Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed.git synced 2025-03-11 14:46:06 +00:00

Update StoryController, add StoryComposeController

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Supernault 2021-09-03 22:08:15 -06:00
parent d0bfefe8d0
commit dd7262d841
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 0DEF1C662C9033F7
2 changed files with 670 additions and 358 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use App\Media;
use App\Profile;
use App\Report;
use App\DirectMessage;
use App\Notification;
use App\Status;
use App\Story;
use App\StoryView;
use App\Models\Poll;
use App\Models\PollVote;
use App\Services\ProfileService;
use App\Services\StoryService;
use Cache, Storage;
use Image as Intervention;
use App\Services\FollowerService;
use App\Services\MediaPathService;
use FFMpeg;
use FFMpeg\Coordinate\Dimension;
use FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264;
use App\Jobs\StoryPipeline\StoryReactionDeliver;
use App\Jobs\StoryPipeline\StoryReplyDeliver;
use App\Jobs\StoryPipeline\StoryFanout;
use App\Jobs\StoryPipeline\StoryDelete;
use ImageOptimizer;
class StoryComposeController extends Controller
public function apiV1Add(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'file' => function() {
return [
'max:' . config_cache('pixelfed.max_photo_size'),
$user = $request->user();
$count = Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
if($count >= Story::MAX_PER_DAY) {
abort(418, 'You have reached your limit for new Stories today.');
$photo = $request->file('file');
$path = $this->storePhoto($photo, $user);
$story = new Story();
$story->duration = 3;
$story->profile_id = $user->profile_id;
$story->type = Str::endsWith($photo->getMimeType(), 'mp4') ? 'video' :'photo';
$story->mime = $photo->getMimeType();
$story->path = $path;
$story->local = true;
$story->size = $photo->getSize();
$story->bearcap_token = str_random(64);
$url = $story->path;
$res = [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully added',
'media_id' => (string) $story->id,
'media_url' => url(Storage::url($url)) . '?v=' . time(),
'media_type' => $story->type
if($story->type === 'video') {
$video = FFMpeg::open($path);
$duration = $video->getDurationInSeconds();
$res['media_duration'] = $duration;
if($duration > 500) {
return response()->json([
'message' => 'Video duration cannot exceed 60 seconds'
], 422);
return $res;
protected function storePhoto($photo, $user)
$mimes = explode(',', config_cache('pixelfed.media_types'));
if(in_array($photo->getMimeType(), [
]) == false) {
abort(400, 'Invalid media type');
$storagePath = MediaPathService::story($user->profile);
$path = $photo->storeAs($storagePath, Str::random(random_int(2, 12)) . '_' . Str::random(random_int(32, 35)) . '_' . Str::random(random_int(1, 14)) . '.' . $photo->extension());
if(in_array($photo->getMimeType(), ['image/jpeg','image/png'])) {
$fpath = storage_path('app/' . $path);
$img = Intervention::make($fpath);
$img->save($fpath, config_cache('pixelfed.image_quality'));
return $path;
public function cropPhoto(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'media_id' => 'required|integer|min:1',
'width' => 'required',
'height' => 'required',
'x' => 'required',
'y' => 'required'
$user = $request->user();
$id = $request->input('media_id');
$width = round($request->input('width'));
$height = round($request->input('height'));
$x = round($request->input('x'));
$y = round($request->input('y'));
$story = Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)->findOrFail($id);
$path = storage_path('app/' . $story->path);
if(!is_file($path)) {
abort(400, 'Invalid or missing media.');
if($story->type === 'photo') {
$img = Intervention::make($path);
$img->crop($width, $height, $x, $y);
$img->resize(1080, 1920, function ($constraint) {
$img->save($path, config_cache('pixelfed.image_quality'));
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully cropped',
public function publishStory(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'media_id' => 'required',
'duration' => 'required|integer|min:3|max:120',
'can_reply' => 'required|boolean',
'can_react' => 'required|boolean'
$id = $request->input('media_id');
$user = $request->user();
