
2251 lines
70 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright © Dave Perrett, Malcolm Jarvis and Bruno Bierbaumer
* This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
* For details, see
* Class Transmission
function Transmission()
Transmission.prototype =
initialize: function()
// Initialize the helper classes
this.remote = new TransmissionRemote(this);
// Initialize the implementation fields
this._current_search = '';
this._torrents = { };
this._rows = [ ];
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Initialize the clutch preferences
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Set up user events
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
var tr = this;
$('#pause_all_link').click(function(e) { tr.stopAllClicked(e); });
$('#resume_all_link').click(function(e) { tr.startAllClicked(e); });
$('#pause_selected_link').click(function(e) { tr.stopSelectedClicked(e); });
$('#resume_selected_link').click(function(e) { tr.startSelectedClicked(e); });
$('#remove_link').click(function(e) { tr.removeClicked(e); });
$('#prefs_save_button').click(function(e) { tr.savePrefsClicked(e); return false;});
$('#prefs_cancel_button').click(function(e) { tr.cancelPrefsClicked(e); return false; });
$('#block_update_button').click(function(e) { tr.blocklistUpdateClicked(e); return false; });
$('#stats_close_button').click(function(e) { tr.closeStatsClicked(e); return false; });
$('.inspector_tab').click(function(e) { tr.inspectorTabClicked(e, this); });
$('#files_select_all').live('click', function(e) { tr.filesSelectAllClicked(e, this); });
$('#files_deselect_all').live('click', function(e) { tr.filesDeselectAllClicked(e, this); });
$('#open_link').click(function(e) { tr.openTorrentClicked(e); });
$('#upload_confirm_button').click(function(e) { tr.confirmUploadClicked(e); return false;});
$('#upload_cancel_button').click(function(e) { tr.cancelUploadClicked(e); return false; });
$('#turtle_button').click(function() { tr.toggleTurtleClicked(); return false; });
$('#compact-button').click(function() { tr.toggleCompactClicked(); return false; });
$('#prefs_tab_general_tab').click(function() { changeTab(this, 'prefs_tab_general'); });
$('#prefs_tab_speed_tab').click(function() { changeTab(this, 'prefs_tab_speed'); });
$('#prefs_tab_peers_tab').click(function() { changeTab(this, 'prefs_tab_peers'); });
$('#prefs_tab_network_tab').click(function() { changeTab(this, 'prefs_tab_network');});
$('#torrent_upload_form').submit(function() { $('#upload_confirm_button').click(); return false; });
$('#torrent_container').bind('dragover', function(e) { return tr.dragenter(e); });
$('#torrent_container').bind('dragenter', function(e) { return tr.dragenter(e); });
$('#torrent_container').bind('drop', function(e) { return tr.drop(e); });
// tell jQuery to copy the dataTransfer property from events over if it exists
$('#torrent_upload_form').submit(function() { $('#upload_confirm_button').click(); return false; });
if (iPhone) {
$('#inspector_close').bind('click', function() { tr.hideInspector(); });
$('#preferences_link').bind('click', function(e) { tr.releaseClutchPreferencesButton(e); });
} else {
$(document).bind('keydown', function(e) { tr.keyDown(e); });
$('#torrent_container').click(function() { tr.deselectAll(true); });
$('#inspector_link').click(function(e) { tr.toggleInspectorClicked(e); });
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
2009-05-24 15:48:18 +00:00
this._torrent_list = $('#torrent_list')[0];
this._inspector_file_list = $('#inspector_file_list')[0];
2010-06-17 04:40:06 +00:00
this._inspector_peers_list = $('#inspector_peers_list')[0];
this._inspector_trackers_list = $('#inspector_trackers_list')[0];
2009-05-24 15:48:18 +00:00
this._inspector_tab_files = $('#inspector_tab_files')[0];
this._toolbar_buttons = $('#toolbar ul li');
this._toolbar_pause_button = $('#toolbar #pause_selected')[0];
this._toolbar_pause_all_button = $('#toolbar #pause_all')[0];
this._toolbar_start_button = $('#toolbar #resume_selected')[0];
this._toolbar_start_all_button = $('#toolbar #resume_all')[0];
this._toolbar_remove_button = $('#toolbar #remove')[0];
2009-05-24 15:48:18 +00:00
this._context_pause_button = $('li#context_pause_selected')[0];
this._context_start_button = $('li#context_resume_selected')[0];
this._context_start_now_button = $('li#context_resume_now_selected')[0];
this._context_move_top = $('li#context_move_top')[0];
this._context_move_up = $('li#context_move_up')[0];
this._context_move_down = $('li#context_move_down')[0];
this._context_move_bottom = $('li#context_move_bottom')[0];
var ti = '#torrent_inspector_';
this._inspector = { };
this._inspector._info_tab = { };
this._inspector._info_tab.availability = $(ti+'availability')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.comment = $(ti+'comment')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.creator_date = $(ti+'creator_date')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.creator = $(ti+'creator')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.download_dir = $(ti+'download_dir')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.downloaded = $(ti+'downloaded')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.download_from = $(ti+'download_from')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.download_speed = $(ti+'download_speed')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.error = $(ti+'error')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.hash = $(ti+'hash')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.have = $(ti+'have')[0]; = $(ti+'name')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.progress = $(ti+'progress')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.ratio = $(ti+'ratio')[0]; = $(ti+'secure')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.size = $(ti+'size')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.state = $(ti+'state')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.pieces = $(ti+'pieces')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.uploaded = $(ti+'uploaded')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.upload_speed = $(ti+'upload_speed')[0];
this._inspector._info_tab.upload_to = $(ti+'upload_to')[0];
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Setup the prefs gui
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Get preferences & torrents from the daemon
var async = false;
2009-07-28 05:23:30 +00:00
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
loadDaemonPrefs: function(async) {
var tr = this;
this.remote.loadDaemonPrefs(function(data) {
var o = data.arguments;
}, async);
loadDaemonStats: function(async) {
var tr = this;
this.remote.loadDaemonStats(function(data) {
var o = data.arguments;
}, async);
checkPort: function(async) {
$('#port_test').text('checking ...');
var tr = this;
this.remote.checkPort(function(data) {
var o = data.arguments;
}, async);
preloadImages: function() {
if (iPhone) {
} else {
loadImages: function() {
for (var i=0, row; row=arguments[i]; ++i)
jQuery("<img>").attr("src", row);
* Load the clutch prefs and init the GUI according to those prefs
initializeSettings: function()
// iPhone conditions in the section allow us to not
// include transmenu js to save some bandwidth; if we
// start using prefs on iPhone we need to weed
// transmenu refs out of that too.
