info('Pixelfed Avatar Storage Manager'); $this->line(' '); $segments = [ [ 'Local', Avatar::whereNull('is_remote')->count(), PrettyNumber::size(Avatar::whereNull('is_remote')->sum('size')) ], [ 'Remote', Avatar::whereIsRemote(true)->count(), PrettyNumber::size(Avatar::whereIsRemote(true)->sum('size')) ], [ 'Cached (CDN)', Avatar::whereNotNull('cdn_url')->count(), PrettyNumber::size(Avatar::whereNotNull('cdn_url')->sum('size')) ], [ 'Uncached', Avatar::whereNull('cdn_url')->count(), PrettyNumber::size(Avatar::whereNull('cdn_url')->sum('size')) ], [ '------------', '----------', '-----' ], [ 'Total', Avatar::count(), PrettyNumber::size(Avatar::sum('size')) ], ]; $this->table( ['Segment', 'Count', 'Space Used'], $segments ); $this->line(' '); if(config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage')) { $this->info('✅ - Cloud storage configured'); $this->line(' '); } if(config('instance.avatar.local_to_cloud')) { $this->info('✅ - Store avatars on cloud filesystem'); $this->line(' '); } if(config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage') && config('instance.avatar.local_to_cloud')) { $disk = Storage::disk(config_cache('')); $exists = $disk->exists('cache/avatars/default.jpg'); $state = $exists ? '✅' : '❌'; $msg = $state . ' - Cloud default avatar exists'; $this->info($msg); } $options = config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage') && config('instance.avatar.local_to_cloud') ? [ 'Cancel', 'Upload default avatar to cloud', 'Move local avatars to cloud', 'Re-fetch remote avatars' ] : [ 'Cancel', 'Re-fetch remote avatars' ]; $this->missing = Profile::where('created_at', '<', now()->subDays(1))->doesntHave('avatar')->count(); if($this->missing != 0) { $options[] = 'Fix missing avatars'; } $choice = $this->choice( 'Select action:', $options, 0 ); return $this->handleChoice($choice); } protected function handleChoice($id) { switch ($id) { case 'Cancel': return; break; case 'Upload default avatar to cloud': return $this->uploadDefaultAvatar(); break; case 'Move local avatars to cloud': return $this->uploadAvatarsToCloud(); break; case 'Re-fetch remote avatars': return $this->refetchRemoteAvatars(); break; case 'Fix missing avatars': return $this->fixMissingAvatars(); break; } } protected function uploadDefaultAvatar() { if(!$this->confirm('Are you sure you want to upload the default avatar to the cloud storage disk?')) { return; } $disk = Storage::disk(config_cache('')); $disk->put('cache/avatars/default.jpg', Storage::get('public/avatars/default.jpg')); Avatar::whereMediaPath('public/avatars/default.jpg')->update(['cdn_url' => $disk->url('cache/avatars/default.jpg')]); $this->info('Successfully uploaded default avatar to cloud storage!'); $this->info($disk->url('cache/avatars/default.jpg')); } protected function uploadAvatarsToCloud() { if(!config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage') || !config('instance.avatar.local_to_cloud')) { $this->error('Enable cloud storage and avatar cloud storage to perform this action'); return; } $confirm = $this->confirm('Are you sure you want to move local avatars to cloud storage?'); if(!$confirm) { $this->error('Aborted action'); return; } $disk = Storage::disk(config_cache('')); if($disk->missing('cache/avatars/default.jpg')) { $disk->put('cache/avatars/default.jpg', Storage::get('public/avatars/default.jpg')); } Avatar::whereNull('is_remote')->chunk(5, function($avatars) use($disk) { foreach($avatars as $avatar) { if($avatar->media_path === 'public/avatars/default.jpg') { $avatar->cdn_url = $disk->url('cache/avatars/default.jpg'); $avatar->save(); } else { if(!$avatar->media_path || !Str::of($avatar->media_path)->startsWith('public/avatars/')) { continue; } $ext = pathinfo($avatar->media_path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $newPath = 'cache/avatars/' . $avatar->profile_id . '/avatar_' . strtolower(Str::random(6)) . '.' . $ext; $existing = Storage::disk('local')->get($avatar->media_path); if(!$existing) { continue; } $newMediaPath = $disk->put($newPath, $existing); $avatar->media_path = $newPath; $avatar->cdn_url = $disk->url($newPath); $avatar->save(); } Cache::forget('avatar:' . $avatar->profile_id); Cache::forget(AccountService::CACHE_KEY . $avatar->profile_id); } }); } protected function refetchRemoteAvatars() { if(!$this->confirm('Are you sure you want to refetch all remote avatars? This could take a while.')) { return; } if(config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage') == false && config_cache('federation.avatars.store_local') == false) { $this->error('You have cloud storage disabled and local avatar storage disabled, we cannot refetch avatars.'); return; } $count = Profile::has('avatar') ->with('avatar') ->whereNull('user_id') ->count(); $this->info('Found ' . $count . ' remote avatars to re-fetch'); $this->line(' '); $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar($count); Profile::has('avatar') ->with('avatar') ->whereNull('user_id') ->chunk(50, function($profiles) use($bar) { foreach($profiles as $profile) { $avatar = $profile->avatar; $avatar->last_fetched_at = null; $avatar->save(); RemoteAvatarFetch::dispatch($profile)->onQueue('low'); $bar->advance(); } }); $this->line(' '); $this->line(' '); $this->info('Finished dispatching avatar refetch jobs!'); $this->line(' '); $this->info('This may take a few minutes to complete, you may need to run "php artisan cache:clear" after the jobs are processed.'); $this->line(' '); } protected function incr($name) { switch($name) { case 'found': $this->found = $this->found + 1; break; case 'notFetched': $this->notFetched = $this->notFetched + 1; break; case 'fixed': $this->fixed++; break; } } protected function fixMissingAvatars() { if(!$this->confirm('Are you sure you want to fix missing avatars?')) { return; } $this->info('Found ' . $this->missing . ' accounts with missing profiles'); Profile::where('created_at', '<', now()->subDays(1)) ->doesntHave('avatar') ->chunk(50, function($profiles) { foreach($profiles as $profile) { Avatar::updateOrCreate([ 'profile_id' => $profile->id ], [ 'media_path' => 'public/avatars/default.jpg', 'is_remote' => $profile->domain == null && $profile->private_key == null ]); $this->incr('fixed'); } }); $this->line(' '); $this->line(' '); $this->info('Fixed ' . $this->fixed . ' accounts with a blank avatar'); } }