$story = Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)
$story->active = true;
$story->expires_at = now()->addMinutes(1440);
$story->duration = $request->input('duration', 10);
$story->can_reply = $request->input('can_reply');
$story->can_react = $request->input('can_react');
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully published',
public function apiV1Delete(Request $request, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$user = $request->user();
$story = Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)
$story->active = false;
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully deleted'
public function compose(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
return view('stories.compose');
public function createPoll(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.polls.enabled'), 404);
return $request->all();
public function publishStoryPoll(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'question' => 'required|string|min:6|max:140',
'options' => 'required|array|min:2|max:4',
'can_reply' => 'required|boolean',
'can_react' => 'required|boolean'
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$count = Story::whereProfileId($pid)
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
if($count >= Story::MAX_PER_DAY) {
abort(418, 'You have reached your limit for new Stories today.');
$story = new Story;
$story->type = 'poll';
$story->story = json_encode([
'question' => $request->input('question'),
'options' => $request->input('options')
$story->public = false;
$story->local = true;
$story->profile_id = $pid;
$story->expires_at = now()->addMinutes(1440);
$story->duration = 30;
$story->can_reply = false;
$story->can_react = false;
$poll = new Poll;
$poll->story_id = $story->id;
$poll->profile_id = $pid;
$poll->poll_options = $request->input('options');
$poll->expires_at = $story->expires_at;
$poll->cached_tallies = collect($poll->poll_options)->map(function($o) {
return 0;
$story->active = true;
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully published',
public function storyPollVote(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'sid' => 'required',
'ci' => 'required|integer|min:0|max:3'
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$ci = $request->input('ci');
$story = Story::findOrFail($request->input('sid'));
abort_if(!FollowerService::follows($pid, $story->profile_id), 403);
$poll = Poll::whereStoryId($story->id)->firstOrFail();
$vote = new PollVote;
$vote->profile_id = $pid;
$vote->poll_id = $poll->id;
$vote->story_id = $story->id;
$vote->status_id = null;
$vote->choice = $ci;
$poll->votes_count = $poll->votes_count + 1;
$poll->cached_tallies = collect($poll->getTallies())->map(function($tally, $key) use($ci) {
return $ci == $key ? $tally + 1 : $tally;
return 200;
public function storeReport(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'type' => 'required|alpha_dash',
'id' => 'required|integer|min:1',
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$sid = $request->input('id');
$type = $request->input('type');
$types = [
// original 3
// new
abort_if(!in_array($type, $types), 422, 'Invalid story report type');
$story = Story::findOrFail($sid);
abort_if($story->profile_id == $pid, 422, 'Cannot report your own story');
abort_if(!FollowerService::follows($pid, $story->profile_id), 422, 'Cannot report a story from an account you do not follow');
if( Report::whereProfileId($pid)
) {
return response()->json(['error' => [
'code' => 409,
'message' => 'Cannot report the same story again'
]], 409);
$report = new Report;
$report->profile_id = $pid;
$report->user_id = $request->user()->id;
$report->object_id = $story->id;
$report->object_type = 'App\Story';
$report->reported_profile_id = $story->profile_id;
$report->type = $type;
$report->message = null;
return [200];
public function react(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'sid' => 'required',
'reaction' => 'required|string'
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$text = $request->input('reaction');
$story = Story::findOrFail($request->input('sid'));
abort_if(!$story->can_react, 422);
abort_if(StoryService::reactCounter($story->id, $pid) >= 5, 422, 'You have already reacted to this story');
