package restic

import (



// fakeFile returns a reader which yields deterministic pseudo-random data.
func fakeFile(t testing.TB, seed, size int64) io.Reader {
	return io.LimitReader(NewRandReader(rand.New(rand.NewSource(seed))), size)

type fakeFileSystem struct {
	t           testing.TB
	repo        Repository
	knownBlobs  IDSet
	duplication float32
	buf         []byte
	chunker     *chunker.Chunker

// saveFile reads from rd and saves the blobs in the repository. The list of
// IDs is returned.
func (fs *fakeFileSystem) saveFile(ctx context.Context, rd io.Reader) (blobs IDs) {
	if fs.buf == nil {
		fs.buf = make([]byte, chunker.MaxSize)

	if fs.chunker == nil {
		fs.chunker = chunker.New(rd, fs.repo.Config().ChunkerPolynomial)
	} else {
		fs.chunker.Reset(rd, fs.repo.Config().ChunkerPolynomial)

	blobs = IDs{}
	for {
		chunk, err := fs.chunker.Next(fs.buf)
		if errors.Cause(err) == io.EOF {

		if err != nil {
			fs.t.Fatalf("unable to save chunk in repo: %v", err)

		id := Hash(chunk.Data)
		if !fs.blobIsKnown(id, DataBlob) {
			_, err := fs.repo.SaveBlob(ctx, DataBlob, chunk.Data, id)
			if err != nil {
				fs.t.Fatalf("error saving chunk: %v", err)


		blobs = append(blobs, id)

	return blobs

const (
	maxFileSize = 1500000
	maxSeed     = 32
	maxNodes    = 32

func (fs *fakeFileSystem) treeIsKnown(tree *Tree) (bool, []byte, ID) {
	data, err := json.Marshal(tree)
	if err != nil {
		fs.t.Fatalf("json.Marshal(tree) returned error: %v", err)
		return false, nil, ID{}
	data = append(data, '\n')

	id := Hash(data)
	return fs.blobIsKnown(id, TreeBlob), data, id

func (fs *fakeFileSystem) blobIsKnown(id ID, t BlobType) bool {
	if rand.Float32() < fs.duplication {
		return false

	if fs.knownBlobs.Has(id) {
		return true

	if fs.repo.Index().Has(id, t) {
		return true

	return false

// saveTree saves a tree of fake files in the repo and returns the ID.
func (fs *fakeFileSystem) saveTree(ctx context.Context, seed int64, depth int) ID {
	rnd := rand.NewSource(seed)
	numNodes := int(rnd.Int63() % maxNodes)

	var tree Tree
	for i := 0; i < numNodes; i++ {

		// randomly select the type of the node, either tree (p = 1/4) or file (p = 3/4).
		if depth > 1 && rnd.Int63()%4 == 0 {
			treeSeed := rnd.Int63() % maxSeed
			id := fs.saveTree(ctx, treeSeed, depth-1)

			node := &Node{
				Name:    fmt.Sprintf("dir-%v", treeSeed),
				Type:    "dir",
				Mode:    0755,
				Subtree: &id,

			tree.Nodes = append(tree.Nodes, node)

		fileSeed := rnd.Int63() % maxSeed
		fileSize := (maxFileSize / maxSeed) * fileSeed

		node := &Node{
			Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%v", fileSeed),
			Type: "file",
			Mode: 0644,
			Size: uint64(fileSize),

		node.Content = fs.saveFile(ctx, fakeFile(fs.t, fileSeed, fileSize))
		tree.Nodes = append(tree.Nodes, node)

	known, buf, id := fs.treeIsKnown(&tree)
	if known {
		return id

	_, err := fs.repo.SaveBlob(ctx, TreeBlob, buf, id)
	if err != nil {

	return id

// TestCreateSnapshot creates a snapshot filled with fake data. The
// fake data is generated deterministically from the timestamp `at`, which is
// also used as the snapshot's timestamp. The tree's depth can be specified
// with the parameter depth. The parameter duplication is a probability that
// the same blob will saved again.
func TestCreateSnapshot(t testing.TB, repo Repository, at time.Time, depth int, duplication float32) *Snapshot {
	seed := at.Unix()
	t.Logf("create fake snapshot at %s with seed %d", at, seed)

	fakedir := fmt.Sprintf("fakedir-at-%v", at.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
	snapshot, err := NewSnapshot([]string{fakedir}, []string{"test"}, "foo")
	if err != nil {
	snapshot.Time = at

	fs := fakeFileSystem{
		t:           t,
		repo:        repo,
		knownBlobs:  NewIDSet(),
		duplication: duplication,

	treeID := fs.saveTree(context.TODO(), seed, depth)
	snapshot.Tree = &treeID

	id, err := repo.SaveJSONUnpacked(context.TODO(), SnapshotFile, snapshot)
	if err != nil {
	} = &id

	t.Logf("saved snapshot %v", id.Str())

	err = repo.Flush()
	if err != nil {

	err = repo.SaveIndex(context.TODO())
	if err != nil {

	return snapshot

// TestParseID parses s as a ID and panics if that fails.
func TestParseID(s string) ID {
	id, err := ParseID(s)
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to parse string %q as ID: %v", s, err))

	return id