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Raw Blame History

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return [
'common' => [
'comment' => 'Beachd',
'commented' => 'Beachd ris',
'comments' => 'Beachdan',
'like' => 'Cuir ris na h-annsachdan',
'liked' => 'Na annsachd',
'likes' => 'Na h-annsachdan',
'share' => 'Co-roinn',
'shared' => 'Ga cho-roinneadh',
'shares' => 'Ga cho-roinneadh',
'unshare' => 'Na co-roinn tuilleadh',
'bookmark' => 'Bookmark',
'cancel' => 'Sguir dheth',
'copyLink' => 'Dèan lethbhreac dhen cheangal',
'delete' => 'Sguab às',
'error' => 'Mearachd',
'errorMsg' => 'Chaidh rudeigin ceàrr. Feuch ris a-rithist an ceann greis.',
'oops' => 'Ìoc!',
'other' => 'Eile',
'readMore' => 'Leugh an còrr',
'success' => 'Chaidh leis',
'proceed' => 'Proceed',
'next' => 'Next',
'close' => 'Close',
'clickHere' => 'click here',
'sensitive' => 'Frionasach',
'sensitiveContent' => 'Susbaint fhrionasach',
'sensitiveContentWarning' => 'Dhfhaoidte gu bheil susbaint fhrionasach sa phost seo',
'site' => [
'terms' => 'Teirmichean a chleachdaidh',
'privacy' => 'Poileasaidh prìobhaideachd',
'navmenu' => [
'search' => 'Lorg',
'admin' => 'Deas-bhòrd na rianachd',
// Timelines
'homeFeed' => 'Inbhir na dachaigh',
'localFeed' => 'Inbhir ionadail',
'globalFeed' => 'Inbhir co-naisgte',
// Core features
'discover' => 'Fidir',
'directMessages' => 'Teachdaireachdan dìreach',
'notifications' => 'Brathan',
'groups' => 'Buidhnean',
'stories' => 'Sgeulan',
// Self links
'profile' => 'Pròifil',
'drive' => 'Draibh',
'settings' => 'Roghainnean',
'compose' => 'Cruthaich fear ùr',
'logout' => 'Clàraich a-mach',
// Nav footer
'about' => 'Mu dhèidhinn',
'help' => 'Cobhair',
'language' => 'Cànan',
'privacy' => 'Prìobhaideachd',
'terms' => 'Teirmichean',
// Temporary links
'backToPreviousDesign' => 'Till dhan cho-dhealbhachd roimhpe'
'directMessages' => [
'inbox' => 'Am bogsa a-steach',
'sent' => 'Air a chur',
'requests' => 'Iarrtasan'
'notifications' => [
'liked' => ' chuir iad seo uat ris na h-annsachdan aca:',
'commented' => ' thug iad beachd air seo uat:',
'reacted' => ' fhreagair iad ri seo uat:',
'shared' => ' cho-roinn iad seo uat:',
'tagged' => ' thug iad iomradh ort ann a sheo:',
'updatedA' => ' dhùraich iad',
'sentA' => ' chuir iad',
'followed' => ' lean iad air:',
'mentioned' => ' thug iad iomradh air:',
'you' => 'thusa',
'yourApplication' => 'Tha an t-iarrtas agad air ballrachd air a',
'applicationApproved' => 'ghabhail ris!',
'applicationRejected' => 'dhiùltadh. S urrainn dhut iarrtas air ballrachd a chur a-steach a-rithist às dèidh 6 mìosan.',
'dm' => 'teachdaireachd dhìreach',
'groupPost' => 'post buidhinn',
'modlog' => 'loga nam maor',
'post' => 'post',
'story' => 'sgeul',
'noneFound' => 'No notifications found',
'post' => [
'shareToFollowers' => 'Co-roinn leis an luchd-leantainn',
'shareToOther' => 'Co-roinn le càch',
'noLikes' => 'Chan eil seo na annsachd fhathast',
'uploading' => 'Ga luchdadh suas',
'profile' => [
'posts' => 'Postaichean',
'followers' => 'Luchd-leantainn',
'following' => 'A leantainn',
'admin' => 'Rianaire',
'collections' => 'Cruinneachaidhean',
'follow' => 'Lean air',
'unfollow' => 'Na lean tuilleadh',
'editProfile' => 'Deasaich a phròifil',
'followRequested' => 'Iarrar leantainn orm',
'joined' => 'Air ballrachd fhaighinn',
'emptyCollections' => 'Cha do lorg sinn cruinneachadh sam bith',
'emptyPosts' => 'Cha do lorg sinn post sam bith',
