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namespace App\Util\ActivityPub;
use App\Instance;
use App\Jobs\AvatarPipeline\RemoteAvatarFetch;
use App\Jobs\HomeFeedPipeline\FeedInsertRemotePipeline;
use App\Jobs\MediaPipeline\MediaStoragePipeline;
use App\Jobs\StatusPipeline\StatusReplyPipeline;
use App\Jobs\StatusPipeline\StatusTagsPipeline;
use App\Media;
use App\Models\ModeratedProfile;
use App\Models\Poll;
use App\Profile;
use App\Services\Account\AccountStatService;
use App\Services\ActivityPubDeliveryService;
use App\Services\ActivityPubFetchService;
use App\Services\DomainService;
use App\Services\InstanceService;
use App\Services\MediaPathService;
use App\Services\NetworkTimelineService;
use App\Services\UserFilterService;
use App\Status;
use App\Util\Media\License;
use Cache;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;
use League\Uri\Exceptions\UriException;
use League\Uri\Uri;
use Purify;
use Validator;
class Helpers
private const PUBLIC_TIMELINE = 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public';
private const CACHE_TTL = 14440;
private const URL_CACHE_PREFIX = 'helpers:url:';
private const FETCH_CACHE_TTL = 15;
private const LOCALHOST_DOMAINS = [
* Validate an ActivityPub object
public static function validateObject(array $data): bool
$verbs = ['Create', 'Announce', 'Like', 'Follow', 'Delete', 'Accept', 'Reject', 'Undo', 'Tombstone'];
return Validator::make($data, [
'type' => ['required', 'string', Rule::in($verbs)],
'id' => 'required|string',
'actor' => 'required|string|url',
'object' => 'required',
'object.type' => 'required_if:type,Create',
'object.attributedTo' => 'required_if:type,Create|url',
'published' => 'required_if:type,Create|date',
* Validate media attachments
public static function verifyAttachments(array $data): bool
if (! isset($data['object']) || empty($data['object'])) {
$data = ['object' => $data];
$activity = $data['object'];
$mimeTypes = explode(',', config_cache('pixelfed.media_types'));
$mediaTypes = in_array('video/mp4', $mimeTypes) ?
['Document', 'Image', 'Video'] :
['Document', 'Image'];
if (! isset($activity['attachment']) || empty($activity['attachment'])) {
return false;
return Validator::make($activity['attachment'], [
'*.type' => ['required', 'string', Rule::in($mediaTypes)],
'*.url' => 'required|url',
'*.mediaType' => ['required', 'string', Rule::in($mimeTypes)],
'*.name' => 'sometimes|nullable|string',
'*.blurhash' => 'sometimes|nullable|string|min:6|max:164',
'*.width' => 'sometimes|nullable|integer|min:1|max:5000',
'*.height' => 'sometimes|nullable|integer|min:1|max:5000',
* Normalize ActivityPub audience
public static function normalizeAudience(array $data, bool $localOnly = true): ?array
if (! isset($data['to'])) {
return null;
$audience = [
'to' => [],
'cc' => [],
'scope' => 'private',
if (is_array($data['to']) && ! empty($data['to'])) {
foreach ($data['to'] as $to) {
if ($to == self::PUBLIC_TIMELINE) {
$audience['scope'] = 'public';
$url = $localOnly ? self::validateLocalUrl($to) : self::validateUrl($to);
if ($url) {
$audience['to'][] = $url;
if (is_array($data['cc']) && ! empty($data['cc'])) {
foreach ($data['cc'] as $cc) {
if ($cc == self::PUBLIC_TIMELINE) {
$audience['scope'] = 'unlisted';
$url = $localOnly ? self::validateLocalUrl($cc) : self::validateUrl($cc);
if ($url) {
$audience['cc'][] = $url;
return $audience;
* Check if user is in audience
public static function userInAudience(Profile $profile, array $data): bool
$audience = self::normalizeAudience($data);
$url = $profile->permalink();
