+The automated spam detection system
Autospam Service Operational
+To detect and mitigate spam, we built Autospam, an internal tool that uses NLP and other behavioural metrics to classify potential spam posts.
+ +Standard or "Classic" detection works by evaluating several "signals" from the post and it's associated account.
+ +Some of the following "signals" may trigger a positive detection from public posts:
+ +If you've marked atleast one positive detection from an account as Not spam, any future posts they create will skip detection.
+ +Advanced Detection works by using a statistical method that combines prior knowledge and observed data to estimate an average value. It assigns weights to both the prior knowledge and the observed data, allowing for a more informed and reliable estimation that adapts to new information.
+ +When you train Spam or Not Spam data, the caption is broken up into words (tokens) and are counted (weights) and then stored in the appropriate category (Spam or Not Spam).
+ +The training data is then used to classify spam on future posts (captions) by calculating each token and associated weights and comparing it to known categories (Spam or Not Spam).
+ ++ In order for Autospam to be effective, you need to train it by classifying data as spam or not-spam. +
+ ++ We recommend atleast 200 classifications for both spam and not-spam, it is important to train Autospam on both so you get more accurate results. +
++ +
+ +Use existing posts marked as spam to train Autospam
+ + ++ +
+ +Use posts from trusted users to train non-spam posts
+ + +ID | +Type | +Reported Account | +Created | +View Report | +
+ {{}} + | +
+ Autospam Post + |
+ @{{report.status.account.username}} +
+ {{report.status.account.followers_count}} Followers
+ ·
+ Joined {{ timeAgo(report.status.account.created_at) }}
+ |
+ {{ timeAgo(report.created_at) }} | +View | +
+ Tokens are used to split paragraphs and sentences into smaller units that can be more easily assigned meaning. +
+ID | +Token | +Category | +Weight | +Created | +Edit | +
+ {{}} + | +
+ {{ token.token }} + |
+ {{ token.category }} + |
+ {{ token.weight }} + |
+ {{ timeAgo(token.created_at) }} | ++ Edit + | +
+ +
+No custom tokens found!
++ You can import and export Spam training data +
+ ++ We recommend exercising caution when importing training data from untrusted parties! +
++ +
+ +Make sure the file you are importing is a valid training data export!
+ + ++ +
+ +Only share training data with people you trust. It can be used by spammers to bypass detection!
+ + +Select trusted accounts to train non-spam posts against!
+Manage your server listing on
++ +
++ +
+Awaiting Submission
+Your directory listing isn't completed yet
+Your directory listing is ready for submission!
+ +Awaiting Approval
+Awaiting submission approval from, please check back later!
+If you are still waiting for approval after 24 hours please contact the Pixelfed team.
+Awaiting Update Approval
+Awaiting updated submission approval from, please check back later!
+If you are still waiting for approval after 24 hours please contact the Pixelfed team.
+Sending submission...
+Oops! An unexpected error occured
+Ask the Pixelfed team for assistance.
+Cosby sweater eu banh mi, qui irure terry richardson ex squid. Aliquip placeat salvia cillum iphone. Seitan aliquip quis cardigan american apparel, butcher voluptate nisi qui.
+Edit your server details to better describe it
++ {{ form.summary && form.summary.length ? form.summary.length : 0 }}/140 +
+Select the country your server is hosted in, even if you are in a different country
+Add an optional banner image to your directory listing
+ ++ +
+No banner image
+Must be 1920 by 1080 pixels
+Must be a JPEG or PNG image no larger than 5MB.
+The primary language of your server, to edit this value you need to set the APP_LOCALE .env value
+Set a designated admin account and public email address
+No admin(s) found
++ Must be a valid email address +
+Show off a few favourite posts from your server
+@{{ post.account.username }}
++ {{ formatCount(post.favourites_count) }} Likes + · + {{ formatCount(post.account.followers_count) }} Followers + · + Created {{ formatDateTime(post.created_at) }} +
0 posts selected
+ +You can select up to 12 favourite posts by id or popularity
+A post id is the numerical id found in post urls
+@{{ post.account.username }}
++ {{ formatCount(post.favourites_count) }} Likes + · + {{ formatCount(post.account.followers_count) }} Followers + · + Created {{ formatDateTime(post.created_at) }} +
+Pledge to keep you and your data private and securely stored
+To qualify for the Privacy Pledge, you must abide by the following rules:
+You may use 3rd party services like captchas on specific pages, so long as they are clearly defined in your privacy policy
A few ground rules to keep your community healthy and safe.
No Community Guidelines have been set
+You can manage Community Guidelines on the Settings page
+The minimum requirements for Directory inclusion.
+Media Types
+Allowed MIME types. image/jpeg and image/png by default
+{{ requirements_validator.media_types[0] }}
+Image Quality
+Image optimization is enabled, the image quality must be a value between 1-100.
+{{ requirements_validator.image_quality[0] }}
+Max Photo Size
+Max photo upload size in kb. Must be between 15-100 MB.
+{{ requirements_validator.max_photo_size[0] }}
+Max Caption Length
+The max caption length limit. Must be between 500-10000.
+{{ requirements_validator.max_caption_length[0] }}
+Max Alt-text length
+The alt-text length limit. Must be between 1000-5000.
+{{ requirements_validator.max_altext_length[0] }}
+Max Account Size
+The account storage limit. Must be 1GB at minimum.
+{{ requirements_validator.max_account_size[0] }}
+Max Album Length
+Max photos per album post. Must be between 4-20.
+{{ requirements_validator.max_album_length[0] }}
+Account Deletion
+Allow users to delete their own account.
+{{ requirements_validator.account_deletion[0] }}
+Add testimonials from your users.
++ {{ testimonial.profile.username }} +
++ Member Since {{ formatDate(testimonial.profile.created_at) }} +
++ + Edit + +
++ + Delete + +
++ Text only, up to 500 characters +
++ {{ editingTestimonial.body ? editingTestimonial.body.length : 0 }}/500 +
++ Must be a valid user account +
++ Text only, up to 500 characters +
++ {{ testimonial.body ? testimonial.body.length : 0 }}/500 +
+You can't add any more testimonials