
43 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable File

set -ex -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
declare -a pecl_extensions=()
readarray -d ' ' -t pecl_extensions < <(echo -n "${PHP_PECL_EXTENSIONS:-}")
readarray -d ' ' -t -O "${#pecl_extensions[@]}" pecl_extensions < <(echo -n "${PHP_PECL_EXTENSIONS_EXTRA:-}")
declare -a php_extensions=()
readarray -d ' ' -t php_extensions < <(echo -n "${PHP_EXTENSIONS:-}")
readarray -d ' ' -t -O "${#php_extensions[@]}" php_extensions < <(echo -n "${PHP_EXTENSIONS_EXTRA:-}")
readarray -d ' ' -t -O "${#php_extensions[@]}" php_extensions < <(echo -n "${PHP_EXTENSIONS_DATABASE:-}")
# Grab the PHP source code so we can compile against it
docker-php-source extract
# PHP GD extensions
docker-php-ext-configure gd \
--with-freetype \
--with-jpeg \
--with-webp \
# Optional script folks can copy into their image to do any [docker-php-ext-configure] work before the [docker-php-ext-install]
# this can also overwirte the [gd] configure above by simply running it again
declare -r custom_pre_configure_script=""
if [[ -e "${custom_pre_configure_script}" ]]; then
if [ ! -x "${custom_pre_configure_script}" ]; then
echo >&2 "ERROR: found ${custom_pre_configure_script} but its not executable - please [chmod +x] the file!"
exit 1
# Install pecl extensions
pecl install "${pecl_extensions[@]}"
# PHP extensions (dependencies)
docker-php-ext-install -j "$(nproc)" "${php_extensions[@]}"
# Enable all extensions
docker-php-ext-enable "${pecl_extensions[@]}" "${php_extensions[@]}"