return in_array($url, $audience['to']) || in_array($url, $audience['cc']);
* Validate URL with various security and format checks
public static function validateUrl(?string $url, bool $disableDNSCheck = false, bool $forceBanCheck = false): string|bool
if (! $normalizedUrl = self::normalizeUrl($url)) {
return false;
try {
$uri = Uri::new($normalizedUrl);
if (! self::isValidUri($uri)) {
return false;
$host = $uri->getHost();
if (! self::isValidHost($host)) {
return false;
if (! self::passesSecurityChecks($host, $disableDNSCheck, $forceBanCheck)) {
return false;
return $uri->toString();
} catch (UriException $e) {
return false;
* Normalize URL input
public static function normalizeUrl(?string $url): ?string
if (is_array($url) && ! empty($url)) {
$url = $url[0];
return (! $url || strlen($url) === 0) ? null : $url;
* Validate basic URI requirements
public static function isValidUri(Uri $uri): bool
return $uri && $uri->getScheme() === 'https';
* Validate host requirements
public static function isValidHost(?string $host): bool
if (! $host || $host === '') {
return false;
return false;
if (! str_contains($host, '.')) {
return false;
if (in_array($host, self::LOCALHOST_DOMAINS)) {
return false;
return true;
* Check DNS and banned status if required
public static function passesSecurityChecks(string $host, bool $disableDNSCheck, bool $forceBanCheck): bool
if ($disableDNSCheck !== true && self::shouldCheckDNS()) {
if (! self::hasValidDNS($host)) {
return false;
if ($forceBanCheck || self::shouldCheckBans()) {
if (self::isHostBanned($host)) {
return false;
return true;
* Check if DNS validation is required
public static function shouldCheckDNS(): bool
return app()->environment() === 'production' &&
(bool) config('security.url.verify_dns');
* Validate domain DNS records
public static function hasValidDNS(string $host): bool
$hash = hash('sha256', $host);
$key = self::URL_CACHE_PREFIX."valid-dns:sha256-{$hash}";
return Cache::remember($key, self::CACHE_TTL, function () use ($host) {
return DomainService::hasValidDns($host);
* Check if domain bans should be validated
public static function shouldCheckBans(): bool
return app()->environment() === 'production';
* Check if host is in banned domains list
public static function isHostBanned(string $host): bool
$bannedInstances = InstanceService::getBannedDomains();
return in_array($host, $bannedInstances);
* Validate local URL
public static function validateLocalUrl(string $url): string|bool
$url = self::validateUrl($url);
if ($url) {
$domain = config('pixelfed.domain.app');
$uri = Uri::new($url);
$host = $uri->getHost();
if (! $host || empty($host)) {
return false;
return strtolower($domain) === strtolower($host) ? $url : false;
return false;
* Get user agent string
public static function zttpUserAgent(): array
$version = config('pixelfed.version');
$url = config('app.url');
return [
'Accept' => 'application/activity+json',
'User-Agent' => "(Pixelfed/{$version}; +{$url})",
public static function fetchFromUrl($url = false)
if (self::validateUrl($url) == false) {
$hash = hash('sha256', $url);
$key = "helpers:url:fetcher:sha256-{$hash}";
$ttl = now()->addMinutes(15);
return Cache::remember($key, $ttl, function () use ($url) {
$res = ActivityPubFetchService::get($url);
if (! $res || empty($res)) {
return false;
$res = json_decode($res, true, 8);
if (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
return $res;
} else {
return false;
public static function fetchProfileFromUrl($url)
return self::fetchFromUrl($url);
public static function pluckval($val)
