', 'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Successfully marked account as spammer',
'toFollowers' => 'to Followers', 'toFollowers' => 'to Followers',
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ return [
], ],
'story' => [ 'story' => [
'add' => 'Add Story' 'add' => 'Engadir historia'
], ],
'timeline' => [ 'timeline' => [