$status = new Status;
$status->profile_id = $pid;
$status->type = 'story:reaction';
$status->caption = $text;
$status->rendered = $text;
$status->scope = 'direct';
$status->visibility = 'direct';
$status->in_reply_to_profile_id = $story->profile_id;
$status->entities = json_encode([
'story_id' => $story->id,
'reaction' => $text
$dm = new DirectMessage;
$dm->to_id = $story->profile_id;
$dm->from_id = $pid;
$dm->type = 'story:react';
$dm->status_id = $status->id;
$dm->meta = json_encode([
'story_username' => $story->profile->username,
'story_actor_username' => $request->user()->username,
'story_id' => $story->id,
'story_media_url' => url(Storage::url($story->path)),
'reaction' => $text
if($story->local) {
// generate notification
$n = new Notification;
$n->profile_id = $dm->to_id;
$n->actor_id = $dm->from_id;
$n->item_id = $dm->id;
$n->item_type = 'App\DirectMessage';
$n->action = 'story:react';
$n->message = "{$request->user()->username} reacted to your story";
$n->rendered = "{$request->user()->username} reacted to your story";
} else {
StoryReactionDeliver::dispatch($story, $status)->onQueue('story');
StoryService::reactIncrement($story->id, $pid);
return 200;
public function comment(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'sid' => 'required',
'caption' => 'required|string'
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$text = $request->input('caption');
$story = Story::findOrFail($request->input('sid'));
abort_if(!$story->can_reply, 422);
$status = new Status;
$status->type = 'story:reply';
$status->profile_id = $pid;
$status->caption = $text;
$status->rendered = $text;
$status->scope = 'direct';
$status->visibility = 'direct';
$status->in_reply_to_profile_id = $story->profile_id;
$status->entities = json_encode([
'story_id' => $story->id
$dm = new DirectMessage;
$dm->to_id = $story->profile_id;
$dm->from_id = $pid;
$dm->type = 'story:comment';
$dm->status_id = $status->id;
$dm->meta = json_encode([
'story_username' => $story->profile->username,
'story_actor_username' => $request->user()->username,
'story_id' => $story->id,
'story_media_url' => url(Storage::url($story->path)),
'caption' => $text
if($story->local) {
// generate notification
$n = new Notification;
$n->profile_id = $dm->to_id;
$n->actor_id = $dm->from_id;
$n->item_id = $dm->id;
$n->item_type = 'App\DirectMessage';
$n->action = 'story:comment';
$n->message = "{$request->user()->username} commented on story";
$n->rendered = "{$request->user()->username} commented on story";
} else {
StoryReplyDeliver::dispatch($story, $status)->onQueue('story');
return 200;

View file

@ -4,337 +4,106 @@ namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use App\DirectMessage;
use App\Follower;
use App\Notification;
use App\Media;
use App\Profile;
use App\Status;
use App\Story;
use App\StoryView;
use App\Services\PollService;
use App\Services\ProfileService;
use App\Services\StoryService;
use Cache, Storage;
use Image as Intervention;
use App\Services\AccountService;
use App\Services\FollowerService;
use App\Services\MediaPathService;
use FFMpeg;
use FFMpeg\Coordinate\Dimension;
use FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264;
use League\Fractal\Manager;
use League\Fractal\Serializer\ArraySerializer;
use League\Fractal\Resource\Item;
use App\Transformer\ActivityPub\Verb\StoryVerb;
use App\Jobs\StoryPipeline\StoryViewDeliver;
class StoryController extends Controller
class StoryController extends StoryComposeController
public function apiV1Add(Request $request)
public function recent(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$this->validate($request, [
'file' => function() {
return [
'max:' . config_cache('pixelfed.max_photo_size'),
$user = $request->user();
if(Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)->where('expires_at', '>', now())->count() >= Story::MAX_PER_DAY) {
abort(400, 'You have reached your limit for new Stories today.');
$photo = $request->file('file');
$path = $this->storePhoto($photo, $user);
$story = new Story();
$story->duration = 3;
$story->profile_id = $user->profile_id;
$story->type = Str::endsWith($photo->getMimeType(), 'mp4') ? 'video' :'photo';
$story->mime = $photo->getMimeType();
