info(' ____ _ ______ __ '); $this->info(' / __ \(_) _____ / / __/__ ____/ / '); $this->info(' / /_/ / / |/_/ _ \/ / /_/ _ \/ __ / '); $this->info(' / ____/ /> info(' /_/ /_/_/|_|\___/_/_/ \___/\__,_/ '); $this->info(' '); $this->info(' Pixelfed Admin Inviter'); $this->line(' '); $this->info(' Manage user registration invite links'); $this->line(' '); $action = $this->choice( 'Select an action', [ 'Create invite', 'View invites', 'Expire invite', 'Cancel' ], 3 ); switch($action) { case 'Create invite': return $this->create(); break; case 'View invites': return $this->view(); break; case 'Expire invite': return $this->expire(); break; case 'Cancel': return; break; } } protected function create() { $this->info('Create Invite'); $this->line('============='); $this->info('Set an optional invite name (only visible to admins)'); $name = $this->ask('Invite Name (optional)', 'Untitled Invite'); $this->info('Set an optional invite description (only visible to admins)'); $description = $this->ask('Invite Description (optional)'); $this->info('Set an optional message to invitees (visible to all)'); $message = $this->ask('Invite Message (optional)', 'You\'ve been invited to join'); $this->info('Set maximum # of invite uses, use 0 for unlimited'); $max_uses = $this->ask('Max uses', 1); $shouldExpire = $this->choice( 'Set an invite expiry date?', [ 'No - invite never expires', 'Yes - expire after 24 hours', 'Custom - let me pick an expiry date' ], 0 ); switch($shouldExpire) { case 'No - invite never expires': $expires = null; break; case 'Yes - expire after 24 hours': $expires = now()->addHours(24); break; case 'Custom - let me pick an expiry date': $this->info('Set custom expiry date in days'); $customExpiry = $this->ask('Custom Expiry', 14); $expires = now()->addDays($customExpiry); break; } $this->info('Skip email verification for invitees?'); $skipEmailVerification = $this->choice('Skip email verification', ['No', 'Yes'], 0); $invite = new AdminInvite; $invite->name = $name; $invite->description = $description; $invite->message = $message; $invite->max_uses = $max_uses; $invite->skip_email_verification = $skipEmailVerification === 'Yes'; $invite->expires_at = $expires; $invite->invite_code = Str::uuid() . Str::random(random_int(1,6)); $invite->save(); $this->info('####################'); $this->info('# Invite Generated!'); $this->line(' '); $this->info($invite->url()); $this->line(' '); return Command::SUCCESS; } protected function view() { $this->info('View Invites'); $this->line('============='); if(AdminInvite::count() == 0) { $this->line(' '); $this->error('No invites found!'); return; } $this->table( ['Invite Code', 'Uses Left', 'Expires'], AdminInvite::all(['invite_code', 'max_uses', 'uses', 'expires_at'])->map(function($invite) { return [ 'invite_code' => $invite->invite_code, 'uses_left' => $invite->max_uses ? ($invite->max_uses - $invite->uses) : '∞', 'expires_at' => $invite->expires_at ? $invite->expires_at->diffForHumans() : 'never' ]; })->toArray() ); } protected function expire() { $token = $this->anticipate('Enter invite code to expire', function($val) { if(!$val || empty($val)) { return []; } return AdminInvite::where('invite_code', 'like', '%' . $val . '%')->pluck('invite_code')->toArray(); }); if(!$token || empty($token)) { $this->error('Invalid invite code'); return; } $invite = AdminInvite::whereInviteCode($token)->first(); if(!$invite) { $this->error('Invalid invite code'); return; } $invite->max_uses = 1; $invite->expires_at = now()->subHours(2); $invite->save(); $this->info('Expired the following invite: ' . $invite->url()); } }