@extends('site.partial.template') @section('section')



@if(config('instance.email') && config('instance.contact.enabled')) You can contact the admins by sending an email to {{config('instance.email')}} or by using the form below. @elseif(config('instance.email') && !config('instance.contact.enabled')) You can contact the admins by sending an email to {{config('instance.email')}}. @elseif(!config('instance.email') && config('instance.contact.enabled')) You can contact the admins by using the form below. @else The admins have not set a contact email address. @endif

@endif @else

@if(config('instance.email') && config('instance.contact.enabled')) You can contact the admins by sending an email to {{config('instance.email')}} or log in to send a message. @elseif (!config('instance.email') && config('instance.contact.enabled')) The admins have not set a contact email address. Please log in to send a message. @elseif (config('instance.email') && !config('instance.contact.enabled')) You can contact the admins by sending an email to {{config('instance.email')}}. @endif

@endsection @auth @push('styles') @endpush @push('scripts') @endpush @endauth