if (is_string($val)) {
return $val;
if (is_array($val)) {
return ! empty($val) ? head($val) : null;
return null;
public static function validateTimestamp($timestamp)
try {
$date = Carbon::parse($timestamp);
$now = Carbon::now();
$tenYearsAgo = $now->copy()->subYears(20);
$isMoreThanTenYearsOld = $date->lt($tenYearsAgo);
$tomorrow = $now->copy()->addDay();
$isMoreThanOneDayFuture = $date->gt($tomorrow);
return ! ($isMoreThanTenYearsOld || $isMoreThanOneDayFuture);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
* Fetch or create a status from URL
public static function statusFirstOrFetch(string $url, bool $replyTo = false): ?Status
if (! $validUrl = self::validateUrl($url)) {
return null;
if ($status = self::findExistingStatus($url)) {
return $status;
return self::createStatusFromUrl($url, $replyTo);
* Find existing status by URL
public static function findExistingStatus(string $url): ?Status
$host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (self::isLocalDomain($host)) {
$id = (int) last(explode('/', $url));
return Status::whereNotIn('scope', ['draft', 'archived'])
return Status::whereNotIn('scope', ['draft', 'archived'])
->where(function ($query) use ($url) {
->orWhere('object_url', $url);
* Create a new status from ActivityPub data
public static function createStatusFromUrl(string $url, bool $replyTo): ?Status
$res = self::fetchFromUrl($url);
if (! $res || ! self::isValidStatusData($res)) {
return null;
if (! self::validateTimestamp($res['published'])) {
return null;
if (! self::passesContentFilters($res)) {
return null;
$activity = isset($res['object']) ? $res : ['object' => $res];
if (! $profile = self::getStatusProfile($activity)) {
return null;
if (! self::validateStatusUrls($url, $activity)) {
return null;
$reply_to = self::getReplyToId($activity, $profile, $replyTo);
$scope = self::getScope($activity, $url);
$cw = self::getSensitive($activity, $url);
if ($res['type'] === 'Question') {
return self::storePoll(
$activity['id'] ?? $url
return self::storeStatus($url, $profile, $res);
* Validate status data
public static function isValidStatusData(?array $res): bool
return $res &&
! empty($res) &&
! isset($res['error']) &&
isset($res['@context']) &&
* Check if content passes filters
public static function passesContentFilters(array $res): bool
if (! config('autospam.live_filters.enabled')) {
return true;
$filters = config('autospam.live_filters.filters');
if (empty($filters) || ! isset($res['content']) || strlen($filters) <= 3) {
return true;
$filters = array_map('trim', explode(',', $filters));
$content = strtolower($res['content']);
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$filter = trim(strtolower($filter));
if ($filter && str_contains($content, $filter)) {
return false;
return true;
* Get profile for status
public static function getStatusProfile(array $activity): ?Profile
if (! isset($activity['object']['attributedTo'])) {
return null;
$attributedTo = self::extractAttributedTo($activity['object']['attributedTo']);
return $attributedTo ? self::profileFirstOrNew($attributedTo) : null;
* Extract attributed to value
public static function extractAttributedTo(string|array $attributedTo): ?string
if (is_string($attributedTo)) {
return $attributedTo;
if (is_array($attributedTo)) {
return collect($attributedTo)
->filter(fn ($o) => $o && isset($o['type']) && $o['type'] == 'Person')
return null;
* Validate status URLs match
public static function validateStatusUrls(string $url, array $activity): bool
$id = isset($activity['id']) ?
