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# -*- mode: bash -*-
# vi: ft=bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2148
# Pixelfed application configuration
# A random 32-character string to be used as an encryption key.
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# ! NOTE: This will be auto-generated by Docker during bootstrap
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# This key is used by the Illuminate encrypter service and should be set to a random,
# 32 character string, otherwise these encrypted strings will not be safe.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_key
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_name-1
APP_NAME="Pixelfed Prod"
# Application domains used for routing.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_domain
# This URL is used by the console to properly generate URLs when using the Artisan command line tool.
# You should set this to the root of your application so that it is used when running Artisan tasks.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_url
# Application domains used for routing.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#admin_domain
# This value determines the “environment” your application is currently running in.
# This may determine how you prefer to configure various services your application utilizes.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_env
# When your application is in debug mode, detailed error messages with stack traces will
# be shown on every error that occurs within your application.
# If disabled, a simple generic error page is shown.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_debug
# Enable/disable new local account registrations.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#open_registration
# Require email verification before a new user can do anything.
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#enforce_email_verification
# Allow a maximum number of user accounts.
# Defaults to "1000".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#pf_max_users
# Enforce the maximum number of user accounts
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#oauth_enabled
# Defaults to "UTC".
# ! Do not edit your timezone once the service is running - or things will break!
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_timezone
# See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
# The application locale determines the default locale that will be used by the translation service provider.
# You are free to set this value to any of the locales which will be supported by the application.
# Defaults to "en".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_locale
# The fallback locale determines the locale to use when the current one is not available.
# You may change the value to correspond to any of the language folders that are provided through your application.
# Defaults to "en".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#app_fallback_locale
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#limit_account_size
# Update the max account size, the per user limit of files in kB.
# Defaults to "1000000" (1GB).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#max_account_size-kb
# Update the max photo size, in kB.
# Defaults to "15000" (15MB).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#max_photo_size-kb
# The max number of photos allowed per post.
# Defaults to "4".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#max_album_length
# Update the max avatar size, in kB.
# Defaults to "2000" (2MB).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#max_avatar_size-kb
# Change the caption length limit for new local posts.
# Defaults to "500".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#max_caption_length
# Change the bio length limit for user profiles.
# Defaults to "125".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#max_bio_length
# Change the length limit for user names.
# Defaults to "30".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#max_name_length
# Resize and optimize image uploads.
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#pf_optimize_images
# Set the image optimization quality, must be a value between 1-100.
# Defaults to "80".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#image_quality
# Resize and optimize video uploads.
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#pf_optimize_videos
# Enable account deletion.
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#account_deletion
# Set account deletion queue after X days, set to false to delete accounts immediately.
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#account_delete_after
# Defaults to "Pixelfed - Photo sharing for everyone".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#instance_description
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#instance_public_hashtags
# Defaults to "".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#instance_contact_email
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#instance_public_local_timeline