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
if (!iPhone) $('#sort_by_' + this[Prefs._SortMethod]).selectMenuItem();
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
if (!iPhone && (this[Prefs._SortDirection] == Prefs._SortDescending))
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
if (!iPhone && this[Prefs._ShowInspector])
* Set up the search box
setupSearchBox: function()
var tr = this;
var search_box = $('#torrent_search');
search_box.bind('keyup click', function() {tr.setSearch(this.value);});
if (!$.browser.safari)
search_box[0].value = 'Filter';
search_box.bind('blur', function() {
if (this.value == '') {
this.value = 'Filter';
}).bind('focus', function() {
if ($(this).is('.blur')) {
this.value = '';
* Create the torrent right-click menu
createContextMenu: function() {
var tr = this;
var bindings = {
context_pause_selected: function() { tr.stopSelectedTorrents(); },
context_resume_selected: function() { tr.startSelectedTorrents(false); },
context_resume_now_selected: function() { tr.startSelectedTorrents(true); },
context_remove: function() { tr.removeSelectedTorrents(); },
context_removedata: function() { tr.removeSelectedTorrentsAndData(); },
context_verify: function() { tr.verifySelectedTorrents(); },
context_reannounce: function() { tr.reannounceSelectedTorrents(); },
context_toggle_inspector: function() { tr.toggleInspector(); },
context_select_all: function() { tr.selectAll(); },
context_deselect_all: function() { tr.deselectAll(); },
context_move_top: function() { tr.moveTop(); },
context_move_up: function() { tr.moveUp(); },
context_move_down: function() { tr.moveDown(); },
context_move_bottom: function() { tr.moveBottom(); }
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Setup the context menu
$('ul#torrent_list').contextMenu('torrent_context_menu', {
bindings: bindings,
menuStyle: Menu.context.menu_style,
itemStyle: Menu.context.item_style,
itemHoverStyle: Menu.context.item_hover_style,
itemDisabledStyle: Menu.context.item_disabled_style,
shadow: false,
boundingElement: $('div#torrent_container'),
boundingRightPad: 20,
boundingBottomPad: 5,
onContextMenu: function(e) {
var closest_row = $('.torrent')[0];
for (var i=0, row; row = tr._rows[i]; ++i) {
if (row.getElement() === closest_row) {
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
return true;
* Create the footer settings menu
createSettingsMenu: function() {
var tr = this;
selected_char: '&#x2714;',
direction: 'up',
onClick: function(e) { return tr.processSettingsMenuEvent(e); }
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
initTurtleDropDowns: function() {
var i, hour, mins, start, end, value, content;
// Build the list of times
start = $('#turtle_start_time')[0];
end = $('#turtle_end_time')[0];
for (i = 0; i < 24 * 4; i++) {
hour = parseInt(i / 4, 10);
mins = ((i % 4) * 15);
value = (i * 15);
content = hour + ":" + (mins == 0 ? "00" : mins);
start.options[i] = new Option(content, value);
end.options[i] = new Option(content, value);
getAllTorrents: function()
var torrents = [];
for (var key in this._torrents)
return torrents;
getVisibleTorrents: function()
var torrents = [];
for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
return torrents;
scrollToRow: function(row)
if (iPhone) // FIXME: why?
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
var list = $('#torrent_container');
var scrollTop = list.scrollTop();
var innerHeight = list.innerHeight();
var e = $(row.getElement());
var offsetTop = e[0].offsetTop;
var offsetHeight = e.outerHeight();
if (offsetTop < scrollTop)
else if (innerHeight + scrollTop < offsetTop + offsetHeight)
list.scrollTop(offsetTop + offsetHeight - innerHeight);
seedRatioLimit: function() {
if (this._prefs && this._prefs['seedRatioLimited'])
return this._prefs['seedRatioLimit'];
return -1;
setPref: function(key, val)
this[key] = val;
Prefs.setValue(key, val);
getSelectedRows: function() {
var s = [];
for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
if (row.isSelected())
return s;
getSelectedTorrents: function() {
var s = this.getSelectedRows();
for (var i=0, row; row=s[i]; ++i)
s[i] = s[i].getTorrent();
return s;
getSelectedTorrentIds: function() {
var s = [];
for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
if (row.isSelected())
return s;
setSelectedRow: function(row) {
var rows = this.getSelectedRows();
for (var i=0, r; r=rows[i]; ++i)
selectRow: function(row) {
deselectRow: function(row) {
2009-05-25 13:31:03 +00:00
selectAll: function() {
for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
deselectAll: function() {
for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i)
delete this._last_torrent_clicked;
/* Select a range from this torrent to the last clicked torrent */
selectRange: function(row)
if (!this._last_torrent_clicked) {
} else { // select the range between the prevous & current
var prev = null;
var next = null;
for (var i=0, r; r=this._rows[i]; ++i) {
if (r.getTorrent().getId() === this._last_torrent_clicked)
prev = i;
if (r === row)
next = i;
if ((prev!==null) && (next!==null)) {
var min = Math.min(prev, next);
var max = Math.max(prev, next);
for (i=min; i<=max; ++i)
//this._last_row_clicked = row
selectionChanged: function()
delete this.selectionChangedTimer;
callSelectionChangedSoon: function()
if (!this.selectionChangedTimer)
var tr = this;
this.selectionChangedTimer = setTimeout(function() {tr.selectionChanged();},200);
* E V E N T F U N C T I O N S
* Process key event
keyDown: function(ev)
var up = ev.keyCode === 38; // up key pressed
var dn = ev.keyCode === 40; // down key pressed
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
if (up || dn)
var rows = this._rows;
// find the first selected row
for (var i=0, row; row=rows[i]; ++i)
if (row.isSelected())
if (i == rows.length) // no selection yet
i = 0;
else if (dn)
i = (i+1) % rows.length;
else if (up)
i = (i || rows.length) - 1;
2009-05-25 13:31:03 +00:00
isButtonEnabled: function(e) {
var p = ? : e.srcElement.parentNode;
return p.className!='disabled' && p.parentNode.className!='disabled';
stopAllClicked: function(event) {
if (this.isButtonEnabled(event)) {
stopSelectedClicked: function(event) {
if (this.isButtonEnabled(event)) {
startAllClicked: function(event) {
if (this.isButtonEnabled(event)) {
startSelectedClicked: function(event) {
if (this.isButtonEnabled(event)) {
openTorrentClicked: function(event) {
if (this.isButtonEnabled(event)) {
dragenter: function(event) {
if (event.dataTransfer && event.dataTransfer.types) {
var types = ["text/uri-list", "text/plain"];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
if (event.dataTransfer.types.contains(types[i])) {
// it would be better to actually look at the links here;
// sadly, (at least with Firefox,) trying would throw.