self::pluckval($activity['id']) :
$idDomain = parse_url($id, PHP_URL_HOST);
$urlDomain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
return $idDomain &&
$urlDomain &&
strtolower($idDomain) === strtolower($urlDomain);
* Get reply-to status ID
public static function getReplyToId(array $activity, Profile $profile, bool $replyTo): ?int
$inReplyTo = $activity['object']['inReplyTo'] ?? null;
if (! $inReplyTo && ! $replyTo) {
return null;
$reply = self::statusFirstOrFetch(self::pluckval($inReplyTo), false);
if (! $reply) {
return null;
$blocks = UserFilterService::blocks($reply->profile_id);
return in_array($profile->id, $blocks) ? null : $reply->id;
* Store a new regular status
public static function storeStatus(string $url, Profile $profile, array $activity): Status
$originalUrl = $url;
$id = self::getStatusId($activity, $url);
$url = self::getStatusUrl($activity, $id);
if ((! isset($activity['type']) ||
in_array($activity['type'], ['Create', 'Note'])) &&
! self::validateStatusDomains($originalUrl, $id, $url)) {
throw new \Exception('Invalid status domains');
$reply_to = self::getReplyTo($activity);
$ts = self::pluckval($activity['published']);
$scope = self::getScope($activity, $url);
$commentsDisabled = isset($activity['commentsEnabled']) ? (bool)$activity['commentsEnabled'] == false : false;
$cw = self::getSensitive($activity, $url);
if ($profile->unlisted) {
$scope = 'unlisted';
$status = self::createOrUpdateStatus($url, $profile, $id, $activity, $ts, $reply_to, $cw, $scope, $commentsDisabled);
if ($reply_to === null) {
self::importNoteAttachment($activity, $status);
} else {
if (isset($activity['attachment']) && ! empty($activity['attachment'])) {
self::importNoteAttachment($activity, $status);
if (isset($activity['tag']) && is_array($activity['tag']) && ! empty($activity['tag'])) {
StatusTagsPipeline::dispatch($activity, $status);
self::handleStatusPostProcessing($status, $profile->id, $url);
return $status;
* Get status ID from activity
public static function getStatusId(array $activity, string $url): string
return isset($activity['id']) ?
self::pluckval($activity['id']) :
* Get status URL from activity
public static function getStatusUrl(array $activity, string $id): string
return isset($activity['url']) && is_string($activity['url']) ?
self::pluckval($activity['url']) :
* Validate status domain consistency
public static function validateStatusDomains(string $originalUrl, string $id, string $url): bool
if (! self::validateUrl($id) || ! self::validateUrl($url)) {
return false;
$originalDomain = parse_url($originalUrl, PHP_URL_HOST);
$idDomain = parse_url($id, PHP_URL_HOST);
$urlDomain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
return strtolower($originalDomain) === strtolower($idDomain) &&
strtolower($originalDomain) === strtolower($urlDomain);
* Create or update status record
public static function createOrUpdateStatus(
string $url,
Profile $profile,
string $id,
array $activity,
string $ts,
?int $reply_to,
bool $cw,
string $scope,
bool $commentsDisabled
): Status {
$caption = isset($activity['content']) ?
Purify::clean($activity['content']) :
return Status::updateOrCreate(
['uri' => $url],
'profile_id' => $profile->id,
'url' => $url,
'object_url' => $id,
'caption' => strip_tags($caption),
'rendered' => $caption,
'created_at' => Carbon::parse($ts)->tz('UTC'),
'in_reply_to_id' => $reply_to,
'local' => false,
'is_nsfw' => $cw,
'scope' => $scope,
'visibility' => $scope,
'cw_summary' => ($cw && isset($activity['summary'])) ?
Purify::clean(strip_tags($activity['summary'])) :
'comments_disabled' => $commentsDisabled,
* Handle post-creation status processing
public static function handleStatusPostProcessing(Status $status, int $profileId, string $url): void
if (config('instance.timeline.network.cached') &&
) {
$urlDomain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$filteredDomains = self::getFilteredDomains();
if (! in_array($urlDomain, $filteredDomains)) {
if ($status->in_reply_to_id === null &&
in_array($status->type, ['photo', 'photo:album', 'video', 'video:album', 'photo:video:album'])
) {
FeedInsertRemotePipeline::dispatch($status->id, $profileId)
* Check if status is eligible for network timeline
public static function isEligibleForNetwork(Status $status): bool
return $status->in_reply_to_id === null &&
$status->reblog_of_id === null &&
in_array($status->type, ['photo', 'photo:album', 'video', 'video:album', 'photo:video:album']) &&
$status->created_at->gt(now()->subHours(config('instance.timeline.network.max_hours_old'))) &&
(config('instance.hide_nsfw_on_public_feeds') ? ! $status->is_nsfw : true);
* Get filtered domains list
public static function getFilteredDomains(): array
return collect(InstanceService::getBannedDomains())
public static function getSensitive($activity, $url)
if (! $url || ! strlen($url)) {
return true;
$urlDomain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$cw = isset($activity['sensitive']) ? (bool) $activity['sensitive'] : false;
if (in_array($urlDomain, InstanceService::getNsfwDomains())) {
$cw = true;
return $cw;
public static function getReplyTo($activity)
$reply_to = null;
$inReplyTo = isset($activity['inReplyTo']) && ! empty($activity['inReplyTo']) ?
