#!/bin/bash set -e -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail # # Colors # declare -r RED="\e[31m" declare -r GREEN="\e[32m" declare -r YELLOW="\e[33m" declare -r BLUE="\e[34m" declare -r NO_COLOR="\e[0m" # # Helper functions # function highlight() { local reset="${2:-$NO_COLOR}" echo "${BLUE}$1${reset}" } function action_start() { echo -en "⚙️ $1: " } function action_start_newline() { action_start "$1" echo } function action_ok() { echo -e "\n\t✅ ${GREEN}${*}${NO_COLOR}\n" } function action_warn() { echo -e "⚠️ ${YELLOW}${*}${NO_COLOR}" } function action_error() { echo -e "\n\t❌ ${RED}${*}${NO_COLOR}" >&2 } function action_error_exit() { action_error "${*}\n\n${RED}Aborting!${NO_COLOR}" exit 1 } # # Configuration # declare -r min_docker_compose_version_arr=(2 17) min_docker_compose_version=$( IFS=. echo "${min_docker_compose_version[*]}" ) # # Help text # DOCKER_HELP=" \tWe recommend installing Docker (and Compose) directly from Docker.com instead of your Operation System package registry. \tPlease see $(highlight "https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/")${RED} for information on how to install Docker on your system. \tA convinience script is provided by Docker to automate the installation that should work on all supported platforms: \t\t ${GREEN}\$${BLUE} curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh \t\t ${GREEN}\$${BLUE} sudo sh ./get-docker.sh ${RED} \tPlease see $(highlight "https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/#install-using-the-convenience-script")${RED} for more information \tAlternatively, you can update *JUST* the Compose plugin by following the guide here: \t$(highlight "https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/linux/#install-the-plugin-manually")${RED} \tLearn more about Docker compose release history here: \t$(highlight "https://docs.docker.com/compose/release-notes/")${RED}${NO_COLOR}" declare -r DOCKER_HELP # # System checks # echo -e "👋 ${GREEN}Hello!" echo -e "" echo -e "This script will check your system for the minimum requirements outlined in the Pixelfed Docker install guide" echo -e "You can find the guide here ${BLUE}https://jippi.github.io/pixelfed-docs-next/pr-preview/pr-1/running-pixelfed/docker/prerequisites.html#software${GREEN}." echo -e "${NO_COLOR}" # git installed? action_start "Checking if [$(highlight "git")] command is available" command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 || { action_error_exit "Pixelfed require the 'git' command, but it's not installed" } action_ok "git is installed" # docker installed? action_start "Checking if [$(highlight "docker")] command is available" command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 || { action_error_exit "Pixelfed require the 'docker' command, but it's not installed. ${DOCKER_HELP}" } action_ok "docker is installed" # docker compose installed? action_start "Checking if [$(highlight "docker compose")] command is available" docker compose >/dev/null 2>&1 || { action_error_exit "Pixelfed require the 'docker compose' command, but it's not installed. ${DOCKER_HELP}" } action_ok "docker compose is installed" # docker compose version is acceptable? compose_version=$(docker compose version --short) declare -a compose_version_arr IFS="." read -r -a compose_version_arr <<<"$compose_version" ## major version action_start "Checking if [$(highlight "docker compose version")] major version (${min_docker_compose_version_arr[0]}) is acceptable" [[ ${compose_version_arr[0]} -eq ${min_docker_compose_version_arr[0]} ]] || { action_error_exit "Pixelfed require minimum Docker Compose major version ${min_docker_compose_version_arr[0]}.x.x - found ${compose_version}.${DOCKER_HELP}" } action_ok "You're using major version ${compose_version_arr[0]}" ## minor version action_start "Checking if [$(highlight "docker compose version")] minor version (${min_docker_compose_version_arr[1]}) is acceptable" [[ ${compose_version_arr[1]} -ge ${min_docker_compose_version_arr[1]} ]] || { action_error_exit "Pixelfed require minimum Docker Compose minor version ${min_docker_compose_version_arr[0]}.${min_docker_compose_version_arr[1]} - found ${compose_version}.${DOCKER_HELP}" } action_ok "You're using minor version ${compose_version_arr[1]}" # Yay, everything is fine echo -e "🎉 ${GREEN}All checks passed, you should be ready to run Pixelfed on this server!${NO_COLOR}"