'menu' => [
'viewPost' => 'Seall am post',
'viewProfile' => 'Seall a phròifil',
'moderationTools' => 'Innealan na maorsainneachd',
'report' => 'Dèan gearan',
'archive' => 'Tasglannaich',
'unarchive' => 'Thoir às an tasg-lann',
'embed' => 'Leabaich',
'selectOneOption' => 'Tagh tè dhe na roghainnean seo',
'unlistFromTimelines' => 'Falaich o loidhnichean-ama',
'addCW' => 'Cuir rabhadh susbainte ris',
'removeCW' => 'Thoir air falbh an rabhadh susbainte',
'markAsSpammer' => 'Cuir comharra gur e spamair a th ann',
'markAsSpammerText' => 'Falaich o loidhnichean-ama ⁊ cuir comharra na frionasachd ri postaichean a tha ann s ri teachd',
'spam' => 'Spama',
'sensitive' => 'Susbaint fhrionasach',
'abusive' => 'Droch-dhìolach no cronail',
'underageAccount' => 'Cunntas fo-aoisich',
'copyrightInfringement' => 'Briseadh a-steach air còir-lethbhreac',
'impersonation' => 'Ann an riochd cuideigin eile',
'scamOrFraud' => 'Cleas-meallaidh no foill',
'confirmReport' => 'Dearbh an gearan',
'confirmReportText' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson gearan a dhèanamh mun phost seo?',
'reportSent' => 'Chaidh an gearan a chur!',
'reportSentText' => 'Fhuair sinn do ghearan.',
'reportSentError' => 'Thachair duilgheadas le gearan a dhèanamh mun phost seo.',
'modAddCWConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson rabhadh susbainte a chur ris a phost seo?',
'modCWSuccess' => 'Chaidh rabhadh susbainte a chur ris',
'modRemoveCWConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an rabhadh susbainte a thoirt air falbh on phost seo?',
'modRemoveCWSuccess' => 'Chaidh an rabhadh susbainte a thoirt air falbh',
'modUnlistConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo fhalach o liostaichean?',
'modUnlistSuccess' => 'Chaidh am post fhalach o liostaichean',
'modMarkAsSpammerConfirm' => 'A bheil tu cinnteach gu bheil thu comharra an spamair a chur ris a cleachdaiche seo? Thèid gach post a tha ann is postaichean ri teachd fhalach o loidhnichean-ama agus rabadh susbainte a chur riutha.',
'modMarkAsSpammerSuccess' => 'Chaidh comharra an spamair a chur ris a chunntas',
'toFollowers' => 'dhan luchd-leantainn',
'showCaption' => 'Seall am fo-thiotal',
'showLikes' => 'Seal na h-annsachdan',
'compactMode' => 'Am modh dùmhlaichte',
'embedConfirmText' => 'Nuair a chleachdas tu an leabachadh seo, aontaichidh tu ri',
'deletePostConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a sguabadh às?',
'archivePostConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a chur dhan tasg-lann?',
'unarchivePostConfirm' => 'A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am post seo a thoirt às an tasg-lann?',
'story' => [
'add' => 'Cuir sgeul ris'
'timeline' => [
'peopleYouMayKnow' => 'Daoine as aithne dhut s dòcha',
'onboarding' => [
'welcome' => 'Welcome',
'thisIsYourHomeFeed' => 'This is your home feed, a chronological feed of posts from accounts you follow.',
'letUsHelpYouFind' => 'Let us help you find some interesting people to follow',
'refreshFeed' => 'Refresh my feed',
'hashtags' => [
'emptyFeed' => 'Cha do lorg sinn post sam bith dhan taga hais seo'
'report' => [
'report' => 'Report',
'selectReason' => 'Select a reason',
'reported' => 'Reported',
'sendingReport' => 'Sending report',
'thanksMsg' => 'Thanks for the report, people like you help keep our community safe!',
'contactAdminMsg' => 'If you\'d like to contact an administrator about this post or report',