self::pluckval($activity['inReplyTo']) :
if ($inReplyTo) {
$reply_to = self::statusFirstOrFetch($inReplyTo);
if ($reply_to) {
$reply_to = optional($reply_to)->id;
} else {
$reply_to = null;
return $reply_to;
public static function getScope($activity, $url)
$id = isset($activity['id']) ? self::pluckval($activity['id']) : self::pluckval($url);
$url = isset($activity['url']) ? self::pluckval($activity['url']) : self::pluckval($id);
$urlDomain = parse_url(self::pluckval($url), PHP_URL_HOST);
$scope = 'private';
if (isset($activity['to']) == true) {
if (is_array($activity['to']) && in_array('https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public', $activity['to'])) {
$scope = 'public';
if (is_string($activity['to']) && $activity['to'] == 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public') {
$scope = 'public';
if (isset($activity['cc']) == true) {
if (is_array($activity['cc']) && in_array('https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public', $activity['cc'])) {
$scope = 'unlisted';
if (is_string($activity['cc']) && $activity['cc'] == 'https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public') {
$scope = 'unlisted';
if ($scope == 'public' && in_array($urlDomain, InstanceService::getUnlistedDomains())) {
$scope = 'unlisted';
return $scope;
public static function storePoll($profile, $res, $url, $ts, $reply_to, $cw, $scope, $id)
if (! isset($res['endTime']) || ! isset($res['oneOf']) || ! is_array($res['oneOf']) || count($res['oneOf']) > 4) {
$options = collect($res['oneOf'])->map(function ($option) {
return $option['name'];
$cachedTallies = collect($res['oneOf'])->map(function ($option) {
return $option['replies']['totalItems'] ?? 0;
$defaultCaption = '';
$status = new Status;
$status->profile_id = $profile->id;
$status->url = isset($res['url']) ? $res['url'] : $url;
$status->uri = isset($res['url']) ? $res['url'] : $url;
$status->object_url = $id;
$status->caption = strip_tags(Purify::clean($res['content'])) ?? $defaultCaption;
$status->rendered = Purify::clean($res['content'] ?? $defaultCaption);
$status->created_at = Carbon::parse($ts)->tz('UTC');
$status->in_reply_to_id = null;
$status->local = false;
$status->is_nsfw = $cw;
$status->scope = 'draft';
$status->visibility = 'draft';
$status->cw_summary = $cw == true && isset($res['summary']) ?
Purify::clean(strip_tags($res['summary'])) : null;
$poll = new Poll;
$poll->status_id = $status->id;
$poll->profile_id = $status->profile_id;
$poll->poll_options = $options;
$poll->cached_tallies = $cachedTallies;
$poll->votes_count = array_sum($cachedTallies);
$poll->expires_at = now()->parse($res['endTime']);
$poll->last_fetched_at = now();
$status->type = 'poll';
$status->scope = $scope;
$status->visibility = $scope;
return $status;
public static function statusFetch($url)
return self::statusFirstOrFetch($url);
* Process and store note attachments
public static function importNoteAttachment(array $data, Status $status): void
if (! self::verifyAttachments($data)) {
$attachments = self::getAttachments($data);
$profile = $status->profile;
$storagePath = MediaPathService::get($profile, 2);
$allowedTypes = explode(',', config_cache('pixelfed.media_types'));
foreach ($attachments as $key => $media) {
if (! self::isValidAttachment($media, $allowedTypes)) {
$mediaModel = self::createMediaAttachment($media, $status, $key);
* Get attachments from ActivityPub data
public static function getAttachments(array $data): array
return isset($data['object']) ?