event.dropEffect = "copy";
return false;
else if (event.dataTransfer) {
event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none";
return true;
drop: function(ev) {
if (!ev.dataTransfer || !ev.dataTransfer.types) {
return true;
var uris = null;
var types = ["text/uri-list", "text/plain"];
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) {
if (ev.dataTransfer.types.contains(types[i])) {
uris = ev.dataTransfer.getData(types[i]).split("\n");
var paused = $('#prefs_form #auto_start')[0].checked;
for (i = 0; i < uris.length; ++i) {
var uri = uris[i];
if (/^#/.test(uri)) {
// lines which start with "#" are comments
if (/^[a-z-]+:/i.test(uri)) {
// close enough to a url
this.remote.addTorrentByUrl(uri, paused);
return false;
hideUploadDialog: function() {
if (!iPhone && Safari3) {
$('div#upload_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '-205px');
} else {
cancelUploadClicked: function() {
confirmUploadClicked: function() {
cancelPrefsClicked: function() {
savePrefsClicked: function()
// handle the clutch prefs locally
var tr = this;
var rate = parseInt ($('#prefs_form #refresh_rate')[0].value, 10);
if (rate != tr[Prefs._RefreshRate]) {
tr.setPref (Prefs._RefreshRate, rate);
tr.togglePeriodicRefresh (true);
var up_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #upload_rate').val(), 10);
var dn_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #download_rate').val(), 10);
var turtle_up_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_upload_rate').val(), 10);
var turtle_dn_bytes = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_download_rate').val(), 10);
// pass the new prefs upstream to the RPC server
var o = { };
o[RPC._StartAddedTorrent] = $('#prefs_form #auto_start')[0].checked;
o[RPC._PeerPort] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #port').val(), 10);
o[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = up_bytes;
o[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = dn_bytes;
o[RPC._DownloadDir] = $('#prefs_form #download_location').val();
o[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = $('#prefs_form #limit_upload').prop('checked');
o[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = $('#prefs_form #limit_download').prop('checked');
o[RPC._Encryption] = $('#prefs_form #encryption').prop('checked')
? RPC._EncryptionRequired
: RPC._EncryptionPreferred;
o[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit] = turtle_dn_bytes;
o[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit] = turtle_up_bytes;
o[RPC._TurtleTimeEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #turtle_schedule').prop('checked');
o[RPC._TurtleTimeBegin] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_start_time').val(), 10);
o[RPC._TurtleTimeEnd] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_end_time').val(), 10);
o[RPC._TurtleTimeDay] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #turtle_days').val(), 10);
o[RPC._PeerLimitGlobal] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #conn_global').val(), 10);
o[RPC._PeerLimitPerTorrent] = parseInt($('#prefs_form #conn_torrent').val(), 10);
o[RPC._PexEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #conn_pex').prop('checked');
o[RPC._DhtEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #conn_dht').prop('checked');
o[RPC._LpdEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #conn_lpd').prop('checked');
o[RPC._BlocklistEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #block_enable').prop('checked');
o[RPC._BlocklistURL] = $('#prefs_form #block_url').val();
o[RPC._UtpEnabled] = $('#prefs_form #network_utp').prop('checked');
o[RPC._PeerPortRandom] = $('#prefs_form #port_rand').prop('checked');
o[RPC._PortForwardingEnabled]= $('#prefs_form #port_forward').prop('checked');
blocklistUpdateClicked: function() {
var tr = this;
closeStatsClicked: function() {
removeClicked: function(ev) {
var tr = this;
if (tr.isButtonEnabled(ev)) {
toggleInspectorClicked: function(ev) {
var tr = this;
if (tr.isButtonEnabled(ev))
inspectorTabClicked: function(ev, tab) {
if (iPhone) ev.stopPropagation();
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// select this tab and deselect the others
// show this tab and hide the others
2010-06-17 04:40:06 +00:00
filesSelectAllClicked: function() {
var t = this._files_torrent;
if (t)
this.toggleFilesWantedDisplay(t, true);
filesDeselectAllClicked: function() {
var t = this._files_torrent;
if (t)
this.toggleFilesWantedDisplay(t, false);
toggleFilesWantedDisplay: function(torrent, wanted) {
var rows = [ ];
for (var i=0, row; row=this._files[i]; ++i)
if (row.isEditable() && (torrent._files[i].wanted !== wanted))
if (rows.length > 1) {
var command = wanted ? 'files-wanted' : 'files-unwanted';
this.changeFileCommand(command, rows);
* 'Clutch Preferences' was clicked (iPhone only)
releaseClutchPreferencesButton: function() {
$('div#prefs_container div#pref_error').hide();
$('div#prefs_container h2.dialog_heading').show();
getIntervalMsec: function(key, min)
var interval = this[key];
if (!interval || (interval < min))
interval = min;
return interval * 1000;
/* Turn the periodic ajax torrents refresh on & off */
togglePeriodicRefresh: function (enabled) {
clearInterval (this._periodic_refresh);
delete this._periodic_refresh;
if (enabled) {
var tr = this;
var msec = this.getIntervalMsec(Prefs._RefreshRate, 3);
this._periodic_refresh = setInterval(function() {tr.refreshTorrents();}, msec);
/* Turn the periodic ajax torrents refresh on & off for the selected torrents */
periodicTorrentUpdate: function(ids) {
clearInterval (this._metadata_refresh);
delete this._metadata_refresh;
delete this._extra_data_ids;
if (ids && ids.length) {
this._extra_data_ids = ids;
var tr = this;
var msec = this.getIntervalMsec(Prefs._RefreshRate, 3);
this._metadata_refresh = setInterval(function() { tr.refreshTorrents(ids);}, msec);
/* Turn the periodic ajax session refresh on & off */
togglePeriodicSessionRefresh: function(enabled) {
delete this._periodic_session_refresh;
if (enabled) {
var tr = this;
var msec = this.getIntervalMsec(Prefs._SessionRefreshRate, 5);
this._periodic_session_refresh = setInterval(function() {tr.loadDaemonPrefs();}, msec);
/* Turn the periodic ajax stats refresh on & off */
togglePeriodicStatsRefresh: function(enabled) {
delete this._periodic_stats_refresh;
if (enabled) {
var tr = this;
var msec = this.getIntervalMsec(Prefs._SessionRefreshRate, 5);
this._periodic_stats_refresh = setInterval(function() {tr.loadDaemonStats();}, msec);
toggleTurtleClicked: function()
// toggle it
var p = Prefs._TurtleState;
this[p] = !this[p];
// send it to the session
var args = { };
args[RPC._TurtleState] = this[p];
updateSelectedData: function()
var ids = this.getSelectedTorrentIds();
if (ids.length > 0)
updateTurtleButton: function() {
var t;
var w = $('#turtle_button');
if (this[Prefs._TurtleState]) {
t = [ 'Click to disable Temporary Speed Limits' ];
} else {
t = [ 'Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits' ];
t.push('(', Transmission.fmt.speed(this._prefs[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit]), 'up,',
Transmission.fmt.speed(this._prefs[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit]), 'down)');
w.attr('title', t.join(' '));
* I N T E R F A C E F U N C T I O N S
showPrefsDialog: function() {
if (Safari3)
setTimeout("$('div#prefs_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '0px');",10);
hidePrefsDialog: function()
if (iPhone) {
} else if (Safari3) {
$('div#prefs_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '-425px');
} else {
* Process got some new session data from the server
updatePrefs: function(p)
// remember them for later
this._prefs = p;
var up_limited = p[RPC._UpSpeedLimited];
var dn_limited = p[RPC._DownSpeedLimited];
