# PixelFed: Federated Image Sharing PixelFed is a federated social image sharing platform, similar to Instagram. Federation is done using the [ActivityPub](https://activitypub.rocks/) protocol, which is used by [Mastodon](http://joinmastodon.org/), [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/en/), [Pleroma](https://pleroma.social/), and more. Through ActivityPub PixelFed can share and interact with these platforms, as well as other instances of PixelFed. **_Please note this is alpha software, not recommended for production use, and federation is not supported yet._** PixelFed is very early into the development stage. If you would like to have a permanent instance with minimal breakage, **do not use this software until there is a stable release**. The following setup instructions are intended for testing and development. ## Requirements - PHP >= 7.1.3 (7.2+ recommended for stable version) - MySQL >= 5.7, Postgres (MariaDB and sqlite are not supported yet) - Redis - Composer - GD or ImageMagick - OpenSSL PHP Extension - PDO PHP Extension - Mbstring PHP Extension - Tokenizer PHP Extension - XML PHP Extension - Ctype PHP Extension - JSON PHP Extension - JpegOptim - Optipng - Pngquant 2 - SVGO - Gifsicle ## Installation This guide assumes you have NGINX/Apache installed, along with the dependencies. Those will not be covered in these early docs. ```bash git clone https://github.com/dansup/pixelfed.git cd pixelfed composer install cp .env.example .env ``` **Edit .env file with proper values** ```bash php artisan key:generate ``` ```bash php artisan storage:link php artisan migrate php artisan horizon ``` ## Communication The ways you can communicate on the project are below. Before interacting, please read through the [Code Of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). * IRC: #pixelfed on irc.freenode.net ([#freenode_#pixelfed:matrix.org through Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#freenode_#pixelfed:matrix.org) * Project on Mastodon: [@pixelfed@mastodon.social](https://mastodon.social/@pixelfed) * E-mail: [hello@pixelfed.org](mailto:hello@pixelfed.org) ## Support The lead maintainer is on Patreon! You can become a Patron at https://www.patreon.com/dansup