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### ----- Message Stream Encryption protocol ----- ###
### specification by Ludde/uau/The_8472/Parg/Nolar ###
The following protocol describes a transparent wrapper for bidirectional
data streams (e.g. TCP transports) that prevents passive eavesdroping
and thus protocol or content identification.
It is also designed to provide limited protection against active MITM attacks
and portscanning by requiring a weak shared secret to complete the handshake.
You should note that the major design goal was payload and protocol obfuscation,
not peer authentication and data integrity verification. Thus it does not offer
protection against adversaries which already know the necessary data to establish
connections (that is IP/Port/Shared Secret/Payload protocol).
To minimize the load on systems that employ this protocol fast cryptographic
methods have been chosen over maximum-security algorithms.
- Declarations -
The entire handshake is in big-endian.
The crypto handshake is transparent to the next upper protocol,
thus the payload endianness doesn't matter.
A is the initiator of the underlying transport (e.g. a TCP connection)
B is the receiver
##### DH Parameters
Prime P is a 768 bit safe prime, "0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9A63A36210000000000090563"
Generator G is "2"
Xa and Xb are a variable size random integers.
They are the private key for each side and have to be discarded after
the DH handshake is done. Minimum length is 128 bit. Anything beyond 180 bit
is not believed to add any further security and only increases the necessary
calculation time. You should use a length of 160bits whenever possible, lower
values may be used when CPU time is scarce.
Pubkey of A: Ya = (G^Xa) mod P
Pubkey of B: Yb = (G^Xb) mod P
DH secret: S = (Ya^Xb) mod P = (Yb^Xa) mod P
P, S, Ya and Yb are 768bits long
##### Constants/Variables
PadA, PadB: Random data with a random length of 0 to 512 bytes each
PadC, PadD: Arbitrary data with a length of 0 to 512 bytes, can be
used to extend the crypto handshake in future versions.
Current implementations may choose to set them to 0-length.
For padding-only usage in the current version they should be zeroed.
VC is a verification constant that is used to verify whether the other
side knows S and SKEY and thus defeats replay attacks of the SKEY hash.
As of this version VC is a String of 8 bytes set to 0x00.
crypto_provide and crypto_select are a 32bit bitfields.
As of now 0x01 means plaintext, 0x02 means RC4. (see Functions)
The remaining bits are reserved for future use.
The initiating peer A should provide all methods he supports in the bitfield,
but he may choose only to provide higher encryption levels e.g. if plaintext
2022-10-13 14:35:10 +00:00
isn't sufficient for its security needs.
The responding peer B should set a bit corresponding to the single method
which he selected from the provided ones.
Bits with an unknown meaning in crypto_provide and crypto_select
should be ignored as they might be used in future versions.
SKEY = Stream Identifier/Shared secret used to drop connections early if we
don't have a matching stream. It's additionally used to harden the protocol
against MITM attacks and portscanning.
Protocols w/o unique stream properties may use a constant.
Note: For BitTorrent, the SKEY should be the torrent info hash.
IA = initial payload data from A
may be 0-sized if you want to wait for the encryption negotiation.
Peer A may buffer up to 65535 bytes before or during the DH handshake to append
it to the 3rd step. IA is considered as atomic and thus an implementation may
not expect that anything is handed to the upper layer before IA is completely
transmitted. Thus there must be no blocking operations within IA.
Note, Example for Bittorrent:
After \19Bittorrent protocol + the BT handshake a block occurs since A waits
for B to send his handshake before A continues to send his bitfield,
thus IA can only include the prefix + the bt handshake but not the bitfield
###### Functions
len(X) specifies the length of X in 2 bytes.
Thus the maximum length that can be specified is 65535 bytes, this is
important for the IA block.
ENCRYPT() is RC4, that uses one of the following keys to send data:
"HASH('keyA', S, SKEY)" if you're A
"HASH('keyB', S, SKEY)" if you're B
The first 1024 bytes of the RC4 output are discarded.
consecutive calls to ENCRYPT() by one side continue the encryption
stream (no reinitialization, no keychange). They are only used to distinguish
semantically separate content.
ENCRYPT2() is the negotiated crypto method.
Current options are:
0x01 Plaintext. After the specified length (see IA/IB) each side sends unencrypted payload
0x02 RC4-128. The ENCRYPT() RC4 encoding is continued (no reinitialization, no keychange)
HASH() is SHA1 binary output (20 bytes)
###### The handshake "packet" format
The handshake is separated into 5 blocking steps.
1 A->B: Diffie Hellman Ya, PadA
2 B->A: Diffie Hellman Yb, PadB
3 A->B: HASH('req1', S), HASH('req2', SKEY) xor HASH('req3', S), ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_provide, len(PadC), PadC, len(IA)), ENCRYPT(IA)
4 B->A: ENCRYPT(VC, crypto_select, len(padD), padD), ENCRYPT2(Payload Stream)
5 A->B: ENCRYPT2(Payload Stream)
Since the length of PadA and PadB are unknown
B will be able to resynchronize on HASH('req1', S)
A will be able to resynchronize on ENCRYPT(VC)
##### Optional early termination conditions
(should verified before the indicated step is started).
If a fail-fast behavior is preferred, the following conditions can be used to
disconnect the peer immediately. If less recognizable patterns are preferred
a peer may wait and disconnect at a later point. If any of these conditions
are met the handshake can be considered as invalid.
2 (termination by B)
if A sent less than 96 Bytes within 30 seconds
if A sent more than 608 bytes
3 (termination by A)
if B sent less than 96 Bytes within 30 seconds
if B sent more than 608 bytes
4 (termination by B)
if A didn't send the correct S hash within 628 bytes after the connection start (synchronisation point)
if A didn't send a supported SKEY hash after the S hash
if VC can't be decoded correctly after the SKEY hash
if none of the crypto_provide options are supported or the bitfield is zeroed
from here on it's up to the next protocol layer to terminate the connection
5 (termination by A)
if VC can't be decoded correctly within 616 bytes after the connection start (synchronisation point)
if the selected crypto method wasn't provided
from here on it's up to the next protocol layer to terminate the connection