$story->path = $path;
$story->local = true;
$story->size = $photo->getSize();
$url = $story->path;
if($story->type === 'video') {
$video = FFMpeg::open($path);
$width = $video->getVideoStream()->get('width');
$height = $video->getVideoStream()->get('height');
if($width !== 1080 || $height !== 1920) {
abort(422, 'Invalid video dimensions, must be 1080x1920');
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully added',
'media_id' => (string) $story->id,
'media_url' => url(Storage::url($url)) . '?v=' . time(),
'media_type' => $story->type
protected function storePhoto($photo, $user)
$mimes = explode(',', config_cache('pixelfed.media_types'));
if(in_array($photo->getMimeType(), [
]) == false) {
abort(400, 'Invalid media type');
$storagePath = MediaPathService::story($user->profile);
$path = $photo->store($storagePath);
if(in_array($photo->getMimeType(), ['image/jpeg','image/png'])) {
$fpath = storage_path('app/' . $path);
$img = Intervention::make($fpath);
$img->save($fpath, config_cache('pixelfed.image_quality'));
return $path;
public function cropPhoto(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'media_id' => 'required|integer|min:1',
'width' => 'required',
'height' => 'required',
'x' => 'required',
'y' => 'required'
$user = $request->user();
$id = $request->input('media_id');
$width = round($request->input('width'));
$height = round($request->input('height'));
$x = round($request->input('x'));
$y = round($request->input('y'));
$story = Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)->findOrFail($id);
$path = storage_path('app/' . $story->path);
if(!is_file($path)) {
abort(400, 'Invalid or missing media.');
if($story->type === 'photo') {
$img = Intervention::make($path);
$img->crop($width, $height, $x, $y);
$img->resize(1080, 1920, function ($constraint) {
$img->save($path, config_cache('pixelfed.image_quality'));
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully cropped',
public function publishStory(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'media_id' => 'required',
'duration' => 'required|integer|min:3|max:10'
$id = $request->input('media_id');
$user = $request->user();
$story = Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)
$story->active = true;
$story->duration = $request->input('duration', 10);
$story->expires_at = now()->addMinutes(1450);
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully published',
public function apiV1Delete(Request $request, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$user = $request->user();
$story = Story::whereProfileId($user->profile_id)
if(Storage::exists($story->path) == true) {
return [
'code' => 200,
'msg' => 'Successfully deleted'
public function apiV1Recent(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$profile = $request->user()->profile;
$following = $profile->following->pluck('id')->toArray();
if(config('database.default') == 'pgsql') {
$db = Story::with('profile')
->whereIn('profile_id', $following)
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
$s = Story::select('stories.*', 'followers.following_id')
->leftJoin('followers', 'followers.following_id', 'stories.profile_id')
->where('followers.profile_id', $pid)
->where('stories.active', true)
} else {
$db = Story::with('profile')
->whereIn('profile_id', $following)
->where('created_at', '>', now()->subDay())
$stories = $db->map(function($s, $k) {
$res = $s->map(function($s) use($pid) {
$profile = AccountService::get($s->profile_id);
$url = $profile['local'] ? url("/stories/{$profile['username']}") :
return [
'id' => (string) $s->id,
'photo' => $s->profile->avatarUrl(),
'name' => $s->profile->username,
'link' => $s->profile->url(),
'lastUpdated' => (int) $s->created_at->format('U'),
'seen' => $s->seen(),
'items' => [],
'pid' => (string) $s->profile->id
'pid' => $profile['id'],
'avatar' => $profile['avatar'],
'local' => $profile['local'],
'username' => $profile['acct'],
'url' => $url,
'seen' => StoryService::hasSeen($pid, StoryService::latest($s->profile_id)),
'sid' => $s->id
return response()->json($stories, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function apiV1Fetch(Request $request, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$authed = $request->user()->profile;