$data['object']['attachment'] :
* Validate individual attachment
public static function isValidAttachment(array $media, array $allowedTypes): bool
$type = $media['mediaType'];
$url = $media['url'];
return in_array($type, $allowedTypes) &&
* Create media attachment record
public static function createMediaAttachment(array $media, Status $status, int $key): Media
$mediaModel = new Media;
self::setBasicMediaAttributes($mediaModel, $media, $status, $key);
self::setOptionalMediaAttributes($mediaModel, $media);
return $mediaModel;
* Set basic media attributes
public static function setBasicMediaAttributes(Media $media, array $data, Status $status, int $key): void
$media->remote_media = true;
$media->status_id = $status->id;
$media->profile_id = $status->profile_id;
$media->user_id = null;
$media->media_path = $data['url'];
$media->remote_url = $data['url'];
$media->mime = $data['mediaType'];
$media->version = 3;
$media->order = $key + 1;
* Set optional media attributes
public static function setOptionalMediaAttributes(Media $media, array $data): void
$media->blurhash = $data['blurhash'] ?? null;
$media->caption = isset($data['name']) ?
Purify::clean($data['name']) :
if (isset($data['width'])) {
$media->width = $data['width'];
if (isset($data['height'])) {
$media->height = $data['height'];
if (isset($data['license'])) {
$media->license = License::nameToId($data['license']);
* Handle media storage processing
public static function handleMediaStorage(Media $media): void
if ((bool) config_cache('pixelfed.cloud_storage')) {
* Validate attachment collection
public static function validateAttachmentCollection(array $attachments, array $mediaTypes, array $mimeTypes): bool
return Validator::make($attachments, [
'*.type' => [
'*.url' => 'required|url',
'*.mediaType' => [
'*.name' => 'sometimes|nullable|string',
'*.blurhash' => 'sometimes|nullable|string|min:6|max:164',
'*.width' => 'sometimes|nullable|integer|min:1|max:5000',
'*.height' => 'sometimes|nullable|integer|min:1|max:5000',
* Get supported media types
public static function getSupportedMediaTypes(): array
$mimeTypes = explode(',', config_cache('pixelfed.media_types'));
return in_array('video/mp4', $mimeTypes) ?
['Document', 'Image', 'Video'] :
['Document', 'Image'];
* Process specific media type attachment
public static function processMediaTypeAttachment(array $media, Status $status, int $order): ?Media
if (! self::isValidMediaType($media)) {
return null;
$mediaModel = new Media;
self::setMediaAttributes($mediaModel, $media, $status, $order);
return $mediaModel;
* Validate media type
public static function isValidMediaType(array $media): bool
$requiredFields = ['mediaType', 'url'];
foreach ($requiredFields as $field) {
if (! isset($media[$field]) || empty($media[$field])) {
return false;
return true;
* Set media attributes
public static function setMediaAttributes(Media $media, array $data, Status $status, int $order): void
$media->remote_media = true;
$media->status_id = $status->id;
$media->profile_id = $status->profile_id;
$media->user_id = null;
$media->media_path = $data['url'];
$media->remote_url = $data['url'];
$media->mime = $data['mediaType'];
$media->version = 3;
$media->order = $order;
// Optional attributes
if (isset($data['blurhash'])) {
$media->blurhash = $data['blurhash'];
if (isset($data['name'])) {
$media->caption = Purify::clean($data['name']);
if (isset($data['width'])) {
$media->width = $data['width'];
if (isset($data['height'])) {
$media->height = $data['height'];
if (isset($data['license'])) {
$media->license = License::nameToId($data['license']);
* Fetch or create a profile from a URL
public static function profileFirstOrNew(string $url): ?Profile
if (! $validatedUrl = self::validateUrl($url)) {
return null;
$host = parse_url($validatedUrl, PHP_URL_HOST);
if (self::isLocalDomain($host)) {
return self::getLocalProfile($validatedUrl);
return self::getOrFetchRemoteProfile($validatedUrl);