# Defaults to "".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#banned_usernames
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#stories_enabled
# Defaults to "false".
# Level is hardcoded to 1.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#restricted_instance
# Lets Encrypt configuration
# The host to request LetsEncrypt certificate for
# The e-mail to use for Lets Encrypt certificate requests.
# Lets Encrypt staging/test servers for certificate requests.
# Setting this to any value will change to letsencrypt test servers.
# Database configuration
# Database version to use (as Docker tag)
# See: https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb
# Here you may specify which of the database connections below
# you wish to use as your default connection for all database work.
# Of course you may use many connections at once using the database library.
# Possible values:
# - "sqlite"
# - "mysql" (default)
# - "pgsql"
# - "sqlsrv"
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#db_connection
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#db_host
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#db_username
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#db_password
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#db_database
# Use "3306" for MySQL/MariaDB and "5432" for PostgreeSQL
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#db_port
# Automatically run [artisan migrate --force] if new migrations are detected.
# Mail configuration
# Laravel supports both SMTP and PHPs “mail” function as drivers for the sending of e-mail.
# You may specify which one youre using throughout your application here.
# Possible values:
# "smtp" (default)
# "sendmail"
# "mailgun"
# "mandrill"
# "ses"
# "sparkpost"
# "log"
# "array"
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_driver
# The host address of the SMTP server used by your applications.
# A default option is provided that is compatible with the Mailgun mail service which will provide reliable deliveries.
# Defaults to "smtp.mailgun.org".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_host
# This is the SMTP port used by your application to deliver e-mails to users of the application.
# Like the host we have set this value to stay compatible with the Mailgun e-mail application by default.
# Defaults to 587.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_port
# You may wish for all e-mails sent by your application to be sent from the same address.
# Here, you may specify a name and address that is used globally for all e-mails that are sent by your application.
# Defaults to "hello@example.com".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_from_address
# Defaults to "Example".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_from_name
# If your SMTP server requires a username for authentication, you should set it here.
# This will get used to authenticate with your server on connection.
# You may also set the “password” value below this one.
# Defaults to "".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_username
# Defaults to "".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_password
# Here you may specify the encryption protocol that should be used when the application send e-mail messages.
# A sensible default using the transport layer security protocol should provide great security.
# Defaults to "tls".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#mail_encryption
# Redis configuration
# Defaults to "phpredis".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#redis_client
# Defaults to "tcp".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#redis_scheme
# Defaults to "localhost".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#redis_host
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#redis_password
# Defaults to "6379".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#redis_port
# Defaults to "0".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#redis_database
# Cache settings
# This option controls the default cache connection that gets used while using this caching library.
# This connection is used when another is not explicitly specified when executing a given caching function.
# Possible values:
# - "apc"
# - "array"
# - "database"
# - "file" (default)
# - "memcached"
# - "redis"
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cache_driver
# Defaults to ${APP_NAME}_cache, or laravel_cache if no APP_NAME is set.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cache_prefix
# Horizon settings
# This prefix will be used when storing all Horizon data in Redis.
# You may modify the prefix when you are running multiple installations
# of Horizon on the same server so that they dont have problems.
# Defaults to "horizon-".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_prefix
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_darkmode
# This value (in MB) describes the maximum amount of memory (in MB) the Horizon worker
# may consume before it is terminated and restarted.
# You should set this value according to the resources available to your server.
# Defaults to "64".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_balance_strategy
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_min_processes
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_max_processes
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_supervisor_memory
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_supervisor_tries
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_supervisor_nice
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#horizon_supervisor_timeout
# Experiments
# Text only posts (alpha).
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#exp_top
# Poll statuses (alpha).
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#exp_polls
# Cached public timeline for larger instances (beta).
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#exp_cpt
# Enforce Mastodon API Compatibility (alpha).
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#exp_emc
# ActivityPub confguration
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#activity_pub
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#ap_remote_follow
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#ap_sharedinbox
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#ap_inbox
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#ap_outbox
# Federation confguration
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#atom_feeds
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#nodeinfo
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#webfinger
# Storage (cloud)
# Store media on object storage like S3, Digital Ocean Spaces, Rackspace
# Defaults to "false".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#pf_enable_cloud
# Many applications store files both locally and in the cloud.
# For this reason, you may specify a default “cloud” driver here.
# This driver will be bound as the Cloud disk implementation in the container.
# Defaults to "s3".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#filesystem_cloud
# Defaults to true.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#media_delete_local_after_cloud
# Storage (cloud) - S3 andS S3 *compatible* providers
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#aws_access_key_id
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#aws_secret_access_key
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#aws_default_region
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#aws_bucket
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#aws_url
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#aws_endpoint
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#aws_use_path_style_endpoint
