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Michael Eischer 51173c5003 fuse: forget fs.Node instances on request by the kernel
Forget fs.Node instances once the kernel frees the corresponding nodeId.
This ensures that restic does not run out of memory on large snapshots.
2024-09-14 18:11:44 +02:00

181 lines
4.5 KiB

//go:build darwin || freebsd || linux
// +build darwin freebsd linux
package fuse
import (
// The default block size to report in stat
const blockSize = 512
// Statically ensure that *file and *openFile implement the given interfaces
var _ = fs.HandleReader(&openFile{})
var _ = fs.NodeForgetter(&file{})
var _ = fs.NodeGetxattrer(&file{})
var _ = fs.NodeListxattrer(&file{})
var _ = fs.NodeOpener(&file{})
type file struct {
root *Root
forget forgetFn
node *restic.Node
inode uint64
type openFile struct {
// cumsize[i] holds the cumulative size of blobs[:i].
cumsize []uint64
func newFile(root *Root, forget forgetFn, inode uint64, node *restic.Node) (fusefile *file, err error) {
debug.Log("create new file for %v with %d blobs", node.Name, len(node.Content))
return &file{
inode: inode,
forget: forget,
root: root,
node: node,
}, nil
func (f *file) Attr(_ context.Context, a *fuse.Attr) error {
debug.Log("Attr(%v)", f.node.Name)
a.Inode = f.inode
a.Mode = f.node.Mode
a.Size = f.node.Size
a.Blocks = (f.node.Size + blockSize - 1) / blockSize
a.BlockSize = blockSize
a.Nlink = uint32(f.node.Links)
if !f.root.cfg.OwnerIsRoot {
a.Uid = f.node.UID
a.Gid = f.node.GID
a.Atime = f.node.AccessTime
a.Ctime = f.node.ChangeTime
a.Mtime = f.node.ModTime
return nil
func (f *file) Open(ctx context.Context, _ *fuse.OpenRequest, _ *fuse.OpenResponse) (fs.Handle, error) {
debug.Log("open file %v with %d blobs", f.node.Name, len(f.node.Content))
var bytes uint64
cumsize := make([]uint64, 1+len(f.node.Content))
for i, id := range f.node.Content {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
size, found := f.root.repo.LookupBlobSize(restic.DataBlob, id)
if !found {
return nil, errors.Errorf("id %v not found in repository", id)
bytes += uint64(size)
cumsize[i+1] = bytes
var of = openFile{file: *f}
if bytes != f.node.Size {
debug.Log("sizes do not match: node.Size %v != size %v, using real size", f.node.Size, bytes)
// Make a copy of the node with correct size
nodenew := *f.node
nodenew.Size = bytes
of.file.node = &nodenew
of.cumsize = cumsize
return &of, nil
func (f *openFile) getBlobAt(ctx context.Context, i int) (blob []byte, err error) {
blob, err = f.root.blobCache.GetOrCompute(f.node.Content[i], func() ([]byte, error) {
return f.root.repo.LoadBlob(ctx, restic.DataBlob, f.node.Content[i], nil)
if err != nil {
debug.Log("LoadBlob(%v, %v) failed: %v", f.node.Name, f.node.Content[i], err)
return nil, unwrapCtxCanceled(err)
return blob, nil
func (f *openFile) Read(ctx context.Context, req *fuse.ReadRequest, resp *fuse.ReadResponse) error {
debug.Log("Read(%v, %v, %v), file size %v", f.node.Name, req.Size, req.Offset, f.node.Size)
offset := uint64(req.Offset)
// as stated in https://godoc.org/bazil.org/fuse/fs#HandleReader there
// is no need to check if offset > size
// handle special case: file is empty
if f.node.Size == 0 {
resp.Data = resp.Data[:0]
return nil
// Skip blobs before the offset
startContent := -1 + sort.Search(len(f.cumsize), func(i int) bool {
return f.cumsize[i] > offset
offset -= f.cumsize[startContent]
dst := resp.Data[0:req.Size]
readBytes := 0
remainingBytes := req.Size
// The documentation of bazil/fuse actually says that synchronization is
// required (see https://godoc.org/bazil.org/fuse#hdr-Service_Methods):
// Multiple goroutines may call service methods simultaneously;
// the methods being called are responsible for appropriate synchronization.
// However, no lock needed here as getBlobAt can be called concurrently
// (blobCache has its own locking)
for i := startContent; remainingBytes > 0 && i < len(f.cumsize)-1; i++ {
blob, err := f.getBlobAt(ctx, i)
if err != nil {
return err
if offset > 0 {
blob = blob[offset:]
offset = 0
copied := copy(dst, blob)
remainingBytes -= copied
readBytes += copied
dst = dst[copied:]
resp.Data = resp.Data[:readBytes]
return nil
func (f *file) Listxattr(_ context.Context, req *fuse.ListxattrRequest, resp *fuse.ListxattrResponse) error {
nodeToXattrList(f.node, req, resp)
return nil
func (f *file) Getxattr(_ context.Context, req *fuse.GetxattrRequest, resp *fuse.GetxattrResponse) error {
return nodeGetXattr(f.node, req, resp)
func (f *file) Forget() {