* Check if domain is local
public static function isLocalDomain(string $host): bool
return config('pixelfed.domain.app') == $host;
* Get local profile from URL
public static function getLocalProfile(string $url): ?Profile
$username = last(explode('/', $url));
return Profile::whereNull('status')
* Get existing or fetch new remote profile
public static function getOrFetchRemoteProfile(string $url): ?Profile
$profile = Profile::whereRemoteUrl($url)->first();
if ($profile && ! self::needsFetch($profile)) {
return $profile;
return self::profileUpdateOrCreate($url);
* Check if profile needs to be fetched
public static function needsFetch(?Profile $profile): bool
return ! $profile?->last_fetched_at ||
* Update or create a profile from ActivityPub data
public static function profileUpdateOrCreate(string $url, bool $movedToCheck = false): ?Profile
$res = self::fetchProfileFromUrl($url);
if (! $res || ! self::isValidProfileData($res, $url)) {
return null;
$domain = parse_url($res['id'], PHP_URL_HOST);
$username = self::extractUsername($res);
if (! $username || self::isProfileBanned($res['id'])) {
return null;
$webfinger = "@{$username}@{$domain}";
$instance = self::getOrCreateInstance($domain);
$movedToPid = $movedToCheck ? null : self::handleMovedTo($res);
$profile = Profile::updateOrCreate(
'domain' => strtolower($domain),
'username' => Purify::clean($webfinger),
self::buildProfileData($res, $webfinger, $movedToPid)
return $profile;
* Validate profile data from ActivityPub
public static function isValidProfileData(?array $res, string $url): bool
if (! $res || ! isset($res['id']) || ! isset($res['inbox'])) {
return false;
if (! self::validateUrl($res['inbox']) || ! self::validateUrl($res['id'])) {
return false;
$urlDomain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
$domain = parse_url($res['id'], PHP_URL_HOST);
return strtolower($urlDomain) === strtolower($domain);
* Extract username from profile data
public static function extractUsername(array $res): ?string
$username = $res['preferredUsername'] ?? $res['nickname'] ?? null;
if (! $username || ! ctype_alnum(str_replace(['_', '.', '-'], '', $username))) {
return null;
return Purify::clean($username);
* Check if profile is banned
public static function isProfileBanned(string $profileUrl): bool
return ModeratedProfile::whereProfileUrl($profileUrl)
* Get or create federation instance
public static function getOrCreateInstance(string $domain): Instance
$instance = Instance::updateOrCreate(['domain' => $domain]);
if ($instance->wasRecentlyCreated) {
return $instance;
* Handle moved profile references
public static function handleMovedTo(array $res): ?int
if (! isset($res['movedTo']) || ! self::validateUrl($res['movedTo'])) {
return null;
$movedTo = self::profileUpdateOrCreate($res['movedTo'], true);
return $movedTo?->id;
* Build profile data array for database
public static function buildProfileData(array $res, string $webfinger, ?int $movedToPid): array
return [
'webfinger' => Purify::clean($webfinger),
'key_id' => $res['publicKey']['id'],
'remote_url' => $res['id'],
'name' => isset($res['name']) ? Purify::clean($res['name']) : 'user',
'bio' => isset($res['summary']) ? Purify::clean($res['summary']) : null,
'sharedInbox' => $res['endpoints']['sharedInbox'] ?? null,
'inbox_url' => $res['inbox'],
'outbox_url' => $res['outbox'] ?? null,
'public_key' => $res['publicKey']['publicKeyPem'],
'indexable' => $res['indexable'] ?? false,
'moved_to_profile_id' => $movedToPid,
* Handle profile avatar updates
public static function handleProfileAvatar(Profile $profile): void
if (! $profile->last_fetched_at ||
) {
$profile->last_fetched_at = now();
public static function profileFetch($url): ?Profile
return self::profileFirstOrNew($url);
public static function getSignedFetch($url)
return ActivityPubFetchService::get($url);
public static function sendSignedObject($profile, $url, $body)
if (app()->environment() !== 'production') {