# COSTAR - Confirm Object Sentiment Transform and Reduce
# Comma-separated list of domains to block.
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_blocked_domains
# Comma-separated list of domains to add warnings.
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_cw_domains
# Comma-separated list of domains to remove from public timelines.
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_unlisted_domains
# Comma-separated list of keywords to block.
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_blocked_keywords
# Comma-separated list of keywords to add warnings.
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_cw_keywords
# Comma-separated list of keywords to remove from public timelines.
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_unlisted_keywords
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_blocked_actor
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_cw_actor
# Defaults to null (not set/commented out).
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#cs_unlisted_actor
# Media
# Defaults to false.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#media_exif_database
# Pixelfed supports GD or ImageMagick to process images.
# Defaults to "gd".
# Possible values:
# - "gd" (default)
# - "imagick"
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#image_driver
# Logging
# Possible values:
# - "stack" (default)
# - "single"
# - "daily"
# - "slack"
# - "stderr"
# - "syslog"
# - "errorlog"
# - "null"
# - "emergency"
# - "media"
# Used by single, stderr and syslog.
# Defaults to "debug" for all of those.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#log_level
# Used by stderr.
# Defaults to "".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#log_stderr_formatter
# Used by slack.
# Defaults to "".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#log_slack_webhook_url
# Broadcasting settings
# This option controls the default broadcaster that will be used by the framework when an event needs to be broadcast.
# Possible values:
# - "pusher"
# - "redis"
# - "log"
# - "null" (default)
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#broadcast_driver
# Sanitizing settings
# Defaults to "true".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#restrict_html_types
# Queue configuration
# Possible values:
# - "sync" (default)
# - "database"
# - "beanstalkd"
# - "sqs"
# - "redis"
# - "null"
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#queue_driver
# Queue (SQS) configuration
# Defaults to "your-public-key".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#sqs_key
# Defaults to "your-secret-key".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#sqs_secret
# Defaults to "https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/your-account-id".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#sqs_prefix
# Defaults to "your-queue-name".
# https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#sqs_queue
# Defaults to "us-east-1".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#sqs_region
# Session configuration
# This option controls the default session “driver” that will be used on requests.
# By default, we will use the lightweight native driver but you may specify any of the other wonderful drivers provided here.
# Possible values:
# - "file"
# - "cookie"
# - "database" (default)
# - "apc"
# - "memcached"
# - "redis"
# - "array"
# Here you may specify the number of minutes that you wish the session to be allowed to remain idle before it expires.
# If you want them to immediately expire on the browser closing, set that option.
# Defaults to 86400.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#session_lifetime
# Here you may change the domain of the cookie used to identify a session in your application.
# This will determine which domains the cookie is available to in your application.
# A sensible default has been set.
# Defaults to the value of APP_DOMAIN, or null.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#session_domain
# Proxy configuration
# Set trusted proxy IP addresses.
# Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported, along with CIDR notation.
# The “*” character is syntactic sugar within TrustedProxy to trust any
# proxy that connects directly to your server, a requirement when you cannot
# know the address of your proxy (e.g. if using Rackspace balancers).
# The “**” character is syntactic sugar within TrustedProxy to trust not just any
# proxy that connects directly to your server, but also proxies that connect to those proxies,
# and all the way back until you reach the original source IP. It will mean that
# $request->getClientIp() always gets the originating client IP, no matter how many proxies
# that clients request has subsequently passed through.
# Defaults to "*".
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#trust_proxies
# Passport configuration
# Passport uses encryption keys while generating secure access tokens
# for your application.
# By default, the keys are stored as local files but can be set via environment
# variables when that is more convenient.
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#passport_private_key
# See: https://docs.pixelfed.org/technical-documentation/config/#passport_public_key
# PHP configuration
# See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.memory-limit
# Other configuration
# ? Add your own configuration here
# Timezone configuration
# Set timezone used by *all* containers - these must be in sync.
# ! Do not edit your timezone once the service is running - or things will break!
# See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php
# Docker configuraton for *all* services
# Prefix for container names (without any dash at the end)
# How often Docker health check should run for all services
# Can be overridden by individual [DOCKER_*_HEALTHCHECK_INTERVAL] settings further down
# Path (relative to the docker-compose.yml) or absolute (/some/other/path) where containers will store their data
# Path (relative to the docker-compose.yml) or absolute (/some/other/path) where containers will store their confguration
