first()) { return $roles->roles; } return self::defaultRoles(); } public static function roleKeys() { return array_keys(self::defaultRoles()); } public static function defaultRoles() { return [ 'account-force-private' => true, 'account-ignore-follow-requests' => true, 'can-view-public-feed' => true, 'can-view-network-feed' => true, 'can-view-discover' => true, 'can-view-hashtag-feed' => false, 'can-post' => true, 'can-comment' => true, 'can-like' => true, 'can-share' => true, 'can-follow' => false, 'can-make-public' => false, ]; } public static function getRoles($id) { $myRoles = self::get($id); $roleData = collect(self::roleData()) ->map(function($role, $k) use($myRoles) { $role['value'] = $myRoles[$k]; return $role; }) ->toArray(); return $roleData; } public static function roleData() { return [ 'account-force-private' => [ 'title' => 'Force Private Account', 'action' => 'Prevent changing account from private' ], 'account-ignore-follow-requests' => [ 'title' => 'Ignore Follow Requests', 'action' => 'Hide follow requests and associated notifications' ], 'can-view-public-feed' => [ 'title' => 'Hide Public Feed', 'action' => 'Hide the public feed timeline' ], 'can-view-network-feed' => [ 'title' => 'Hide Network Feed', 'action' => 'Hide the network feed timeline' ], 'can-view-discover' => [ 'title' => 'Hide Discover', 'action' => 'Hide the discover feature' ], 'can-post' => [ 'title' => 'Can post', 'action' => 'Allows new posts to be shared' ], 'can-comment' => [ 'title' => 'Can comment', 'action' => 'Allows new comments to be posted' ], 'can-like' => [ 'title' => 'Can Like', 'action' => 'Allows the ability to like posts and comments' ], 'can-share' => [ 'title' => 'Can Share', 'action' => 'Allows the ability to share posts and comments' ], 'can-follow' => [ 'title' => 'Can Follow', 'action' => 'Allows the ability to follow accounts' ], 'can-make-public' => [ 'title' => 'Can make account public', 'action' => 'Allows the ability to make account public' ], ]; } }