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synced 2025-02-24 07:01:38 +00:00
Removing data based on a policy when the attacker had the opportunity to add data to your repository comes with some considerations. This is added to the 060_forget.rst documentation. That document is also updated to reflect that restic now considers the current system time while running "forget". References to the security considerations section are added: - In `restic forget --help` - In the threat model (design.rst) - In the (030) setup section where an append-only setup is referenced A reference is also to be added to the `rest-server` readme's append-only paragraph (see my fork). This commit also resolves a typo (amount->number for countable noun), changes a password length recommendation into the metric that actually matters when creating passwords (entropy) since I was editing these doc files anyway, and updates the outdated copyright year in `conf.py`. Some wording in 060_forget (line 21..22) was changed to clarify what "forget" and "prune" do, to try and avoid the apparent misconception that "forget" does not remove any data.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# restic documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 14 22:44:43 2017.
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# containing dir.
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# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
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# The master toctree document.
master_doc = 'index'
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copyright = '2021, restic authors'
author = 'fd0'
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version = open('../VERSION').readlines()[0]
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release = version
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