var up_limit_k = p[RPC._UpSpeedLimit];
var dn_limit_k = p[RPC._DownSpeedLimit];
var turtle_up_limit_k = p[RPC._TurtleUpSpeedLimit];
var turtle_dn_limit_k = p[RPC._TurtleDownSpeedLimit];
if (p.units)
$('div.download_location input').val( p[RPC._DownloadDir]);
$('div.port input').val( p[RPC._PeerPort]);
$('div.auto_start input').prop('checked', p[RPC._StartAddedTorrent]);
$('input#limit_download').prop('checked', dn_limited);
$('input#download_rate').val( dn_limit_k);
$('input#limit_upload').prop('checked', up_limited);
$('input#upload_rate').val( up_limit_k);
$('input#refresh_rate').val( p[Prefs._RefreshRate]);
$('div.encryption input').val( p[RPC._Encryption] == RPC._EncryptionRequired);
$('input#turtle_download_rate').val( turtle_dn_limit_k);
$('input#turtle_upload_rate').val( turtle_up_limit_k);
$('input#turtle_schedule').prop('checked', p[RPC._TurtleTimeEnabled]);
$('select#turtle_start_time').val( p[RPC._TurtleTimeBegin]);
$('select#turtle_end_time').val( p[RPC._TurtleTimeEnd]);
$('select#turtle_days').val( p[RPC._TurtleTimeDay]);
$('#transmission_version').text( p[RPC._DaemonVersion]);
$('#conn_global').val( p[RPC._PeerLimitGlobal]);
$('#conn_torrent').val( p[RPC._PeerLimitPerTorrent]);
$('#conn_pex').prop('checked', p[RPC._PexEnabled]);
$('#conn_dht').prop('checked', p[RPC._DhtEnabled]);
$('#conn_lpd').prop('checked', p[RPC._LpdEnabled]);
$('#block_enable').prop('checked', p[RPC._BlocklistEnabled]);
$('#block_url').val( p[RPC._BlocklistURL]);
$('#block_size').text( p[RPC._BlocklistSize]+' IP rules in the list');
$('#network_utp').prop('checked', p[RPC._UtpEnabled]);
$('#port_rand').prop('checked', p[RPC._PeerPortRandom]);
$('#port_forward').prop('checked', p[RPC._PortForwardingEnabled]);
if (!iPhone)
setInnerHTML($('#limited_download_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(dn_limit_k), ')' ].join(''));
var key = dn_limited ? '#limited_download_rate'
: '#unlimited_download_rate';
setInnerHTML($('#limited_upload_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(up_limit_k), ')' ].join(''));
key = up_limited ? '#limited_upload_rate'
: '#unlimited_upload_rate';
this[Prefs._TurtleState] = prefs[RPC._TurtleState];
updatePortStatus: function(status) {
if (status['port-is-open'])
$('#port_test').text('Port is open');
$('#port_test').text('Port is closed');
showStatsDialog: function() {
if (Safari3)
setTimeout("$('div#stats_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '0px');",10);
hideStatsDialog: function() {
if (iPhone) {
} else if (Safari3) {
$('div#stats_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '-425px');
} else {
* Process got some new session stats from the server
updateStats: function(stats)
// can't think of a reason to remember this
//this._stats = stats;
var fmt = Transmission.fmt;
var session = stats["current-stats"];
var total = stats["cumulative-stats"];
setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_uploaded')[0], fmt.size(session["uploadedBytes"]));
setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_downloaded')[0], fmt.size(session["downloadedBytes"]));
setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_ratio')[0], fmt.ratioString(Math.ratio(session["uploadedBytes"],session["downloadedBytes"])));
setInnerHTML($('#stats_session_duration')[0], fmt.timeInterval(session["secondsActive"]));
setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_count')[0], total["sessionCount"] + " times");
setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_uploaded')[0], fmt.size(total["uploadedBytes"]));
setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_downloaded')[0], fmt.size(total["downloadedBytes"]));
setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_ratio')[0], fmt.ratioString(Math.ratio(total["uploadedBytes"],total["downloadedBytes"])));
setInnerHTML($('#stats_total_duration')[0], fmt.timeInterval(total["secondsActive"]));
setSearch: function(search) {
this._current_search = search ? search.trim() : null;
setSortMethod: function(sort_method) {
this.setPref(Prefs._SortMethod, sort_method);
setSortDirection: function(direction) {
this.setPref(Prefs._SortDirection, direction);
* Process an event in the footer-menu
processSettingsMenuEvent: function(ev) {
var tr = this;
var $element = $(;
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Figure out which menu has been clicked
switch ($element.parent()[0].id) {
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Display the preferences dialog
case 'footer_super_menu':
if ($element[0].id == 'preferences') {
$('div#prefs_container div#pref_error').hide();
$('div#prefs_container h2.dialog_heading').show();
else if ($element[0].id == 'statistics') {
$('div#stats_container div#stats_error').hide();
$('div#stats_container h2.dialog_heading').show();
else if ($element[0].id == 'compact_view') {
else if ($element[0].id == 'homepage') {'');
else if ($element[0].id == 'tipjar') {'');
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Limit the download rate
case 'footer_download_rate_menu':
var args = { };
if ($'#unlimited_download_rate')) {
args[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = false;
} else {
var rate_str = $element[0].innerHTML;
var rate_val = parseInt(rate_str, 10);
setInnerHTML($('#limited_download_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(rate_val), ')' ].join(''));
$('div.preference input#download_rate')[0].value = rate_str;
args[RPC._DownSpeedLimit] = rate_val;
args[RPC._DownSpeedLimited] = true;
$('div.preference input#limit_download')[0].checked = args[RPC._DownSpeedLimited];
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Limit the upload rate
case 'footer_upload_rate_menu':
var args = { };
if ($'#unlimited_upload_rate')) {
args[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = false;
} else {
var rate_str = $element[0].innerHTML;
var rate_val = parseInt(rate_str, 10);
setInnerHTML($('#limited_upload_rate')[0], [ 'Limit (', Transmission.fmt.speed(rate_val), ')' ].join(''));
$('div.preference input#upload_rate')[0].value = rate_str;
args[RPC._UpSpeedLimit] = rate_val;
args[RPC._UpSpeedLimited] = true;
$('div.preference input#limit_upload')[0].checked = args[RPC._UpSpeedLimited];
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Sort the torrent list
case 'footer_sort_menu':
// The 'reverse sort' option state can be toggled independently of the other options
if ($'#reverse_sort_order')) {
if (!$'')) break;
var dir;
if ($element.menuItemIsSelected()) {
dir = Prefs._SortAscending;
} else {
dir = Prefs._SortDescending;
// Otherwise, deselect all other options (except reverse-sort) and select this one
} else {
$element.parent().find('span.selected').each(function() {
if (! $element.parent().is('#reverse_sort_order')) {
var method = $element[0].id.replace(/sort_by_/, '');
return false; // to prevent the event from bubbling up
* Update the inspector with the latest data for the selected torrents
updateInspector: function()
if (!this[Prefs._ShowInspector])
var torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
if (!torrents.length && iPhone) {
var creator = 'N/A';
var comment = 'N/A';
var download_dir = 'N/A';
var date_created = 'N/A';
var error = 'None';
var hash = 'N/A';
var have_public = false;
var have_private = false;
var name;
var sizeWhenDone = 0;
var sizeDone = 0;
var total_completed = 0;
var total_download = 0;
var total_download_peers = 0;
var total_download_speed = 0;
var total_availability = 0;
var total_size = 0;
var total_state = [ ];
var pieces = 'N/A';
var total_upload = 0;
var total_upload_peers = 0;
var total_upload_speed = 0;
var total_verified = 0;
var na = 'N/A';
var tab = this._inspector._info_tab;
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
$("#torrent_inspector_size, .inspector_row div").css('color', '#222');
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