# Docker [web] + [worker] (also know as "app") shared service configuration
# The docker tag prefix to use for pulling images, can be one of
# * latest
# * <some semver release>
# * staging
# * edge
# * branch-<some branch name>
# * pr-<some merge request id>
# Combined with [DOCKER_APP_RUNTIME] and [PHP_VERSION] configured
# elsewhere in this file, the final Docker tag is computed.
# The PHP version to use for [web] and [worker] container
# Any version published on https://hub.docker.com/_/php should work
# Example:
# * 8.1
# * 8.2
# * 8.2.14
# * latest
# Do *NOT* use the full Docker tag (e.g. "8.3.2RC1-fpm-bullseye")
# *only* the version part. The rest of the full tag is derived from
# The [php] Docker image base type
# See: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/blob/dev/docker/runtimes.md
# The Debian release variant to use of the [php] Docker image
# Image to pull the Pixelfed Docker images from.
# Example values:
# * "ghcr.io/pixelfed/pixelfed" to pull from GitHub
# * "pixelfed/pixelfed" to pull from DockerHub
# * "your/fork" to pull from a custom fork
# The container runtime to use.
# See: https://github.com/jippi/pixelfed/blob/jippi-fork/docker/runtimes.md
# Pixelfed version (image tag) to pull from the registry.
# See: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/pkgs/container/pixelfed
# Path (on host system) where the [app] + [worker] container will write
# its [storage] data (e.g uploads/images/profile pictures etc.).
# Path is relative (./some/other/path) to the docker-compose.yml or absolute (/some/other/path)
# Path (on host system) where the [app] + [worker] container will write
# its [cache] data.
# Path is relative (./some/other/path) to the docker-compose.yml or absolute (/some/other/path)
# Automatically run "One-time setup tasks" commands.
# If you are migrating to this docker-compose setup or have manually run the "One time seutp"
# tasks (https://docs.pixelfed.org/running-pixelfed/installation/#setting-up-services)
# you can set this to "0" to prevent them from running.
# Otherwise, leave it at "1" to have them run *once*.
# A space-seperated list of paths (inside the container) to *recursively* [chown]
# to the container user/group id (UID/GID) in case of permission issues.
# ! You should *not* leave this on permanently, at it can significantly slow down startup
# ! time for the container, and during normal operations there should never be permission
# ! issues. Please report a bug if you see behavior requiring this to be permanently on
# Example: "/var/www/storage /var/www/bootstrap/cache"
# Enable Docker Entrypoint debug mode (will call [set -x] in bash scripts)
# by setting this to "1".
# List of extra APT packages (separated by space) to install when building
# locally using [docker compose build].
# See: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/blob/dev/docker/customizing.md
# List of *extra* PECL extensions (separated by space) to install when
# building locally using [docker compose build].
# See: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/blob/dev/docker/customizing.md
# List of *extra* PHP extensions (separated by space) to install when
# building locally using [docker compose build].
# See: https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/blob/dev/docker/customizing.md
# Docker [redis] service configuration
# Redis version to use as Docker tag
# See: https://hub.docker.com/_/redis
# Path (on host system) where the [redis] container will store its data
# Path is relative (./some/other/path) to the docker-compose.yml or absolute (/some/other/path)
# Port that Redis will listen on *outside* the container (e.g. the host machine)
# The filename that Redis should store its config file within
# NOTE: The file *MUST* exists (even empty) before enabling this setting!
# Use a command like [touch "${DOCKER_ALL_HOST_CONFIG_ROOT_PATH}/redis/redis.conf"] to create it.
# Defaults to ""
# How often Docker health check should run for [redis] service
# Defaults to "10s"
# Docker [db] service configuration
# Set this to a non-empty value (e.g. "disabled") to disable the [db] service
# Path (on host system) where the [db] container will store its data
# Path is relative (./some/other/path) to the docker-compose.yml or absolute (/some/other/path)
# Port that the database will listen on *outside* the container (e.g. the host machine)
# Use "3306" for MySQL/MariaDB and "5432" for PostgreeSQL
# How often Docker health check should run for [db] service
# Docker [web] service configuration
# Set this to a non-empty value (e.g. "disabled") to disable the [web] service
# Port to expose [web] container will listen on *outside* the container (e.g. the host machine) for *HTTP* traffic only
# How often Docker health check should run for [web] service
# Docker [worker] service configuration
# Set this to a non-empty value (e.g. "disabled") to disable the [worker] service
# How often Docker health check should run for [worker] service
# Docker [proxy] + [proxy-acme] service configuration
# Set this to a non-empty value (e.g. "disabled") to disable the [proxy] and [proxy-acme] service
# Set this to a non-empty value (e.g. "disabled") to disable the [proxy-acme] service
# How often Docker health check should run for [proxy] service
# Port that the [proxy] will listen on *outside* the container (e.g. the host machine) for HTTP traffic
# Port that the [proxy] will listen on *outside* the container (e.g. the host machine) for HTTPS traffic
# Path to the Docker socket on the *host*
# ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ! Below this line is default environment variables for various [db] backends
# ! You very likely do *NOT* need to modify any of this, ever.
# ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Docker [db] service environment variables for MySQL (Oracle)
# See "Environment Variables" at https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql
# ! DO NOT CHANGE unless you know what you are doing
# Docker [db] service environment variables for MySQL (MariaDB)
# See "Start a mariadb server instance with user, password and database"
# at https://hub.docker.com/_/mariadb
# ! DO NOT CHANGE unless you know what you are doing
# Docker [db] service environment variables for PostgreSQL
# See "Environment Variables" at https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres
# ! DO NOT CHANGE unless you know what you are doing