package bloblru import ( "testing" "" rtest "" ) func TestCache(t *testing.T) { var id1, id2, id3 restic.ID id1[0] = 1 id2[0] = 2 id3[0] = 3 const ( kiB = 1 << 10 cacheSize = 64*kiB + 3*overhead ) c := New(cacheSize) addAndCheck := func(id restic.ID, exp []byte) { c.Add(id, exp) blob, ok := c.Get(id) rtest.Assert(t, ok, "blob %v added but not found in cache", id) rtest.Equals(t, &exp[0], &blob[0]) rtest.Equals(t, exp, blob) } addAndCheck(id1, make([]byte, 32*kiB)) addAndCheck(id2, make([]byte, 30*kiB)) addAndCheck(id3, make([]byte, 10*kiB)) _, ok := c.Get(id2) rtest.Assert(t, ok, "blob %v not present", id2) _, ok = c.Get(id1) rtest.Assert(t, !ok, "blob %v present, but should have been evicted", id1) c.Add(id1, make([]byte, 1+c.size)) _, ok = c.Get(id1) rtest.Assert(t, !ok, "blob %v too large but still added to cache") c.c.Remove(id1) c.c.Remove(id3) c.c.Remove(id2) rtest.Equals(t, cacheSize, c.size) rtest.Equals(t, cacheSize, }