if (torrents.length == 0)
setInnerHTML(, 'No Selection');
setInnerHTML(tab.size, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.pieces, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.hash, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.state, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.download_speed, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.upload_speed, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.uploaded, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.downloaded, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.availability, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.ratio, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.have, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.upload_to, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.download_from, na);
setInnerHTML(, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.creator_date, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.progress, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.comment, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.creator, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.download_dir, na);
setInnerHTML(tab.error, na);
2010-06-17 04:40:06 +00:00
$("#torrent_inspector_size, .inspector_row > div:contains('N/A')").css('color', '#666');
name = torrents.length == 1
? torrents[0].getName()
: torrents.length+' Transfers Selected';
if (torrents.length == 1)
var text;
var t = torrents[0];
var err = t.getErrorMessage();
if (err)
error = err;
if ((text = t.getComment()))
comment = text;
if ((text = t.getCreator()))
creator = text;
if ((text = t.getDownloadDir()))
download_dir = text;
hash = t.getHashString();
pieces = [ t.getPieceCount(), 'pieces @', Transmission.fmt.mem(t.getPieceSize()) ].join(' ');
date_created = Transmission.fmt.timestamp(t.getDateCreated());
for (var i=0, t; t=torrents[i]; ++i) {
var l = t.getLeftUntilDone();
var d = t.getSizeWhenDone();
sizeWhenDone += d;
sizeDone += d - l;
total_completed += t.getHave();
total_verified += t.getHaveValid();
total_size += t.getTotalSize();
total_upload += t.getUploadedEver();
total_download += t.getDownloadedEver();
total_upload_speed += t.getUploadSpeed();
total_download_speed += t.getDownloadSpeed();
total_upload_peers += t.getPeersGettingFromUs();
total_download_peers += t.getPeersSendingToUs();
total_availability += sizeWhenDone - l + t.getDesiredAvailable();
var s = t.getStateString();
if (total_state.indexOf(s) == -1)
if (t.getPrivateFlag())
have_private = true;
have_public = true;
var private_string = '';
var fmt = Transmission.fmt;
if (have_private && have_public) private_string = 'Mixed';
else if (have_private) private_string = 'Private Torrent';
else if (have_public) private_string = 'Public Torrent';
setInnerHTML(, name);
setInnerHTML(tab.size, torrents.length ? fmt.size(total_size) : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.pieces, pieces);
setInnerHTML(tab.hash, hash);
setInnerHTML(tab.state, total_state.join('/'));
setInnerHTML(tab.download_speed, torrents.length ? fmt.speedBps(total_download_speed) : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.upload_speed, torrents.length ? fmt.speedBps(total_upload_speed) : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.uploaded, torrents.length ? fmt.size(total_upload) : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.downloaded, torrents.length ? fmt.size(total_download) : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.availability, torrents.length ? fmt.percentString(Math.ratio(total_availability*100, sizeWhenDone)) + '%' : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.ratio, torrents.length ? fmt.ratioString(Math.ratio(total_upload, total_download)) : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.have, torrents.length ? fmt.size(total_completed) + ' (' + fmt.size(total_verified) + ' verified)' : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.upload_to, torrents.length ? total_upload_peers : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.download_from, torrents.length ? total_download_peers : na);
setInnerHTML(, private_string);
setInnerHTML(tab.creator_date, date_created);
setInnerHTML(tab.progress, torrents.length ? fmt.percentString(Math.ratio(sizeDone*100, sizeWhenDone)) + '%' : na);
setInnerHTML(tab.comment, comment);
setInnerHTML(tab.creator, creator);
setInnerHTML(tab.download_dir, download_dir);
setInnerHTML(tab.error, error);
2010-06-17 04:40:06 +00:00
$(".inspector_row > div:contains('N/A')").css('color', '#666');
onFileWantedToggled: function(row, want) {
var command = want ? 'files-wanted' : 'files-unwanted';
this.changeFileCommand(command, [ row ]);
onFilePriorityToggled: function(row, priority) {
var command;
switch(priority) {
case -1: command = 'priority-low'; break;
case 1: command = 'priority-high'; break;
default: command = 'priority-normal'; break;
this.changeFileCommand(command, [ row ]);
clearFileList: function() {
delete this._files_torrent;
delete this._files;
updateFileList: function() {
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// if the file list is hidden, clear the list
if (this._inspector_tab_files.className.indexOf('selected') == -1) {
// if not torrent is selected, clear the list
var selected_torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
if (selected_torrents.length != 1) {
// if the active torrent hasn't changed, noop
var torrent = selected_torrents[0];
if (this._files_torrent === torrent)
// build the file list
this._files_torrent = torrent;
var n = torrent._files.length;
this._files = new Array(n);
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var tr = this;
for (var i=0; i<n; ++i) {
var row = new FileRow(torrent, i);
this._files[i] = row;
$(row).bind('wantedToggled',function(e,row,want) {tr.onFileWantedToggled(row,want);});
$(row).bind('priorityToggled',function(e,row,priority) {tr.onFilePriorityToggled(row,priority);});
refreshFileView: function() {
for (var i=0, row; row=this._files[i]; ++i)
2010-06-17 04:40:06 +00:00
updatePeersLists: function() {
var html = [ ];
var fmt = Transmission.fmt;
var torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
if ($(this._inspector_peers_list).is(':visible')) {
for (var k=0, torrent; torrent=torrents[k]; ++k) {
var peers = torrent.getPeers();
html.push('<div class="inspector_group">');
if (torrents.length > 1) {
html.push('<div class="inspector_torrent_label">', torrent.getName(), '</div>');
if (peers.length == 0) {
html.push('<br></div>'); // firefox won't paint the top border if the div is empty
html.push('<table class="peer_list">',
'<tr class="inspector_peer_entry even">',
'<th class="encryptedCol"></th>',
'<th class="upCol">Up</th>',
'<th class="downCol">Down</th>',
'<th class="percentCol">%</th>',
'<th class="statusCol">Status</th>',
'<th class="addressCol">Address</th>',
'<th class="clientCol">Client</th>',
for (var i=0, peer; peer=peers[i]; ++i) {
var parity = ((i+1) % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd');
html.push('<tr class="inspector_peer_entry ', parity, '">',
'<td>', (peer.isEncrypted ? '<img src="images/graphics/lock_icon.png" alt="Encrypted"/>' : ''), '</td>',
'<td>', (peer.rateToPeer ? fmt.speedBps(peer.rateToPeer) : ''), '</td>',
'<td>', (peer.rateToClient ? fmt.speedBps(peer.rateToClient) : ''), '</td>',
'<td class="percentCol">', Math.floor(peer.progress*100), '%', '</td>',
'<td>', peer.flagStr, '</td>',
'<td>', peer.address, '</td>',
'<td class="clientCol">', peer.clientName, '</td>',
2010-06-17 04:40:06 +00:00
setInnerHTML(this._inspector_peers_list, html.join(''));
2010-06-17 04:40:06 +00:00
updateTrackersLists: function() {
// By building up the HTML as as string, then have the browser
// turn this into a DOM tree, this is a fast operation.
