hashtag->id; } /** * Get the middleware the job should pass through. * * @return array */ public function middleware(): array { return [(new WithoutOverlapping("hfp:hashtag:fanout:insert:{$this->hashtag->id}"))->shared()->dontRelease()]; } /** * Create a new job instance. */ public function __construct(StatusHashtag $hashtag) { $this->hashtag = $hashtag; } /** * Execute the job. */ public function handle(): void { $hashtag = $this->hashtag; $sid = $hashtag->status_id; $status = StatusService::get($sid, false); if(!$status || !isset($status['account']) || !isset($status['account']['id'], $status['url'])) { return; } if(!in_array($status['pf_type'], ['photo', 'photo:album', 'video', 'video:album', 'photo:video:album'])) { return; } $domain = strtolower(parse_url($status['url'], PHP_URL_HOST)); $skipIds = []; if(strtolower(config('pixelfed.domain.app')) !== $domain) { $skipIds = UserDomainBlock::where('domain', $domain)->pluck('profile_id')->toArray(); } $filters = UserFilter::whereFilterableType('App\Profile')->whereFilterableId($status['account']['id'])->whereIn('filter_type', ['mute', 'block'])->pluck('user_id')->toArray(); if($filters && count($filters)) { $skipIds = array_merge($skipIds, $filters); } $skipIds = array_unique(array_values($skipIds)); $ids = HashtagFollowService::getPidByHid($hashtag->hashtag_id); if(!$ids || !count($ids)) { return; } foreach($ids as $id) { if(!in_array($id, $skipIds)) { HomeTimelineService::add($id, $hashtag->status_id); } } } }