
95 lines
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namespace App\Console\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use App\Hashtag;
use App\StatusHashtag;
use App\Models\HashtagRelated;
use App\Services\HashtagRelatedService;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\PromptsForMissingInput;
use function Laravel\Prompts\multiselect;
use function Laravel\Prompts\confirm;
class HashtagRelatedGenerate extends Command implements PromptsForMissingInput
* The name and signature of the console command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'app:hashtag-related-generate {tag}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Command description';
* Prompt for missing input arguments using the returned questions.
* @return array
protected function promptForMissingArgumentsUsing()
return [
'tag' => 'Which hashtag should we generate related tags for?',
* Execute the console command.
public function handle()
$tag = $this->argument('tag');
$hashtag = Hashtag::whereName($tag)->orWhere('slug', $tag)->first();
if(!$hashtag) {
$this->error('Hashtag not found, aborting...');
$exists = HashtagRelated::whereHashtagId($hashtag->id)->exists();
if($exists) {
$confirmed = confirm('Found existing related tags, do you want to regenerate them?');
if(!$confirmed) {
$this->info('Looking up #' . $tag . '...');
$tags = StatusHashtag::whereHashtagId($hashtag->id)->count();
if(!$tags || $tags < 100) {
$this->error('Not enough posts found to generate related hashtags!');
$this->info('Found ' . $tags . ' posts that use that hashtag');
$related = collect(HashtagRelatedService::fetchRelatedTags($tag));
$selected = multiselect(
label: 'Which tags do you want to generate?',
options: $related->pluck('name'),
required: true,
$filtered = $related->filter(fn($i) => in_array($i['name'], $selected))->all();
$agg_score = $related->filter(fn($i) => in_array($i['name'], $selected))->sum('related_count');
'hashtag_id' => $hashtag->id,
], [
'related_tags' => array_values($filtered),
'agg_score' => $agg_score,
'last_calculated_at' => now()