var tr = this;
var html = [ ];
var na = 'N/A';
var torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
if ($(this._inspector_trackers_list).is(':visible')) {
for (var k=0, torrent; torrent = torrents[k]; ++k) {
html.push ('<div class="inspector_group">');
if (torrents.length > 1) {
html.push('<div class="inspector_torrent_label">', torrent.getName(), '</div>');
for (var i=0, tier; tier=torrent._trackerStats[i]; ++i) {
html.push('<div class="inspector_group_label">',
'Tier ', (i + 1), '</div>',
'<ul class="tier_list">');
for (var j=0, tracker; tracker=tier[j]; ++j) {
var lastAnnounceStatusHash = tr.lastAnnounceStatus(tracker);
var announceState = tr.announceState(tracker);
var lastScrapeStatusHash = tr.lastScrapeStatus(tracker);
// Display construction
var parity = ((j+1) % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd');
html.push('<li class="inspector_tracker_entry ', parity, '"><div class="tracker_host" title="', tracker.announce, '">',, '</div>',
'<div class="tracker_activity">',
'<div>', lastAnnounceStatusHash['label'], ': ', lastAnnounceStatusHash['value'], '</div>',
'<div>', announceState, '</div>',
'<div>', lastScrapeStatusHash['label'], ': ', lastScrapeStatusHash['value'], '</div>',
'</div><table class="tracker_stats">',
'<tr><th>Seeders:</th><td>', (tracker.seederCount > -1 ? tracker.seederCount : na), '</td></tr>',
'<tr><th>Leechers:</th><td>', (tracker.leecherCount > -1 ? tracker.leecherCount : na), '</td></tr>',
'<tr><th>Downloads:</th><td>', (tracker.downloadCount > -1 ? tracker.downloadCount : na), '</td></tr>',
setInnerHTML(this._inspector_trackers_list, html.join(''));
lastAnnounceStatus: function(tracker) {
var lastAnnounceLabel = 'Last Announce';
var lastAnnounce = [ 'N/A' ];
if (tracker.hasAnnounced) {
var lastAnnounceTime = Transmission.fmt.timestamp(tracker.lastAnnounceTime);
if (tracker.lastAnnounceSucceeded) {
lastAnnounce = [ lastAnnounceTime, ' (got ', Transmission.fmt.plural(tracker.lastAnnouncePeerCount, 'peer'), ')' ];
} else {
lastAnnounceLabel = 'Announce error';
lastAnnounce = [ (tracker.lastAnnounceResult ? (tracker.lastAnnounceResult + ' - ') : ''), lastAnnounceTime ];
return { 'label':lastAnnounceLabel, 'value':lastAnnounce.join('') };
announceState: function(tracker) {
var announceState = '';
switch (tracker.announceState) {
case Torrent._TrackerActive:
announceState = 'Announce in progress';
case Torrent._TrackerWaiting:
var timeUntilAnnounce = tracker.nextAnnounceTime - ((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
if (timeUntilAnnounce < 0) {
timeUntilAnnounce = 0;
announceState = 'Next announce in ' + Transmission.fmt.timeInterval(timeUntilAnnounce);
case Torrent._TrackerQueued:
announceState = 'Announce is queued';
case Torrent._TrackerInactive:
announceState = tracker.isBackup ?
'Tracker will be used as a backup' :
'Announce not scheduled';
announceState = 'unknown announce state: ' + tracker.announceState;
return announceState;
lastScrapeStatus: function(tracker) {
var lastScrapeLabel = 'Last Scrape';
var lastScrape = 'N/A';
if (tracker.hasScraped) {
var lastScrapeTime = Transmission.fmt.timestamp(tracker.lastScrapeTime);
if (tracker.lastScrapeSucceeded) {
lastScrape = lastScrapeTime;
} else {
lastScrapeLabel = 'Scrape error';
lastScrape = (tracker.lastScrapeResult ? tracker.lastScrapeResult + ' - ' : '') + lastScrapeTime;
return {'label':lastScrapeLabel, 'value':lastScrape};
* Toggle the visibility of the inspector (used by the context menu)
toggleInspector: function() {
if (this[Prefs._ShowInspector])
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
showInspector: function() {
if (iPhone) {
} else {
var w = $('#torrent_inspector').width() + 1 + 'px';
$('#torrent_container')[0].style.right = w;
setInnerHTML($('ul li#context_toggle_inspector')[0], 'Hide Inspector');
this.setPref(Prefs._ShowInspector, true);
* Hide the inspector
hideInspector: function() {
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
if (iPhone) {
} else {
$('#torrent_container')[0].style.right = '0px';
setInnerHTML($('ul li#context_toggle_inspector')[0], 'Show Inspector');
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
this.setPref(Prefs._ShowInspector, false);
refreshMetaData: function(ids) {
var tr = this;
this.remote.getMetaDataFor(ids, function(active) { tr.updateMetaData(active); });
updateMetaData: function(torrents)
var tr = this;
var refresh_files_for = [ ];
var selected_torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
jQuery.each(torrents, function() {
var t = tr._torrents[ ];
if (t) {
if (selected_torrents.indexOf(t) != -1)
if (refresh_files_for.length > 0)
refreshTorrents: function(ids) {
var tr = this;
if (!ids)
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
ids = 'recently-active';
this.remote.getUpdatedDataFor(ids, function(active, removed) { tr.updateTorrentsData(active, removed); });
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
updateTorrentsData: function(updated, removed_ids) {
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
var tr = this;
var new_torrent_ids = [];
var refresh_files_for = [];
var selected_torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
for (var i=0, o; o=updated[i]; ++i) {
var t = tr._torrents[];
if (t == null)
else {
if (selected_torrents.indexOf(t) != -1)
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
if (refresh_files_for.length > 0)
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
if (new_torrent_ids.length > 0)
tr.remote.getInitialDataFor(new_torrent_ids, function(torrents) {tr.addTorrents(torrents);});
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
if (new_torrent_ids.length != 0) {
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
updateTorrentsFileData: function(torrents) {
for (var i=0, o; o=torrents[i]; ++i) {
var t = this._torrents[];
if (t) {
if (t === this._files_torrent)
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
initializeAllTorrents: function() {
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
var tr = this;
this.remote.getInitialDataFor(null ,function(torrents) { tr.addTorrents(torrents); });
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
onRowClicked: function(ev, row)
// Prevents click carrying to parent element
// which deselects all on click
// but still hide the context menu if it is showing
// 'Apple' button emulation on PC :
// Need settable meta-key and ctrl-key variables for mac emulation
var meta_key = ev.metaKey;
if (ev.ctrlKey && navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") == -1)
meta_key = true;
// Shift-Click - selects a range from the last-clicked row to this one
if (iPhone) {
if (row.isSelected())
this.setSelectedRow(row, true);
} else if (ev.shiftKey) {
this.selectRange(row, true);
// Need to deselect any selected text
// Apple-Click, not selected
} else if (!row.isSelected() && meta_key) {
this.selectRow(row, true);
// Regular Click, not selected
} else if (!row.isSelected()) {
this.setSelectedRow(row, true);
// Apple-Click, selected
} else if (row.isSelected() && meta_key) {
// Regular Click, selected
} else if (row.isSelected()) {
this.setSelectedRow(row, true);
this._last_torrent_clicked = row.getTorrent().getId();
addTorrents: function(new_torrents)
var tr = this;
var key = 'dataChanged';
for (var i=0, row; row=new_torrents[i]; ++i) {
var t = new Torrent(row);
