package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "path/filepath" "testing" "" "" rtest "" "" ) func testRunPrune(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, opts PruneOptions) { oldHook := gopts.backendTestHook gopts.backendTestHook = func(r backend.Backend) (backend.Backend, error) { return newListOnceBackend(r), nil } defer func() { gopts.backendTestHook = oldHook }() rtest.OK(t, withTermStatus(gopts, func(ctx context.Context, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { return runPrune(context.TODO(), opts, gopts, term) })) } func TestPrune(t *testing.T) { testPruneVariants(t, false) testPruneVariants(t, true) } func testPruneVariants(t *testing.T, unsafeNoSpaceRecovery bool) { suffix := "" if unsafeNoSpaceRecovery { suffix = "-recovery" } t.Run("0"+suffix, func(t *testing.T) { opts := PruneOptions{MaxUnused: "0%", unsafeRecovery: unsafeNoSpaceRecovery} checkOpts := CheckOptions{ReadData: true, CheckUnused: !unsafeNoSpaceRecovery} testPrune(t, opts, checkOpts) }) t.Run("50"+suffix, func(t *testing.T) { opts := PruneOptions{MaxUnused: "50%", unsafeRecovery: unsafeNoSpaceRecovery} checkOpts := CheckOptions{ReadData: true} testPrune(t, opts, checkOpts) }) t.Run("unlimited"+suffix, func(t *testing.T) { opts := PruneOptions{MaxUnused: "unlimited", unsafeRecovery: unsafeNoSpaceRecovery} checkOpts := CheckOptions{ReadData: true} testPrune(t, opts, checkOpts) }) t.Run("CacheableOnly"+suffix, func(t *testing.T) { opts := PruneOptions{MaxUnused: "5%", RepackCacheableOnly: true, unsafeRecovery: unsafeNoSpaceRecovery} checkOpts := CheckOptions{ReadData: true} testPrune(t, opts, checkOpts) }) t.Run("Small", func(t *testing.T) { opts := PruneOptions{MaxUnused: "unlimited", RepackSmall: true} checkOpts := CheckOptions{ReadData: true, CheckUnused: true} testPrune(t, opts, checkOpts) }) } func createPrunableRepo(t *testing.T, env *testEnvironment) { testSetupBackupData(t, env) opts := BackupOptions{} testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9")}, opts, env.gopts) firstSnapshot := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)[0] testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "2")}, opts, env.gopts) testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "3")}, opts, env.gopts) testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 3) testRunForgetJSON(t, env.gopts) testRunForget(t, env.gopts, ForgetOptions{}, firstSnapshot.String()) } func testRunForgetJSON(t testing.TB, gopts GlobalOptions, args ...string) { buf, err := withCaptureStdout(func() error { gopts.JSON = true opts := ForgetOptions{ DryRun: true, Last: 1, } pruneOpts := PruneOptions{ MaxUnused: "5%", } return withTermStatus(gopts, func(ctx context.Context, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { return runForget(context.TODO(), opts, pruneOpts, gopts, term, args) }) }) rtest.OK(t, err) var forgets []*ForgetGroup rtest.OK(t, json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &forgets)) rtest.Assert(t, len(forgets) == 1, "Expected 1 snapshot group, got %v", len(forgets)) rtest.Assert(t, len(forgets[0].Keep) == 1, "Expected 1 snapshot to be kept, got %v", len(forgets[0].Keep)) rtest.Assert(t, len(forgets[0].Remove) == 2, "Expected 2 snapshots to be removed, got %v", len(forgets[0].Remove)) } func testPrune(t *testing.T, pruneOpts PruneOptions, checkOpts CheckOptions) { env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t) defer cleanup() createPrunableRepo(t, env) testRunPrune(t, env.gopts, pruneOpts) rtest.OK(t, withTermStatus(env.gopts, func(ctx context.Context, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { return runCheck(context.TODO(), checkOpts, env.gopts, nil, term) })) } var pruneDefaultOptions = PruneOptions{MaxUnused: "5%"} func TestPruneWithDamagedRepository(t *testing.T) { env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t) defer cleanup() datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", "backup-data.tar.gz") testRunInit(t, env.gopts) rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.testdata, datafile) opts := BackupOptions{} // create and delete snapshot to create unused blobs testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "2")}, opts, env.gopts) firstSnapshot := testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1)[0] testRunForget(t, env.gopts, ForgetOptions{}, firstSnapshot.String()) oldPacks := listPacks(env.gopts, t) // create new snapshot, but lose all data testRunBackup(t, "", []string{filepath.Join(env.testdata, "0", "0", "9", "3")}, opts, env.gopts) testListSnapshots(t, env.gopts, 1) removePacksExcept(env.gopts, t, oldPacks, false) oldHook := env.gopts.backendTestHook env.gopts.backendTestHook = func(r backend.Backend) (backend.Backend, error) { return newListOnceBackend(r), nil } defer func() { env.gopts.backendTestHook = oldHook }() // prune should fail rtest.Equals(t, repository.ErrPacksMissing, withTermStatus(env.gopts, func(ctx context.Context, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { return runPrune(context.TODO(), pruneDefaultOptions, env.gopts, term) }), "prune should have reported index not complete error") } // Test repos for edge cases func TestEdgeCaseRepos(t *testing.T) { opts := CheckOptions{} // repo where index is completely missing // => check and prune should fail t.Run("no-index", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-index-missing.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, false, false) }) // repo where an existing and used blob is missing from the index // => check and prune should fail t.Run("index-missing-blob", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-index-missing-blob.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, false, false) }) // repo where a blob is missing // => check and prune should fail t.Run("missing-data", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-data-missing.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, false, false) }) // repo where blobs which are not needed are missing or in invalid pack files // => check should fail and prune should repair this t.Run("missing-unused-data", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-unused-data-missing.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, false, true) }) // repo where data exists that is not referenced // => check and prune should fully work t.Run("unreferenced-data", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-unreferenced-data.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, true, true) }) // repo where an obsolete index still exists // => check and prune should fully work t.Run("obsolete-index", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-obsolete-index.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, true, true) }) // repo which contains mixed (data/tree) packs // => check and prune should fully work t.Run("mixed-packs", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-mixed.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, true, true) }) // repo which contains duplicate blobs // => checking for unused data should report an error and prune resolves the // situation opts = CheckOptions{ ReadData: true, CheckUnused: true, } t.Run("duplicates", func(t *testing.T) { testEdgeCaseRepo(t, "repo-duplicates.tar.gz", opts, pruneDefaultOptions, false, true) }) } func testEdgeCaseRepo(t *testing.T, tarfile string, optionsCheck CheckOptions, optionsPrune PruneOptions, checkOK, pruneOK bool) { env, cleanup := withTestEnvironment(t) defer cleanup() datafile := filepath.Join("testdata", tarfile) rtest.SetupTarTestFixture(t, env.base, datafile) if checkOK { testRunCheck(t, env.gopts) } else { rtest.Assert(t, withTermStatus(env.gopts, func(ctx context.Context, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { return runCheck(context.TODO(), optionsCheck, env.gopts, nil, term) }) != nil, "check should have reported an error") } if pruneOK { testRunPrune(t, env.gopts, optionsPrune) testRunCheck(t, env.gopts) } else { rtest.Assert(t, withTermStatus(env.gopts, func(ctx context.Context, term *termstatus.Terminal) error { return runPrune(context.TODO(), optionsPrune, env.gopts, term) }) != nil, "prune should have reported an error") } }