$profile = Profile::findOrFail($id);
if($id == $authed->id) {
$publicOnly = true;
} else {
$publicOnly = (bool) $profile->followedBy($authed);
$stories = Story::whereProfileId($profile->id)
->orderBy('expires_at', 'desc')
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
->when(!$publicOnly, function($query, $publicOnly) {
return $query->wherePublic(true);
->map(function($s, $k) {
return [
'id' => (string) $s->id,
'type' => Str::endsWith($s->path, '.mp4') ? 'video' :'photo',
'length' => 3,
'src' => url(Storage::url($s->path)),
'preview' => null,
'link' => null,
'linkText' => null,
'time' => $s->created_at->format('U'),
'expires_at' => (int) $s->expires_at->format('U'),
'created_ago' => $s->created_at->diffForHumans(null, true, true),
'seen' => $s->seen()
return response()->json($stories, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function apiV1Item(Request $request, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$authed = $request->user()->profile;
$story = Story::with('profile')
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
$profile = $story->profile;
if($story->profile_id == $authed->id) {
$publicOnly = true;
} else {
$publicOnly = (bool) $profile->followedBy($authed);
abort_if(!$publicOnly, 403);
$res = [
'id' => (string) $story->id,
'type' => Str::endsWith($story->path, '.mp4') ? 'video' :'photo',
'length' => 10,
'src' => url(Storage::url($story->path)),
'preview' => null,
'link' => null,
'linkText' => null,
'time' => $story->created_at->format('U'),
'expires_at' => (int) $story->expires_at->format('U'),
'seen' => $story->seen()
return response()->json($res, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function apiV1Profile(Request $request, $id)
public function profile(Request $request, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$authed = $request->user()->profile;
$authed = $request->user()->profile_id;
$profile = Profile::findOrFail($id);
if($id == $authed->id) {
$publicOnly = true;
} else {
$publicOnly = (bool) $profile->followedBy($authed);
if($authed != $profile->id && !FollowerService::follows($authed, $profile->id)) {
return [];
$stories = Story::whereProfileId($profile->id)
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
->when(!$publicOnly, function($query, $publicOnly) {
return $query->wherePublic(true);
->map(function($s, $k) {
return [
'id' => $s->id,
'type' => Str::endsWith($s->path, '.mp4') ? 'video' :'photo',
'length' => 10,
->map(function($s, $k) use($authed) {
$seen = StoryService::hasSeen($authed, $s->id);
$res = [
'id' => (string) $s->id,
'type' => $s->type,
'duration' => $s->duration,
'src' => url(Storage::url($s->path)),
'preview' => null,
'link' => null,
'linkText' => null,
'time' => $s->created_at->format('U'),
'expires_at' => (int) $s->expires_at->format('U'),
'seen' => $s->seen()
'created_at' => $s->created_at->toAtomString(),
'expires_at' => $s->expires_at->toAtomString(),
'view_count' => ($authed == $s->profile_id) ? ($s->view_count ?? 0) : null,
'seen' => $seen,
'progress' => $seen ? 100 : 0,
'can_reply' => (bool) $s->can_reply,
'can_react' => (bool) $s->can_react
if($s->type == 'poll') {
$res['question'] = json_decode($s->story, true)['question'];
$res['options'] = json_decode($s->story, true)['options'];
$res['voted'] = PollService::votedStory($s->id, $authed);
if($res['voted']) {
$res['voted_index'] = PollService::storyChoice($s->id, $authed);
return $res;
if(count($stories) == 0) {
return [];
@ -342,32 +111,27 @@ class StoryController extends Controller
$cursor = count($stories) - 1;
$stories = [[
'id' => (string) $stories[$cursor]['id'],
'photo' => $profile->avatarUrl(),
'name' => $profile->username,
'link' => $profile->url(),
'lastUpdated' => (int) now()->format('U'),
'seen' => null,
'items' => $stories,
'nodes' => $stories,
'account' => AccountService::get($profile->id),
'pid' => (string) $profile->id
return response()->json($stories, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function apiV1Viewed(Request $request)
public function viewed(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'id' => 'required|integer|min:1|exists:stories',
'id' => 'required|min:1',
$id = $request->input('id');
$authed = $request->user()->profile;