$(t).bind(key,function() {tr.refilterSoon();});
this._torrents[t.getId()] = t;
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
deleteTorrents: function(torrent_ids)
if (torrent_ids && torrent_ids.length)
for (var i=0, id; i=torrent_ids[i]; ++i)
delete this._torrents[id];
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
updateStatusbar: function()
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// up/down speed
var u=0, d=0;
var torrents = this.getAllTorrents();
for (var i=0, row; row=torrents[i]; ++i) {
u += row.getUploadSpeed();
d += row.getDownloadSpeed();
setInnerHTML($('#statusbar #speed-up-label')[0], '&uarr; ' + Transmission.fmt.speedBps(u));
setInnerHTML($('#statusbar #speed-dn-label')[0], '&darr; ' + Transmission.fmt.speedBps(d));
* Select a torrent file to upload
uploadTorrentFile: function(confirmed)
// Display the upload dialog
if (! confirmed) {
$('input#torrent_upload_file').attr('value', '');
$('input#torrent_upload_url').attr('value', '');
$('input#torrent_auto_start').attr('checked', $('#prefs_form #auto_start')[0].checked);
if (!iPhone && Safari3) {
setTimeout("$('div#upload_container div.dialog_window').css('top', '0px');",10);
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// Submit the upload form
} else {
var tr = this;
var args = { };
var paused = !$('#torrent_auto_start').is(':checked');
if ('' != $('#torrent_upload_url').val()) {
tr.remote.addTorrentByUrl($('#torrent_upload_url').val(), { paused: paused });
} else {
args.url = '../upload?paused=' + paused;
args.type = 'POST';
#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent file in web ui#2073: can't upload new torrent 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2009-05-14 17:21:07 +00:00 = { 'X-Transmission-Session-Id' : tr.remote._token };
args.dataType = 'xml';
args.iframe = true;
args.success = function() {
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
removeSelectedTorrents: function() {
var torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
if (torrents.length)
removeSelectedTorrentsAndData: function() {
var torrents = this.getSelectedTorrents();
if (torrents.length)
if (torrents.length == 1)
var torrent = torrents[0];
var header = 'Remove ' + torrent.getName() + '?';
2008-08-18 01:45:13 +00:00
var message = 'Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file. Are you sure you want to remove it?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrents', torrents);
var header = 'Remove ' + torrents.length + ' transfers?';
var message = 'Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files. Are you sure you want to remove them?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrents', torrents);
if (torrents.length == 1)
var torrent = torrents[0],
header = 'Remove ' + torrent.getName() + ' and delete data?',
message = 'All data downloaded for this torrent will be deleted. Are you sure you want to remove it?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrentsAndData', torrents);
var header = 'Remove ' + torrents.length + ' transfers and delete data?',
message = 'All data downloaded for these torrents will be deleted. Are you sure you want to remove them?';
dialog.confirm(header, message, 'Remove', 'transmission.removeTorrentsAndData', torrents);
removeTorrents: function(torrents) {
var torrent_ids =, function(t) { return t.getId(); });
var tr = this;
this.remote.removeTorrents(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents();});
removeTorrentsAndData: function(torrents) {
verifySelectedTorrents: function() {
reannounceSelectedTorrents: function() {
startSelectedTorrents: function(force) {
this.startTorrents(this.getSelectedTorrents(), force);
startAllTorrents: function() {
this.startTorrents(this.getAllTorrents(), false);
startTorrent: function(torrent) {
this.startTorrents([ torrent ], false);
startTorrents: function(torrents, force) {
var torrent_ids =, function(t) { return t.getId(); });
var tr = this;
this.remote.startTorrents(torrent_ids, force, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids); });
verifyTorrent: function(torrent) {
this.verifyTorrents([ torrent ]);
verifyTorrents: function(torrents) {
var tr = this;
var torrent_ids =, function(t) { return t.getId(); });
this.remote.verifyTorrents(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids); });
reannounceTorrent: function(torrent) {
this.reannounceTorrents([ torrent ]);
reannounceTorrents: function(torrents) {
var tr = this;
var torrent_ids =, function(t) { return t.getId(); });
this.remote.reannounceTorrents(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids); });
stopSelectedTorrents: function() {
stopAllTorrents: function() {
stopTorrent: function(torrent) {
this.stopTorrents([ torrent ]);
stopTorrents: function(torrents) {
var torrent_ids =, function(t) { return t.getId(); });
var tr = this;
this.remote.stopTorrents(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids);});
changeFileCommand: function(command, rows) {
this.remote.changeFileCommand(command, rows);
hideiPhoneAddressbar: function(timeInSeconds) {
if (iPhone) {
var delayLength = timeInSeconds ? timeInSeconds*1000 : 150;
// not currently supported on iPhone
if (/*document.body.scrollTop!=1 && */scroll_timeout==null) {
var tr = this;
scroll_timeout = setTimeout(function() {tr.doToolbarHide();}, delayLength);
doToolbarHide: function() {
// Queue
moveTop: function() {
var tr = this;
2011-08-24 11:49:36 +00:00
var torrent_ids = this.getSelectedTorrentIds();
this.remote.moveTorrentsToTop(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids);});
moveUp: function() {
var tr = this;
2011-08-24 11:49:36 +00:00
var torrent_ids = this.getSelectedTorrentIds();
this.remote.moveTorrentsUp(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids);});
moveDown: function() {
var tr = this;
2011-08-24 11:49:36 +00:00
var torrent_ids = this.getSelectedTorrentIds();
this.remote.moveTorrentsDown(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids);});
moveBottom: function() {
var tr = this;
2011-08-24 11:49:36 +00:00
var torrent_ids = this.getSelectedTorrentIds();
this.remote.moveTorrentsToBottom(torrent_ids, function() { tr.refreshTorrents(torrent_ids);});
onToggleRunningClicked: function(ev)
var torrent =;
if (torrent.isStopped())
setEnabled: function(key, flag)
$(key).toggleClass('disabled', !flag);
updateButtonStates: function()
var showing_dialog = new RegExp("(prefs_showing|dialog_showing|open_showing)").test(document.body.className);
this._toolbar_buttons.toggleClass('disabled', showing_dialog);
if (!showing_dialog)
var haveSelection = false;
var haveActive = false;
var haveActiveSelection = false;
var havePaused = false;
var havePausedSelection = false;
for (var i=0, row; row=this._rows[i]; ++i) {
var isStopped = row.getTorrent().isStopped();
var isSelected = row.isSelected();
if (!isStopped) haveActive = true;
if (isStopped) havePaused = true;
if (isSelected) haveSelection = true;
if (isSelected && !isStopped) haveActiveSelection = true;
if (isSelected && isStopped) havePausedSelection = true;
this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_pause_button, haveActiveSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._context_pause_button, haveActiveSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_start_button, havePausedSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._context_start_button, havePausedSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._context_move_top_button, haveSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._context_move_up_button, haveSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._context_move_down_button, haveSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._context_move_bottom_button, haveSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._context_start_now_button, havePausedSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_remove_button, haveSelection);
this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_pause_all_button, haveActive);
this.setEnabled(this._toolbar_start_all_button, havePaused);
***** FILTER
filterSetup: function()
var popup = $('#filter-popup');
autoOpen: false,
position: iPhone ? [0,0] : [40,80],
show: 'blind',
hide: 'blind',
title: 'Show',
width: 315
var tr = this;
$('#filter-button').click(function() {
if (":visible"))
else {
refreshFilterButton: function()
var state = this[Prefs._FilterMode];
var state_all = state == Prefs._FilterAll;
var state_string = this.getStateString(state);
var tracker = this.filterTracker;
var tracker_all = !tracker;
var tracker_string = tracker ? this.getReadableDomain(tracker) : '';
var text;
if (state_all && tracker_all)
text = 'Show <span class="filter-selection">All</span>';
else if (state_all)
text = 'Show <span class="filter-selection">' + tracker_string + '</span>';
else if (tracker_all)
text = 'Show <span class="filter-selection">' + state_string + '</span>';
text = 'Show <span class="filter-selection">' + state_string + '</span> at <span class="filter-selection">' + tracker_string + '</span>';
var torrent_count = this.getAllTorrents().length;
var visible_count = this.getVisibleTorrents().length;
if (torrent_count === visible_count)
text += ' &mdash; ' + torrent_count + ' Transfers';
text += ' &mdash; ' + visible_count + ' of ' + torrent_count;
$('#filter-button')[0].innerHTML = text;
refilterSoon: function()
if (!this.refilterTimer)
var tr = this;
2011-08-24 03:40:23 +00:00
this.refilterTimer = setTimeout(function() {tr.refilter();}, 500);
refilter: function()
delete this.refilterTimer;
// decide which torrents to show
var keep = [];
var all_torrents = this.getAllTorrents();
for (var i=0, t; t=all_torrents[i]; ++i)
if (t.test(this[Prefs._FilterMode], this._current_search, this.filterTracker))
// sort the torrents we're going to show
Torrent.sortTorrents(keep, this[Prefs._SortMethod],
// make a temporary backup of the selection
var sel = this.getSelectedTorrents();
var new_sel_count = 0;
// make the new rows
var tr = this;
var rows = [ ];
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i=0, tor; tor=keep[i]; ++i)
var is_selected = sel.indexOf(tor) !== -1;
var row = new TorrentRow(this.torrentRenderer, this, tor, is_selected);
row.setEven((i+1) % 2 == 0);
if (is_selected)
if (!iPhone) {
var b = row.getToggleRunningButton();
if (b)
$(b).click({r:row}, function(ev) {tr.onToggleRunningClicked(ev);});
$(row.getElement()).click({r: row}, function(ev) {tr.onRowClicked(ev,;});
$(row.getElement()).dblclick(function() { tr.toggleInspector();});
2011-08-24 03:40:23 +00:00
delete this._rows;
this._rows = rows;
// sync gui
if (sel.length !== new_sel_count)
setFilter: function(mode)
// set the state
this.setPref(Prefs._FilterMode, mode);
// refilter
refreshFilterPopup: function()
var tr = this;
**** States
var counts = { };
var states = [ Prefs._FilterAll,
Prefs._FilterFinished ];
for (var i=0, state; state=states[i]; ++i)
counts[state] = 0;
var torrents = this.getAllTorrents();
for (var i=0, tor; tor=torrents[i]; ++i)
for (var j=0, s; s=states[j]; ++j)
if (tor.testState(s))
var sel_state = tr[Prefs._FilterMode];
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i=0, s; s=states[i]; ++i)
var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'show-state-' + s;
div.className = 'row' + (s === sel_state ? ' selected':'');
div.innerHTML = '<span class="filter-img"></span>'
+ '<span class="filter-name">' + tr.getStateString(s) + '</span>'
+ '<span class="count">' + counts[s] + '</span>';
$(div).click({'state':s}, function(ev) { tr.setFilter(; $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');});
$('#filter-by-state .row').remove();
**** Trackers
var trackers = this.getTrackers();
var names = [];
for (var name in trackers)
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'show-tracker-all';
div.className = 'row' + (tr.filterTracker ? '' : ' selected');
div.innerHTML = '<span class="filter-img"></span>'
+ '<span class="filter-name">All</span>'
+ '<span class="count">' + torrents.length + '</span>';
$(div).click(function() {tr.setFilterTracker(null); $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');})
for (var i=0, name; name=names[i]; ++i) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
var o = trackers[name]; = 'show-tracker-' + name;
div.className = 'row' + (o.domain === tr.filterTracker ? ' selected':'');
div.innerHTML = '<img class="filter-img" src="http://'+o.domain+'/favicon.ico"/>'
+ '<span class="filter-name">'+ name + '</span>'
+ '<span class="count">'+ o.count + '</span>';
$(div).click({domain:o.domain}, function(ev) { tr.setFilterTracker(; $('#filter-popup').dialog('close');});
$('#filter-by-tracker .row').remove();
getStateString: function(mode)
switch (mode)
case Prefs._FilterActive: return 'Active';
case Prefs._FilterSeeding: return 'Seeding';
case Prefs._FilterDownloading: return 'Downloading';
case Prefs._FilterPaused: return 'Paused';
case Prefs._FilterFinished: return 'Finished';
default: return 'All';
setFilterTracker: function(domain)
this.filterTracker = domain;
// update which tracker is selected in the popup
var key = domain ? this.getReadableDomain(domain) : 'all';
var id = '#show-tracker-' + key;
/* example: "" returns "" */
getDomainName: function(host)
var dot = host.indexOf('.');
if (dot !== host.lastIndexOf('.'))
host = host.slice(dot+1);
return host;
/* example: "" returns "Ubuntu" */
getReadableDomain: function(name)
if (name.length)
name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
var dot = name.indexOf('.');
if (dot !== -1)
name = name.slice(0, dot);
return name;
getTrackers: function()
var trackers = {};
var torrents = this.getAllTorrents();
for (var i=0, torrent; torrent=torrents[i]; ++i) {
var names = [];
for (var j=0, tier; tier=torrent._trackerStats[j]; ++j) {
for (var k=0, tracker; tracker=tier[k]; ++k) {
var uri = parseUri(tracker.announce);
var domain = this.getDomainName(;
var name = this.getReadableDomain(domain);
if (!(name in trackers))
trackers[name] = { 'uri': uri, 'domain': domain, 'count': 0 };
if (names.indexOf(name) === -1)
for (var j=0, name; name=names[j]; ++j)
return trackers;
**** Compact Mode
toggleCompactClicked: function()
setCompactMode: function(is_compact)
var key = Prefs._CompactDisplayState;
var was_compact = this[key];
if (was_compact !== is_compact) {
this.setPref(key, is_compact);
initCompactMode: function()
onCompactModeChanged: function()
var compact = this[Prefs._CompactDisplayState];
// update the ui: context menu
// (disabled in iphone mode...)
if (!iPhone) {
var e = $('#settings_menu #compact_view');
if (compact)
// update the ui: footer button
// update the ui: torrent list
this.torrentRenderer = compact ? new TorrentRendererCompact()
: new TorrentRendererFull();