$story = Story::with('profile')
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
$exp = $story->expires_at;
$profile = $story->profile;
@ -378,72 +142,32 @@ class StoryController extends Controller
$publicOnly = (bool) $profile->followedBy($authed);
abort_if(!$publicOnly, 403);
$v = StoryView::firstOrCreate([
'story_id' => $id,
'profile_id' => $authed->id
$story->view_count = $story->view_count + 1;
if($v->wasRecentlyCreated) {
if($story->local == false) {
StoryViewDeliver::dispatch($story, $authed)->onQueue('story');
Cache::forget('stories:recent:by_id:' . $authed->id);
StoryService::addSeen($authed->id, $story->id);
return ['code' => 200];
public function apiV1Exists(Request $request, $id)
public function exists(Request $request, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$res = (bool) Story::whereProfileId($id)
return response()->json(Story::whereProfileId($id)
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
return response()->json($res);
public function apiV1Me(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$profile = $request->user()->profile;
$stories = Story::whereProfileId($profile->id)
->where('expires_at', '>', now())
->map(function($s, $k) {
return [
'id' => $s->id,
'type' => Str::endsWith($s->path, '.mp4') ? 'video' :'photo',
'length' => 3,
'src' => url(Storage::url($s->path)),
'preview' => null,
'link' => null,
'linkText' => null,
'time' => $s->created_at->format('U'),
'expires_at' => (int) $s->expires_at->format('U'),
'seen' => true
$ts = count($stories) ? last($stories)['time'] : null;
$res = [
'id' => (string) $profile->id,
'photo' => $profile->avatarUrl(),
'name' => $profile->username,
'link' => $profile->url(),
'lastUpdated' => $ts,
'seen' => true,
'items' => $stories
return response()->json($res, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function compose(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
return view('stories.compose');
public function iRedirect(Request $request)
@ -455,4 +179,91 @@ class StoryController extends Controller
$username = $user->username;
return redirect("/stories/{$username}");
public function viewers(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'sid' => 'required|string'
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$sid = $request->input('sid');
$story = Story::whereProfileId($pid)
$viewers = StoryView::whereStoryId($story->id)
->map(function($view) {
return AccountService::get($view->profile_id);
return response()->json($viewers, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function remoteStory(Request $request, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$profile = Profile::findOrFail($id);
if($profile->user_id != null || $profile->domain == null) {
return redirect('/stories/' . $profile->username);
$pid = $profile->id;
return view('stories.show_remote', compact('pid'));
public function pollResults(Request $request)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled') || !$request->user(), 404);
$this->validate($request, [
'sid' => 'required|string'
$pid = $request->user()->profile_id;
$sid = $request->input('sid');
$story = Story::whereProfileId($pid)
return PollService::storyResults($sid);
public function getActivityObject(Request $request, $username, $id)
abort_if(!config_cache('instance.stories.enabled'), 404);
if(!$request->wantsJson()) {
return redirect('/stories/' . $username);
abort_if(!$request->hasHeader('Authorization'), 404);
$profile = Profile::whereUsername($username)->whereNull('domain')->firstOrFail();
$story = Story::whereActive(true)->whereProfileId($profile->id)->findOrFail($id);
abort_if($story->bearcap_token == null, 404);
abort_if(now()->gt($story->expires_at), 404);
$token = substr($request->header('Authorization'), 7);
abort_if(hash_equals($story->bearcap_token, $token) === false, 404);
abort_if($story->created_at->lt(now()->subMinutes(20)), 404);
$fractal = new Manager();
$fractal->setSerializer(new ArraySerializer());
$resource = new Item($story, new StoryVerb());
$res = $fractal->createData($resource)->toArray();
return response()->json($res, 200, [], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
public function showSystemStory()
// return view('stories.system');